Votes on Recall Issue Tomorrow SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Cool THEDAEY HOME Sunny and a bit cooler to- day. Clear and cooler to- Bed Bank, Freehold night. Fair, seasonable to- - '. Long Branch morrow. I 7 FINAL (SM DeUlto Fan 3) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 106 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1968 30 PAGES TEN CENTS Franc Ga ins as Experts Eye Austerity Results PARIS (AP) - The franc banks maintained their re? The West German govern- ing it has made since the stu- compared with 86.44-86.43 on strengthened today as strictions on the franc, ac- ment's refusal to revalue its dent - worker rebellion in Nov. 19, the last previous day Europe's major foreign ex- cepting only 500 marks worth currency upward and De- May. of trading. change markets reopened, and at a rate of 69 marks per 100 Gaulle's refusal to devalue his The bank - to - bank trans- The dollar opened at 4.2992- In West Germany speculators francs^»But within half an had removed the prospects of actions usually reflect senti- 4.3002 Swiss francs, well above rushed to exchange stocks of hour after trading opened, the a speculative profit from a ment in the French financial the Friday close of 4.2950. The marks for U.S. dollars. central Deutsche Bundesbank more valuable mark or con- community accurately. pound was traded at 10.2510- Government leaders and fi- had lost an estimated $200 mil- version to a cheaper franc. The dollar, the pound and 10.2570 Swiss francs, up from nancial experts watched close- lion of the vast dollar balance In advance of the opening the franc all opened firmer 10.2440 on Nov. 19. ly for indications whether accumulated during the weeks of the Paris market, the franc on the Zurich market. Deal- Dealings in London were President Charles De Gaulle's that speculators had been was firm in unofficial trans- ers reported demand for the slow initially. The franc rose new austerity program can buying marks with francs. actions between French franc slightly exceeded sup- slightly, but dealers said no save the French currency The dollar rose sharply to banks at 4.95-4.96 to the dol- ply, with the opening price trend had been established. from devaluation. 3.9770 marks from its lowest lar and 11.8245 to the pound for 100 French francs at be- The German mark opened at West German commercial intervention point of 3.9700. sterling, the strongest show- tween 86.63-86.77 Swiss francs its ceiling. BROAD STREET ADDITION — Matawan Regional School District officials took part in the official ground-breaking ceremonies yesterday for the Broad Str««t Soldier Gets Prison Term School 10'classroom addition. Total cost of the project is $737,000. From left to By TONY GABHIELE upheld by the Ft. Monmouth obey two orders to sign for a review and transferral of Pvt. would have been advisable. right are Alfred Manville, building committee chairman; John Bradley, Board FT. MONMOUTH — Pyt. judge - advocate, and that new uniform. Ritenour on Friday from "He would have had no of Education president, Dr. John F. McKenna, school superintendent, and Rich- Joseph Ritenour, the soldier he was sent to the Kansas. Pvt. Eitenour may now ap- Robert Bird, a member of the more rights here than he will ard O. Boylcen, architect. (Register Staff Photo) court - martialed here last prison on Friday. peal his conviction before a American Friends Service have at Ft. Leavenworth, in month for burning his uni- Given Hard Labor board of review in Washing- Committee of Philadelphia, fact he probably has less form last July as a war pro- Ft. Leavenworth serves as ton, composed of high ranking which had been counseling the here," Mr. Darnell explained. test, has been sent to the a "disciplinary barracks" for Army lawyers conducting the private. "No one has been able to get federal prison at Ft. Leaven- military convicts with sen- prosecution and defense. Mr. Darnell said that, if in- in and see him in the Ft. worth, Kans., a Ft. Monmouth tences exceeding six months. Emerson Darnell, a Mount formed of the review before- Monmouth stockade. Perhaps spokesman said yesterday. Pvt. Ritenour was sentenced Holly lawyer who has been hand, he could have taken we'll have better luck at Ft. The spokesman confirmed to two years' confinement at acting as civilian counsel for steps to try to hold Pvt. Leavenworth." that Pvt. Ritenour's convic- hard labor for destroying Ar- Pvt. Ritenour, said yesterday Ritenour at Ft. Monmouth, Mr. Bird said Friday that tion had been reviewed and my property and refusing to that he had first heard of the but was not sure whether that the Friends would try to reach Pvt. Ritenour in Kansas through their prison visitation ^ program. Mr. Bird was the first out- Marlboro Voters Answer side person to learn ot Pvt. Ritenour's review and depar- ture, while telephoning the pri- vate's military defense coun- sel Friday. He subsequently informed Mr. Darnell and The Two Questions Tomorrow Daily Register. MARLBORO - Voters here selves. The N.J. Supreme they can be returned to office niak and John H. Williams), A Ft. Monmouth spokesman have two questions to decide Court said in its recent deci- by as little as 17 per cent recently won the majority said this morning that Pvt. tomorrow: sion that permitting recalled each. when Republican Thomas (See Soldier, Pg. 2, Col. 8) First, should Township officials to succeed them- Other challengers are politi- Antisell, a CC supporter, won Council president George E. selves is "more consonant cal newcomers Steven H. Ad- a seat in the general elec- Creevy and Councilman Al- with a free expression of the ler and Robert L. Netchert Jr. tion. Mr. Antisell will take his Kidnaped fred L. Storer be recalled? popular will" in cases where of the Marlboro Action Party seat in January, replacing Second, if they are recalled, a plurality vote rather than a (MAP). Councilman Lawrence C. who is to replace them? majority is sufficient for Council Majority Youngman. Girl Found There are six candidates in election. The Citizens Committee, The CC cites among its ac- RAVINE DRIVE TOO — While other school officials were turning the soil at the the race. The incumbents need 50 per which has had minority repre- complishments during 18 After Crash Broad Street School these Matawan school officials were busying themselves by sentation on the council The recall election came cent of the vote to stay in of- months of control (June, 1964, NEEDLES, Calif. (AP) - breaking ground at the Ravine Drive School. School will gain 10 additional rooms about as a result of petitions fice. But, if they are recalled, (Councilmen Joseph A. Brod- through December, 1965): "ef- A traffic accident provided at a cost of $381,000. From left to right aro Mrs. Walter Condren, board circulated by the Citizens ficient business management; the break needed for the safe member; Hubert Parker, board vice president; Henry Finne, school architect, Committee (CC), which has institution of the first admin- recovery of a 3 - year - old two candidates in the run- istrative code, the first busi- New Orleans, La., girl and and Mrs. Daniel Rinear, board member. (Register Staff Photo) ning. The CC got more than Bars Hasty Action ness administrator, the first the arrest of a Fresno man ' the, required 25 per cent of centralization of township ser- charged with abducting her. the registered voters to sign vices, the first active Board Frank Willis Castile, 39, was petitions calling for the re- of Health; the first Board of arrested yesterday by FBI call under provisions of the On Bribe Bid Hint Recreation Commissioners agents and charged with kid- Faulkner- Act. and the local Board of Assis- naping Brenda Ann Maquar, Two Plane Hijackings But, as former Mayor Wal- MARLBORO — John Narzo- wich said last night he will not tance; establishment of the who was taken from a stroller ter C. Grubb Jr., one of the master plan and zoning ordi- in front of a grocery near her CC candidates, said at a re- go to the prosecutor with spec- culation about a $100,000 bribe nance." home last Wednesday. cent political forum, it is not Stable Tax Rate necessary to prove wrongdo- offer for downgrading zoning He and the girl had been Seen Strikingly Similar here. The CC promises establish- brought here for hospital ing, misfeasance or malfea- ment of a stable tax rate, con- treatment Friday after Castile, sance to recall councilmen "I would need positive proof, MIAMI (AP) - Two plane- Eastern pilot Robert Silver and at the moment it does not trolled growth, preservation apparently fell asleep at the Eastern stewardess Nancy here. It is only necessary to of the master plan, a loads of travelers, forced to said that when his abductor Corson said one of the hijack- disagree with their actions. exist," said Mr. Narzowich. wheel and his car left Inter- strengthened building code; state 40 about six miles east Cuba at gunpoint by separate pointed a pistol and ordered ers gave her ?20 and insisted The CC has charged that Mr. He said the "approach" did teams of hijackers, returned the new destination, "I looked not actually involve an at- opposition to zoning by vari- of Topock, Ariz., a small com- that she serve the passengers Creevy and Mr. Storer acted ance and to apartments, pres- munity seven miles southeast to the United States with at him and smiled and said, contrary to the best interests tempted bribe.
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