3 revista de investigación marina 2-4 April,2008.Donostia-SanSebastián(Spain) ofBiscay Bay ofthe on Oceanography Symposium XI International XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (2-4 April, 2008. Donostia-San Sebastián) Several authors, 2008. XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay. ‘Revista de Investigación Marina’ 3: 289 pp. La serie ‘Revista de Investigación Marina’, editada por la Unidad de Investigación Marina de Tecnalia, cuenta con el siguiente Comité Editorial: Editor: Dr. Ángel Borja Adjunta al Editor: Dña. Mercedes Fernández Monge e Irantzu Zubiaur (coordinación de las publicaciones) Comité Editorial: Dr. Lorenzo Motos Dr. Adolfo Uriarte Dr. Michael Collins Dr. Javier Franco D. Julien Mader Dña. Marina Santurtun D. Victoriano Valencia Dr. Xabier Irigoien Dra. Arantza Murillas La ‘Revista de Investigación Marina’ de Tecnalia edita y publica investigaciones y datos originales resultado de la Unidad de Investigación Marina de Tecnalia. Las propuestas de publicación deben ser enviadas al siguiente correo electrónico [email protected]. Un comité de selección revisará las propuestas y sugerirá los cambios pertinentes antes de su aceptación defi nitiva. Edición: 1.ª Abril 2008 © AZTI-Tecnalia Unidad de Investigación Marina Internet: www.azti.es Edita: Unidad de Investigación Marina de Tecnalia Herrera Kaia, Portualdea 20010 Pasaia Foto portada: © Alex Iturrate © AZTI-Tecnalia 2008. Distribución gratuita en formato PDF a través de la web de AZTI-Tecnalia: www.azti.es Agradecemos la colaboración de las siguientes entidades en la realización de este “XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay”: 2 | Revista de Investigación Marina, 2008, 3 Presentation XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay XI Simposio Internacional de Oceanografía del Golfo de Vizcaya XI Colloque International d’Océanographie du Golfe de Gascogne Introduction Twenty-two years later we have arrived at the XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay, this time in San Sebastián. This is not simply another edition of our symposium. This year we celebrate 100 years of the Oceanographic Society of Gipuzkoa, the second oldest oceanographic society in the world (founded in 1908), after that of Monaco. This is explained by the title of the symposium: “100 years of research, within the Bay of Biscay”. This will be highlighted through two conferences: (a) a broad overview of the investigation undertaken in this embayment, over the last centuries; and (b) another providing a vision of our next challenges, as marine researchers. Hence, this is an ideal occasion to meet marine investigators, coming from all the research centres of the Bay of Biscay, and especially to meet those friends coming, symposium after symposium, to this event. Likewise, to extend our congratulations to the Aquarium of San Sebastián, as headquarters of the Society. Our initial idea was to organise the symposium in the Aquarium, but your response surpassed our previous expectations: 150 contributions, to the both oral and poster sessions. Our venue is now the Kursaal Conferences Centre, but the continuously-renowned Aquarium is present in the Symposium, with parallel activities, e.g. registration, visits and a public lecture. This is a new contribution of the symposium, trying to extend marine knowledge to the society. As in previous symposia, the contributions submitted are adapting to the new areas of research that, 22 years ago, we did not consider: the management of our coasts and offshore waters; integration of the assessment; the relationships between dynamics and biology; the new challenges of fisheries; global change; biodiversity; habitat mapping; modelling; and many others. One of the great ‘added values’ of this symposium is the possibility to observe the advances in topics of the oceanography, within the Bay of Biscay, as a whole. This gives us a global view, allowing a better understanding of this ecosystem in an integrated way. This will permit us, in the future, to adapt to the requirements of the European Marine Strategy, for which the ecosystem-based approach management is needed. To celebrate these “100 years of research, within the Bay of Biscay”, we have the opportunity to present all this knowledge to the scientific community, in a special issue of Continental Shelf Research. Contributions integrating several disciplines and broad-scale studies are welcome, together with studies permitting an understanding of scientific topics of the functioning of this ecosystem. We hope that you enjoy your stay in San Sebastián! Dr Angel Borja, AZTI-Tecnalia Conference Chairman Revista de Investigación Marina, 2008, 3 | 3 XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (2-4 April, 2008. Donostia-San Sebastián) Organisation Committee: Angel Borja (AZTI-Tecnalia) Mercedes Fernández Monge (AZTI-Tecnalia) Lorenzo Motos (AZTI-Tecnalia) Adolfo Uriarte (AZTI-Tecnalia) Amalia Martínez de Murguía (Aquarium of San Sebastián) Scientifi c Committee: Angel Borja (AZTI-Tecnalia) Lorenzo Motos (AZTI-Tecnalia) Xabier Irigoyen (AZTI-Tecnalia) Moncho Gómez-Gesteira (University of Vigo) Luis Valdés (IEO) Ignacio Olaso (IEO) Iñaki Sáiz-Salinas (UPV) Ionan Marigómez (UPV) Jean-Marie Jouanneau (University of Bordeaux) Jean-Claude Sorbe (Arcachon) Ricardo Riso (University of Brest) Gérard Thouzeau (University of Brest) Michael Collins (SOTON) 4 | Revista de Investigación Marina, 2008, 3 Programme PROGRAMME Tuesday, 1st April Meeting of the Joint Programme Board (JPB) of the European Master in Marine Environment and Resources (MER) at the AQUARIUM Programme 17:00 Master MER 2007-2008: updating. 18:00 Planifi cation of activities of the Master MER during 2008-2009 19:00 Course RIMER organization – July 2008 16:00 - 20:00 Registration in the Aquarium and free visit to the facilities 20:00 Welcome Reception & Refreshments at the Aquarium Wednesday, 2nd April ORAL SESSION 08:30 - 09:15 Registration 09:15 Opening words 9:30 - 10:15 Aperture talk: Overview of historical research within the Bay of Biscay (Orestes Cendrero, IEO) 10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break Presentation of the of the European Master in Marine Environment and Resources (Ionan Marigómez, UPV) 10:45 New developments of in situ monitoring of oyster JC. Massabuau Chemistry & behaviour to detect water quality change in the Bay of Pollutants Arcachon, France Chairs of the 11:05 A 16-year monitoring programme of shellfi shing water Oihana Solaun session: Ionan quality: metals in molluscs Marigómez 11:25 Spatial and temporal variability of CO2 fl uxes at the Gérard Thouzeau (University sediment-water, sediment-air and air-sea interfaces in the of the Basque Arcachon lagoon (France) Country) and 11:45 Dissolved and particulate lead in the Corcubión Sound Ricardo Prego Ricardo Riso (NW Iberian Peninsula). Comparison with contamination (University of trend in the Galician Rias Brest) 12:05 Determination of metal background values in estuarine Itziar Tueros and coastal waters of the Basque Country 12:25 Biogeochemical inter-tidal processes and fl uxes of Pablo Rodríguez- organomercury and organotin compounds in the Arcachon González Bay (France) 12:45 Fate of mercury and butyltin compounds in the turbid Mathilde plume of the Adour estuary: reactivity and dispersion Monperrus along the Basque Coast 13:05 Baseline survey of imposex and TBT concentrations in J. Germán Nassarius reticulatus and N. nitidus in the ports of Pasaia Rodríguez and Bilbao, Basque Country 13:25 - 15:00 Lunch Revista de Investigación Marina, 2008, 3 | 5 XI International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (2-4 April, 2008. Donostia-San Sebastián) 15:00 Long-term morphological and stratigraphical evolutions of Eric Chaumillon Geology & estuaries: Comparison between the Marennes-Oléron bay Sediments and the Arcachon lagoon Chairs of 15:20 A high marsh transfer function for sea-level Alejandro Cearreta the session: reconstructions in the southern Bay of Biscay Michael 15:40 Late Quaternary (MIS 1-3) environmental change in the J. Rodríguez- Collins S Bay of Biscay evidenced by benthic microfaunas of the Lázaro (University of basque shelf Southampton) 16:00 Facies, granulometry, morphoscopy and exoscopy of south Guilhem and Jean- armorican continental shelf sediments (inner shelf) Estournès Marie Jouanneau (University of Bordeaux) POSTER 16:20 - 16:40 Coffee break SESSION 16:20 to 18:30 16:40 Changes in intertidal benthic assemblages after the Silvia Otero Benthic Circulation relocation of an industrial sludge discharges to a communities submarine outfall 17:00 Recolonization process by macrobenthic fauna in the new Mikel A. Chairs of the Physical intertidal areas created after restoration of farm lands in Marquiegui session: Ángel oceananography the Bidasoa estuary (SE Bay of Biscay) Borja (AZTI- 17:20 Changes in the marine sublittoral vegetation at the western José María Tecnalia) and Plankton Basque Coast between 1982 and 2007: a consequence of Gorostiaga Jean-Claude the climate change? Sorbe (CNRS) 17:40 Assessing LIDAR data for coastal habitat discrimination Guillem Chust Integrative assessment 18:00 Seafl oor cartography and habitat mapping of the Basque Ibon Galparsoro inner continental shelf 18:20 Facies, biocoenoses and fi shery impacts on Le Danois Francisco Sánchez Bank deep-sea benthic ecosystem (El Cachucho) using photogrammetry 18:40 End of the day 20:00 Public conference: Cómo las tecnologías marinas pueden Gunter Pauli hacernos la vida más sostenible:
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