Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 3 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 4 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Rotary Club of Pashupati Kathmandu RI District 3292 Nepal-Bhutan Club No. 51038 21th InstallaƟ on Ceremony, 6 July, 2018 5 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu List of Board Members for 2018-19 Rtn. Gopal Prasad Dangal – President Rtn. Rajesh Neupane – Immediate Past President Rtn. Hark Bahadur Saud – Vice President Rtn. Khem Raj Pant – President Nominee Rtn. Bhuvan Singh Kunwar – Secretary Rtn. Sajal Maskey – Joint Secretary Rtn. Bindu Prakash Joshi – Treasurer Rtn. Ganesh Subedi – Sgt-at -Arms Rtn. Devi Ram Sharma – Mentor Rtn. Rajendra Rijal – Mentor Rtn. Binod Kumar Karki – Mentor Rtn. Haribhakta Budhathoki – Trainer Rtn. Durga Prasad Subedi – Trainer Rtn. Milan K.C. – Director (Chair-Administration) Rtn. Narendra Khatiwada – Director (Chair-Membership) Rtn. Surya Bahadur Adhikari – Director (Chair-Public Relation) Rtn. Dhruba Prasad Ghimire – Director (Chair-Service Project) Rtn. Bharat Karki – Director (Chair-TRF) Members who have contributed to The Rotary Foundation till this date 1. PP. Rtn. Min Bahadur Raut (MPHF) 18. Rtn. Sashi Raj Pandey (PHF) 2. Mrs. Shova Raut (MPHF) 19. PP. Rtn. Devendra Rijal (PHF) 3. PP. Rtn.Haribhakta Budhathoki (Major Donor) 20. PP. Rtn.Sapan Kumar Dev (PHF) 4. PP. Rtn. Chumban Jung Shahi (MPHF) 21. Rtn. Anangam Raj Timalsena (PHF) 5. PP. Rtn. Rajesh Neupane (MPHF) 22. Rtn. Surya Lal Prajapati (PHF) 6. Rtn. Shalik Ram Adhikari (MPHF) 23. Rtn. Kumud Khanal (PHF) 7. Charter P. Rtn. Ganesh Bahadur Thapa (PHF) 24. PP. Rtn. Devi Ram Sharma (PHF) 8. PP. Rtn. Mohan Bahadur Kayastha (PHF) 25. PP. Rtn. Jessica Chemjong (MPHF) 9. Rtn. Basanta Bhujel (PHF) 26. Rtn. Khem Raj Panta (PHF) 10. Rtn. Krishna Prasad Acharya (PHF) 27. PP. Rtn. Durga Prasad Subedi (MPHF) 11. PP. Rtn. Virendra Nath Tandon (PHF) 28. PP. Rtn. Bhubanehwari Rao (PHF) 12. PP. Rtn. Khadga Jeet Baral (PHF) 29. Rtn. Chakra Raj Sharma Neupane (PHF) 13. PP. Rtn. Sher Bahadur Pandey (PHF) 30. PP. Rtn. Binod Kumar Karki (PHF) 14. Rtn. Bir Bahadur Limbu (PHF) 31. Rtn. Dhurba Prasad Ghimire (PHF) 15. Rtn. Dr. Puskar Nath Pant (PHF) 32. Rtn. Bharat Karki (PHF) 16. Rtn. Purna Bahadur Rai (PHF) 33. Rtn. Surya Bahadur Adhikari (PHF) 17. Rtn. Yash Bajracharya (PHF) 34. Rtn. Bindu Prakash Joshi (PHF) 35. Rtn. Ganesh Subedi (PHSM) 6 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 7 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 8 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 9 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu 10 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Rotary Club of ;DkfbsLo Pashupati Kathmandu ;g \ !((* clkn| ! sf lbg lalwjt RI District 3292 ?kdf rf68{ { ePsf ] /f6/L] Sna ckm kzklt–' sf7df8f +} nfO { l5dsL] /fHosf ] /f6/L] Sna ckm Nepal Bhutan b/eËfn ] kfof| hg] u/sf] ] klg cfh @) jif { k/f' u/L @! cf ++} jifdf{ kj| z] u/sf] ] 5 . clxn;Dd] 21th Installation Ceremony of ] Sna dfgjLo ;jfsf] cgsf] +} sfox?{ ub{ } 6 July 2018 ;Gtfifhgs] ?kdf oxf;DdF cfOku' sf] ] 5 . sxL] jif { cl3 blv] Sna ;b:ox?sf ] ;Vof+ %) eGbf Editorial Board dfly g } ePsf ] xfdf| ] Oltxf; 5 . Snasf clwsfz+ Rtn. Hark Bahadur Saud /f6] l/og] ;fyLx?sf ] nuglzntf / dfgjLo Rtn. Chumban Jung Shahi ;jf] sfodf{ ;lqmo ;xeflutfn ] ubf { Sna k0f" { Rtn. Rajesh Neupane ;kmntftkm { cl3 al9/xsf] ] jf:tljstf ;an} ] dx;;' u/sf] 5f +} . Advisor Snasf ] ;Demgfdf ljljw nv] /rgfx? ;dfj;] Rtn. Ganesh Bahadur Thapa ePsf ] Rotary Club of Pashupati Kathmandu Rtn. Khadgajeet Baral sf ] Sna lrgf/L ljut jifx?{ (Club Souvenir) Rtn. Haribhakta Budhathoki blv] g } ksflzt| xbF' } cfPsf ] 5 . o;df ljljw Rtn. Rajendra Rijal nv] /rgfx?sf ] cltl/Qm ut /f6/L] jifdf{ Snan] ;~rfng u/sf] ;jfd] ns" sfox?sf{ ] 5f6s/L] Rtn. Devi Ram Sharma ljj/0fx? klg ksfz| kfg {] kof;| ul/Psf ] 5 . Rtn. Jessica Chemjong of ] cÍ ksflzt| ug { cf–cfˆgf ] Ifqaf6] ofubfg] Design & Printing lbgx' g' ] ljåfg nvs] tyf /rgfsf/x?, ljleGg Bee-Line Communications lj1fkg pknAw u/fP/ cflys{ tyf eflts} Ph. 4468355, 9851176540 ;xofu] k¥ofpg' ' xg' ] ;xofuL] bftfx? ;anfO} { Mid Baneshwor, Kathmandu xfdL d/Ld' /L' wGojfb lbg rfxG5f +}. ;fy } of ] :dfl/sf [email protected] /fdf| ;] uF ksflzt| ul/lbg ' ePsfdf] aL nfOg sDolgs' zg] kl/jf/nfO { klg xflbs{ wGojfb glbO/xg ;Sbgf} +} . – ;Dkfbs d08n 1 ljifoRotary Club ; of Pashupati"rL - Kathmandu Message From Rotary International President Rtn. Barry Rassin 3 District Governor's message Rtn. Chintamani Bhattarai 4 Message from AG Rtn. Ranjeev Shrestha 5 Message from immediate Past President Rtn. Rajesh Neupane 6 Message from the President Rtn. Gopal Prasad Dangal 7 5f]6s/L klxrfg — /f]6/Lsf /f]= xl/eQm a'9fyf]sL ( pN6f] 38L /f]= sljbf; >]i7 !$ tkl:jgL of]udfofsf] ;+lIfKt kl/ro /f]= /fh]z Gof}kfg !% g]kfndf ko{6gsf] ;+efjgf / r'gf}tL /f]= uf]kfn b+ufn @$ Activities of Rotary Year 2017-18 25 :t'lt ehg ?aL kf08] @& gof“ sfdsf] yfngL bofs[i0f Gof}kfg] @* Roster of Rotaract Club of Pashupati Kathmandu 30 Board Member of Rotaract Club of Pashupati – Kathmandu 39 Members' Profi le 43 Photographs of Rotary Activities 53 /f]6/L uLt — xl/eQm a'9fyf]sL lg:jfy{ ;]jf ug{' klxrfg xf] /f]6/L ;a}nfO{ dfof ug'{ cleofg xf] /f]6/L :jf:Yo, lzIff, ljZjzflGt /f]6/Lsf rfxgf ldqtf, ljljwtf, g]t[Tj /f]6/Ls} ;fwgf dfgjLo ;]jf ug{ h'l6/xf];\ /f]6/L /fd|f] ug{ o'uf}+u'u afFlr/xf];\ /f]6/L Paul Harris n] hGdfPsf] Arch Klumph n] k|f0f e/]sf] rqm xf] klxrfg /f]6/L 4 way test sf] cg'zf;g :jfledfg xf] /f]6/L /f]====6====/L==== . 2 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Message From Rotary InternaƟ onal President Rtn. Barry Rassin RI President, 2018-19 3 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu District Governor's Message Rtn. Chintamani Bhattarai District Governor (2018-19) RI District 3292, Nepal-Bhutan 4 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Message from Assistant Governor Rtn. Ranjeev Shrestha Assistant Governor 2018-19 Zone 2, RI District 3292 Dear President, I am delighted and honored to be given the opportunity to be your Assistant Governor for the Rotary Year 2018-19. Congratulation and best wishes to president 2018-19 Rtn. Gopal Dangal . I would like to take this opportunity to share & learn more about the Rotary. This year the Rotary International President Rtn.Barry Rassin theme is Be the Inspiration . To be the inspiration for others one should be inspired first & it happens when all the mechanism works properly. For the Rotary club to be inspiration for others, the club should be vibrant and should set the example of how we serve the community in need.As an Assistant Governor, my role for the whole year is to work with you, your team and whole members to inspire the people & communities to carry good works. Good works is the parameter of good & better society .And Rotary always stresses better society& supporting through its service project. I am looking forward to share & learn to build the vibrant club. Thank you. Rtn. Ranjeev Shrestha Assistant Governor 2018-19 Zone 2, RI District 3292 5 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Message from the Immediate Past President Rtn. Rajesh Neupane, MPHF+3 Immediate Past President I take this opportunity to express my feelings and gratitude to all who were related to Rotary Club Pashupati Kathmandu sharing experiences to all colleagues, who helped me to accomplish as President of this club in rota year 2017/18 that was impossible for me without their hands in. When I took the responsibility of club President, I had a notion that I have gained lots of experiences since I become Rotarian and worked in various capacities assisting the Presidents during 2011-2016, and could perform duties easily. But, it turned unreal when I started to handle all situations as the rotary permits to exercise to take decisions according to own willpower. For me I was put in better position than other past Presidents. Because, most of the senior as well junior Rotarians have promised to assist me in every respect while accepting the responsibility of President. Though I have faced obstacles I need not have to worry, they assisted me all the way through. Though we couldn't handle any major projects we have tired to handle for certain regions. We were able to successfully handle many small projects to help needy people in kinds and morale supports to relieve them from their pain and anxiety. Still I am trying to get some large projects to assist incoming President and his team. I think you might ask why you are using only I, me and my not mentioning my team. The answer is" I took I, me and my collectively we as all one unite i.e. I, me and my. It will not justifiable not to thank our Rotaractors who are our limbs, without their support we are helpless to handle projects. I congratulate them for their courage and vigour. They went to many times in difficult places to assist the avalanche and flood victims. I also congratulate one of our aged, senior Rotarians Haribhakta Budhathoki who became major donor contributing funds in TRF as well in polio-plus fund for Rotary International through our Rotary Club Pashupati. Moreover, I would congratulate all Rotarians, Rotaractors, other civilians for their selfless supports in various fields of Rotary Club Pashupati's activities and project's. Rajesh Neupane Immediate Past President RC Pashupati, Kathmandu 6 Rotary Club of Pashupati - Kathmandu Message from the President Rtn. Gopal Prasad Dangal To my Rotarian Friends & Friends of Rotary, President 2018-19 Today I stand before you, humbled and thrilled to be in the position of your president.
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