PAPACY Its Doctrine And History Paush, 2042 January, 1986 Price : Rs. 25.00 Sita Ram Goel Pdf: 2016 . Published by Sita Ram Goel for Voice of India, 2/18, Ansari Road, New Delhi/110 002 and printed by Suman Printers and Stationers Voice of India 1/934-6-B, West Rohtas Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-110032. 2/18, Ansari Road, NEW DELHI-110 002. CONTENTS I. The Pope 1 II.The Dogma of Christianity 4 III.The Doctrine of Papacy 11 i. His Holiness the Pope 16 ii. Successor of St. Peter 18 iii. Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church 23 iv. Vicar of Jesus Christ 28 v. Sovereign of the State of Vatican City 39 vi Vehicle of Western Imperialism 44 IV.Popeís Empire in India 53 i. St. Thomas Christians 53 ii. Catholic Church Imposed on India 58 iii. The Mission Multiplies 65 iv. A State within the State 82 v. Superintendent of the Popeís Empire in India 97 V. Why the West Props up the Pope 104 i. Components of the Roman Catholic Church 105 ii. The Roman Curia 107 iii. Western Imperialism Multidimensional 112 iv. Profits per Missionary 116 v.A Warning 118 PAPACY 2 Primate of Italy, Archbishopa and Metropolitan of the Roman THE POPE Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City.î (p. xii). The Pope resides in Rome, which is far away from India. That is quite a mouthful and reminds us of the erstwhile He does not share even a shred of Indiaís spiritual or Nizam of Hyderabad who also had adorned himself with an cultural heritage, which is very vast. array of equally high-sounding appellations. Most people had In fact, he frowns upon the whole of that heritage as a felt amused at his pretensions till the time when he started ìdegrading falsehood fostered by the devil.î This is more than invoking some of his appellations for claiming powers and evident from the voluminous literature produced by his Catholic privileges which, he felt convinced, they conferred upon him. Church over a period of nearly four hundred years. He did succeed in becoming a headache for us before Sardar Yet the Pope presides over an extensive empire in India. It Patel called his bluff and consigned him to the dustbin of constitutes the biggest bloc inside the sprawling Christian history. enclave in this country. It is also his largest domain in Asia, Who can say for sure that some Pope will not start invoking, excluding the Philippines. some day, some of his appellations and direct his flock in India The contours as well as the contents of the Popeís empire in to follow a course contrary to our national interests and India are spelled out, year after year, in the Catholic Directory aspirations? The history of the Pope abounds in instances when of India. A comparison of the different dimensions of the he has blessed or contrived for the armed conquest or cultural Catholic Church relating to successive decades, leaves little subversion of non-Christian nations in several parts of the doubt that the empire has been constantly expanding, parti- world. Given an opportunity, the Pope has seldom failed to cularly after India became politically independent. mobilize his Catholic cohorts for coercing established national But because we are not conversant with the doctrine of governments. Even as we are writing, a large number of papacy, we have come to regard this State within the State as a Catholic mandarins and missionaries are preaching and practis- religious dispensation. ing Liberation Theology, which is only a thinly disguised name But because we do not know the history of papacy, we for war on the weaker societies of Asia and Africa. In any have come to prize this expansion of the Popeís political pocket case, it would be wise to know the sort of crises the Pope can as that of a social service institution. create for us and be prepared for the exigencies. But because we have not envisaged the long-term implica- Let us keep in mind that the Pope has already collected in tions of this imperialist enterprise, we are easily taken in by the his fold nearly 12 million Indian citizens. He will continue to talk about indigenisation of the Catholic Church. collect many more in years to come unless we understand Claims of the Pope clearly what he stands for and stop him in his tracks. Of course, we need not bother about his being the bishop of The Catholic Directory of India, 1984 provides a list of the Rome, archbishop and metropolitan of the Roman province, appellations with which ìHis Holiness the Popeî loves to adorn primate of Italy and patriarch of the West. These are appel- himself. We are told that he is Bishop of Rome and Vicar lations which concern Italy and other countries of Europe and of Jesus Christ, Successor of St. Peter, Prince of Apostles, America. They have dealt with the Pope in the past and should Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Patriarch of the West know best how to handle him in future. But his strutting around as the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Successor of St. Peter and the Supreme pontiff of the Universal 3 CLAIMS OF THE POPE PAPACY 4 Church can cause mischief for us in this country. These are Christianity in general and the Catholic Church in particular has appellations which were evolved and appropriated by the Pope played in the promotion of Western imperialism. in his continuous conflicts with kings and emperors ruling over We have to know how the Pope looks at himself while sovereign states in medieval and modern Europe. They embody presiding over the Catholic Church. We have to know how the a whole theology and a long history. Pope is looked upon by those who honour him as a hallowed The theology has been thriving in this country for quite hierarch. some time without being seriously questioned. For all we know, This is not the place to point out how Jesus Christ has stood some of the history may get repeated. And we may not have for the spread of abysmal superstitions and symbolised sub- another Sardar Patel around to manage matters. version for non-Christian societies, ever since he was smuggled There is no evidence that we care for knowledge about into the Roman Empire, dressed up in borrowed clothing and Christian intentions in general and Catholic intentions in speaking a deceptive language. That is a subject which needs particular. a separate study. The dogma of Christianity, however, has to be presented here because the place and role of the Pope cannot be The utmost we know about the Pope is that he is the head defined properly without a background of that dogma. The of the Catholic Church, the major Christian denomination. doctrine of papacy is derived from the dogma of Christianity. The utmost we know about the Catholic Church is that it is It is, therefore, to that dogma that we must turn in the first one of the oldest sects which arose at the dawn of Christianity. instance. The utmost we know about Christianity is that it is a religion II founded by Jesus Christ, some two thousand years ago. THE DOGMA OF CHRISTIANITY The utmost we know about Jesus Christ is that he was a holy man murdered by the Jews for saying things which, though The Christian Church has suffered many splits in the course true and wholesome, were not relished by the established but of its checkered history, particularly since the Reformation in baneful priesthood in Jerusalem. the 16th century. Today we have thousands of Christian But this knowledge is no better than ignorance. These are denominations, each equipped with its own peculiar pronounce- tales told by the hawkers of Christianity in different disguises. ments and prescriptions. At first sight, it looks like a veritable We have not cared to find out if they tally with the truth. pandemonium. We have to know first-hand how Jesus Christ figures in the But stripped of sectarian semantics and hair-splitting Christian scriptures. We have to know what Christian theology exercises about Trinity, Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth, has made him mean for the non-Christian world. Transubstantiation, Purgatory, Heaven and Hell, the basic Christian dogma is simplicity itself. Its fundamental tenets, We have to know how Christianity defines itself in terms of shared in common by all Christian denominations, can be its dogma. We have to know how Christianity has put its summarised as follows: principles into practice in the course of its long history. 1. The Word of Jehovah: The Old and the New Testa- We have to know what place the Catholic Church claims for ments are the very Word of Jehovah. In the Old Testament, itself in Christian theology. We have to know what role Jehovah spoke to his chosen people, the Jews, through the 5 THE DOGMA OF CHRISTIANITY PAPACY 6 mouth of many prophets. In the New Testament, he spoke to 7. The Church: All those who believe in Jesus Christ as all mankind and for all time to come through the mouth of his the Only Saviour constitute the Churchóthe mystical body and Only Son and the Apostles chosen by the Son. These writings bride of Christófor worship, prayer, fellowship, united testi- are thus verbally inspired in all parts and, therefore, wholly mony to the Only True Faith, teaching, evangelisation and without error. They are sufficient in themselves as the infallible conversion of all unbelievers. rule of faith and practice for all human beings.
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