Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1983-84 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 2-23-1984 The thI acan, 1984-02-23 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1984-02-23" (1984). The Ithacan, 1983-84. 17. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84/17 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1983-84 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Whalen Gives Address To Student Government by Brian Walsh olds applying for C'olleg<'. Thc11 more <1ppll('ations tl11.<-, ,·<'<If right now th,m we had l,t<,I y<·,u On Tues<lay ('\'Cning. nurnlwr of 18 to 24 Y<'dr ol<ls February 21. Ithaca College was d1mb111g for some y<·,us. wlwn w1· c ornplet<·(I lhc <·nuw C'\TI<' " ,\rrnr<lmg to w1,al<'11. President James I. Whalen c1<1- th<'n fl,11tcrw<I out. This past dwssccl th(' rnt'rnlwr.s of Stu­ year howen·r. it has b<'gun to th<· roll1·g<· 1s running al>out 20 p<'r< <·nt ah('acl of last war. dent Go\'Crnrncnt at tlwir drop. Whalen s,11<1. By 199S. <1 rtw result of such <1 cl<·m.ind weekly rn<·<·ting in t11<· Urnon 2:3 p1·rn·n1 rt·durtion h Dining llall. prc<lictcd 1n th,11 sarn<' age t<, a line applicant pool. 1tli.1ca Whalt·n·s "st,11<' ol IIH· rnl­ group. Moreo\·<'r. tht11 numlwr <.oll<'gl' will h.J\'(' c1, cry attr,1c- 11ve group of studc·nts to ~<'l<'n l<'fW" address W\'i('\\'('d nn­ i.'-> ('\'('II \\'()[.'-,(' Ill th<' :\orthC'ilSI. from 11 ttw pool ol dpphc ,1111~ wnt enrollnwnt. f1nc1nnal status where· ltl('rc 1~ ,1 40 p<'r< <·nt . r1·m,11ns ,11 c·um·n\ 11·\·\'ls. and other issues including tui­ redurnon cxp(Ttcd. :'<cw , ork Whalen sai<I. tion. Followmg his speech. Stat<· will l)(' one ot th<· har<l<·st Whalrn took qu<·stuins from hit. By 199S, :-,.;('\\' 't ork WIii pro­ lh>w<·,·<·r. such high rn<·rnlwrs of tlw c1udienn·. ·1 h<· l>alll \' '.'>('(' a .u pcrc<·n1 numtwrs of .ippli< c1nts rais<·.'-> qucs11ons c·overed SU( h ISSlWS d<·ncas<·. wtrnl<·n ,Hided th,11 1 onccrns lrorn students c1bout ·,, as the proposed add/drop "\\'<' will prol>al>ly ha,·<· \',lfla- m·<·rnowding. T111s pas1 y<·,u '•·. E change and housing probk·ms. 11011~ that will rrnti!,l,ll<' that m1- proved to I)(' a 1wrf<·c·t c·x,m1- 5 Throug110u1 1tw n·<·n111g, pact. hut what w<· ,m· looking plc with stud<·nts in lounges - ? Whc1len emphasized that at 1.'-, declining numb<·r~ " ,rnd hot<'ls. That problem was ~ Ithaca College 1s pwsently in a Yet. d<'sp1tc such grim primarily a rt'sult of the higher :::: very healthy state in several f1gur<'S. lthaC'a Coll1·g<' b ~·1(·ld of stu<lcnts who dended i respect~. presC'nllng cxiwncncing on<· of 10 go to Ithaca Coll<·g<· onff It :; It 1s only now that l!hara Col- its lles1 years for stutknts c1p­ they wer(' acn·pted. Whalen plymg for admissions. President Whalen_,addresses Ithaca College Student Govenment on the lege and ottwr schools ,m· ad<lt·<l that last year we took "state of the college. " beginning to see a downturn in "Wr an· doing ,wry. wry f<·wer stu<knts an<I ofkn·d ad­ _______________________---1 the number of 18 10 24 year well," Whalen said. "We haw m1ss1on to f<·wt·r students. Nor­ mally, 34 percent of the people you o!fcr admissions to ar­ Macke Food Service Works with rept. l-lOW('\'er. last yt•ar that numlicr inncascd to 38 pcr­ n·nt or aboUI 125 students. S.A.B. to Present Winter Carnival "This y('ar w('·r<' turning the by Barb11ra Richard tcrscolrh syrup. sprinkles, Saturday morning lwtw<'cn tie participation as far as tne dials down and acT<·pting a This year Macke Corporation. C'hocolate chips. rhoppc<I nuts 8:00arn-9:JOam. The menu will ganl('s aspect ot th<' carnival smaller freshman <lass.·· the food service on campus. and whipped cream. Friday inclwl<· snarnbk·d eggs, waf­ WclS rnnccrnccl. BUI SAB Will Wt1alt'n sail!. Over tlw next few Joined forces with the Sturknt will feature "Dieter's fles. poactwcl eggs. toast. ham ddirntely wci('()me all 1hc help Y<·,us the numlwr of adrrns­ .\rtlvities Boarcl to boost the Downfall," a rnrnbination of <arved to order and neam of Marke can offer. Both ~lacke sions offrw<I will <lrop. ln the Winter Carnival. According to ('(lid and baked desserts. The wheat C<'rcal. and SAB also praised Heggie m·xt five years. lthara Coll<·gc 1.1sa Nelson. chairperson of the "Breakfast of Champions" will Unfortunately Lisa :'iclson for <111 the artwork done around 1·xpt'cts to come clown soo llecreation Committee for SAB. tw ht'ld 111 ttw Union Dirnng Hall r<'portt'<I that 1hcrc was still Ill- campus. students. "It will Ile us doing "We originally approached that rather than letting ii hap- ~1arke about an event. They 1wn." Whalen addrcl. were very enthusiastic and February 29th: A Day to T.H.I.N.K. :'l:OI only are applications go- ctccidecl to help us advertise." 1111,\ well. but the pwsent finan­ With the help of Macke. SAB by Dian Dulberger said the idea originated at Colgate University ,md cial rnndit1on of the collegt' has hoped to get more campus Wednesday, i=ehruary 29th has been therefore Ithaca College is participating in con­ never been m a lwtter position participation throughout the designated T.H.I.N.K. Day at Ithaca College. junction with Colgate. Both SC'hools will be adver­ than it 1s today. According to rarnival with the Olympic T.H.I.N.K. oay is a day To Heighten Individual tising the events simultaneously to make Whalen. the financial position theme. Nuclear Knowledge. r\ group of students who call students aware that the program is laking place h,tc, improved every year in the Very litlle had been dorw in themselves the T.H.l.N.K. Day task forrt' are elsewhere. last decade. Moreover. llhaC'a the past with Macke to pro- organizing the event. Schedulecl events mcludt' information tables in College h,ti; tx-en running in th<· mote the Winter festivities. The day's events will 1nclucle presentations on the Union from 10:00 a.m. - s:oo p.m .. an open black for twt>nty-f1ve years. Monte Boyer. Assistant Food both sides of the nuclear issue. The students art' lunch hour from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m .. with an Hesourcc.<-, and enclowments service Director of Marke. workmg in the hope that this day will h<'IP p(·o­ open forum of teachers and students to a.sk ques­ have been growmg. hclped with advertismg ,md pie form opinions; whether rnnservatiw or tions. and three speakers at 8:oo p.rn .. exprcs.s­ Under the campaign "Ttw <teciclcd to incorporate the ac- liberal. The task force docs not advocate ellht'r mg different viewpomts on the issue. t\ny good Fund for Ithaca". Ithaca Col­ t1vi1ics with scht'duled point of vww. just an aw,ireness of the problem 1cleas on resolving the issue might pos.sit>ly lw lege 1s loohmg for 20 million parese11ers. "The whole t·v<·nt T.!-1.l.N.K. Day 1s sponsored hy tlw Student sent to the Capitol. dollars ovt'r the n<'Xt 8 ~Tars. was enjoyable and took a lot ot Go\'t'rnm<'nt m cooperallon with the coll<'ge Hopper sc1ys sh<' wants to rnakt· Wcdrwstlay. nw morwy will go for '.'>tu<lcnt work." commented Boy<·r. 11<· H<'pul>licans and anothrr nud<'ar awareness Fchruary 29th a "once 111 a lifetime" t·xpcriencc ~rholarships. Whalen ddtlecl plan.s on making II a wgularly group. s.T.:\.:'\.D. (Students ,111<1 Tt'actwrs Ahgn­ and make II worthwhil<·. that w11h the .mo b1lhon <lotlar ~,heduled affair. "It went ok,1y ('<I For :'l:uclear Disarmanwn11. "It's l>asically to get people to lorm ,111 op1111011 clcf1cit facing tht· na1ion 11 1s but next year W<' would like 10 M<1nt' Hopper. ct1airp<·rson of the Ta.sk For('C ,ind to take time· 10 T tl.l.N K al>olll 11 .. unhkdy that tlwre w11l lw mu< h have a full blown pacesett(·r 111 ______:,_ ______#i-,--,-1..,.,-------, see Whalen page 6 lhe middle of the wct·k " ~,'.j;,: ,,n ,..,-,.__ - _ ~! - \ Some of the t>vents at 1hr · .,.,.· ., :::;. ""-~·~ . h II h f I l . ~ I 'I-,, N{, .-- (I mmg a s t is ar iavr ><Tn ,r _ • ., - THE ITHACAN THIS WEEK the opening ceremonies. olym· pie heroes. souper sunclay. Announcements............................. 4 bread table. picnic lunch and gold medal greens. Innocent Bystander........................ 7 Probably everyone's favorite event will occur today with Television Listings......................... 8 Sundaes on Thursday. There Huey Lewis this Sunday ................. 10 will be four choices of ice cream, hot fudge. chocolate Playoffs Look Slim ....................... 16 syrup, strawberries. but·1-.::::;;~..;...____________ _,;:~ l=========================:::!J l I HF. 11 H/\C::\N February 23. 1'18,i THE ITHACAN Afro-Latin Society--.
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