Biden: Bork IIAIMMIO Casio MT-36Keyboord

Biden: Bork IIAIMMIO Casio MT-36Keyboord

■» - MAMCHBSTER HERALD. Monday. Sent. 28. 1917 \mHNON. IlMdreomoffl- ENGLISH Mtfwr pupglot ELYMOUTM Arrow 1f77. W7f6li)Sdnww4doior, i6 NIS5AN3WZX loodsd. dwn pdvllastt. lu t dtncv oportifiMitlMat, for sole wtfti pooors. 4 cylinder^ S wood. MS V4, 107K miles, lln*. Bvtnlnas and hot wotor, olocincltv, z7S-Jf7l. Good condition, $6 Mazda RX7 iGOdsd. WMfcmdt only. M7- ftovo and rofrtdorator ve ry‘good condition. $6 Ford ponngl van, lor got. Rtotonoblo S1S00 or best offer. Coll auto wltti olr. Buy o r Includod. lot floor, on ^SEPETtSSlo and ond offer. MS-MTI offer offer Sum. 44MSM. In oultt roomliHi but lino, no poft..$42S toMo (tootftior or tt- 7ew. Isosg. Colt Amorloan OH LubG FINgt hovM. Off stTMt poiic- olut Mcurlfv. Coll t7S- poratolAHio Individual Londors Sgrvlog Com- SpGciEl *16.99 M ^'KwHM.Am iikon GRANADA. 1971. Runs pony 6434622. mg. rtfarcncM, ond 1M3. topped coffee to- wdll. Vary rglloblg ble. C oll 742-5t1S T E l Shirt tfonstOrs. Ap- rsbullt motor. Bxcol- ComplotG BtEkG I Mcurlfy r«oulr*d. I«S Ifu6l6iyge. Gorily ftir- orexlmaloly MW, ertso ' condition. itOW. transmission, om/fm WtWf W m m U y U o r . WMfc. or SM- nltbed. Working tingle M to MQk nunwrols and Mssottg, olr. $12W or For parts only. 647- 8ystGni8 301t. mole preferred. No w C T«il5 king rilP. Ittftrs for shirts, cops, bdst Otfgr. 5634656 gf- •467. Leote. MS-MM. Comototo poekewo ox- M ^^U R Y Morouis Coi- • TuRG up SpGClil^ otc, BpsteffOr. 649-M48 ony Park wogon 7E. tgr 6pm or Igovd iW Hdk6A^iudg.ix- MdiitR ^ome. Working cluOIng ItsaOboard. ottarSiMpfiij coHont condition. Air o Cooling SyEtGfm'^. tfMimpiTS tingle nwle odult pre­ Asking $1W. Coll 74^ LtNNM. No rust. Ex- iiiilAirtwfia" woGon condition, oloctrlc 5911 ovonlngs.o collent condition. 649 o AKamEtorE, IFOR RBIT ferred. Lease, tecur- 0318. 19B3. 5 spggd. Good moon roof, om/fm ste­ Ity. Mo pets. 643-MIO. iMS's dok dinning room reo. $13M. 647-1636. StErtGfE, End ^ iLO ER LY bousing now condition. $3W0. 742- MANCHfeiTiR. Largo 3 sot. Cxcollont condi­ GOODYEAR Eoglo ST 1972 DODGE Corongt. 6315. TlfG S g iv Io g T toklno oppllcotlont for bodroom duplox. tion. 6 choirs, tobla P1SS/70RI3 rolsod Many ngw parts. Sbedroom apartments. 6AfiijN 51lH Auto- o B o d y w o rk andF -* Woshor drytr hookup, with 2 loafs, sorvtr, whito lottor Nros (4) Drivgn dolly. $3W. 649 motlc transmission, CLYDE Storting SSM. Coll 5M- $625 par month plus Chino dosot buffot, 2 good trood loft. In- 41$$oftgr5. GHEVROLET-BUICK. INC. Rust ropRlr 4S». twin bods, good old body In Good condition. utllltlos, 1 V» months so- cludos (4) 13** rims and TgYiirfA forcdt 2 Excollont 2nd cor, now ROUTE 13, VERNON Ill MAitl ilreei. 3 and 4 curlty. Avollcdtls Oc- upright plono. 643-7277. (4) tripio chromo • Car don’t run? i iHaurhriilrr door, 5 spggd, om/fm bottory, and now platod wiro wheel cov­ 7SCoug*rXR7 •2905 Fig g towing (or j f room apartments. $500 tobor 1. S7^77S6. tfliitfiCyuocoudiond cassgttg, olr. Wk. Ex- muffler. Runs oroat. ) A City n! Viil.uii' Ch.ui. and $540. Heat and hot matching choir. Cxctl- ers. $135 or best offer.. Slow St Dodge 0160 PU •4905 eustomor ggrvteg corR- VeRNON/RockvIllo. cgltont condition or bast offer. •4495 n water Included, no Quiot building, op- lont condition. $1W or Call 649-3648 offer $28W. 6495673 Must sellll Call 647- StOMeOfflege only In Manehostar.f pets. Security. Coll 646- best offer. 649-6735. W W m . $314 after 5. Ask for SSRegelmer •8496 plloncos, 3 room. $350,4 C lM jbiAiatt Suprsmo 8426, »-5. room $475. Coll Wovno f l A YB O Y HKWOBEllmagazine eoT- FauLo S3 Century aoue* •6106 73.4 door, powor stggr- V.NIKE nvMt Tueeday, Sept. 29.1987 MXriiCHnTiirTTea'- tor dotolls. $71-6667. vi/ma/ lection. 196$~through Inp, brakos.automotlc S3 Celebrity 4 er. •6495 27B NartfMii io a ff, 30 Cents room townhouse, fully MANCHESt^R. ik bed- 19E6. Asking $50. Per­ $9M.A434$W. •3*etdPisoxLT4iM •6196 appllonced kitchen, room duplex. Refrlger- fect condition. 8 am > 8 pm ^ parking for 2 cart. $695 226$. SSBonrtevm***. •6995 otor, stove, near bus RCA console 25** color tv. 53 Chevy 810 TMM Art •7106 6 4 9 -8 3 0 9 ? per month, heat and line. Dead end street. Excellent condition. t l computer, wlt^gomM^ TAKE * LOOK SCRANTON Hospital’s hot water Included ,no $650. Inoulro In the am $2M. 646-2073. good conditlen, $M0 S3R*8U4*. •69W BUD’S MOTOR SALEB^ I pets. Security deposit 54 Bulok Skyhewk Wg •6295 s retail, $175/negotlable, and 1 year loose. 649- 646-519$. ****122!*” *^ *11,400 AND o a n r usto CAM.. Biden: Bork IIAIMMIO Casio MT-36keyboord. •6 Line. Town Csr ooMi t.s« rmANcnn on Lssa St Tran* Am •10,796 j m Easy to ploy. Mint H eS S b l I1h4,S00 St Regei co m •8095 garage plan II Monchesier. 4 room condition, $75.649-2013. •7 PIFTH AVE. 0) •14,886 St.Cemereaour# •OAOS apartment. 1st floor, RNDITORME •2 Molds 626 STLOBARON stove refrigerator, CHRYSANTHEMUMS •4205 aiSTwe* •12,288 « Chevy 8-10 rwiw •6405 E l i S R x r garage. Adults pre­ MANCHESTER. 1 boy dig your own. 550 Bush WMTaTO 66NlmnStsnzs 87 RAIDER 4x4 •12,708 ■ Idr unwelcom e Bi ferred, no pets. $450per garage for storage. $40. Hill Rd., Monchester. mY/TMOE •6 Line. Town Cor 87 RAMCHARQER 872-9111 would ignore month. 646-726$. $72-77$6. SwOMew SAVE •17,596 E OLD and new furniture, S7 SHADOW GOODYEAR Eoglo ST B y Nancy Cencelmen or o r n fri NOTICI T SoR loroeRed L household Items, andd 64 Morouiy Msfquls TwsoamM •10,696 P185/70R13 rolsod Herald Reporter Puguc NdARINd Any amount deSysied. Alee, fW. Brougham *4995 87 DODGE runeerwi •IS.OSS T1IUCK8/VMI8 white lottor tirot (4) Ml P M R O flW OIRICTOIIS gravel, Hone end beik, mutoh. glassware, will pay 88 DAYTONA T»S4 'IXSeS good trood loft. In- f l < TOWN OP MANCHEtTgn, CONNECTICUT BobeoL beekhee A loader ranisi. COSh.64644M. m i SALE .A S6-foot4iigh parking garage “ • w a iS i *10.200 86 LASER ore •13,488 cludot (4> 13" rlmtond may be Just what the doctor he Notice Is hereby elven that the Beard ef Directors, Town el MmeORSTWenON 86 8sblg *L8" SSLoBARONi*. •10,866 C H EV Y Vb ton pickup (4) triple chreiTM privacy right Manchester, Connecticut, will held e Public Heorlnasrin at the Automotive 86 DODGE MS ODM. •14,498 with 8* cop. SSSonglnt, platod Wirt wheel cov­ o rd m d (or Manchester Memorial Lincoln Center Neorlne______ Poem,sem. 4M Mein Street.Street, AManchester, 872-1400/659-9655 ta -J S ? * *10.900 automatic. Robullt on- ert. S135 or best oftor. Hospital, but it has area residents dc Connecticut, on Tuesday,uesdoy, October____ 4,1SS7etS:WP.M.te con- 86 DODGE MtOMM. •14,798 th elder end act on the follewino: 84 Mazda Flokup *3900 88 RELIANT 8.W. •6,998 Olno. 449-1532 oftor Coll 449-3442 oftor worried sick. RiaMTCOM./ aSLynx WOmAlao *3995 86 DODGE 5pm. 5:30pm. a. The Zoning Board o( Appeals WASHINGTON (AP) - In his Supreme Court nominee a story w< Proposed aepreprlatlen to Education Special h£*' most stinging attack on Robert H. about the emotional trauma suf­ P ce Prelects - A n d 41 • Chapter ll lfS7-Sl..................SS7,071.W 86 Cavsllor Typo 1 0 „_ . _ CHARGER •7,696 voted last night to continue a public to be nnenced by a State Grant. I SALE tP r .A T .r o *5895 88 CELEBRITY IIKmL •8,668 hearing on the parking structure Bork since confirmation hearings fered by a Jewish pupil who Proposed oppreprlatlen to Education Special MMgrkurxR4Ti *11,495 88 CHY. O T8 Tm*. •10,298 Oct. 26. There were (8 Russell began, the chairman of the Senate declined to read the Bible in school. Prelects - Pund 41 • Vocational Education FIREWOOD s a l e 19$1 DODGE Colt. 4 cy­ 84 Toyota Colle. 88 RELIANT 4 or. •7885 C L Y P E Street residents at the ZBA meeting Judiciary Committee said today he The Rev. Kenneth L. Dean of 1fS7-SI..................................................................... Sf»,M9.40 linder, stondord trans- SSLeBARONoomi •13,485 at Lincoln Center, protesting the has no doubt the Supreme Court Rochester, N.Y., told the Senate to be Hnonced by a State Grant. •Uperoo(d,Sft.lengihA mlsslon. Good 88 CAMARO OM*. nominee would “ come down for Judiciary Committee on Monday 1 graen, dsHverad. S eeid condition. New point ^TODAY’S SPECIALSi^ hospital’s request (or a variance Proposed appropriation to Education Spoclol minimum. MC/VISA *2695 88 VOYAGER vm •8806 government intrusion” in Ameri­ that he was not accusing Bork of Prelects - Pund 41 - Carl Perkins Vocational lob. Asking $18W. 649- that would allow the garage to be Nertlieni FIrewNd 87 Mazda RX7 88 DODGE OMNI 44T. •4.398 FORD TRUCKS higher than the 18 (eet allowed in a cans’ private lives. , anti-Semitism, but said he was ActlfS74S................................................................S33443.00 25$7 offer 3;30pm. MMmTMt, 88 HORIZON 4 er. •4,395 to bo financed by a State Grant. DtstrlMers Residence Zone B. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr., D-Del„ shocked when Bork — asked to i5 CAMARO Z2i t-top 88 NISSAN 4x4 ru •7,896 1MB FORD F1M 4s4 1M3 FORD FMD XLT 4«4 comment on (he Incident in 1985 — Proposed appropriation to General Pund - SSXw *18,800 $ *pd.. PS. % Ton • C|«.. AolG.

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