::~~~~~~~~~~~~7711 · · :·::. ol X.VI -- o. M a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- - ·in·el as t THE TE:CH., i E AWEORD HOE Is MADE EXPRESSLY FOR GENTLEMEN. WHEN WE MAKE THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT WE MEAN JUST THIS: It is made in Proper Style, Of the Best of Material, I By the Best Workmen we can Hire. It is not, like hundreds of factory-mnade shoes, made for shoe (lealers to sell at $3.00 or $4.00 through extensive advertising. We do an imimense business in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and other large cities on our Crawford Shoe alone, and we ldo it on the GOOD REPUTATION of our shoe. Think of this, visit one of our stores, and examine the shoes for yourself. They are JUST AS GOOD (-s they look. ii CRAWFORD SHOE STORES IN BOSTON. 6xx WASHINGTON ST., opposite Globe Theatre. 45 GREEN ST., near Bowdoin Square. 225 WASHINGTON ST., next door to Thompson's Spa. 20, 22 and 24 PARK SQUARE, near Providence Depot. Under UNITED STA'IES HOTEL, cor. Kingston St. 182 and 184 BOYLSTON ST., near Columbus Avenue, 56 MAIN ST. (Charlestown Dist.), Boston. ii BOUVE, CRAWFORD & CO. Corp., Maker. 4B/O O.' I EV1 E = ST1 D GLE ALEX. MOOR EVERY SYLE , BOSTON. i I ALEX. MOORE, 3 School Street, BOSTON. I6 HEOMENWA I BOUN.T BY SEA AND RAIL. ALL RAIL. The Shenandoah Valley Route. The Norfolk Route. The Shenandoah Valley Route connects with all lines from Boston to New York, and thence is via the w.-orld-renowned Pennsvlvania Itail- The palatial steamships of the Norfolk Route ply senli-weekly and road, or picturesque Baltimore & Ohio, passing through Philadelphia, direct between $I arrisburg, Hagerstown, Alntietam Battlefield, Old Charlestown, made famous as the place where John Brown was executed, or Wash- BOSTON, NORFOLK AND BALTIMORE, ington, Shenandoah Junction, the wonderful Caverns of Luray, the his- toric Natural Bridge, on to Roanoke and the magic cities of the New Sailing from Central Wharf, Boston, South, Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, Decatur, Florence Every. Tuesday, Sheffield, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Little Rock, and Texas. Thursday and Saturday, at 2 o'clock P. M. Kansas City, Colorado, Utah, and the Pacific Coast. Connecting with Rail and Water Routes for Washington, D. C., the Chattanooga, Fort Payne, Birmingham, Mleridian,Vicksburg, Shreve- South, Southwest, and Pacific Slope. plI rt, Texas,-Cleveland, Tennessee, Dalton, Rome, Anniston, Calera, Selma, ?Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, Old and New }Mexico, and You are respectfully invited to inspect our steamers, and see for the Pacific Coast. yourself the accommodations offered. Atlanta, Macon, Jesup, Brunswick and Florida. C. P. GAITHER,., A. M. GRAHAM, Through Pullman Car service from New York, Washington and Solict'ting Agent, Agent, Norfolk, to Roanoke, Louisville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Nashville, 290 Washington St., Central Wharf. Memphis, Birmingham, New Orleans, BOSTON, MASS. 0. P. GAITtlZEt, IT. E.dAgt., 290 Wasbin~.-. - ii THE TECH. RIEST'S_ DINING ROOMS. JpE~t ST'S o100 and 102 DARTMOUTH STREET. 397 COLUMBUS AVENUE. I Mr. IIALE'S THE UNION GYMNASIU BO ST. SCHOOL FOR BOYS, SEASON OF 1892-93. 5 Otis Place, Boston. The Union Gymnasium opens October ioth, after extensive repairs and additions. Prepares for the Institute of Technology Latest Sanitary Plumbing. and for Harvard College. Entirely new and improved bathing i. Inquire of the former pupils of the school facilities and new apparatus, part of 1 who are now in the Institute in regard to which has never before been introduced into any the preparation given. gymnasium, making it the most completely equipped and largest gymnasium in Boston. It is above the street level and open to light and -=BB RlTISTIC |air on every side. Cards with full particulars may be had upon Ss rfuSPHOTOuRRPHY. application. 6° 11 WATER COLORS. Including the Union Membership (One Dollar), and en- titling to all its privileges. VW~a~}sug]r Q~2_Sl-r '_PASTELLES. For One Year, use of Gymnasium after 7.00 P. M., --- °5BcT Take Elevator. and on holidays for such time as it may be open, $5.00 For One Year, use of Gymnasium at all times when Easy of Access. Centrally Located. open $8.00 g'~.; Occupying the large and commodious rooms cornm- eys, to be refunded on return of same . .50 prising the entire top floor of the building at 6II Wash- JAMS W. MONTGOMERY . Spt. ington Street, opposite the Globe Theatre, where we have GERMAN F. HOFFMAN Asst. SztJg. the largest and best northern light in the city of Boston. EDWARD 0. OTIS, M.D., (Harv.) Medical Director. .--. -. At the new studio we have every facility for sustain- GEORGE PEIRCE, Sec'y. ing ouroreputation as excelling in " group pictures." WM. H. BALDWIN, Pires. DRAWING AND D RAFTINCG BL UE PROC :ESSE INSTRUMENTS PNPERS Selected with especial reference to the requirements of Students of the Institute. Scales, Triangles, Curves, T Squares, Etc. WADSWORTH, HOWLAND & CO., 82;AND 84 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 267 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. b] THE: T:E4CH. 11i __ L. P. HfOLLANDERpt CO. NEW · AND . CORRECT. STYLES FOR FALL AND WINTER. Merchant Tailors. Fine Ready-Made Clothing. HIGH-CLASS · FURNISHING · GOODS. ENGLISH · AND - AMERICAN * HATS AND- CAPS. Best Coods at Very Reasonable Prices. 202-212 BOYLSTON STREET and PARK SQUARE, BOSTON. BE SURE TO SUBSCRIBE EARLY THIS TERM TO TIlE WEEKLY TECH. SPECIAIL IArTES TO STUD:ENTS ! F. J. K A LDENBERG CO., MANUFACTURER OF. Ieerscftaur ad Flrench Briar Pipes, Gigar and Cigarettle o1ders, ANICD AM1BER:I GOODS. Walking Sticks, mounted in Gold, Silver, Ivory and Buckhorn, i, i· 41:2 s$~~ b wOep 31 W 3E! 9 Made and Mounted after any Design. PIPES BOILED, REPAIRED, AND MOUNTED IN GOLD AND SILVER. i" Repair Work and Engraving done on the premises. B1 338 WASHINGTON STREET. 4i iv iTHEn TEMCH. ELECTRIC MOTORS IA EltG8:ae x Ls Y . FOR. T40~SOn-fuslt rPiatical'siusccessfulastems ALL POWER PURPOSES. o . OF. ELEOCTRIIC 0tlanio o.e, EleStric Tlsawals 620 Atlantic Ave., . .ARE THE . L Hoisting Apparatus. BOSTON, - MASS. EDISON AND THOMSON-HOUSTON. __ Drawing Boards, Papers, I i WALKER'S PRIVATE ACADEMY, Inks, Pens, Instruments, and Fountain Pens At D is;counateed BEat<e s No. 24 DWIGHT STREET, Evening Classes from Oct. 1st to May 1st. A. D. MACLACHLAN, Private Lessons daily from 10 to 6. Tech. Co-operative Store, 3 Please call or write. 214 Clarendon St., - - Boston, Mass. __ The Electrical Engineer. A Weekly Review of Theoretical and Applied Electricity. ARE YOU a STUDENT, an ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, an ELECTRI- CAL EXPERT, or in any way interested in Electricity? In any case you will find THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER an interesting and useful weekly visitor. It is the oldest general electrical journal in America, and the leader in technical excellence and enterprise. THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER is in magazine form, convenient for reading, preservation and binding, and is amply and artistically illustrated. It is always up to date with electrical progress. Subscription, $3.00 per year. Address o· · · · · · · · · The Electrical Engineer, 203 Broadway, New York. Subscriptions received at special student rates by the Editors of 6' The Tech." TIT-IFI, IrF=llcl-1 v T TE -1- -I--sl- ---- -·9·1 1- I A PRACTICAL SAMUEL USHER, Hand or Power Planer PRINTER, NUMBER 17I DEVONSHIRE STREET, I BOSTON, MAIASS. All kinds of School and College Printing for Classes and Fraternities executed promptly, and in the highest style of the i H3 o _ art, at reasonable rates. i IESTII[AT/ES CHEER.FUULLY FURINISH1UED. BANJO ANJOAND MANDOLIN. J. L. LANSING, A Large Assortment of Steel Rules, Teacher, and Director of Clubs, Calipers, Dividers and Small Tools. 58 AWINTER STREET, BOSTON, A. J. WILKINSON & CO., 184 and 188 Washington Street, BEST INSTRUMENTS CONSTANTLY IN BOSTON, MASS. STOCK. MUSIC, STRINGS, ETC. ABRAM FRENCH CO., 89, 91 and 93 Franklin Street, IMPORTERS OF China, Glass and Fancy Pottery, Wedding and Birthday 3ifts I A SPECIALTY. ALL THE LATEST OUR OUR PATTER N, CHESTERFIELD, HARVARD, 11 RICH CUT GLASS. :z $3. $2. Two new styles of hats for young men and DINNER SETS, From the Lowest Cost II youths in the correct shapes for Fall and early to Highest Grade. Winter. Blacks, Seal and English Browns, Pearl, Tan and Tobacco shades. WE ARE THE LARGEST IMPORTER OF HAVELAND & HIAT DEPARTMENT. CO.'S FRENCH CHINA IN THE UNITED STATES. a Reasonable prices in our entire stock. A. SHUMAN & CO., 3BOTONrX, CLOTHIERS~l~ and OUTFITTERS. ABRAM FRENCH CO. vi iTHiE TECH. New Pzctures. C.IITTIEFIEID, ·1.-- -- · -- -----cl 9 ----- II - -- 1·11 Etchings, Engravings, Photographs, just received from the best American, English, French, i Tailor and Outfitter, and German publishers. 21, 23 BEACON ST., BOSTON. I The largest and finest stock to select from in New England,-and prices satisfactory. Special attention to Artistic Framing. Exclusive Styles for Young Men. WILLIAMS & EVERETT, DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY. 190 Boylston StreBet, - - Boston. DISCOUCC:NT- TO ;TUTJDENThTr ir 4 FROST 4&r ADAMS, '~9 II~a·r)cg rtebr cf - DRAWING IN S T R Ut M Ei N T S Supplies for Students, Architects, and Engineers. EMITND 'OICR IIxIJrT R .TE: Q ~ ~ ~ T c( ~3~~G-L~ T EJ! No. 37 Cornhill, , Bosto a. -LIBER:AL DI3SCOUXXNT To 1Mf I. T. STUDEINTS. "TECH" SPEGIfRL WE ARE TAILORS TO THE TECH CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY. EXCLUSIVE LONDON STYLES For students' wear our specialty, with prices moderate. Inspection solicited. All goods warranted for excellence of make and superiority of colors. MESSENGER BROTHERS & JONES TAILORS AND IMPORTERS, No. 388 Washington. Street, Boston. The Tech. VOL. XII. BOSTON, NOVE4BER3R 17,11892. NO. 7. NHE C5EGH. advancement of these several institutions. Published every Thursday, during the college year, by the students This is made by finding the percentage of of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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