- :ARCEIrvp FISHERIES AND MARINE -SERVICE Translation Series No. 3536 Trace elements in bottom sediments of Dnieper River reservoirs by Ye.P. Nakhshina • Original title: Mikroelementy v donnykh otlozheniyakh vodokranilishch r, Dnepra From: Gidrokhim. Mater. 57: 30-38, 1973 Translated by the Translation Bureau(NDE) Multilingual Services Division Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Department of the Environment Fisheries and Marine Service Freshwater Institute Winnipeg, Manitoba 1975 14 pages typescript t i)7) DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES CANADA DIVISION MULTILINGUES TRANSLATED FROM — TRADUCTION DE INTO — EN ' Russian English AUTHOR — AUTEUR Ye.P, Nakhshina TITLE IN F:NGLISH — TITRE ANGLAIS Trace elements in bottom sediments of Dnieper River reservoirs TITLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS) « TITRE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÉRE (TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTÉRES ROMAINS) Mikroelementy v donnvkh otiozhenivakh vodokhranilishch r. Dnepra REFERENCE IN FOREIGN IANGLIAGE (NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS. RÉFÉFIL NCE EN '_ANGUE ÉTRANCÉRE (NON', DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET, ritANSCRIRE EN CARACTÈRES ROMAINS. Gidrokhimicheskiye materialy, Gidrokhimicheskiy Institut (Novocherkassk) REFERENCE IN ENGLISH — RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS Hydrochemical Materials of the Hydrochemical institute (Novocherkassk) PUBLISHER — ÉDITEUR PAGE NUMI3ERS IN ORIGINAL DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMéROS DES PAGES DANS not available DATE DE PUI3LICATION L'ORIGINAL YEAR ISSUE NO. 30-.38 VOLUME PLACE OF PUBLICATION ANNéE NUMÉRO NumBER or TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION NOMBRE DE PAGES USSR DACTYLOGRAPHIÉES 1973 OM% 57 114. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. MINISTÈRE-CLIENT Environment NOTRE DOSSIER No 1101037 BRANCH OR DIVISION TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) N. De. DIRECTION OU DIVISION Fisheries TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) PERSON REQUESTING K.E. Marshall ' DEMANDÉ PAR , y YOUR NUMBER VOTRE DOSSIER N° N DATE OF REQUEST DATE DE LA DEMANDE August 12 1975 SOS.20040.6(HEV.2/68) 763C-2 1-020.b»3 y "»-? • ) DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES C LIENTS NO. DEPARTMENT DIVISION/BRANCH CITY N° DU CLIENT MINISTRE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE Environment Fisheries Service Winnipeg Man. BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) N ° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) 1101037 Russian N. De. SEP 1 7 11r/5 U1147-:jUD Gidrokhimicheskiye materialy, Gidrokhimicheskiy t, • Institut (Novocherkassk), 1973, vol. 57, pp. 30-38. U141,eriiZU .4une ;u1:171u TRACE ELEMENTS IN BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF DNIEPER RIVER RESERVOIRS. 1 by Ye. P. Nakhshina [30]*1 The distribution of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of.Dnieper River reservoirs bad not been studied until recently, despite the fact that their role in the trace element cycle is extremely important. They are the "accumulators" (1) or "depots" (2) of trace elements in a body of water. It has also been es- tablished that bottom sediments have a high potential absorptive capacity with respect to the ions of heavy metals (3), which determines their important role. in the self-purification of water bodies. Many works have been devoted to the study of heavy metal distribution in sea and ocean sediments (4-9 and others). A study has been made on the distri- bution of trace elements in the bottom sediments of ponds in various biogeochem- ical provinces of the USSR (1, 10, 11), lakes of Kazakhstan (12, 13) and water bodies of Priazovye (14-16) and the Volga (17). * The numbers in the right-hand margin are the pages of the Russian text - translator. 00s-200-10-51 ^..:^ ^^ .,:.. +.u:.i'^;Aù:m^..k.^ .1•,G F^ ^.:... ^ .,,F.;,^_r.awhtï4 :.:,ti.;r.è..:cüs:+. 2 I The calculation of the total content of four bioelements (manganese, zinc, copper and cobalt) in the bottom sediments of the Kiev Reservoir, carried out in 1967 in accordance with the International Biological Program (18), was the begin- ning of investigations on the entire series of reservoirs on the Dnieper River. During expeditions in August-September 1968, we took samples of bottom sediments from the Kiev, Kremenchug, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Dnieper and Kakhovka reservoirs Inunediately after taking the samples, we measured the pH level in (see Fig.). the ground column, and then determined the hygroscopic moisture, the'losses due to calcinationl and the content of bulk manganese, zinc, copper and cobalt in air-dry samples in laboratory conditions. Si02 was extracted (20) after removing the organic substance by roasting the samples at a temperature of approximately 450-500°C; the manganese was iden- tified using the colorimetric method developed for soils (21); zinc, copper and cobalt were also identified colorimetrically, however, the techniques applied in soil analysis (22) were altered somewhat - copper was identified using diethyl-- dithiocarbamate of lead, and zinc by combined staining with dithizonate and dithi-- Calculations were made in absolutely dry weight. The obtained data were zone. processed statistically, establishing the mean values, the confidence range of variance, the coefficients of correlation r between various indices and the de-, gree of their reliability with the given number of samples. [31] On the basis of a granulometric analysis (23), we divided the studied soils into three groups (for convenient comparison and calculations), group I including slightly silty and silty sands, group II - sandy silt.s, and group III silts and clay silts. Table 1 contains data characterizing the threshold and mean content values of organic substance in the bottom sediments of Dnieper reservoirs. 1 This is the most easily determined index of the total. content of organic sub- In the studied samples, it correlates quite well with the content of stance. organic carbon (r=+0.8-0.9), which has been determined by I.K. Palamarchuk (19). taiata.P. • a • • . s Kiev Fiktea ■ o a ■tee e pit a CCut Kt el N $1 1mi Chteki146/ pe m e H vi r eD11eret Aztu-zitie flmenpo.a3eplitruicFi Arienponerposcrt • , „anopo,R., Reservoirs on the Dnieper River. Reservoirs: 1 - Kiev (F=922 km2 , 16 samples taken), 2 - Kremenchug (F=2250 km 2 , 22 samples),"3 - Dneprodzerzhinsk (F=567 km 2 , 5 samples), 4 - Dnieper (F=410 kmz, 9 samples), 5 - Kakhovka (F=2150 km 2 , 46 samples). Manganese. The content of bulk manganese in the bottom sediments of Dnieper River reservoirs varies within a broad range - from n.10-3 to n.10-1 %; therefore, the use of the term "trace element" in certain cases is unjustified, manganese being a macrocomponent of the soils. The mean values lie within a narrower range - from n.10-2 to n.10-1 %. The entry of manganese into the soils and its distribution in them is determined by a combination of factors - the pH level and redox conditions (24-26), the activity of microorganisms (25), and the content of organic 4 Table 1 Content of organic substancel in bottom sediments of Dnieper River reservoirs, % 11 Group 111 Group GrouD 4 ---- Er. 1 41. N ri Q) a) (!) Q) Rèservoir I U) a, 4 U bx N ` :j ^ ^ ^ Ts ,--1 cd 4G f4 aPb c^d ^ ^ G ^ •d ^ > a^ o. m W .r^ rt N 0 a) 0 a) '. U ^l ?+ ^ O +J O 7 ^ U TJ ii +j O ^ '0 Kiev 1,0 0,8-1,2 0,2-2,8 4.9 3,8-6.0 3,0--6,6 19,2 13,3-25,1 9,8-31,8 Kr emènch.ug 1,6 1,1-2,1 0,2-2,9 6,4 -5,3---7,3 4,2-7,7 15,1 12,0-18,2 10,9--18,0 Dneprodze-r10HP.'`î-Ie He onp. 1,2-1,6 i-1 e l1-1e onp. 4,3-6,3 kl-le kFie onp. 15,8 onp. onp. I zhinsk 14.7-17,9 2,0-2,9 .. 6,8--7,7 Kakhovka 1,9 1,2-2,6 0,5-3,3 6,6 4,7-8,5 3,3-9,7 16,0 111,1-16.9 8,4--27,0 1 Based on losses during calcination Not determined substance, which apparently affects the mobility of manganese and its transi- tion from one form to another, similarly to what occurs in soils (27). Table 2 Content of manganese in bottom sediments of Dnieper River reservoirs, mg/kg GrouD 1 Group 11 Group 111 ^ ^ Réservoir •^t ^ a^ 1 cn a^ u) a) 4-4 U. to (1) ;j 01 r' 0 F4 d 1-1 N W 41 Q) rz U `U ^-+ +xJ O U rd P U •d ro ^ O :> ......^..^-.-,..,-.. Kiev 196 182-•220 58-288 260', 72-448 60-415 I 1086 767-1405 485-1840 Kremenchug 120 89-159 43-255 510 316-70-1 389-771 504 312-696 239-727 Dneprodzer %4-1 e lie onp. 210-258 Ae ^e onp. 258-727 ^l e He onp. 1442 onp. onp. zhinsk onp. 195=-218 395-^703 485-762 Zanorozhve ,••.:_ Kakhovka • 353 163-548 143-875 486: 34i-.631' 206-800 1.135 8:84'•-1386 586--.3544 * Not determined The pH value of the bottom sediments of Dnieper reservoirs during the period of investigations varied from 7.2 to 7.8; only in single samples were 5 lower (6.7) or higher (8.1) pH values observed. Howeer, we were not able to establish any relationship between the pH values, and the content of bulk man- ganese. It has been established that in soils having pH values from 5.0 to 8.0, the organic substance reduces the mobility of manganese; an increase in the con- tent of organic substance results in the accumulation of manganese (27). A sim- ilar dependence is observed in the bottom sediments of Dnieper reservoirs. In the indicated range of pH values the mean content of manganese in various types of bottom sediments correlates quite well with the content of organic substance (r=+0.8 with a 99.2% confidence level).
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