http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British. Acrise, 76 Rupert, Cooling Castle, 329-30 Adisham, 111, 113 No. 3 The Parade, Canterbury, 319-23 Church of the Holy Innocents, 111 No. 28 Palace Street, Canterbury, Airson, J., 24 323-7 Aldington, 36-7 St. Dunstan's House, St. Dunstan's Aldgate, J., 75 Street, Canterbury, 328-9 Aldham, 74 St. John's Hospital Reredorter, Alexander III, of Scotland, 296 Canterbury, 329 Alkham, 284 The Bull Inn, Canterbury, 327-8 Allinn (Allen), H., 77 Avery, Fam., 188-9 Allen, E.,77 Axe, Flint, Neo., 339 Almond, J., 74 Socketed, BA, 248, 251-6 Alnwick Castle (Northumbria), 74 Aylesford, 90, 338, 341 Amber, Bead, Jutish, 147 Aylesford, Earl of, 85 ff. Ampulla, Med., 346 Anderson, Ian, Christ Church College, Babington, M., 27 Canterbury, 276 Bacheler, G., 78 Wingham coin hoard, 295-7 Badcocke, M., 54 Trevor, and Bennett, Paul, St. T.,54 Nicholas Church, Thanington, Baker, H., 55 308-11 Banks, Sir J., 90 Andover (Hants.), 251 Bannister, W., 188 Andrewes, G., 60 Barnehurst, 350 K.,60 Barnes, W., 189 Anglo-Saxon, Bowl, 342-4 Barrow, S., 72 Buckle, 342 Bartholomew, Fam., 79 Cemetery, 152 Batteley, J., 116 Pit, 276 N.,9 Strap-end, 344 Baxter, M., 142 Appledore, 77, 121 Bead, Amber, Jutish, 147, 151 Arundel, Archbishop, 10 ff. Glass, Jutish, 147, 151 Arundel, Sir W., 10 Beale, J., 73, 77 Ashford, 79 Bearsted, 73 Ash-next-Wingham, 72 Becket, T., 13 Atrebates, 48 Beecher, J., 66, 78 Aucher, 16, 28 Bedo, J., 72 Austin, G. 12 Belgic, Coin moulds, 44-5, 49-50 H., 12 Occupation, 48 373 GENERAL INDEX Pottery, 44, 285 Brasted, 75, 337 Site, 41-50 Brenchley, 75, 79 Belke, A., 13 Brenchley, Sir W., and Lady, 9-11, 24 Belt chape, Med., 347 Brent, J., 140, 144, 151, 158-9 mount, Med., 344 Brenzett, 77 Beng, G., 81 Bret, J., 56 Bennett, Paul, Land to the Rear of House Broadstairs, North Foreland, 262 of Agnes, St. Dunstan's, Canter- Broderip, S., 24 bury, 274-5 Bromley, London Borough of, 334 Starr Place, St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, Bronze, Buckle, Jutish, 146 270-4 Key, Jutish, 147 Watching recording briefs, 318-9 Bronze Age, Axe, 248, 251-6 and Anderson, Trevor, St. Nicholas Ditch, 247 Church, Thanington, 308-11 Pit, 247 and Panton, Frank, Obituary, 369-70 Pottery, 248 Benson, Archbishop E., 12 ?Scabbard-mount, 251 Beresford, M.W., 93 Spearhead, 251 Bethersden, 119 Sword, 250-1 Bexley, 35 Sword blade, 248, 251 Biddenden, 77, 81 Brooch, IA, 338-9 Bigg, H., 81 Brook, 66 Birchington, Minnis Bay, 259-60 Browne, R., 68, 75 Birling, 74 Buckingham, Bishop, 7, 10, 12 Bishopsbourne, 31 Buckle, Bronze, Jutish, 144, 146-7, 152 Black Death, 313 Copper alloy, AS, 342 Black, Jeremy, Sheerness and the Isle of Bunce, Aid. C.R., 198-9 Sheppey in 1773, 331-2 Burham, 98, 101, 109 Blackman, G., 209 Burial, RB, 272 Blackmoor, 251 Burley, R., 74 Blakemore, M.J., 92 Butler, C, 60 Blean, 116 P., 60 Blomfield, Sir A., 14 Bollard, D., 60 Cage, Fam., 73 Boorne, T., 71 Calehill, 70-1 Booth, 22 Calkin, J.B., 334 Boreham, P.W., Archaeological notes Cambridge, 170, 176 from Dartford Borough Museum, Trinity College, 168 350 Campbell, J.G., 144 Boreman, R., 168 ff. Campion, Fam., 78 Bottle-vase, Jutish, 146 Candy, W., 197 Boughton-under-Blean, 37, 81, 170 Canterbury, 15, 53, 57, 61, 65, 68 ff., 81, Bourchier, Archdeacon, 17 111, 191 ff. Bouverie, Estate, 72 Canterbury, The finances and government Fam., 70, 76 of the city and county of, in the Bowl, AS, 342-4 eighteenth and early nineteenth cen- Boxley, 65, 73, 339, 341-2, 349 turies, by F.H. Panton, 191-246 Abbey, 95 Canterbury, The remains of a building Boycot, T., 65 ff., 77 in the precincts of St. Augustine's W., 65 ff., 76 Abbey, excavated in 1965, by Boys, T., 19 Frank Jenkins, M.A., Ph.D., Brabourne, 66 F.S.A., 1-4 Braid, Gold, Jutish, 147 Archaeological Trust, Interim report on Brasier, J., 75 work carried out in 1991 by the, W.,75 265-330 374 VJE1NCK./\1J UN LIE, A Cathedral, The ledger slabs of, 1991, by Chalk, 68 Tempest Hay, 5-28 Chalklen, H., 210 Christ Church College, by Ian Ander- Chalklin, C.W., 57 son, 276 Chambers, SirS., 97 Land to the Rear of House of Agnes, St. Champion, T.C., 263 Dunstan's, Canterbury, by Paul Chaplin, R.E., 41 Bennett, 274-5 Charles I, 180 Longmarket, by Simon Pratt, 287-95 11,75 No. 3 The Parade, by Rupert Austin, Chartham, 70, 72 319-23 Church, 27 No. 26 Palace Street, by Rupert Austin, Chatham, 66 323-7 Chatelaine ring, Iron, Jutish, 146 No. 26A Hawks Lane, by Jonathan Chelmsford (Essex), 63 Rady, 266-70 Chevening, 75, 78 St. Dunstan's House, St. Dunstan's Chiddingstone, 66, 78 Street, by Rupert Austin, 328-9 Castle, 78 St. John's Hospital Reredorter, by Chilham, 72 Keith Parfitt, 300-8 Chillenden, Prior, 10, 12 by Rupert Austin, 329 R., 60-1 Starr Place, St. Dunstan's, by Paul Choisy-au-Bac (France), 262 Bennett, 270-4 Chute, E., 77 Station Road East (Palmer's), by Cinque Ports, 66, 70, 329 Martin Herdman, 275 Clifford, R., 10 The Bull Inn, by Rupert Austin, 327-8 Cobham, 67, 329, 344 The Church of St. George-the-Martyr, Hall, 74 by Tim Tatton-Brown, 311-17 J. de, 329 Castle, 275 Cogger, A., 77 Cathedral, 113, 115,329 Coin, Belgic, 44 Archives, 209 Celtic, 339-41 Library, 314 Merovingian, 147, 151 Priory, 314 R, 147, 151, 271, 275, 341-2 Christ Church, 34, 111, 115 Cologne (Germany), 128 College, 276 Commius, 48 Poor Priests' Hospital, 206 Combwell, Goudhurst, 68 Royal Museum, 144 Condre, C. le, 55 St. Andrew's Church, 204 Cook, Dr B.J.,295 Augustine's, 121, 198, 276 Cooling Castle, by Rupert Austin, 329-30 Manor, 204 Coombe, 344 Gabriel's Chapel, 135 Copper alloy, Brooch, IA, 338 Gregory's Priory, 300 Coin, 44 John's Hospital, 300 ff. Cottington, 260 Mary Magdalene's Chapel, 15 Couchman, H., 81 Michael's Chapel, 10, 15-16 Courthope, H, Jun., 81 Burgate, 314 P., 81 Pancras, Chapel of, 1 Cowper, J.M., 6, 12 ff., 314 Peter's, 209 Cox, Rev. L.,309 Paul's, 69, 71 Cozens, Z., 314 Trinity Chapel, 6, 20, 27 Cranbrook, 79-81 Cantis, J., 57 School, 80 Capel, 284, 334 Cray, River, 334 Castell, J.,72 Crayforde, E., 52 Celtic, Coin, 339-41 Fam., 52 Cemetery, AS, 152 Crisp, E., 170, 172, 182 Jutish, 139-66 Cromwell, O., 168 375 GENERAL INDEX Crowfoot, Elizabeth, Appendix I: Tex- Edward I, 296 tiles and gold threads, 159-62 III, 197 Cudham, 75 IV, 197 Culmer, A., 58 VI, 174 Blue Dick, 6 Egham (Surrey), 263 D.,58 Eldred, W., 76 Culpeper, Sir T., 73 Elham, Prior, 9 Cunobelinus, 48 Elizabeth I, 206 Elliston-Erwood, F.C., 111 Danks, W., 9 Elmstone, 260 Darell, Fam., 70-1 Elwyn, R., 205 Dart, J., 7, 10 ff. Ente, P., 61 Dartford Borough Musuem, Archaeo- Eppillus, Coin, 48 logical notes from, by P.W. Estman, R., 61 Boreham, 350 Evelyn, J., 57 Dartford, 68, 75, 82, 342, 350 Evison, V.I., 152 Davidson, Archbishop, R., 15 Excavation of a Belgic and Roman site at Davies, Revd. R., 124 50-54 High Street, Rochester, by Deal, 334 A.C. Harrison, B.A., F.S.A., 41-50 Dean, Archbishop, 17 Eynsford, 81 Delahaye, M., 71 Delaune, A., 174-6 Faber, Sir Richard, Murder at Lees G., 174 Court, 167-83 Denehole, 350-2 Farmer, Fam., 188-9 Denton, A., 78 Farnham (Surrey), 82 Level, 68 Faversham, 59-60, 78, 82, 170 Deptford, 186 Fawkes, G., 201, 315 Dereham, Elias of, 37 Felgate, R., 74 Dering, Sir E., 80-1 Feversham, Earl of, 182 Detling, 339 Filmer, Sir R., 78 Detsicas, A.P., Obituary, 370-2 Finch, Prior, 17 Review, 354-5, 360, 365-6 Rt. Hon. H.,90 De Vincke, N., 55 Fircher, F., 74 Ditch, AS, 285 Fisher, T., 73 BA, 247 Fitzgerald, 22 Med., 142,275 Flatman, R., 72 Dodd, J., 71 Fletcher, David H., Mapping and estate Dover, Bench Street, by Keith Parfitt, management on the early nineteenth- 317-8 century estate: The case of the Earl Dover, 57, 60, 65, 71, 76, 202, 284, 317-8 of Aylesford's estate atlas, 85-109 Buckland, Cemetery, 152 Flint, Axe, Neo., 339 Ducke, P., 55 Floor-tiles, Med., 136-7 Duke, J., 80 Fogge, Sir T., 9-10,23 Duppa, Fam., 188 Folkestone, 70, 72, 76, 284 Dymchurch, 70 Foots Cray, 75 Fordwich, 65 Earle, P., 57 Foster, J., 58 Eastbourne (E. Sussex), 78 T.,58 Eastry, 34, 72 Foulsham (Norf.), 251 East Sutton, 78 Fowler, R., 209 Ebbsfleet, 260, 262 Francis, S., 26 Ebony, 121 Franklin, S., 209 Eccles, 99, 103, 341-2 Freeman, Sir R., 179 ff. Edenbridge, 78 R., 180 376 GENERAL INDEX Freeth, S.G.H., 17, 20 ff. Harness pendant, Med., 344, 346-9 Frend, R., 211 Harris, Revd. S.D. The church of St. Fuller, R., 196 Mary the Virgin, Stone-in-Oxney, with particular reference to recent George I, 90, 173, 201 excavation of the north chapel and to Gillingham, 31, 36-7, 81 the fire of 1464, 121-38 Gladstone, W.E., 313 Harrison, A.C, B.A., F.S.A., Exca- Glass, Bead, 151 vation of a Belgic and Roman site at Pendant, Jutish, 147, 151 50-54 High Street, Rochester, 41-50 Glassenbury, 77 Hasted, E., 7, 14, 19, 313 Glynne, SirS., 114, 313 Hastingleigh, 75 Godfrey, T., 56 Hathbrand, Prior, 16 Godinton, 72 Haute, E., 10 Godmersham, 75 Hawkhurst, 81 Gold, Braid, Jutish, 147, 152 Hawkins, Fam., 81 Coin, 147, 151, 163 Hawkes, C.F.C., 338 Pendant, Jutish, 147, 151 Hay, Tempest, The ledger slabs of Thread, 159-62 Canterbury Cathedral, 1991, 5-28 Gold, T, 19,22 Hendle, SirT.,81 Goldstone I, Prior, 17 Hengham, O., 10 II, Prior, 17 Henry I, 30 Goudhurst, 77 ff.
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