I .- I The development of ‘9he establish an administrative inden- Squamish at this time if Britannia Squamish area has been slowed by tity. was added to the municipality. the estuary study, municipal ad- “our financial picture ended in He touched on the new ministrator C.C. “Chuck” Schat- 1979 with an unbudgeted surpllus. downtown revitalization program tenkirk told a luncheon meeting of After we had satisfied all short- which has just been introduced by the Squamish Chamber of Com- falls we put aside $70,000 for the Municipal Affairs Minister Bill merce last week. future and reduced the mill rate.” Van Der Zalm. Squamish could “We are hoping for positive ac- He said that there really was no certainly use this program which . tion by the government,” he said. administrative staff and since last he said is. being used by New “It is important to the business. year the administrator, treasurer Westminster, one of the first com- community as well as the and recreation director have been munities to suffer from “urban municipality. ” replaced; a new superinetendent flight.’’ The development of the in- of public works has been “With the aid of this program dustrial park was at an .impas% employed and a new position, a we could rebuild Cleveland Ave., when the new administrative team supervisor of facilities, has been create traffic patterns and develop took over. he told the chamber. created. DL 4261,” he said. but things are moving again and a “Politicians make the policy,” Schattenkirk said parking could ,, replot scheme is underway along he said. “It is the administration’s be included in the downtown - with design services. duty to follow that policy.” ‘revitalization program. I “The target date for sale of lots “Council has. allowed us to In response to a query he said I. is April of 1981,” he said, “and establish a team, and that team is the flood plain and Howe Sound we hope to have some attractive working hard.” study couldbe inhibiting but not land prices. However the outside as uch as the estuary. said the ‘&he flood plain will have a date may be July of 1981.” municipality must be careful it .. ... .. .......,* ....... .. ... , , , . .. , ... .._......,. ....., , ........... .. , *.*..,..., . .. .. .....Schatten,kirk..said..ano~r..new. ....does.not.beconie.a.bedcoom corn: ..,.,*cost effect,”,i’s,, he,s’o,,,e:.lwwa,,y;,, said., “but I think The.. .. , , , .,,,, develoDment is the community munitv for the lower mainland. , . , - ..nowe aouna sruay, .DY interence,. plan which has been ordered and Spiaking of the residential will have a dampening effect on is now underway. “We hope to development he said it was pro- ‘a .’ Squamish but I think it is . overlay on Squamish a develop- ceeding apace and “couldn’t be i weighted more to the southern \<.. ment plan which will last till 1995. better.” +. portion of the sound.” .. We also hope to have this com- But he warned against. all He concluded by saying that Some of the two hundred pe>ple who took part in the Skate-a-Thon sponsored by the young people (he Figure sk8tiDg Club which over $7,000 ’ residentSal without sufficient in- in raised . pleted by October 1981 .” council would have to become, ‘ will be approached by dustrial backup by asking “how for the Terry Fox Fund. “You more familiar with our MLA and are we going to support the ser- our consultants,” he added. the cabinet ministers and man- vices on the assessment of “There will be public involvement darins, saying they were the houses.” peo- meetings asking for input from ple to know. JIM BILENDUKE WINS people in the community.” Referring to the possible a ex- Capilano watershed ‘would -“Our industrial future looks ation of Britannia Beach S at- UFO‘s sighted bright if there is positive action on tenkirk said “we want or1 erly GOV’T SCHOLARSHIP the estuary and the community growth between Squamish and On Sunday, Sept. 14 at 10 p.m. Jim Bilenduke, a graduate of this year’s class at Pemberton plan.” Britannia Beach. Right now three students in Dr. Ahmed’s be best for new highway Secondary School, is the only Howe Sound School District stu- Schattenkirk said that when he Britannia Beach is a liability but classCurrie at sighted Ts’Zil threeSchool UFO’s. at Mount dent to receive a provincial government scholarship of $1,OOO came to Squamish in October of there will be a time when it will be “The Capilano watershed One of the important points to They were on the Lillooet Road Alexander claimed !he satura- this year. last year he realized the communi- mutually agreeable to both.” would &-the best route for the tion point would be reached long consider is the traffic impact. The when they saw the objects on or in He is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Bilenduke and ty was looking for financial He added that he did not think new highway 99,” Art Alexander, before 1985 if there is any Indian Arm route has some sup- stability and his first task was to the tax load could be handled by front of Teat Mountain. chairman of the Chamber of development at Squamish, Britan- port because it misses the First is enrolled at the University of Manitoba where he is taking Commerce Transporation Com- nia Beach or bhistler. and Second Narrows bridge but science and premedical courses with the intention of becoming a L mittee told the chamber members Yet he stated the highways misses Vancouver and the people veterinarian. at a luncheon meeting last week. department says it will take at who live there. He said it would be At Pemberton Secondary he received the Pemberton Phar- School Bus Safety Week Alexander showed a map of the- feast eight to ten years fo get art^ -...gea’foi the“Fr$%& Valley and. macy Science Troptly and -the W&fe 12 xkadtmic excellence 3 The school bus driver is respon- I proposed four routes for the new road started. people from the States but not so trophy. School bus safety week starts injuries and deaths to school children,” Kingman added. sible for a pre-trip inspection to highway; the coastal route, the “That means that even if they convenient for Vancouver . Some of the larger schools have scholarships where students, Sept. 24 and Len Kingman, presi- Kindree stated his belief that the “They can ensure adequate ensure the vehicle is in proper one through the watershed, the planned a new route now they are tutored but this is not possible in the smaller schools and dent of the B.C. Safety Council, one through the Seymour watersh- communities concerned should training for their drivers, set up operating condition before pick- could not have it ready before most work the says that more must be done to ed and the one from Indian Arm co-ordinate their efforts. Bilenduke did of his on his own with assistance of recognition awards for school bus ing up passengers. The driver 1988 or 1990 and that’s too late.” several teachers. protect school children. Drivers of up the Indian and Stawamus. He said the saturation point of Kindree pointed out that the automobiles are by far the major drivers with outstanding records. must also know how to maintain In the drive for the new the present highway would be only route which does not go threat to children. School principals can ensure that discipline in the bus so that he can highway Alexander said the reached long before that time. through a watershed is the coastal Last year there were 36 injuries the children learn how to behave concentrate on the task of driving. when using the school bus School Bus Safety Week, from Squamish-Lillooet Regional Alexander said the regional route. The Capilano and Seymour and four fatalities as a result of District is playing a major role. A district is planning to hold some routes go through Vancouver traffic incidents involving school transportation system, including Sepl. 24 to Sept. 30. is being Budds hit truck being on schedule at the bus stop, recognized all across Canada and concensus of opinion through the public meetings and the chamber watersheds and the Seymour and buses in B.C. district is that the Capilano route should obtain the schedule and the Indian both go through the On Friday morning at about There were two accidents in the “Last year 237 offences were how toto enterbehave and as leave an occupant the bus and by duringto become that timebetter parents informed are askedas to is the preferred one. work around it. He felt the Stawamus watershed which sup- 8:34 a.m. near Porteau the north- Upper Cheakamus Valley in the not disturbing the driver. This in- how the school bus transportation The regional district has com- government had a tiger by the tail plies water to Squamish. bound Budd car hit a parked car past week. On Sept. 16 Bruno recorded as a result of passing a missioned a study which should be with the anticipated fraffic and carried it several feet up the Destradi and James Marlow were school bus illegally, and as police formation should be given in the system operates in the communi- completed within the next six growth. highway injuring a flag girl. involved in a rearend accident officers cannot always be in a classroom.” tY. months. This will deal with all the Dr. L.C. Kindree, a Squamish A Department of Highways which resulted in $200 damage position to observe, this figure proposed routes. director to the regional disttict, pickup truck was heading north when the Marlow vehicle was represents the tip of the iceberg Alexander pointed out that the said the question of alternative along the highway north of struck by Destradi.
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