5858 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1864. 23 Vic., caps. 14, 24, 83, and 96 ; 23 and 24 Vic., of the county of Stirling, at his office at Stirling; caps. 140, 145, 159, and 195 ; 24 and 25 Vic., with the principal Sheriff-Clerk for the county of caps. 102, 114, 181, 177, 214, and 226; 25 and Lanark, at his office at Glasgow; and with the 26 Vic., caps. 47, 48, 49, 142, 181, and 189 ; 26 Sheriff-Clerk of the county of Dumbarton, at his and 27 Vic., caps. 194, 213, and 226 ; and 27 office at Dumbarton; and a copy of so much of and 28 Vic , caps. 84 and 100, and any other Acts the said plans, sections, and book of reference as relating to the North British Railway Company. relate to each of the said several parishes and to Also the several Acts following, or some of the Royal Burghs before specified, together with a them, relating trf the Glasgow and South Western copy of the said Gazette notice, will, on or before Railway Company and their undertakings, or to the said 30th day of November, 1864, be depo-. the joint line from Glasgow to Paisley, that is to sited for public inspection with the schoolmaster, say—1 Vic., cap. 117 ; 3 Vic. cap. 53 ; 5 Vic., or if there be no schoolmaster, with the session Session 2, cap. 29 ; 8 and 9 Vict.s cap. 95 ; 9 clerk of each of such parishes respectively, at the Vic., cap. 60.--" The Glasgow and South-Western place of abode of such schoolmaster or session Railway Consolidation Act, 1855," and the several clerk, and also with the town clerk of each of such other Acts relating to the Glasgow and South- Royal Burghs respectively, at their offices therein. western Railway Company and their undertaking, On or before the 23rd day of December next, passed respectively in the 19th and 20th, the 20th 1864, printed copies of the Bill will be deposited and 21st, the 21st and 22nd, the 22nd and 2.3rd, in the Private Bill Office of the House of the 23rd and 24th, the 24th and 25th, the 25th and Commons. 26th, the 26th and 27th, the 27th and 28th Vic., Dated this 10th day of November, 1864. cap. 132, and any other Acts relating to the Strung, Keyden, and Sons, Glasgow. Glasgow and South-Western Railway Company. Simson and Wakeford, 22, Abingdon-street, Also the several Acts following, or some of them, Westminster. relating to the Caledonian Railway Company, viz., " The Caledonian Railway Act, 1845," and the several other Acts relating to the Caledonian Rail- In Parliament.—Session 1865. way Company, passed respectively in the 9th and 10th, the 10th, the 10th and 11th, the 11th and 12th, Downham, Stoke Ferry, and Brandon Railways. the 12th and 13th, the 14th and 15th, the 16th and (Incorporation of Company for making Railways 17th, the 17th and 18th, the 18th and 19th, the 20th from the Great Eastern Railway at Downham and 21st, the 21st, the 21st and 22nd, the 22nd Market to Stoke Ferry and Brandon; Working and 23rd, the 23rd, the 23rd and 24th, the 24th and by and Arrangements with the Great Eastern 25th, the 25th and 26th, the 26th and 27th, and Railway Company; Powers over Portions of the 27th and 28th years of the reign of Her pre- their Railways and Stations; Amendment of sent Majesty, and any other Acts relating to the Acts.) Caledonian Railway. Company. Also the several Acts following, or some of OTICE is hereby given, that application is them, relating to the Scottish Central.Railway N intended to be made to Parliament, in the Company, namely,—18 and 19 Vic., cap. 56 ; 22 ensuing Session, for an Act to incorporate a Com- and 23 Vic., caps. 18 and 83 ; 25 and 26 Vic., pany (herein called " the Company "), and to confer cap. 35; 26 and 27., Vic., caps. 149 and 223; upon the Company the following, or some of the and 27 and 28 Vic., caps. 100, 214, and 292, and following, among other powers (that is to say) :— any other Acts relating to the Scottish Central To enable the Company to make and maintain Railway Company. the railways following, or some or one of them, Also the several Acts following, or some of with all necessary works, stations, approaches, them, relating to the Monkland Railways Company, sidings, and other conveniences connected there- viz ; The Slamannan and Borrowstouness Rail- with (that is to say):— way Act, 1846 ; The Monkland Railways Act, 1. A railway, situate wholly in the county of 1848 ; and the several Acts therein recited, so far Norfolk (hereinafter called Railway No. 1) com- as not repealed thereby ; The Monkland Railways mencing in the parish of Downham, otherwise (Slamannan and Borrowstouness Deviation) Act, Downham Market, by a junction with the Lynn 1851; The Monkland Railways (Branches) Act, and Ely line of the Great Eastern Railway Com- 1853; The Monkland Railways (Branches) Act, pany, at a point six chains, or thereabouts, 1857 ; and The Monkland Railways (Branches) south of the point where the said Lynn and Ely Act, 1860 ; and also so far as necessary, the Line is carried over the public highway, on the several Acts therein recited, or some of them, and level thereof, leading from Downham, past Down- any other Acts relating to the Monkland Railways ham Station, to Wisbech, and terminating in the Compan}'. parish of Stoke Ferry, in a field numbered on the tithe map of that parish 356, and belonging to. Also the local and personal Act, 27 and 28 John Stratton, and in the occupation of William Vic., cap. 286, for making and maintaining the Gates Green, at a point about two chains south of City of Glasgow Union Railway, and for other the carpenter's shop and house, belonging to and purposes. in the occupation of William Tokelove, in the Duplicate plans and sections, describing the lines parish of Wretton, which said Railway No. 1 will and levels of the said intended railways, stations, pass from, through, or into the parishes or places and works, and the lands and property which may following, or some of them, videlicet:—Downham, be required to be taken for the purposes thereof, Downham Market, Bexwell, Wimbotsham, Crim- together with books of reference to such plans, plesham, Denver, West Ryston, Ryston, Stow containing the names of the owners or reputed Bardolpb, Fordham, Roxham, West Dereham, owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers Wereham, Stradsett, Fincham, Boughton, Wretton, of such lands and property, as also a published Stoke Ferry, Oxborough, Whittington, Northwold, map, with the lines of the proposed railways deli- Sastmore, and Barton, otherwise Barton Bendish. neated thereon, and a copy of this notice, as pub- 2. A railway (hereinafter called Railway No. 2) lished in the Edinburgh Gazette, will be deposited situate wholly in the county of Norfolk, commen- for public inspection, on or before the 30th day of cing by a junction with the intended Railway No. 1, November, 1864, with the principal Sheriff-Clerk at or near the hereinbefore described termination.
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