>jiat i» vy .\»7 *? - THE HERALD, Mon.. Dec. 28. 1981 Cold tonight: Manchester, Conn. sunny Wednesday Tues., Dec. 29, 1981 RING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH B-l-G — See page 2 Mrralb 25 Cents SAVINGS.' Reagan plans to 'tighten the screws' By Helen Thomas Possible presidential moves could ports expires at the end of the year Admiral James Nance, acting He said any actions will have he indulged in some of his favorite United Press International include ordering a curb on the U..S, unless renewed. national security adviser, informed more meaning if the allies join in, outdoor pastimes — clearing under­ sale of high technology to the But there were no indications that Reagan by telephone of their but the United States is determined brush and chopping wood. LOS ANGELES - President Soviets and blocking the sale of gas in the first group of sanctions — proposals for a tougher response to move unilaterally if necessary. Reagan prepared today to announce He j-eturned to the Century Plaza pipeline equipment they need to which might be announced as early against Soviet involvement in a series of economic and political The Reagan administration this Hotel in Los Angeles in the late build a 2,400-mile natural gas as today — Reagan would go as far Poland. year ended the partial grain em­ afternoon to join his wife Nancy, his sanctions against the Soviet Union pipeline from Siberia to Western as breaking off nuclear arms reduc­ None of the U.S. steps are bargo imposed by President Carter oldest daughter Maureen and her in reprisal for the military Europe. tion talks with the Soviets or expected to change the Kremlin’s in early 1980 after the Soviet inva­ husband Dennis Ravell, and his crackdown in Poland. An indefinite suspension of talks abrogating the Helsinki human course, but some were aimed in part sion of Afghanistan, and has pledged youngest daughter Patti Davis for a CONAIR Pro-Styie Aides said Reagan intends to on a new griin sales agreement for rights pact because of alleged at putting public opinion pressure on not to use such a selective embargo private dinner. “ tighten the screws” against the 1983 between the two countries also violations in Poland. 1250 Watt Hair Dryer POLAROID One-Step instant Camera Western European allies. again. The Soviets have contracted. Soviets, who he blames for in­ was under consideration. He planned to clear his desk today Bright, beautiful full color prints at the The president made his decision to Caldor Reg. Price ......................19.99 stigating the Warsaw government’s Other steps being weighed were An administration official, who for 11 million tons of grain under the of 36 bills passed by Congress in the touch of a button...automatlcafly, in retaliate against the Soviets on imposition of martial law. moves to curtail agreements in the briefed a group of European 'present one-year accord allowing final days before adjournment, in­ Caldor Sale Price................... 16.70 seconds! No wonder It's America’s 29.76 But they said the initial escalation recommendation of top policy ad­ them to buy up to 23 million tons. favorite Instant cameral Our Reg. 36.97 maritime and aviation fields. These reporters Monday, said the United cluding the nearly $200 billion of pressure on the Soviets to force visers who met for 2’/2 hours Mon­ 2 Mfr. Mail-in Rebate . ...........5.00 cover landing rights for the Soviet States is convinced the western Reagan, in California for a week- Defense Department appropriations day in Washington. •POLAROID SX 70 Color Fitm an end to the crackdown in Polond airline Aeroflot at American air­ powers "cannot remain silent when long New Year’s holiday stay, spent measure and the restoration of the would involve "light and measured” ports. The pact that allows Soviet Afterward, Vice President George the Polish workers are being five hours at his mountain-top ranch $122-a-month minimum Social YOUR FINAL COST . •1-P«k(l0ahota)___:,... ,6.96 •2-Pak(20«hola)... ..... 12.96 11.70 COLOR ROLL FILM steps. Bush, counsellor Edwin Meese and crushed.” near Santa Barbara Monday where Security benefit 4 heats, 2 speeds plus spot-dry ships to put into some 40 American concentrator nozzle. Model #085 *Se« Clark for d e ta ils . DEVELOPING SPECIAL SETS OF 9 WEST BEND Pal and arrests 12-to>30 Cup COLOR PRINTTS ,!bW'ENBRAII y T ~r . Party Perk Coffeemaker BIEOI ' ;i-- i t C”' 5 Our FOR 'ringleaders' Reg. 24.99 17.88 ■vy-. Delicious coffee for holiday gatherings! Easy-cleari polished THE PRICE OF aluminum with lock-on poly­ >Yrapp/no ^ ^ P T . propylene lid. Model #58030 af caal strike When you leave your next roll of 'Artificia, C hrts,r SAVE OVER $10 ! Kodak or Fuji Color Print Film for •®®9am TInse, g/? By United Press International Under martial law decrees, strikes against the coal mines or any Famous-Brand Hot Air developing/ you get 2 sets back... •Boxed Chrisim ° Polish security forces arrested 12- other national industry deemed vital ‘ringleaders’'' of the last coal mine to the economy could be punished by strike in Silesia, Warsaw radio said Corn Pumpers one to keep, and one to sharel S e t s & p death. Military prosecutors have today, and communist press reports been disclosing a series of summary EACH Horald photo by Turqumio said the martial law regime was trials of Solidarity union activists •Ornaments « Bo'bs preparing to draft all unemployed 19.70 Rag. 2S.99 to 29.99 OUR ‘PiCTURE PERFECT GUARANTEE accused of trying to organize Choose from -WEAREVER workers for conscript labor teams. walkouts, but the most severe The arrest of the 12 leaders of the •PRESTO ‘ SUNBEAM If for any reason, you are dissatisfied with any picture sentence yet seen has been a 3'2 we print, simply return It with processing envelope just ended Piast mine strike came year prison term. •W EST BEND only hours after the state-run radio They use no oil; make crunchy, deli­ for a prompt, cheerful refund. Slight liquor price drop seen The authorities' broadcasts about announced the arrests or orders for cious snacks with fewer calories! arrests of strike leaders appeared to the arrests of another 12 leaders of be intended to stifle further active (Not all models in all stores; *By our leading Independent lab. Good on C41 film, 110,126 or 35mra. recent strikes at the Huta Katowice protests by the country's work store stock only; sorry, no ratnchecks.) Offer expires January 9; 1982. ' ^ steelworks and the Ziemowit and force. Manchester retailers say law repeal to hpve limited effect Wujeck coal mines, ' Remnants of the Solidarity union The roundup of the strike leaders have been organizing a campaign of in Silesia aparently was part of a passive resistance, however, and Consumers can expect to pay slightly less Corriveau predicted that consumers will personality what they may lack on.the price larger campaign to force the the most recent reports reaching the for all their liquor purchases, with extra-big look for bigger discounts than the stores can tag. crippled Polish econorhy back into West indicated widespread opposi­ savings on special buys, after the first of the offer. E SAVE ON T h e s e / NEW FROM SONY | “ I might lose somebody for a nickle or action, but reports reaching the tion to the military takeover was year, Manchester area liquor store owners "The only thing that’s going to save me is dime,!’ he said, but added that he believes West indicated the military was showing up in incidents of sabotage. said today. service and neighborhoods. There'll always TAPE SALE most customers will continue to patronize the having difficulty. A number of key factories I TOP SELLING LPS/ SAVE OVER ®100 £ The savings will be the result of the repeal be price seekers who go elsewhere,” he said, stores with better service. A substantial number of Poles throughout the country did not Every 8-Track, Every Cassette iv of the minimum markup law, which takes (ither dealers echoed the thought that "W e’re going to continue to give the lowest were back at work in the third week reopen Monday morning, the first effect Jan. 1. The law, which set retail prices neighborhood stores will survive. prices possible,” he said. "W e ll discount of martial law rule, but defiant regular workday following the for beer, wine and liquor under a complex Jeff Graham, assistant manager of some items and some we will keep the same. workers appeared to be using other Christmas holiday. Among them Choose from Rock •Jazz •Pops state formul'a guaranteeing profits for Harvest Hill Package Store, said he didn’t We will survive.” forms of protest, including were several shipyard facilities in tO\rg/i retailers, made Connecticut liquor prices think. the competition between package •Classical •Broadway •Country, more! Herman says he believes more package sabotage, against the military Gdansk and Szczecin, where support C among the steepest in the nation. stores will send people out to bigger stores in regime. ^A5Co stores will pass on distributor discounts to for the Solidarity union had been es­ Most liquor retailers contacted said overall search of bargains. •1000’s of Titles to Choose From. customers instead of keeping them as profits. The Soviet news agency Tass and pecially strong. price-slashing will only take place in a small “ People will continue to buy at the same Several retailers fear the supermarkets its counterpart in Hungary, MTI, Warsaw radio said Tuesday the number of stores, with the majority of liquor little package store down the street no matter Atlantic ■1 Atlantic will drop their beer prices to cost and sell the both reported from Warsaw today Lenin Shipyard in Gdansk, where stores sticking to the wholesalers' what the price is somewhere else,” he said.
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