LOCAL CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 14 January 29, 2017 Your Neighborhood — Your News® $275 million for Rodman’s CB 10 REJECTS Neck upgrades BY PATRICK ROCCHIO A proposal that is part of the mayor’s preliminary budget would allocate $275 million for a renovation of the NYPD facility at Rodman’s Neck. CITY’S FP PLAN The total funds will be allo- cated over a 10-year period. The bomb detonation noise would not be mitigated under the Leaves Trump golf course mayor’s budget plan. Community leaders expressed hopefulness after learning that parcel in limbo part of Mayor de Blasio’s plan to upgrade Rodman’s Neck’s range BY ARTHUR CUSANO Point park. and training facilities, made pub- Community Board 10 voted at The proposed parkland would lic on Tuesday, January 24, in- its Thursday, January 19 meeting include a tidal marsh and pro- cluded $73 million for ‘six fully to reject a controversial plan put vide scenic views for the public. (sound) baffl ed outdoor ranges.’ forward by the NYC Parks and It would also eventually con- Sound barriers to block noise Recreation Department to create nect to the western part of the from gunfi re at the range have a passive park area adjacent to park that was also slated for a been a request for shoreline com- the Trump Links Golf Course. facelift. munities, particularly City Island Board members voted 20-7 The $10.7 million plan was re- and Country Club, for a genera- against the proposal, with two cently presented to the board at a tion. members abstaining. November special board meeting Councilman James Vacca, who The city’s plan calls for an by Bronx Parks and Recreation said he spoke with the mayor on open passive park on the 19.5 Commissioner Iris Rodriguez the matter directly, said that he is acres of land that sits along the Rosa. now confi dent that the some funds waterfront just north of the “What the response will be will be in the fi nal city budget for Whitestone Bridge and Ferry Continued on Page 4 next fi scal year, taking effect on Saturday, July 1. “It is very rare that the mayor suggests something in the prelim- inary budget that is not included Construction set for I.S. in the fi nal budget,” said Vacca, who believes that the matter has been high on the mayor’s agenda 192 campus schoolyard and that the project recognizes what police offi cers mean to the community. BY PATRICK ROCCHIO began preliminary construction, The councilman said key fu- An asphalt schoolyard in were Councilman James Vacca ture steps would be to get time- Throggs Neck is set to undergo a and representatives for the Trust tables for the construction and transformation. for Public Land and New York ensuring that the community has A ceremonial groundbreaking Road Runners. input in the design. was held on Friday, January 20 for TPL helped design the play- Vacca called the news a “fan- SCA STEM Lab Takes Root the renovation of the Piagentini ground with student input using tastic fi rst step.” and Jones Educational Campus’ fi nancial support for their work The proposal will create “a St. Catharine Academy celebrated the grand opening of its new state-of- schoolyard. coming from a NYRR donation of modern training environment the-art STEM Lab on Saturday, January 21. The new lab has taken root in- It will see a 1.96 acre asphalt approximately $330,000. that better prepares offi cers,” ac- side the school thanks to the Class of 1966’s generosity. Sr. Ann Welsh, St. yard transformed into a recre- The councilman allocated cording to information from the Catharine Academy principal, blessed the new STEM Lab during the dedi- ational juggernaut for students. $800,000 for the project, and said mayor’s offi ce. cation ceremony. Photo by Silvio Pacifi co Joining schoolchildren at the he is confi dent it will be completed Continued on Page 4 groundbreaking, as work crews Continued on Page 15 A CNG Publication • Vol. 6 No. 4 UPDATEDUPDATED EVERY EVERY DAY DAY AT AT BXTIMES.COM BXTIMES.COM Report: Parkchester, west Bronx have worst roads BY ARTHUR CUSANO maintain roads, it is unaccept- cent) and Fordham South (80.25 Parkchester and the northwest able that these neighborhoods percent). Bronx have the worst streets in are rated so poorly,” stated Co- The report was put together the Bronx, according to a study hen. “Riverdale and Kingsbridge after the Mayor’s Management just released by the NYC Indepen- neighborhoods must be given Report in September stated street dent Budget Offi ce. prioritization once DOT com- qualities have deteriorated in the Parkchester earned the lowest mences the repaving process this past three years, said Giovanella rating in the borough, 30.31 per- spring.” Quintanilla, the person who put cent, meaning just over 30 percent “Our roads are like a war together the report. She stressed of the roads were considered to be zone,” added Dinowitz. “Drivers that the report includes 2014 and in good shape by the NYC Depart- in Riverdale and surrounding 2015 data, but does not include ment of Transportation as of the neighborhoods should not have to 2016 fi gures. end of 2015. spend their entire commute dodg- “The DOT said they have al- Other areas with streets earn- ing potholes and cracks in the ready paved some of those roads,” BRONX WEEKLY January 29, 2017 2 2017 29, January BRONX WEEKLY ing a score below 60 percent road. This creates urgent safety she said. were Mount Hope (59 percent), concerns and causes untold costs DOT offi cials said progress had Kingsbridge Heights (58.74 per- to the city and its residents. The been made since 2015. cent), University Heights-Morris DOT needs to step up and make “This fi scal year we’ve repaved Heights (55.1 percent), Soundview- improvements to our streets be- 110 lane miles so far in the bor- Bruckner (55.01 percent), Spuyten fore they do any more damage.” The streets of Parkchester are the worst in the Bronx, according to a report put ough,” a DOT spokesperson said. Duyvil-Kingsbridge (49.54 per- The assemblyman, who was re- together by the Independent Budget Offi ce using NYC DOT data “This is crucial for the borough cent) and Riverdale-Fieldston cently named chair of a committee street resurfacing is a comprehen- (38.71 percent). tasked with oversight of the MTA, Community News Group/Arthur Cusano sive treatment that addresses a host The IBO is a tax-funded orga- also voiced concern over possible of issues, including reducing the nization that is independent of the damage to the city’s bus fl eet and “As progress continues in the Street conditions have trended amount of potholes that can form on mayor’s offi ce. that poor road conditions would Bronx, I will be working with downwards since 2012, according city streets.” The northwest Bronx’s Coun- cost the city money due to tort DOT to advance transportation to the Mayor’s Management Re- The DOT resurfaced nearly 167 cilman Andrew Cohen and As- claims by motorists who experi- infrastructure in our neighbor- port. lane miles in the Bronx in 2016, and semblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz also ence damage to their cars. hoods,” Cabrera said. The best roads in the borough, 159 lane miles in the last fi scal year. called for the DOT to step up its Councilman Fernando Ca- Citywide, just over 70 percent according to the report, can be That roadwork in recent years road repair schedule. brera chose to see the positive of streets are in good condition, found in the Williamsbridge-Ol- had led to major improvements on “While I understand that the in the report - that 70 percent of while 29 percent are fair and 0.6 inville area, where 81.46 percent some major Bronx thoroughfares, Department of Transportation Bronx streets were in good condi- percent are in poor condition, ac- of roads are good, followed by Al- including Grand Concourse and East www.BXTimes.com has a limited budget to repave and tion. cording to the report. lerton-Pelham Gardens (80.7 per- Tremont Avenue, they added. www.BXTimes.com 3 BRONX WEEKLY January 29, 2017 2017 29, January 3 BRONX WEEKLY SERVING BRONX SAME DAY TOP $ PAID HOUSEHOUSE AND THE ENTIRE SERVICE FOR JUDAICA CALLSCALLS TRI-STATE AREA AVAILABLE COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUESANTIQUES && ESTATEESTATE BUYERSBUYERS We Pay $CASH$ For Paintings, Clocks, Watches, Estate Jewelry & Fine China, From Single Items to Entire Estates! s Coin & Stamp Collections s Costume Jewelry www.BXTimes.com s Antique Furniture s Lamps s Bronzes s Paintings s Prints MOVING or s Chinese & Japanese DOWNSIZING? 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Estimates! $275 million for Rodman’s Neck police fi ring range upgrades from Page 1 the ranges,” said Dolensek, all want the same thing: we “(and) at that point, they all want sound remediation In addition to the six can do the baffl ing.” in that area and we want it ranges, there is $51 million She said she’d like to as soon as possible,” said for a new tactical village see inexpensive temporary Doyle.
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