T f T he Courier-Gazette .!• 4 I ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1892 Number 26. “FIGHTING JOE’S" FRIEND. clothes showed the marks of the enemy's C ITY CH A T. STATE CHAT. PERSONAL POINTS. OUTLOOK. bullets The Cotton Picker. News In and About Our Fair City o Hero Who Won At Glendale, two days after, Gen.Berry Many Maine towns will appropriately Of More or Less Importance to the Admiration. Rockland. Victoria was simply delighted with was temporarily in command of the eolehrnte Columbus Day this year. It [ Reading Public, It has been said that the man who Buffalo Bill and his tronpe. C. F. Whitman of Norway, Me., division—his brigade being in reserve. Politics are getting slightly warmer, will be a good lesson in patriotism and makes two blades of grass grow where history. i Mrs. TI- O. Garcelon nnd daughter of but one grew before is a benefactor to under dato of June 11. wiite9 to the Tbe enemy having broken through our o o The colored boys nre coming to the Lewiston Journal as follows: The old lines in hisvieinity, he threw his brigade Councilman Stephen Chase hns re­ • ’ j Chicago are visiting nt J. P. Fish's, front. Dixon whipped the Englishman. mankind: but far more beneficent is he No one will question the popularity of J Union, who enables the laborer to perform twice militia was the nursery in which were into the broach and held it there till re­ ceived a medal ol honor for his bravery reared some of the finest officers of the inforcements camo up. For three hours in saving two lives. tennis in Skowhegan when il is stated For the first time in tho history of our the labor previously accomplished. that clerks in the stores arise at 4:30 What, then, shall be said of Angus Union Army. It paid for itself a thou­ the battle raged, the confederates charg­ o o Mrs A. M. Fish, three children nnd country both candidates for the Presi­ o’clock in the morning to have a few Campbell, who built the Lone Star Cotton sand times over in the war. From the ing again nnd again, but only to be Some wretched party tied an ornnge maid of Minneapolis, Minn., arrived on dency have been Presidents. games before business hours commence. Picker, which will do the work of twenty officers of the old military companies repulsed. The slaughter was terrible colored ribbon on Garrett Coughlin’s the boat, Wednesday morning, nnd are Anything that will draw clerks out of men, and will enable the American cotton there went forth a host of gallant men on both sides. Again at Fredericksburg dog the other day. guests nt the home of Editor Fish of the There i9 one thing, at least, which the bed nt that hour must have claims to planter to clothe the world and retain the who won renown on fields of blood and Dec. 18, '62, ho prevented the confed­ o o Maine Home Journal. people of this country 9eem to be satis­ popularity, which cannot be questioned. supremacy in furnishing cotton to the whoso deeds are tbe pride and glory of erates from making a successful charge Myron Flye has set up his household fied with, and that is the prico of sugar. • • looms of Europe, which India and Egypt our state today. None gave greater on Franklin’s troops, which movement goods in the Capt. Robert Gregory Tho Creek Siftings of Thomaston has are striving to supply ? General Manager Tucker of the Maine Miss I’laoed Switches nnd General promise of attaining high rank than was highly complimented during a Hag tenement, in the South Maine Railway the following, regarding one of T he The two prime necessities of the human Hiram G. Berry, who organized tho of truce shortly after by Gen. A. P. Hili. Central says the necessary money for Carelessness have joined hands and as a race are clothing and food. The names neighborhood. O.-G.’s most valued scribes and Iriends: Rocklind Guards and became captain of In March, 1863, he was promoted major o o placing tho proposed electric search result railroad horrors have been terri­ of Campbell and McCormick will be light on Mt. Washington has been sub “Dr. 11. C. Levensaler, who is still in linked together on the page of history the company. Many of our people had general and given tho command ol Herbert M. Lord of this city wns bly frequent ol into. General Overhaul­ scribed. The light will be tlie highest practice, has a record which few ol bis long after monuments of marble have failed to note his brilliancy and worth Hooker’s old corps. granted the degree of Master of Arts by ing should be brought to the rescue. crumbled into dust. Four-fifths of the and strongest in the world, nnd will be time outrival. A Thomaston born gen­ as a leader, till they read in the papers At Chancellorsville Gen. Berry gave Colby University, Waterville, at its human race eat wheat or kindred grains. seen from Maine, Massachusetts, New tleman, he chose his profession early in The Chicago World’s Fair people arc McCormick with his harvester has enabled that his military career had been ended his life for his country. He was holding Commencement last week. life, and with a remarkable adaptation Hampshire. Vermont, New York and again in trouble over the poor water the American farmer to feed starving by a Confederate bullet at Chancel-1 “u exposed position with his division o o to his calling. With a persistent effort Europe, showering benefit on those who Canada. supply, it being rumored that the city lorsville and that Gen. Hooker had wept! '»■•> hn<1 gone forward to give some Garrett Coughlin has been showing to succeed, and adding industry to bis harvested and sold, ,/«</ on those who the past week a fine specimen of red supply is sewage polluted. That trouble bought and ate wheat, not forgetting to over his bier saying, “ Why should the ; command, when he was hit near the A big land purchase has just been will, he soon placed himself tlie most granite from Orono Island. It is a very can lie easily remedied by moving the benefit himself, for he was sixteen times a man on whom I relied so much be taken , shoulder by a bullet which passed into made by Senator Eugene Hale of Ells­ trustworthy of his profession, and at the millionaire, and all who have been asso away in this manner.” his vitals. I tie last words of the expir- pretty stone, nnd takes a beautiful exhibition to Rockland. ciated with him in the manufacture of the worth, Hon. D. F. Davis and Mr. Will­ breaking out of the rebellion, enlisted Not so, however, those who knew inti- i *nE hero wero:“I am dying, carry me to polish. harvesters are living in affluence. o o iam Engel of Bangor. It consists of in the service tis a surgeon, from which One Capt. Borup, a military attache Four-fifths of the human race are clad mately the man, as friend and neighbor j rear. ’ three and one-half miles off the south he retired with honors for his skill in in cotton : Campbell’s invention will be a Chief Justice Fuller and family arrived of the American Legation at Pnris, is They had seen his sterling character ami J Tllus posted away, when tho country part of the town of Edinburgh, opposite surgery, and excellent judgment in boon to the poorly clad and naked, and Monday night of last week, en route charged with dealing in documents rel­ formed a just estimate of what he would ' greatly need the services of such men. many severe and trying scenes through will create wealth hot alone for the inven­ for Catnden where they will pass the Passndurukeag, and is covered witli ative to tho French defenses. Il is some­ tor, but for all who own shares in the accomplish ami attain ns the conflict j onG most staunch and able officers which his position called him. He has summer. Mr. Fuller is a boyhood friend hemlock and spruce, which will he cut. thing so very unusual for<i mili ary man Lone Star Cotton-Picker Co., to whom he went on. They saw his promotion with : which our countrv sent out to help tight since been in practice and enjoys a good has assigned his invention, and there will of A. S. Rice, esq, of this city. The price paid is reported to have been to interest himself in military affahs- pride, and rejoiced in his success. 1 lbe battles of constitutional liberty. following from the people ol his native be enough for all. The cotton crop for o o 864,000. that the affair is causing no end of talk. 1S90 was S,652.000 bales. There are 400,- At tho limo of his death he was in ' joe *HOWE ” town, who so long and most favorably 000 more bales in sight today than at a command of General Hooker’s old divls-! ------------- Seem; sort ol lonesome in tbe old City Tlie electric curs on the Waterville and have been associated witli him. Ho has Wo arc indebted to Messrs. Fred E. corresponding date last year, so that the of Richmond offioes on Tillson’s wharf crop o f'91 can be fairly estimated at ion at the head of which he had won , The Fast Pacer Astonishes the Nova Fairfield Line are expected to commence from lime to time enjoyed the confidence Richards &Co., the well known hankers 9000.000 bales; this has cost St 12.500,000 during the Peninsular campaign the j Scotians.
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