DEPARTMENT OF PJBしiC WORKS AND HiGH¥MYS Cont「act Name : Road Widening. IioiIo. Antique Road, KOO14十974 - KOO15+434, KOO15+777 - KOO15+793, KOO15+819 " KOO15+841’KOO15+870 " KOO16十718, Oton’Guimbal, & San Joaquin, lio胸 Location of the Contract Oton, GuimbaI, & San Joaquin, iIoiio 三二二二二轟。WAしL MEN BY,HES. PR.S.N,S CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT 」。国乙。>」で 一箪①∈○○ 之O賀○○⊃由トS之〇〇二で⊃.D 丁hisCONTRACTAGRE馴馴Tmade∴ 25請 dayof: July2019 byandbetween: The GOV轍NMENT OF THE R即UBしiC OF THE PHILIPPiNES冊ough the Depa巾nent of Pu鵬Wol*s and Highmays (DPWH)・ iIoiIo Ist District Enginee血g O鯖ce , reP「eSented herein by NONiE A. VIYAR in her ca申ty as Distriet Enginee「) duly autho「ized fo「 this purpose’ W肌 mai= Of鵬 address at Fort San Pedro' lkfめ Crty he「einafte「 referred to as調PROCURiNG ENTiT‘r; ‥>鵡 一and- G.UYCONSTRUCTION a single praprietorship / pa巾ershjp 蘭画00 Pr: Ventu「e O「ganized and existing u=de「 and by virtue o=aws of the Repu輔c of the珊iippjnes. wi鵬majn o軸; address a: Maruja Buiiding, Bu「gos Street, =o=o City, rePreSented herein by A即N皿ARIOG工N Gene「aI Manage「 , duIy authorized fo子細s p叩OSe, hereinafte「 refe「red to as the “CONTRACTOR容 S音音盲密室一〇8< WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENTITY is desi剛S that the CONTRAC丁OR exe(加e 冊e '.1d艇 ∫磯㌢ 19GFOOO8. Road Widening. 1Ioiio " Antique Road’I(OO14十974. KOO15+434, KOO15+777葛KOO15+793, KOO15+819 " KOO15+841’KOO15十870 - KOO16+718’Oton, GuimbaI’& San Joaquin, I音oilo hereinafter ca帖d the "Works., and請e PROCURING ENTITY has accepted the CaIculated Bid of the CONTRACTOR fo「 the exeoution and cor-1Pkth of請e Wo巾e at ‥SS山之ト音」季 the caIcuiated unit bid prices shown in肌e attached BilI of Quan朋es, O「 a tOtaI COn龍price o佃FIY輸Iしし則SD( HUNDRED SD( THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY"FOUR PESOS & 9O/100 (P5O,606,924J90)加h坤y agrees to COmPlete the contract wi肌in Two Hundred S吋-Seven (267) calenda「 days wh軸shali comr旧説u叩隠遁Pt of寄l訊帥ce虻 P「oceed. 馴LしOFQUAN調和ES iTE鵬NO. �DESC則P¶ON ���たS和議A丁モD �U動け �UH町BiD �皿田D 00側面丁Y ��叩p) �仰山) A「AC ��lLmESFORTHEENclNEER � � � � A・1・1〈8) �P調M (Ren �Si ta �OfFieIdO柿cefo「theE画nee「 asis) �8.90 �○○脚部 �30,調,00 �欝了劃こ亡 B.OTHERCENERAI.REQU!R各軸ENTS ��� � � � B.5 �P「則 �c( �Biifroard/S卸bcard(DPWH) �2,00 �ea丸 �10.(朋.00 �鵜0脚蘭 B.7(1) �Occ �PationalSafetyandHea冊P叩ram ��8.00 �鵬oS. �18.0α).00 �1謙二.豊嶋音.調 B.8(2) �丁昭 �cManagement ��1.00 �mpSu �151,捌.00 �15.賀意〕こi B.9 �Mob �ization/Demob咄ation ��1.00 �爪pSu �250、脚.00 �糊調剤 C.印剛WORKS ��� � � �「 100(3)al �lndMduaiRemova獲ofT「ees(150- 300mm.Dia.〉-Sma= ���30,00 �ea. �十脚▲00 �覚虹早 100(3)裁 �ind師du 500mm ��aiRemovalofT「ees〈301一 .Dia.)-S鵬l菓 �26.00 �ea。 �3.調)-00 �里中 100(3)a3 �IndMd 750m ��IRemovaIofTrees(50十 Dia.)-Sma= �10.(鳩 �e8, �10.聞寡脚 �・珊寸 101(3)b2 �RemovalofAcfual Structu「es/Obstruction-200mm,¶lk. PCCP仙南enfo「cedl ���27.45 �Sq-m■ �1軸一関 �4“’‾5二 101(4〉al �Strucfu「es/Obstruction-610mm.Dia RCPC ���12.00 �し巾 �脚葛00 �井草 」8u竜u出させS盲 101(6) �RemovaIofActuaI Structu「es/Obst山C的n-Cbnc記te ���247,28 �鎮i,m, �450.関 �’’.才で:嶋 10Z(2) �Su申usOOm同nEx飴Ⅵ宣めれ ���5.673,し鳩 �Cu.m. �250,関 �’4「きヱう:ユニ 10きく1)a �S山峡u晦軟cava的n(∽m岬S坤 ���- ●・● �Sq.m �脚,(責〕 �‾“二王Zl薫 104(1)a �EmbankmentfromRoadrayExcavafron (CommonSoii) ���89.87 �CU.爪, �450,00 �4〕,44十軸 CUN丁i ����∪間ON肥灯PA僕 i DEPARTMENT OF PUBしiC WORKS AND間eHWAYS Cont「act lD : 19GFOOO8 Cont「act Name : Road Widening " iioiIo " Antique Road, KOO14+974 ・ KOO15+434, KOO15+777 - KOO15+793, KOO15+819. KOO15+841, KOO15+870 - KOO16+718, Oton, Guimbal, & San Joaquin, iIoilo Location of the Contract Oton, GuimbaI, & San Joaquin, IIoilo 馴LLOFQUAI町mES l丁各MN○○ �DESCRIP¶ON �各S細りA冒モD �UN町 �U南面B!D �丁O丁I山間 〇〇国乙賀>〇七一掃竃①u〇〇 QUA軸丁!「Y ��(Php) �(蘭p) 之O“↑○⊃由トS乙○○川.D 105(1)a �Subg「adePreparation(Common Materials) �11,672.14 �Sq"m・ �60,(職 �700.3勧,40 D.SUBBASEANDBASECOURSE � � � � 200(1) �AggregatesSubbaseCou「se �2,719.20 �cu.m. �1,250.00 �3.399,00.00 E.SURFACECOURSE � � � � 311(1)cl �PortlandCementConc「etePavement (Jnreinforced),230mmTHK.-14Days �3,948.00 �Sq"m・ �1,715.00 �6.汀O,820.00 ‥シ由 311(1)fl �PortIandCeme[tConcretePavement (Jnreinforced),300mmTHK.-14Days �8,055.05 �Sq・m" �2,220.00 �17.鎚2i21十00 G,DRAINAGEANDSLOPEPROTEC¶ONSTRUCTURE �� � �t 500(1〉a3 �PipeCuiverts,910mm.DiaRCPC-Class= �18.00 �m. �5,400.00 �印棚田 500(3〉bl �しinedCanaI,Rectanguia「-Concrete �2,632.00 �I.m. �2,抑.00 �6「制.脚さ.調 502(3〉a3 �CatchBasins-0,91m.Dia. �2.00 �ea �15.(朋,00 �梯「脚;鵜 506(1〉 �StoneMasony �878.28 �00.同. �6.000.00 �5臆捌輔論 H.MISCELuINEOUSSTRUCTURES � � � � 600(7) �Cu「bandG皿e「,Precast �2,632.00 �i鵜, �2{朋.00 �与。捌音〕薫∵鷺 603(3)al �MetalGuardra町MetaIBeam〉Including G.IPost,W-Beam �130.00 �鵬. �3、抑,00 �特撮〕‥! 603(4)b �MetaIBeamEndPiece,Bu=Nose �20.00 �ea �3,㈱.00 �ま∴裏東予 612(1) �Re¶ectorizedThemopはs僧cPavement MarkingsW間e �572.83 �Sq、m〃 �1、抑,00 �∵叫三寸 ‥SS山之」鵜き X〃X.X.NOTHllIcFor⊥OWS。X.X.X 丁O丁l」 ����卿.耽蛸持 」8雪盲u山も七S香 DPWH-INFR-51 -2016 DEPARTMENT OF PuBLiC WORKS AND HicHWAYS Contract Name : Road胴dening " IIoiIo " Antique Road, KOO14す974 " KOO15+434, KOO15+777 " KOO15+793, KOO15+819. KOO15+841, KOO15+870. KOO16十718’Oton, Guimba看, & San Joaquin, IIoiIo >皿.〇〇〇は童雪音S串を。>」<Location of the Contract Oton, Guimba!, & San Joaquin, iIojlo ○○00館 W, TH駅EFORE直「 and conside「ation of the foregoing p「emises, the parties he「eto agree as foIb鵬: 之O賀○○⊃由トS之〇〇二でっ.D 計器盤‡諾駕諾霊書誌d expressions shaI- have the same meanings as a「e画ely asngnedio ife佃fe 2. The fo=owing docume=tS Sha= be attached, deemed to fom, a=d be read and construed as part of this CONTRACT AG膝日南測T and sha= be interpreted in the fo=owing orde「 of p軸ty: ‥シ鑓 a・ This Cont「act Ag「eement b. Docume[tS foming part of the Cont「act Agreement: (1) Notice of Awa「d (NOA)聞出he Contracto「s signed ’confome’ (2〉 coNTRACTOR’s Bid in the Fom of Bid' including its Technica- and師ncial Cbmponents as c御地b膏t _ Entity and confomed to by the CONTRACTOR through the NOA. (3) lns血ctions to Bidde「s (ITB〉 and Bid Data Sheet (BDS) (4〉 SuppiementaVBid Bulleti[S fo「 Bidding Doouments ‥SS山之いざ手 (5) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) (6〉 Gene「ai Conditions of Cont「act (GCC) (7〉 Specifications (8〉 D「awi[gS (9) Perfomance Securty 〈10) Othe「 Documents: (a〉 Cons血Ction Methods (b〉 construction ScheduIe in the fom of PERT/CPM Diag「am o「間ence Diagram and Bar軸art ut` S-C肌e r rg approved tooIs of p叫iect scheduling, and Cash F10W. (C) Manpowe「 Schedule (d〉 Equipment U細zation Scheduie S由之- (e〉 Construetion Safety and Hea伽Program i=脚y approved by the Heed of the Prc耽mg E畔y d漢」喜田d山国卜は〇°工面つd山缶 〈f) CONTRACTOR’s AII Risk lnsu「a=ce (CARi) 3. In conside「ation of the payments to be made by the PROCURINe ENT什Y to the CONTRACTOR as heren毅e叩er±糞 CONTRACTOR hereby covenants with the PROCu則NG ENl¶Y to execute and ∞mPkate the Wcks a同剛eq any cg竜雲鷲で「 in conformfty w軸the p「ovisions of this CONTRACT AGR駈ME晴in a旧es画S. ‥トロ DPWH-1NFR-51 -2016 DEPARTM馴T OF PUBしiC WORKS AND HICHWAYS Conl「ac† ID i きo食重心〇〇〇 Cont「act Name ‥ Road Widening. iioilo - Antique Road, KOO14+974 " KOO15+434, KOO15+777 - KOO15十793, KOO15+819. KOO15十841’KOO15十870 " KOO16十718’Oton’Guimbai, & San Joaquin, lioiio Looation of the Cont「act Oton, Guimbai, & San Joaquin, IIoilo 4. In conside「ation of the execution a=d completion of the Works by the CONTRACTOR, the PR∝URING帥mY he「eby covenants to Pay the CONTRACTOR the面t匝es in the CONTRACTOR’s Calculated Bid, aS aPPiied to the actual q脚部es ac∞mpEshed as Ce珊ed by the PROCURING ENTiTY unde「 the provisions of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, at the t巾s and m小e manner P「eSCribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. IN WITNESS WH駅EOF, the parties he「eto set their respective hands on the day, mOnth and yea「 first above Witten, PROCURING ENTiTY: CO NTRACTOR: Rep「esented by: Represented by: AしⅥ N OG章UY District Enginee「 Gen 闘a9e「 /無言→ REPJBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES CITY OF ILOILO 〉 X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-×-×-X ACKNOWしEDcEMENT BEFORE ME, aS the Nota「y Pubiic for and w師n the 阿封坤音 翻 (恥部精霊避即諾轟音藷間誓書NONiE A. VIYAR, Dis価ct Engineer,∴rep「ese軸g 仙e RE剛BLIC OF THE 軸山間お W甲 Residence Ce棚cate N o. known to me to be the sane persons u庇 敦e弾奏二 鵠∴n。 」架藷÷ they acknowledged to me that the same IS 廿前 1e a(= deed for and in behaIf of the parties they 「epresented. This inst田ment Of consisting of fou「 (4〉 pages induding 皿s page, on wh前 曲s わや is w冊en duly signed by the cont「acting 鮒ma画n of伽e o請餅P勾鎧 Doc,No 辞/ク ; 餌草書ニ 器器量≒, し崇‾’二 Series of 2019 p丁∴.二: 脇差二二一一一二二言霊二期 的鵬的牛山商品鞠珊瑚 DPWH-1NFR-51 -201 6.
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