DGXIII Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research *** * * * * * * ISSUE NUMBER 2/93 ________*•* ___. XIII Magazine n°11 ~ezvs Reviezv Council conclusions: INTERNAL MARKET increased European RTD cooperation. Green light for liberalisation of vocal telephony The conclusions of the Presidency of On 16 June in Luxembourg, the present its views on a coherent frame­ the European Council, delivered at Ministers of Telecommunications of the work for a Community telecommunic­ the Copenhagen meeting of 21-22 CEC confirmed that the Member ations policy by the end of 1995. June 1993, set out among other States are determined to achieve total topics the importance of increased liberalisation of vocal telephony by the At the end of the meeting Arne European cooperation in the field of end of 1998. Melchior, Danish Minister for research and development. Communications and President of the Under the terms of the resolution Council, stressed the following: "The The council proposed the following : adopted by the Twelve, four countries - fact of allowing certain delegations to * 3% of GNP to go to R&D and Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland - have time delays is not a sign of a innovation (ie a 1% increase) will benefit from a delay of five years "two-speed Europe", which would be a * concerted action in areas which maximum to make adjustments to the negative vision of the European or of can complement the policies of tarifs before putting liberalisation into its cohesion". Member States and businesses; action. * creation of European frameworks On the contrary, he continued, "It is for business-to-business cooperation The Commission is committed to hel­ the proof that we are taking account of to help them harness innovation ping these countries to speed up these the prevailing circumstances. There and adapt production processes; adaptations. Countries with very are some specific technical areas for small networks, like Luxembourg, can which certain countries will be granted A new technological revolution is benefit from a derogation of two years transition periods: this proves that we focusing on the common information in this. The Commission furthermore are sufficiently sensible and realistic to area. In order to keep pace, Europe accepted the request from Belgium to go beyond the existing situation. And must create a decentralized economy keep in mind the specific situation of just to underline the point again: there with a properly trained workforce small networks. is nothing to stop the more advanced and an abundance of small and countries from going on ahead; they medium-sized businesses cooperat­ The Twelve reaffirmed their willing­ don't have to wait till January 1998 to ing with each another, and a ness to liberalise, but underlined the make headway on the road to liberal­ European information infrastruct­ importance of maintaining a universal isation". ure to serve as the real artery of the service, and of progressive structural economy of the future and stimulate adjustments, notably in setting tariffs, the information industry (telecom­ in order to make allowances for the THIS ISSUE munications, computers, fibre­ specific difficulties of peripheral optics, etc.) with the prospect of regions with less developed and very INTERNAL MARKET abundant supply. small networks. 1-4 Training courses for these new The Twelve deferred until later the PROGRAMMES IN ACTION skills must also be set up, and dis­ question of opening the private user, 5-21 tance working by computer encour­ networks to public supply, as well as STANDARDISATION aged, not only for people in the data­ that of liberalising infrastructures and 21 processing industry itself but also telecommunications networks. EUROPEAN DIMENSION for those in education, medicine, These latter will both come under the 22 social services, environmental prot­ aegis of a Green Paper which the ection, urban planning and those Commission has been invited to present PUBLICATIONS dealing with important social issues by 1995. The Council also noted in its 23 such as the prevention of disease, resolutions that it awaits a Green Paper AGENDA drug abuse and crime. on mobile communications. Finally, the 24 Twelve have invited the Commission to Fourth Framework Programme for Community research and technological development (1994-1998) On Wednesday 16th June 1993 the Japan), the fourth framework pro­ structured fashion on transport, the Commission adopted its proposal for gramme sets out to make the transi­ problems linked to evaluating techno­ the Fourth Framework Programme tion from a package of Community logies, and social issues; (1994-1998) for Community research RTD activities to a Community policy * improved dissemination of research and technological development (RTD). in this field. findings, in particular to SMEs (net­ works, European infrastructure for The Fourth Framework Programme, With a view, then, to making maxi­ technology transfer, etc.) in order to which is designed to cover all mum use of the resources available, improve the record of European compa­ Community research activities bet­ increasing the economic spin-offs and nies in translating scientific break­ ween 1994 and 1998 and thus ensure thus helping to make European indus­ throughs into commercial success. greater coherence, will be the last fra­ try more competitive and enhancing mework programme to be implemented the quality of life, this framework pro­ In addition, the framework programme in its entirety before the end of the cen­ gramme will give priority, in the light will endeavour to: tury. The proposal, which is being of the conclusions of the Edinburgh launched against a background of deep European Council, to ensuring: * develop the links between research economic crisis and profound change * greater integration between national and education/training by undertaking on the international scene, is part of a and Community RTD activities, in par­ research for the first time into educ­ major Community plan to revitalize ticular by means of improved coordina­ ation and training needs and methods, the economy and stimulate employ­ tion of Member States participation in in order to better equip education sys­ ment. major international projects and with tems to meet the demand for an in­ the research conducted by various crease and improvement in the level of The Commission has earmarked an European organizations (ESA, CERN, training offered in Europe; overall amount of ECU 13.1 billion for etc.); the fourth framework programme to * closer cooperation between * better exploit the scope for synergy enable Community research to make a Community RTD activities and those between research policy and policy on significant contribution to achieving carried out under EUREKA, with par­ economic and social cohesion, while these goals. ticular emphasis on strategic projects respecting the specific nature of each, which combine the development of key in a bid to reduce the considerable In order to rise to the challenge posed technologies with research which is structural disparities which exist in by American and Japanese RTD policy close to the market; RTD within the Community; and make up the ground lost by the * greater concentration of RTD activity Europeans as regards research intensi­ within each sector on a smaller num­ * seek greater flexibility in the frame­ ty (2% of Community DGP in 1991 ber of problems and generic technolo­ work programme itself, the specific compared with 2.8% in the United gies with a multi-sector impact, parti­ programmes, and the work pro­ States and 3% in Japan) and human cularly in the field of industrial techno­ grammes, in order to enable the resources (an average of 4.3 research­ logies, but also in the field of life Community to respond quickly to new ers per 1 OOO members of the workforce sciences and technologies. For the first scientific and technological changes. as against 7.5 in the United States and time research will be conducted in a Research council on fourth Framework Programme At its meeting on 30 June 1993, the implementation and improved manage­ lines for receipt of proposals and the Research Council proceeded to an in­ ment of the framework programme in start of selected projects, as well as the depth debate on the Fourth order to ensure that its objectives are provision of information to applicants Framework Programme of Community fully met. of non-selected proposals. activities in the field ofRTD. Simplification and harmonisation of The Council, wishing to take a view on The Council focused its debate specifi­ procedures and tools for programme this issue as soon as possible, noted the cally on the global financial amount implementation were also emphasized Commission's intention to assess in (ECU 13.1 billion) to be committed to in order to facilitate participation in further detail the possible benefits and the programme and on the breakdown Community research programmes, par­ disadvantages of decentralized mana­ of financial resources between the four ticularly by SMEs, and to allow for gement and possible further concrete different activities (RTD programmes, smooth, transparent and timely implem­ measures that could be taken in this international cooperation, disseminat­ entation of the Framework Programme. field. According to the Council, new ion ofresults, training and mobility). On this point the Council welcomed the types of activities, for example them­ regular circulation by the Commission atic networks of excellence, concerta­ The management
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