Discovering Alabama Teacher’s Guide Mobile River Basin Suggested Curriculum Areas Science Synopsis Geography Social Studies he Mobile River Basin is the drainage basin for the major- T ity of Alabama’s landscape. It includes seven major river systems that drain portions of ten physiographic regions in four Suggested Grade Levels states, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Tennessee. This video 4 –12 takes viewers on a journey across the reaches of the Mobile River Basin to highlight its history and examine why it is considered one of the most naturally-diverse areas in the world. Key Concepts Along the way, various experts describe the fauna of the River Basin Basin and explain environmental changes that today make the Natural Diversity Ecosystem Basin one of the most rapidly declining natural systems in the United States. The program features guest appearances by former U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Bruce Babbitt, and rep- Key Skills resentatives of several Alabama environmental organizations Map Reading including the Mobile River Basin Coalition, a unique collabo- Research & Reporting rative of differing interest groups working for consensus solu- tions to problems affecting the Basin. Discovering Alabama is a production of the Alabama Museum of Natural History in cooperation with Alabama Public Television. For a complete list of titles in the Discovering Alabama series, as well as for information about ordering videos and accompanying Teacher’s Guides, contact us at either: Discovering Alabama, Box 870340, Tu scaloosa AL 35487–0340; phone: 205–348–2036; fax: 205–348–4219; or email: [email protected]. Also visit our website: www.discoveringalabama.org. This program was produced with support from the following organizations: Printed on recycled paper #35 Mobile River Basin ©Doug Phillips, 2000; revised 2004 Before Viewing local tributaries to the major river in your area, but also to trace the major 1. Using a map of Alabama rivers river along its entire course to (see Additional References and the Gulf of Mexico. Does your Resources) or a good road map, have community lie within the Mo- the class determine the closest major bile River Basin (does your river river to your school. Identify tributaries eventually join with the Mobile to this river that may flow very near the River thus making its way to school or local community. Trace the the Gulf via Mobile Bay)? What routes of these tributaries, taking note can you determine about land- of significant features along the routes use conditions along the route (significant land features, bridges, high- your river follows to the Gulf? ways, industrial parks, subdivisions, 2. Have students work in etc.). their small groups to com- 2. Conduct a brainstorm session pile lists of reasons why the Mobile River to identify various kinds of prob- Basin is special and reasons why the Ba- lems and pollution that might affect sin is in environmental decline. Refer to your major river as a consequence of the back page of this Guide for further land-use activity along its tributaries. information. Discuss student recom- Discuss whether these harmful effects mendations that can be applied broadly The Mobile River Basin are preventable. Place students in small across the entire Mobile River Basin to groups with the assignment that each help restore and maintain its natural group write recommendations for pre- qualities and native species. venting such problems along the river and its tributaries. Excellent resources Extensions to augment this exercise are the Discov- View other Discovering Alabama ering Alabama videos, “Cahaba River 1. Watershed,” “Village Creek,” “Locust videos that pertain to streams in Fork River,” and “Black Warrior River,” the Mobile River Basin. Use your map Philosophical Reflections and their accompanying Teacher’s to locate and trace these streams from Guides. their origins, or sources, to convergence The video presents the Mobile River with the Mobile River. Each Alabama Basin’s significant size and natural di- While Viewing river has its own interesting history. Have versity and makes the point that, be- students pretend to be investigative re- cause of such an abundance of nature, Have students note reasons why the porters and take on the assignment of the Basin is at special risk of suffering Mobile River Basin is a special region researching and reporting the history of environmental losses as human activi- and reasons why it is considered to be a stream in your area. ties occur in the Basin. This observa- in environmental decline. Invite someone from a local tion has been used on occasion by those 2. Video Mystery Question: Tell the environmental agency or organi- who contend that environmental losses class that “the Mobile River Basin has zation to come to class and discuss ideas in the Basin are therefore inevitable (be- lots of muscle.” The mystery question for maintaining the environmental cause human activities are inevitable). they are to solve is: Why does the Basin health of streams and watersheds in your Do you think this also means that envi- have “lots of muscle”? (Answer: The area. Be sure that students’ recommen- ronmental losses in the Basin are Basin has lots of mussel species.) dations/ideas are considered in the dis- unavoidable and excusable? What un- cussion. derlying assumptions about man and After Viewing nature might apply to different perspec- tives on this question? What might be 1. Have students once again ex- the logical extension (ultimate conse- amine the map of Alabama riv- quences) of these differing perspectives ers. This time ask them to note not only with regard to the long term future of the Mobile River Basin? Discovering Alabama Nature in Art Complementary Aids Geological Survey of Alabama, Box and Activities 869999, Tuscaloosa AL 35486–9999; As our nation was settled 205–349–2852. and developed, artists worked Project Learning Tree, Activity Guide, NatureSouth, Vol. 3, no. 1, is devoted to capture the wild beauty of grades 7–12; Activity: “Water We Do- to Alabama rivers. Order from Ala- native America. For example, Albert ing.” Project Learning Tree, Activity bama Museum of Natural History, Bierstadt is known for his grand paint- Guide, grades Pre-K–8; Activities: “Wa- Box 870340, Tuscaloosa AL 35487– ings of the Western landscape and John ter Wonders” and “Watch on Wetlands.” 0340. James Audubon for his intricate, life-size Alabama Forestry Association, 555 Ala- Alabama Rivers Alliance, 700 28th renderings of birds. bama Street, Montgomery AL 36104. Street South, Suite 202G, Birming- Today, such inspiring artistry con- Project WILD Aquatic, Grades 6–12, “Ri- ham AL 35233; 205-322-6395; tinues to be produced by a number of parian Retreat.” Alabama Department www.alabamarivers.org Alabamians, each with his/her own spe- of Conservation & Natural Resources, cial talents. One of these is photogra- 64 N. Union Street, Montgomery AL pher Beth Maynor Young, who has spent 36130; 334–242–3623. Parting Thoughts part of her career capturing the wonders Ground Truth Studies Project, Unit III, Ac- Toward the end of the video, a guest scientist of Alabama rivers, including rivers tivity #2: “Make a Watershed Model.” asserts that preserving selected portions of rivers within the Mobile River Basin. Contact Environmental Studies, The University of is not enough to protect overall river health. Beth at www.cahabariverpublishing.com Alabama–Huntsville, Room 201, Wilson He adds that Alabama rivers and river to find out more about her work. Hall, Huntsville AL 35899. ecosystems will continue to decline if uncontrolled growth and development are Alabama’s Environmental Legacy Guide, allowed to proliferate in the surrounding Community Connections grades 3–5, “How Strong are Your ‘Mus- watersheds. sels’?” Water Sourcebook, Activity No doubt this scientist’s views are in 1. Arrange to become a certified Guide, grades 3–5, “Shedding Light on conflict with the views of at least a few folks member of the Alabama Water Watersheds.” Both from Legacy, Inc., who seek expanded development in our state. Watch Program (see Additional Refer- P. O. Box 3813, Montgomery AL After all, Alabama has many struggling ences and Resources). With Water 36109; 800–240–5115. communities in great need of economic Watch assistance, have your class “adopt” development. And certainly, it would be ill- advised to hastily establish new restrictions to a local stream and conduct regular moni- Additional References toring of stream/water conditions. Con- hinder needed development. However, given and Resources all indications for potential growth and change tact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, coming our way, the time may be past due to the Geological Survey of Alabama, and Alabama Water Watch, c/o Water Division, acknowledge the validity of the scientist’s core the Alabama Department of Conserva- Alabama Department of Environmental point—our rivers will continue to decline if tion and Natural Resources (see Comple- Management, 1751 Cong. W.L. Dickin- we fail to maintain the extensive wildlands mentary Aids and Activities & Addi- son Drive, Montgomery AL 36130. and rural countrysides that are essential to the tional References and Resources) for in- “Alabama’s Water Resources,” a poster fea- environmental health of river systems. formation about the status of aquatic spe- turing Alabama’s rivers. Available from Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Allow me to cies that inhabit your local stream. Legacy, Inc., P.O. Box 3813, Montgom- offer some unconventional advice to fellow Alabamians concerned about environmental 2. Have the class produce a slide ery AL 36109; 800–240–5115. or video program featuring your The Fishes of Alabama and the Mobile quality: You might find it helpful to check out the makeup of local governing bodies. local stream and its watershed. The pro- Basin by Maurice Mettee, et al (1996). Frequently, development interests are the gram might highlight special natural Mobile River Basin Aquatic Ecosystem Re- dominating influence on city councils and qualities and existing environmental covery Plan, available from Fish and county commissions.
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