Volume 12 - Number 4 June – July 2016 £4 TTHISHIS ISSUEISSUE: MMigrantigrant aandnd RRefugeeefugee CrisisCrisis ● A cchallengehallenge forfor EuropeEurope ● DDon’ton’t closeclose thethe doors!doors! ● TThroughhrough thethe lookinglooking glassglass ofof a troublingtroubling rapprochementrapprochement ● MMigrationigration ccontrolontrol isis nnotot a securitysecurity policypolicy ● KKickingicking awayaway thethe migrationmigration ladder?ladder? ● EEndurancendurance andand hopehope iinn thethe ‘‘hothot sspot’pot’ ● BBetweenetween thethe devildevil andand thethe deep,deep, blueblue seasea ● MMigrationigration museumsmuseums ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews andand eventsevents inin LondonLondon Volume 12 - Number 4 June – July 2016 £4 TTHISHIS IISSUESSUE: MMigrantigrant aandnd RRefugeeefugee CrisisCrisis ● A cchallengehallenge fforor EEuropeurope ● DDon’ton’t ccloselose tthehe ddoors!oors! ● TThroughhrough tthehe llookingooking gglasslass ooff a ttroublingroubling rrapprochementapprochement ● MMigrationigration ccontrolontrol iiss notnot a ssecurityecurity policypolicy ● KKickingicking aawayway tthehe mmigrationigration lladder?adder? ● EEndurancendurance aandnd hhopeope inin tthehe ‘hot‘hot spot’spot’ ● BBetweenetween tthehe ddevilevil aandnd thethe ddeep,eep, blueblue seasea ● MMigrationigration museumsmuseums ● PPLUSLUS RReviewseviews aandnd eventsevents inin LLondonondon Tammam Azzam, ‘Damascus from Bon Voyage Series’, About the London Middle East Institute (LMEI) 2013. Courtesy of Ayyam Gallery and the artist T e London Middle East Institute (LMEI) draws upon the resources of London and SOAS to provide teaching, training, research, publication, consultancy, outreach and other services related to the Middle Volume 12 - Number4 East. It serves as a neutral forum for Middle East studies broadly def ned and helps to create links between individuals and institutions with academic, commercial, diplomatic, media or other specialisations. June – July 2016 With its own professional staf of Middle East experts, the LMEI is further strengthened by its academic Editorial Board membership – the largest concentration of Middle East expertise in any institution in Europe. T e LMEI also Professor Nadje Al-Ali has access to the SOAS Library, which houses over 150,000 volumes dealing with all aspects of the Middle SOAS East. LMEI’s Advisory Council is the driving force behind the Institute’s fundraising programme, for which Dr Hadi Enayat it takes primary responsibility. It seeks support for the LMEI generally and for specif c components of its AKU programme of activities. Ms Narguess Farzad SOAS LMEI is a Registered Charity in the UK wholly owned by SOAS, University of London (Charity Mrs Nevsal Hughes Registration Number: 1103017). Association of European Journalists Professor George Jof é Cambridge University Mission Statement: Ms Janet Rady Janet Rady Fine Art Mr Barnaby Rogerson T e aim of the LMEI, through education and research, is to promote knowledge of all aspects of the Middle Ms Sarah Searight East including its complexities, problems, achievements and assets, both among the general public and with British Foundation for the Study those who have a special interest in the region. In this task it builds on two essential assets. First, it is based in of Arabia London, a city which has unrivalled contemporary and historical connections and communications with the Dr Sarah Stewart SOAS Middle East including political, social, cultural, commercial and educational aspects. Secondly, the LMEI is Dr Shelagh Weir at SOAS, the only tertiary educational institution in the world whose explicit purpose is to provide education Independent Researcher and scholarship on the whole Middle East from prehistory until today. Professor Sami Zubaida Birkbeck College Coordinating Editor Megan Wang LMEI Staff : SSubscriptions:ubscriptions: Listings Vincenzo Paci Director Dr Hassan Hakimian To subscribe to T e Middle East in London, please visit: Designer Executive Of cer Louise Hosking www.soas.ac.uk/lmei/af liation/ or contact the Shahla Geramipour Events and Magazine Coordinator Vincenzo Paci LMEI of ce. Administrative Assistant Aki Elborzi T e Middle East in London is published f ve times a year by the London Middle Letters to the Editor: East Institute at SOAS Publisher and Please send your letters to the editor at Editorial Of ce Disclaimer: the LMEI address provided (see lef panel) T e London Middle East Institute or email [email protected] SOAS Opinions and views expressed in the Middle East University of London MBI Al Jaber Building, in London are, unless otherwise stated, personal 21 Russell Square, London WC1B 5EA views of authors and do not ref ect the views of their United Kingdom organisations nor those of the LMEI and the MEL's T: +44 (0)20 7898 4330 E: [email protected] Editorial Board. Although all advertising in the www.soas.ac.uk/lmei/ magazine is carefully vetted prior to publication, the ISSN 1743-7598 LMEI does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of claims made by advertisers. Contents LMEI Board of Trustees 4 19 Baroness Valerie Amos (Chair) EDITORIAL Migration museums Director, SOAS Sarah Searight Professor Richard Black, SOAS 5 Dr John Curtis Iran Heritage Foundation INSIGHT 21 Dr Nelida Fuccaro, SOAS T e global refugee crisis: a REVIEWS Mr Alan Jenkins challenge for Europe FILM Dr Karima Laachir, SOAS Valerie Amos T e Crossing Dr Dina Matar, SOAS Megan Wang Dr Hanan Morsy European Bank for Reconstruction 7 and Development MIGRANT AND REFUGEE 23 Dr Barbara Zollner Birkbeck College CRISIS CD Don’t close the doors! Reem Kelani: Live at the LMEI Advisory Council Philippe Fargues Tabernacle Paul Hughes-Smith Lady Barbara Judge (Chair) 9 Professor Muhammad A. S. Abdel Haleem T rough the looking glass of a 24 H E Khalid Al-Duwaisan GVCO Ambassador, Embassy of the State of Kuwait troubling rapprochement BOOKS Mrs Haifa Al Kaylani Suf sm and Surrealism Arab International Women’s Forum Jean-Pierre Cassarino Dr Khalid Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Barnaby Rogerson President, University College of Bahrain 11 Professor Tony Allan King’s College and SOAS Migration control is not a 25 Dr Alanoud Alsharekh Senior Fellow for Regional Politics, IISS security policy Aleppo: T e Rise and Fall of Mr Farad Azima Michael Collyer Syria’s Great Merchant City NetScientif c Plc Robert Irwin Dr Noel Brehony MENAS Associates Ltd. 13 Professor Magdy Ishak Hanna 26 British Egyptian Society Kicking away the migration HE Mr Mazen Kemal Homoud ladder? BOOKS IN BRIEF Ambassador, Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Hassan Hakimian Mr Paul Smith 29 Chairman, Eversheds International 15 IN MEMORIAM Founding Patron and Endurance and hope in the ‘hot Zaha Hadid (1950-2016) Donor of the LMEI Pamela Karimi Sheikh Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber spot’ MBI Al Jaber Foundation Nisrine Jaafar 31 17 EVENTS IN LONDON Between the devil and the deep, blue sea Anthony Robinson June – July 2016 The Middle East in London 3 EEDITORIALDITORIAL © P Black/19Princelet Street © P DDearear RReadereader Over the sea to safety. An image of the Huguenot diaspora 300 years ago, which resonates powerfully today. Photograph by P Black/19Princelet Street Nevsâl Hughes, George Joff é, MEL Editorial Board ccording to the United Nations Since the crisis in the Middle East has London Middle East Institute, highlights a High Commission for Refugees fuelled a large part of the current state of neglected aspect of the current crisis: how (UNHCR), around 1.4 million af airs, we have devoted this issue of the these events have also led to the denigration Amigrants and refugees travelled to Europe magazine to examining the human and of economic migrants and a negative by sea in 2015. A further 200,000 have political implications of this crisis. Although depiction of economic migration in general. followed in the f rst four months of this year politicians and some analysts seek to Nisrine Jaafar and Anthony Robinson alone. T ese include an estimated 10,000 discuss refugees and migrants as separate, if highlight the human tragedy involved with unaccompanied children, many of whom interrelated, categories of displaced people, tales from the front line (from Lesbos in have since disappeared. Two thousand have under current circumstances they are facets Greece and Grande-Synthe in northern drowned, mainly whilst trying to cross to of a common crisis and should, therefore, be France, respectively), a theme that is also Italy from North Africa. In short, it is not treated together. T ey both, af er all, ref ect ref ected in Megan Wang’s review of a f lm only the f ow of refugees across the Aegean the greatest challenge that Europe has faced of what the crossing of the Mediterranean that is the problem, Libya’s migrant f ows to the integrity of its external border. means in practice. Sarah Searight visits the cause equal anxiety in European capitals. In Insight in this issue, Valerie Amos – Museum of Immigration and Diversity in Newspaper headlines in Europe are the Director of SOAS – provides a critical Spitalf elds as an initiative to remind us of dominated by the plight of the refugees overview of the challenge the crisis has the role that migration has played in our f eeing war zones, by frantic political deals posed for Europe, whilst Philippe Fargues history. to contain migration, or by fury over examines the consequences of Europe’s T e issue concludes with our usual Turkish demands for €3 billion and visa- closed-door policies for the security of both review of recent books on the Middle East, free entry to the
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