MEMORANDUM TO: SENATOR November 20, 1986 FROM: Dan RE: Your Legislative Accomplishments, 1959-1986 Pinal Version [see pp. 15 - 21 for 1985-86] 1959 (86th Congress, First Session): [Supported efforts to establish and fund the East-West Center] 1960 (86th Congress, Second S e ssion ): PL 86-472, the Mutual Security Act of 1960. Chapter VII = Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange Between East and West Act o f 1960. PL 86-485, DKI's H.J. Res. 546, authorizing the Architect of the Capitol to present the Congress with the first official flag of the United States bearing 50 stars which is flown over the West Front of the Capitol. PL 86-624, DKI's H. R. ll602, Hawaii Omnibus Act, elim inating obsolete or inapplicable references to the "Territory of Hawaii" and/or "the continental United States" from numerous statutes. 1961 (87th Congress, F ir s t S e ssion): PL 87-204, DKI's H. R. 1794, providing for the conveyance of certain real property (Halawa and Moanalua) to the State of H a w a ii. 1962 (87th Congress, Second S e ssion ): PL 87-654, DKI’s HR 7278, authorizing the State of Hawaii to lease sell or exchange portions of the Kahului, Wailuku, Maui conveyance which are not required for airport purposes (9 /1 0 /6 2 ). [Mohole] 1963 (88th Congress, F ir s t Session): PL 88-132, H. R. 5555 M ilitary Pay B ill: DKI cosponsor. Legislative Accomplishments Page 2 PL 88-210, incorporated DKI’s S. 373 as amendment to HR 4955, a b ill to expand vocational education: Inouye amendment accepted making designating state-operated laboratory schools within the meaning of public schools covered by the National Defense Education Act. PL 88-233, DKI’s S. 2275, the Hawaii Land B ill, returning Sand Island to the State and indefinitely extending the August 21, 1964 deadline for returning surplus ceded lands. PL 88-309, S. 627 (Cosponsor): Commercial Fisheries research appropriations b ill: $35, 000 of $8. 5 m illion to be made available to Hawaii. 1964 (88th Congress, Second S e ssio n ): PL 88-449, DKI and Fong's S. 1991, Incorporating the National Tropical Botanical Garden (8/19/64). PL 88-584, DKI and Fong's S. 692, authorizing the establishment of a Federal Agriculture program for Guam (9/7/64). 1965 ( 89th Congress, First Session): PL 89- 296 , S. J. Res. 32, 10/27/65: FulbrIght and Inouye resolution to authorize a contribution to certain inhabitants of the Ryukyu Islands for the use of their island, for death and injury to local persons, and for damages stemming from the presence of US troops from August 15, 1845 to April 12, 1952. 1966 (89th Congress, Second Session): 1967 (90th Congress, F ir s t S ession): PL 90-110, M ilitary Construction Authorization Act for FY 1968, included DKI amendment prohibiting the DOD from selling, leasing, or disposing of Fort DeRussy unless authorized by act of Congress. PL 90-142, DKI's S. 423, authorizing the payment by the United States of $172, 000 to defray some of the construction costs at Manele Bay, Lanai, Hawaii. (11/16/67) [L e sio n removed from l e f t lung, May 23] 1968 (90th Congress, Second Session): [Keynote Speech, 1968 Democratic Convention] Legislative Accomplishments Page 3 1969 (91st Congress, First Session): P riv a te Law 91-3, May 1, 1969: fo r the r e l i e f o f Yuko Fukunaga. 1970 (91st Congress, Second S e ssio n ): PL91-353, 7/24/70: DKI's S. 1520, Newspaper Preservation Act. PL 91-384, 8/l8/70, S. 2484, authorizing marketing agreements for the advertising of Hawaiian papayas. DKI sponsor. P L 9 1 - 4 2 7 , D KI ' s S. 3 15 3, a u t h o r i z i n g I n t e r i o r a n d t h e Smithsonian to spend money and work with Guam, American Samoa, the Trust Territories, and the State of Hawaii, to protect and conserve their coral reefs. (9/26/70). PL 91-477: DKI assisted passage of b ill authorizing an Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Tourism to head the U. S. Travel Service and creating the National Tourism Resources Review Commission (NTRRC). PL 91-561, incorporated DKI’s S. 3162 in HR l4684, to waive the statute of limitations with respect to certain claims against the United States by the State of Hawaii (12/19/70). PL 91-564, DKI's b ill S. 4l87, conveying certain landsat Fort Ruger M ilitary Reservation to the State of Hawaii. 12/19/70. PL 91-659, Internal Revenue Code Amendments ACT, included S. l868, DKI'S b ill approving a separate occupational tax. for limited retail dealers in distilled spirits (1/8/71, HR 10517). Private Law 91-174, DKI's S. 3265, for the relief of Mrs Ani ta Ordillas (10/15/70). P r iv a t e Law 91-207, December 19, 1970: fo r the R e lie f o f A rth u r Jerome Olinger et al. 1971 (92nd Congress, F ir s t S e ssio n ): PL 92-128, DKI's S. 592, repeal of the Emergency Detention Act of 1950 [Title II of Internal Security Act]; in HR 234, (9 /2 5 /7 1 ). PL 92-134, Public Works-AEC appropriations b ill for FY 1972: in clud ed DKI's amendment to postpone the CANNIKIN 5 megaton te s t at Amchitka. PL 92-138, Sugar Act amendments o f 1971, DKI cosponsor. PL 92-174, D K I's S. l629 , includes American Samoa and Trust Territory in the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 Legislative Accomplishments Page 4 [DKI becomes the firs t Chairman of the firs t tourism subcommittee in the history of the U.S. Congress when the Senate Commerce Committee creates a Subcommittee on Foreign Commerce and Tourism ]. 1972 (92nd Congress, Second S e ssio n ): PL 92-359, DKI’s S. 473, The Automobile Information Disclosure Act, making provisions applicable to possessions of the United States (7/28/72). PL 9 2 -41 9 , R u ra l Lands Development A ct, Included DKI amendment qualifying lessees of Hawaiian Home Lands for FmHA loans PL 92-447, H. R. 9135 , incorporated DKI’s S. 2491, specifying the number of members on the Board of Trustees of the Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden (9/29/72). PL 92-512, DKI amendment to Revenue Sharing Act (HR l4370 ) increasing federal payments in Alaska and Hawaii by an amount equal to COLA in effect for both states. 1973 (93rd Congress, F ir s t S e ssio n ): PL 93-148, S. 440, War Powers A ct, DKI cosponsor (1 1 /7 /7 3 ). Private Law 93-6, DKI b ill S. 84, for the relief of Naoyo Campbell (10/l8/73). Private Law 93-7, DKI b ill S. 89, for the relief of Kuay Ten Chang (1 0 /l8 /7 3 ). [WATERGATE: Appointed to Select Committee on Presidential Campaign A ctivities, May 17, 1973. ] 1974 (93rd Congress, Second S e ssio n ): S. Res. 281, DKI’s resolution declaring that the tourism Industry should receive an adequate share of our nation’s energy supplies If steps must be taken to relieve the energy shortage; passed the Senate unanimously. S. Res. 347, DKI’s resolution authorizing the National Tourism Policy Study; adopted unanimously In the Senate. 1975 (94th Congress, First Session): PL 94-138, FY76 M ilcon A p p ro p ria tio n s: DKI amendment d ire c ts DOD to study the feasibility of restoring and returning Kahoolawe to the State of Hawaii. Legislative Accomplishments Page 5 PL 94-157,establishi ng the Japan-US Friendship Commission: DKI was a cosponsor and original Commissioner [along with Javits]. PL94-l68, Metric Conversion B ill: DKI original cosponsor of Senate version S. 100 (12/23/75). PL 94-206, FY76 Labor-HEW Appropriations b ill: DKI amendment allowed new cancer fa cilitie s to be constructed under National Cancer Institute: resulted in $5 m illion appropriation for Hawaii’s Cancer Center. PL 94-212, FY 76 DOD Appropriations: DKI amendment provided Independent recognition for clinical psychologists under CHAMPUS. 1976 (94th Congress, Second S e ssio n ): PL 94-353, Airport Development Act of 1976: Included DKI’s S. 115 modifying the definition of fa cility sponsor so that neighbor island airports receive a greater percentage of federal su p p o rt. PL 94-378, FY77 HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations: $2. 8 m illio n for construction of Columbarium/Mausoleum at Punchbowl National Cemetery. [1 , 400 crypts and 21, 000 urns. Approved August 77, construction in Sept 78. ] PL 94-413, FY77 Milcon Appropriations: $42 m illio n for construction projects in Hawaii. PL 94-455: Tax Reform Act: included DKI amendment deleting the farm corporation accounting section (Included ”crop method” accounting). Worth $25 m illion to Hawaiian sugar and pineapple companies i n deferred taxes. Also included DKI amendment regarding "acquisition indebtedness" allowing Bishop Estate to develop residential land; worth $1 m illion to Hawaii. PL 95-479, DKI’s S. 13, authorizing dependency and indemnity compensation for widows of veterans. PL 94-484, Health Professions Educational Assistance Act: DKI amendment authorizes sp e cia l p ro je c t support fo r h e a lth manpower development in the Trust Territories. [DKI firs t Chairman of the newly constituted Select Committee on Intelligence, May 1976] [Hearings on Aloha Hawaiian Reparations b ill] [Decentralization speech delivered to Hawaii State Conference on Unemployment, Sept 3, 1976: DKI urges the State of Hawaii to develop & populate the Neighbor Islands and to decentralize the State Government.
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