The one great rule We will 'el-ye no group or party bto of composition is to will hew hard to speak the truth. the truth as we find . ,63(;(1/4:6.SC it and the right as —Thoreau 0.11r Ohnrrurr s.e we see it. ,n,t Liberal Weekly Newspaper "(C) Vol. 48 TEXAS, OCTOBER 31, 1956 l Oc per copy No. 28 The Battle of the Files Adlai Tide Hits SAN ANTONIO Turbulence "I talked to Truett and he said and TEMPLE Payment of Bills Snagged; there was some money," Skelton Demo Trend in Texas Mrs. Kathleen Voigt is ig- said. But Skelton would not say noring a request from the when the 'bills might be paid. Seems To Stall, Eddy Johnson-Daniel coalition that Mrs. Voigt Ignores Demand Since Smith is waiting for Skel- AUSTIN she turn over to them the ton and Mrs. Voigt to reach an Who will win Texas No- valuable Democratic files in rector at the May convention af- I wouldn't do anything more for agreement, there is an impasse vember sixth, Eisenhower or her possession, and probably ter she had sided with the John- Stevenson and Kefauver if they'd during which Mrs. Voigt is under Stevenson? Last week - the because of this, payment of son leadership on a major con- just pay the bills." pressure from the bill collectors. some bills she incurred on vention issue. Mrs. Voigt said the account in earlier tide to Stevenson sud- behalf of t h e Democrats question contains "a couple thou- Skelton expressed disapproval denly became turbulent, and Mrs. Voigt had incurred bills of a form letter he had just re- a serious concern that was in while she was still in the through Oct. 1 which she felt she sand dollars." good graces of Senator Lyn- "Here it is almost November ceived from Mrs. Voigt which he some cases discouraged in- had to pay before turning over said seemed to be "devoted prin- vaded the Democratic forces don Johnson is snagged. the funds requested. She ignored first and they aren't paid yet," The Observer has learned that she said. "Bills ought to be paid." cipally to knocking the campaign of the state. Eisenhower peo- the request for the files. But we're trying to run out of Aus- ple seemed to take heart. Byron Skelton, the Democratic when she sent the invoices to Mrs. Voigt has practically inac- national committeeman, wrote tivated her state office and is tin." "I think a lot of Kathleen Warren Woodward, executive Smith, he replied that he would ... and I hate to see her doing Mrs. Voigt Oct. 1 asking her to not co-sign them until she and working in the local San Antonio director of the Stevenson-Kefau- some of these things," he said. " Senator turn over her equipment and files Skelton worked out the entire campaign. She said she wrote ver campaign under . and the political funds she had matter. Skelton she was "shocked" she In the foreground of the dis- Johnson and Governor-nominate in the bank account set up for wasn't to be allowed to work in Daniel, issued a cautious forecast. The result is that the bills are agreement are "the files." Col- the Texas Democratic campaign, the state campaign. He said the side which gets its not paid.' Mrs. Voigt felt she had lected over a , number of years, of which she had been the state Skelton said from Temple: voters out to the polls will win, to settle somehow with two sec- they include records from cam- organization director until John- "I don't want anygOdy not to and that the trend now seems to retaries she had employed in the paigns for Ralph Yarborough and son, Speaker Sam Rayburn, and work for the ticket, I want every- favor the Democrats. state office, so she borrowed $500 the Stevenson - Sparkman ticket, Senator Daniel purged her at the body to work. But at the same from her family's funds and- paid from Democratic Digest activities, Woodward thinks. that heavier September convention. time I am aware it has created them, releasing them as of Oct. from county leaders and the support for the Stevenson-Kefau- Skelton also sent a copy of this some confusion." Democratic Advisory Council, ver ticket in Central and East letter to Truett Smith of Wylie. 15. The other bills—rent and tele- He said he wrote Mrs. Voigt phones principally, as well as and from. ten or fifteen other lib- Texas rural counties, a "big When Smith was treasurer and that "we needed the money and some hotel costs—are still out- eral organizations like the Social switch" on the South Plains and Mrs. Voigt executive director of files, the names and nameplates, standing. arid Legislative Conference. in Southwest Texas, and "Repub- the Democratic Advisory Council, it was time to get the campaign lican losses and apathy in the In San Antonio, 'Mrs. Voigt the active loyalist organization under way. I asked them to de- Mrs. Voigt isn't talking about large cities" will contribute to a said: until the May convention, they liver whatever money they had these index cards, address plates, heavy rural and nonmetropolitan. co-signed checks for the loyal- "Byron is taking the responsi- and deliver or make available the and assorted . intelligences; but Democratic majority, "possibly ists' operation. This practice was bility for this, but I don't think files. She has made no move she isn't moving them out of her amounting to a runaway." carried over when Mrs. Voigt he is responsible .... I even whatever to do either, and that's offices in San Antonio, either. .In the major cities he foresees was named state organization di- wrote to Truett and told him that . where it stands. Therein lies the zto1.7. Democratic majorities in "two, possibly 'three" cases. His city forecasts: Dallas, the GOP major- ity will be lighter; Fort Worth, NAACP Is Closed Down in Texas the Democrats will do better TYLER "I u e s s you'd say we're than in 1952; San Antonio, a "siz- Negroes rising in a court- The Judge and John Ben friends," he said. "John Ben was able Democratic edge is possible"; room to talk back to white born and reared in Gladewater. Houston, "if it's even close, the men ... this is an unfamiliar I was born and reared between state will go Democratic." thing here. And the white Were Friends in Boyhood Gladewater and Big Sandy, five Governor Shivers firmly pre- people didn't take it very miles west of Gladewater. I've dicts an Eisenhower majority well. The juices of prejudice order w h i c h immediately I took some study at "DePriest Law known John Ben "since he was a again. He says that three weeks came to the surface, as when closes down the NAACP, its School," run by a Mr. DePriest in boy. Our family never visited his ago a lot of people wouldn't give the judge's secretary, rushing legal arm, and all hundred Dallas, and worked in a law office family, and his family never vis- a dime for Eisenhower's chances through an anteroom to the and twelve local chapters in in Fort Worth. He never went to ited ours; only on one occasion in the state but that now the tide court trying to get things Texas, prohibiting the col- college, but he became a lawyer I've ever been in his house. His is running the other way. done before the judge read lection of dues, the filing of by his own work, and in 1938 he daddy had a hardware store in Senator Johnson says the Dem- his verdict, exclaimed, "My lawsuits, and even applica- was appointed city attorney in Gladewater, and we'd go into ocrats will carry the state, but it timing's like a nigger's tion at any time in the future Gilmer. Coke Stevenson made town and trade, and I got to know will be a "tough battle." watch." In this same room a for permission to re-enter the him a district judge in 1942, and MRS. R. D. RANDOLPH, chair- middle-aged but whitehaired state, he has never had an opponent for man. of the Stevenson-Kefauver, man in fine khaki clothes told The judge, Otis Dunagan, was re-election. Ronnie Dugger campaign in Harris County and a white woman, "I want to willing to chat in his office after A reporter said to him that it the state's Democratic national get in there and tell him if giving his decision. He quit high had surprised some people that John Ben. And when. our schools committeewoman, said fro in his decision doesn't suit us school at 14 and took a job, but Ram Ben Shepperd, the Texas at- were playing ball, I'd see him, Houston that Harris County is he better not ever come back he went back five years later and torney general, had taken this that's all. ... We're not any kin, "tough." to Wood County." "He better got his diploma. He was a state NAACP suit all the way to Tyler. though! Some people have said "They're doing a tremendous leave Texas," the lady said representative from Upshur and There had been talk that the we're related, and that's not amount of work among our Ne- back. Camp counties for two terms judge and the prosecutor were true." groes. We know the Republicans The man didn't get in to ; starting in 1932, and while he was good friends.
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