ANN ARBOR ARGUS-DEMOCRAT VOL. LXVII.—NO 27 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1902. WHOLE NO. 3539 Olivia avenue was badly washed out qnn njTJTTi/triJxnruxnjTjTrinnruxnjTjTjTr^ over its whole extent. HEAVY STORM The road at the corner of Seventh TRAINS THROUGH ANN ARBOR and Madison streets was very l>adly washed out. SCHAIRER & MILLEN A number of people came hi to see E Gentry's circus. The circus got stalled WILL RUN TO PITTSBURG at Chelsea. It was there yet at 11:30 Ann Arbor Loses $5,000 on this forenoon. No trains had come in The Ann Arbor to Become a Part of the Wabash from the west at 3 o'clock this after- Streets and Culverts noon and there had been no western Railroad System CLOSING THEM OUT mails in. It was expected, however, that the east bound trains on the Mich- Suits, Jackets, Walking Ski r STORM KING RAMPANI igan Central would be through shortly The Ann Arbor and Wheeling & Lake Erie to be after 4 this afternoon. Closely Joined—Through Trains Detroit and Silk Waists Cellars of Houses Filled with The cars on the D., Y., A. A. & J. to Toledo Via. Milan Water—Trains Delayed were unable to get past Grass Lake and cars have been run to Chelsea and for Hours backed to Ann Arbor. The theatre car Within the year the Ann Arbor rail- from there to Steubenville, a distance TAILOR MADE SUITS from Detroit last night was held up road is to be made a part of the Wa-of 24 miles. This is not far from Pitts- flCC Represents our profit and we The heavy storm of Wednes- until 4 o'clock this morning. A num- bash system. burg, Pa., and the line will be extended are day night did nearly $10,000 worth ber of Ann Arborites were on board. ' As has, been previously poted, the to that city. All that has hitherto pro- UfT willing: to lose the profit to of damage in Ann Arbor, and People were much surprised not to Wabash has secured possession of the vented this is the $10,000,000 neces- reduce the stock at once. Come and get a suit at just the price hear of great damage by lightning this road by the purchase of a majority sary to build the big bridge required we paid for it. the city Itself is a heavy loser. morning. The reports were like artil- of the stock. This does not mean that over the Ohio and the Mononghela, The Huron river, which for some lery discharges and the rain came the road is to be used simply as a and the heavy expense of entering SHORT SILK JACKETS days has been higher than known down in torrents. feeder to the Wabash line. It is to be-Pittsburg on elevated tracks. Are Again Popular in. many years, was on a (All over the country the low lands come part of the system and be opera- This is gone into more particularly ram- were flooded. Much corn is under ted as such. Eton effects in Black Peau de Soie and Moire Silks page. Allen's creek burst all bounds because it is believed that the Ann water and whether the land is high or and there were lakes of water every- For example, the Wabash will put Arbor road' and the Wheeling & Lake with lapels of White Moire Silk, daintily trimmed low, all depressions in it became lakes. where, while Traver's creek did a vast on trains from Detroit to Toledo, run- Eiie will constitute practically one with braids. Special $12.00 values The damage to the crops was consid- amount of damage. ning from Detroit to Milan by the line, running trains from the lumber erable. present Waibasti line and from 'Milan regions at one end and the coal regions The bridge over Traver's creek on to Toledo by way oif the present Ann at the other. Special $7.5O each Broadway was completely washed oat Arbor line. This route, which may Thus, instead of Toledo toeing the and the road for twenty feet is goue. at first blush seem a roundabout one, terminus of the trains running through Over 250 Dress & Walking Skirts This will be a very heavy expense to is only seven miles longer than the Ann Arbor, the eastern terminus will the ctty to replace. The residence of ABLEST JURIST Michigan Central route from Detroit be Pittsburg, Pa. go on sale Saturday morning Mrs. Shadford, at this point, was to Toledo. •By the Wabash also Buffalo on the flooded, the cellar filled and exit from This will give Ann Arbor shippers east can be reached and Chicago, St. This Lot includes Dress and Walking Skirts in Black, Grey the house was obtained only by wad- IN two freight lines from here to Chicago Louis. Kansas City, Omaha and Des and Brown, worth $0 and $5.50go at ."$3.75 ing. and from here to Detroit and the east. Moines on the west. 25 Fancy Wool Dress Skirts, $3.50 kbd, for 1.49 lAUen's creek washed out the culvert One Lot Black Dress Skirts go at 1.98 Kinne Should Have Supreme The Wabash has also acquired the From the standpoint olf the manu- at the foot of William street, taking Wheeling & Lake Enie railroad which facturer the making of the Ann Arbor One Lot Grey and'Brown Walking Skirts go at 2.75 the Ann Arbor tracks away at this Court Judgeship runs from Toledo to Wheeling, West a part of the Wabash system will be Taffeta Silk Dress'Skirts for this sale $7.50, $(3.00, $12.00 point for a number of feet; it tore out Virginia, a distance of 223 miles, and of great advantage to Ann Arbor. Pretty Wash Petticoats in Pink, Blue and Linen Shades, the bank at the foot of Liberty street: the 75c kind for 50c at Felch street the tracks were carried THOUSANDS OF VOTES away for a long distance. At this point a very happy married life. there was a big hole made 100 feet The large number of valuable gifts LOW PRICES ON COTTONS He "Would Run Ahead of His which were received by the bride and long and 10 feet deep. The culvert LUTZ HAS 3 Bales, Good, Fine, yard wide sheeting, 20 yards for $1 OO here is gone. The houses of George Ticket if Republicans Take groom attested to the popularity of Fine, Bleached yard wide Cotton, a yard 5 and ttc Sweet and "Doc." Collins were flooded Hold of His Candidacy both the bride and groom. 42-inch Fine, Bleached Pillow Cotton, a yard 10c both being surrounded with water. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Peter- 45-inch Fine, Bleached Pillow Cotton, a yard 123sc son will be at home at 912 X. Main 9-4 Brown Sheeting, a yard l4c At Miller avenue both ends of the The opportunity of the republicans culvert were washed out. George Co- street. One Bale Cotton. Twill Toweling, a yard 4c of Wasirtenaw to place Judge Edward 42x36 Bleached Pillow Slips at 9c turn's house was flooded here and his Brewery Agent Heard From 72x90 Bleached Sheets 49c •chicken coop washed away. He lost D. Kinne upon the supreme bench of iD Chicago 81x90 Heavy, Fine Bleached Sheets at 50c 30 chickens, Officer O'Mara rescuing Michigan is at hand and they should HAS SETTLED four. <Mr. Coburn, while leaning over at once set in motion the steps neces- (J^* Ladies, don't forget our Muslin Underwear to rescue some of the wreckage, lost sary to do it. The following Lansing WRITES HIS WIFE THE CLAIM Sale in our Busy Garment Room a book out of his pocket containing a dispatch indicates that the whole mat- $5 bill, which rapidly sped from view. Officer Kelsey lost a shoe in rescuing ter of the supreme court judgeship is lends Her $5.00 and Tells Her The case of Chester L. Collins, re- wreckage here. Richards' coal office to be left to a state convention: He will ls(ot Return- eiver of the Michigan Manufacturers' Iutual Fire Insurance company, SCHAIRER & MILLEN, was flooded and the banks of the race Lansing, Mich., July 1.—Just before Brewery is Noticed of the Argo 'Mills were torn out. gainst Wiley B. Lambkin, of Milan, leaving for Saginaw yesterday noon as been discontinued. •overnor Bliss said: BUSY STORE A lake of water extended from This is the case where Lambkin was Sauer's mill; on Main street, to Wein- "I have decided to take no steps at Gotthilf Lutz, agent of the Schlitz thru UTj-UTJxnjxiuxnxuTXUTJTJirinjTJTJTrLj^ injo present with regard to the appoint- rewing company, of Milwaukee, is ued for an assessment made by the toerg's park on Filfth avenue. Ferry ompany after it went into insolvency field was another lake and South iState ment of a s accessor to the late Justice lleged to have left the city perma- Long, preferring to leave the naming ently under peculiar circumstances. nd which he refused to pay. It is i street was badly washed. South (Main of his successor to the state conven- nderstood that he has now made a street, in front of the Birk place, was Wednesday Mrs. Lutz received a tion." etter from her husband enclosing $5. ettlement with the company. washed out. While the governor declined to dis 'he letter informed iMrs. Lutz that her Property all over the city, but espec- cuss the question further, it is known that the consensus of legal opinion la usband would not return to the city, ially that in the west and south ends he letter was written from Chicago.
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