Vol. 607 Tuesday, No. 2 11 October 2005 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Tuesday, 11 October 2005. Business of Da´il……………………………… 297 Ceisteanna—Questions Minister for Education and Science Priority Questions …………………………… 297 Other Questions …………………………… 310 Adjournment Debate Matters …………………………… 335 Leaders’ Questions ……………………………… 336 Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ……………… 347 Order of Business ……………………………… 349 Railway Safety Bill 2001: Report Stage (resumed)……………………………358 Order for Final Stage …………………………… 429 Fifth Stage ………………………………… 429 Private Members’ Business Irish Ferries: Motion …………………………… 429 Adjournment Debate Consultancy Contracts …………………………… 461 Crime Prevention ……………………………… 464 Adult Education ……………………………… 467 Questions: Written Answers …………………………… 473 297 298 DA´ IL E´ IREANN activities of a school, from the quality of teaching and learning to the availability of extra-curricular ———— activities and the implementation of policies in areas such as bullying and health and safety. The De´ Ma´irt, 11 Deireadh Fo´mhair 2005. inspection process also includes consultation with Tuesday, 11 October 2005. the schools’ board, parents and staff members, and at second level, with the school’s students. ———— These reports can, therefore, provide valuable information on the educational and social oppor- Chuaigh an Leas-Cheann Comhairle i gceannas tunities provided by a school. The comments they ar 2.30 p.m. contain are fully sensitive to the context in which the school operates in a way that is not possible ———— with league tables. Given the breadth of the contents of whole Paidir. school evaluation reports, the publication of these Prayer. and other school inspection reports could go a ———— significant way to addressing the real needs of parents, students, teachers and others for better information on schools. The type of information Business of Da´il. provided will help parents who need accurate and Minister of State at the Department of the balanced information. They also contain valuable Taoiseach (Mr. Kitt): I move: information that will be of interest to schools who may wish to learn from the experience of others. That, notwithstanding anything in Standing I am determined to progress this matter in a Orders, the Da´il shall proceed directly to ques- sensible and responsible way and to ensure that tions for answer by the Minister for Education the views of all the education partners are con- and Science which shall conclude at 4.15 p.m. sidered before the publication process is finalised. today. During the summer, I put in place a mechanism whereby this can take place. The inspectorate of Question put and agreed to. my Department has held no fewer than 20 meet- ings with interested parties over the past month Ceisteanna — Questions. and is preparing draft guidelines for the publi- cation of inspection reports which will be circu- lated shortly to the education partners. Priority Questions. Responses to the draft guidelines will then be sought and a final draft of the proposals will be ———— submitted to me in December. I intend that the publication of school inspec- School Evaluation. tion reports will commence from January 2006 for 1. Ms Enright asked the Minister for Education all inspections carried out from the start of the and Science her proposals for the release of infor- calendar year that year. While I do not want to mation regarding the way in which schools pre-empt the outcome of the consultation pro- operate; and if she will make a statement on the cess, the discussions held to date have been fruit- matter. [27796/05] ful and constructive. Each of the partners realises the need to address the information deficit that Minister for Education and Science (Ms exists at present in terms of ensuring full public Hanafin): As the Deputy will be aware, I am access to balanced information on schools. This is determined to provide more information, for especially important to those like myself who are parents in particular, about our schools in a way opposed to the publication of league tables based that ensures a fair and comprehensive picture of on results and want to find a better way. I am all the different activities in a school. As I said confident the considered and responsible on many occasions, I am strongly opposed to the approach we are taking to the publication of publication of crude league tables based solely on inspection reports will lead to much greater avail- examination or test results. Such tables provide ability of information on schools without inadver- an unbalanced and grossly limited indication of a tently pitting schools serving entirely different school’s performance. communities against each other in crude compari- In contrast to school league tables, school sons of academic performance alone. inspection reports from whole school evaluations and other inspections, when read in their entirety, Ms Enright: I welcome the progress that will be can provide balanced and well-informed infor- made by January 2006. The Minister referred to mation on schools. The whole school evaluation whole school evaluation and other reports. What process involves an examination of all the varied does she mean by “other reports”? How far does 299 Priority 11 October 2005. Questions 300 [Ms Enright.] of the various reports so that a positive envir- she intend to go with whole school evaluation onment can be created for them to give their reports? I acknowledge what they will contain but opinions on what is happening as distinct from I am concerned parents will not be given a clear publishing anonymous ratings on a website? enough picture. Information about the ethos of a school and boards of management should be Ms Hanafin: One of the central parts of the included. Witnesses attending the Oireachtas whole school evaluation of second level schools Joint Committee on Education and Science high- is the involvement of students, who will meet lighted difficulties parents faced in obtaining inspectors and fully participate in the process. information from boards of management. I sup- This reinforces the fact it is a whole school eval- port the concept of whole school reports, as uation because it involves everybody. I look for- everything will be open, but it is important that ward to the valuable process that will commence parents should have access to all information, in January. including details of results in schools to which they may send their children. I agree that crude School Transport. league tables should not be developed but infor- mation about everything in a school cannot be 2. Ms O’Sullivan asked the Minister for Edu- given to parents if one of the core parts of edu- cation and Science if she will establish a com- cation, the examination process, is ignored. mission to review catchment boundaries for school transport in view of the huge demographic Ms Hanafin: Whole school evaluation and sub- changes that have taken place since these bound- ject inspection reports will be published. A sig- aries were put in place in the 1960s; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [28018/05] nificant number of subject inspection reports take place each year whereby all the teachers are 3. Mr. Gogarty asked the Minister for Edu- inspected. These reports will be published, as will cation and Science if, in the wake of recent com- thematic inspection reports on, for example, Gae- ments at the Joint Committee on Education and ilge, English and mathematics in the primary cur- Science, she will carry out a full review of school riculum. The chief inspector’s report referred to bus catchment areas and boundaries; if she will these topics this year. Composite reports will also make a decision in terms of recommendations be published, for example, on Gaeilge in the made as a result of such a review in view of the second level curriculum. These reports will give fact that no full review has been made since 1969 us a broad view of individual schools and the and that children are still without seats in several teaching of subjects throughout the system. parts of the country following the welcome end- I appreciate the Deputy’s comments on school ing of the three for two scheme; the effects the ethos and boards of management but the reports short timeframe has had on thousands of parents take account of the context of the school, which in planning school transport for their children in comprises not only its geographic environment or August and early September 2005; and if she will catchment but also the ethos and the situation in make a statement on the matter. [27754/05] which it is working. Many schools are good at issuing brochures and general information that Minister of State at the Department of Edu- captures that. However, they do not issue infor- cation and Science (Miss de Valera): I propose to mation that will be contained in the whole school take Questions Nos. 2 and 3 together. evaluation reports. The Deputy commented pre- Catchment boundaries have their origins in the viously about the publication of results. It would establishment of free post-primary education in be naive to expect that we would not end up with the late 1960s and were determined following league tables based on results if schools were to consultation with local educational interests. For publish their results but schools have become planning purposes, the country was divided into open in their dealings with parents and parents, geographic districts, each with several primary rightly, are demanding of schools regarding the schools feeding into a post-primary centre with information they provide. I hope, by going down one or more post-primary schools. The intention this road with the Department providing the was and continues to be that these defined dis- information it has nationally, which is profession- tricts facilitate the orderly planning of school pro- ally compiled in conjunction with schools, the vision and accommodation needs.
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