Springfield News-Sun Collection - Non-Local People Files A-Z Person/Place Association/Associated With Date/Date Range Aames, Willie Actor 6/1980 Aaron, Hank Baseball player 7/1987 Abbot, George Broadway musical writer & director 4/17/1987 Abdul, Paula Video choreographer 12/1987 Abdul-Jabber, Kareem Basketball player c 1990's Abeles, Sara Young actress 7/1987 Abraham, F. Murray Actor 2/1985 Abrahams, Jim Actor 8/1992 Abril, Victoria Actress 7/1987 Ackerman, Michael Actor 7/1987 Acuff, Roy Country singer; died 11/23/1992 1987 to 11/24/1992 Adams, Ansel U. S. landscape photographer 2/20/1902 to 4/22/1984 Adams, Brooke Actress 6/1987 Adams, Bryan Rock singer 6/1992 Adams, Don Actor 1969 to 7/1987 Adams, Edie Actress 7/1987 Adams, Julie Actress 7/1987 Adams, Mason Actor 7/1987 Adams, Maud Actress 7/1987 Adamson, George Conservationist and author of "Born Free" 8/20/1989 Adjani, Isabella Actress 6/1987 Adkins, Trace Country singer 1998 Adler, Dr. Mortimer Author, educator 2/20/1983 Affleck, Ben Actor 2000 Ahmed, Kamal Actor 1994 Aiello, Danny Actor 7/1987 Aiken, Liam Young actor Ajaye, Franklin Actor 7/1987 Akers, Karen Actress 6/1987 Akins, Claude Actor 1979 to 1/28/1994 Al Saud, Sultan Bib Abdulaziz, Prince Crown prince of Saudi Arabia 1970's Alaio, Rose Actress 7/1987 Albee, Edward Pulitzer-prize winning playwright 1980's and 1990's Albert, Eddie Actor 11/1952 to 7/1987 Albert, Will Actor 7/1987 Alcott, Louisa May U. S. novelist 1832 to 1888 Alda, Alan Actor 12/1980 Alda, Robert Actor; father of Alan Alda 7/1987 Alexander, Erika Actress 8/1992 Actress; appointed by President Clinton to head National Alexander, Jane Endowment for the Arts 6/1987 Alexander, Jason Actor 4/1993 Alexis, Kim Fashion model and TV personality 1/1988 Ali, Muhammad Boxing champion 7/1987 Allan, Gary Country singer 1999 Allegretti, Cosmo Actor 7/1987 Allen, Debbie Actress 4/1983 Investigative reporter and author of "None Dare Call it Allen, Gary Conspiracy" 5/1/1977 Allen, George Sportscaster 7/1987 Allen, Henry "Red" Jazz artist 1/1908 to 4/1967 Allen, Jonelle Actress 7/1987 Allen, Karen Actress 7/1987 Allen, Mikki Young actress 8/1992 Allen, Peter Singer 7/1981 to 6/8/1992 Allen, Ray NBA superstar and actor 1998 Allen, Steve Entertainer 1953 to 10/30/2000 Allen, Dr. Steve, Jr. Physician and son of Steve Allen 3/14/1991 Allen, Tim Actor and comedian 8/1991 Allen, Woody Actor, writer, film director 5/1982 Alley, Kirstie Actress 3/1988 Alliluyeva, Svetlana Daughter of Stalin 1967 Allyson, June Actress 6/1982 Almond, Gov. J. Lindsay Governor of Virginia and segregationist 9/21/1958 Alpert, Herb Trumpeter and record executive 2/26/1967 Alsop, Joseph Columnist 6/4/1967 to 8/1989 Alston, Walter Baseball player 6/1982 Altman, Bruce Actor 4/1997 Altman, Jeff 4/1997 Altman, Robert Film director 2/1993 Alvardo, Trini Actress 7/1987 Alzado, Lyle Football player, deceased 5/15/1992 Amati, Giovanna Actress 3/1992 Ameche, Don Actor 12/8/1993 Amelio, Philip J. Child actor 6/1987 Ames, Ed Actor 7/1987 Amick, Madchen Actress 1994 Bishop, United Methodist Church; came to Springfield to Ammons, Edsel speak at Central United Methodist Church 11/26/1984 Amory, Cleveland Social historian and critic 1/22/1958 to 10/14/1998 Amos 'n Andy Radio personalities, Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll 9/16/1934 to 1950's Amos, John Actor 1997 Amsterdam, Morey Comedian 7/1987 Ana, Alicia Actress on Falcon Star 7/1982 ANASTASIA, Duchess Grand Duchess of Russia, presumed dead since 198 1918 ANDERMAN, Maureen Actor 10/16/1981 ANDERSSON, Bibi Actress July 1987 ANDERSON, Bill Singer, Songwriter, Musician 1981 ANDERSON, Cameron I. President, Kinney Shoe Corporation Unknown ANDERSON, Daryl Actor "Lou Grant" 1980 - 1982 ANDERSON, Gillian Actress "X-Files" 1994 ANDERSON, Harry Actor TV 1988 - 1990s ANDERSON, Jack Columnist 1969 - 1980s ANDERSON, Jo Actress "Beauty & the Beast" 1989 ANDERSON, John IL Congressman, Presidential Candidate 1980 1979 - 1980s ANDERSON, John Country singer 1983 -1990s ANDERSON, Dame Judith Actress, 1899-1992 1949-1992 ANDERSON, Keke Wife of politician John Anderson 1980 ANDERSON, Kurt Editor, SPY Magazine August 30, 1992 ANDERSON, Laurie Performance Artist 1986 ANDERSON, Loni Actress 1979- ANDERSON, Louie Comedian, Actor 1980s -1990s ANDERSON, Lynn Country Singer 1970-1987 ANDERSON, Marian 1902-1993 Contralto 1950 ANDERSON, Maureen Actress 1987 ANDERSON, Melissa Sue Actress 1981-1987 ANDERSON, Nicholas Charles President/CEO Detroit Urban League,NAACP 1987-1991 ANDERSON, Pamela Actress 1994 ANDERSON, Richard Dean Actor 1986-1990s ANDERSON, Robert Secretary of the Treasury 1954-1958 ANDERSON, Sheila Actress - "The New Odd Couple" 1982 ANDERSON, Sherwood American author 1876-1941 Unknown ANDERSON, Terry AP Reporter held hostage 2 years 1985-1991 ANDRE, Jill 1982 ANDRE Rene Roussimoff (Andre the Giant) 7'4" wrestler, actor 1984-1990s ANDREAS, Christine Actress 1981 ANDREICHENKO, Natalya Actress 1993 ANDREWS, Anthony Actor 1981-1987 ANDRESS, Ursula Actress 1979-1983 Duke of York, younger brother of Great Britain's Prince ANDREW, Prince Charles 1977-1997 ANDREWS, Anthony Actor 1981-1986 ANDREWS, Dana Actor, Board Member National Council on Alcoholism 1981 ANDREWS, Edward Actor 1981 ANDREWS, Harry Actor 1981-1983 ANDREWS, Julie Actress/Singer 1963-1992 ANDROPOV, Yuri Vladimiovich Head of Soviet Secret Police, deceased 2/9/84 1967-1984 ANDRUS, Walt Singer, Tommy Dorsey Orchestra 1993 ANGELOU, Maya Poet, Author 1979-1999 ANGLIM, Philip Actor 1981 - 1990s AUGUSTAIN, Ira Actor 7/24/1981 ANNISTON, Jennifer Actress 1997-1998 ANKA, Paul Singer 1964-1987 ANN-MARGARET Actress 1977-1996 ANNAUD, Jean-Jacques Film Director 1991-1992 ANNE, Princess Daughter of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain 1954 - 1990s ANSPACH, Susan Actress 1980-1987 ANT, Adam Singer 1983 ANTHONY, Marc Singer, actor 1996 ANTHONY, Gerald Actor 1987 ANTHONY, Susan B. Leader of Women's Suffrage Movement 1992 ANTON, Susan Actress 1978-1987 ANWAR, Gabrielle Actress 1995 APOLLONIA (Apolloina Kotera) Actress/singer 1983-1987 AAPLEBY, Shiri Actress 1999 APPLEGATE, Christine Actress1987 1986-1998 APREA, John Actor 1982 APTED, Michael Film Director 1994 AQUINO, Corazon President, the Phillipines 1990s ARAU, Alfonso Film director 1995 ARBUCKLE, Fatty Comedian, Actor, Film director 1993 ARCHER, Anne Actor 1979-1990 ARCHER, Beverly Actress 1993 ARDANT, Fanny Actress 1995 ARDEN, Eve Actress 1982 - 1982 ARGO, Allison Actress 1980 ARGOUD, Karin Actress 1986 ARKIN, Adam Actor 1981-1987 ALDREDGE, Roone ABC television network chairman 1979-1990 ARMSTRONG, Bess Actress 1983 ARMSTRONG, Curtis Actor 1987 ARMSTRONG, Louis "Satchmo" Jazz musician 1950 - 1971 ARMSTRONG, Margaret Springfield, OH N/A ARNAZ, Desi Entertainer 1954 - 1986 ARNAZ, Desi, Jr. Actor 1983-1984 ARNAZ, Luci Actor 1980 - 1990 ARNESS, James Actor 1981-1987 ARNETTE, Jeanette Actress 1986 ARNGRIM, Allison Actress 1980 ARNOLD, Chip Actor/Dramatist 1992 ARNOLD, Eddy Country Singer 1979-1991 ARNOLD, Mark Actor 1981 ARNOLD, Tom Comedian, former husband of Roseanne Barr 1989-1996 ARNOT, Dr. Bob CBS TV Health correspondent 1983 ARQUETTE, Patricia Actress 1989 ARQUETTE, Rosanna Actress 1986-1991 ARRANTS, Rod Actor 1987 ARTHUR, Beatrice Actress 1983-1995 ARTHUR, Rebecca Actress 1987 ASAIJAM, Yukiji Actress 1991 ASH, Mary Kay Founder, Mary Kay cosmetics 1993 ASHBROOK, Daphne Actress 1987 ASHCROFT, Dame Peggy Stage actress 1986-1991 ASHE, Arthur Tennis champion ASHLEY, Elizabeth Actress 1979 -1992 ASHROW, David Actor 1987 Asimov, Isaac Science fiction author 1988-1992 ASNER, Ed Actor 1982 ASSANTE, Armand Actor 1986 - 1996 ASTAIRE, Fred Dancer, Actor, Singer 1935-1987 Astin, John Actor 4/1993 Astin, MacKenzie 1996 Astin, Sean Actor 8/1992 Astor, Mary Actress 1906-1987 Astor, Lady Nancy Former member of Parliament in England 1879-1960 Atherton, William Actor 7/1987 Atkins, Chet Country musician; "Mr. Guitar" 1924-2001 Atkins, Christopher Actor 8/198/2 Atkins, Eileen Actress 7/1987 Atkinson, Holly Medical correspondent for Today show 9/1992 Atlas, Karen Kondig Actress Atlas, Larry Actor 7/1987 Attenborough, David Author/ TV show host 6/1987 Attenborough, Richard Actor, producer, director 7/1987 Atwater, Lee Political consultant 1951-1991 Auberjonois, Rene Actor 7/1987 Auden, W. H. English-U. S. poet, dramatist 1907-1973 Auer, Mischa Actor 6/14/1949 Auger, Claudine Actress 7/1987 August, Pernilla Actress 1999 Aumont, Jenn-Pierre Actress 10/15/1981 Austin, Darlene Country singer 7/1987 Austin, Karen Actress 8/1982 Austin, Teri Actress 1987 Autry, Alan Actor 12/1990 Autry, Gene Singer, actor, and baseball team owner 1907-1998 Avalon, Frankie Singer, actor 1/1982 Avars, Mary Projectionist 7/1987 Avery, Paul Actor 7/1987 Axton, Hoyt Singer, songwriter, actor 1938-1999 Ayers, Roy Vibraphonist 7/19874 Aykroyd, Dan Actor 8/1982 Ayres, Leah Actress 9/1983 Ayres, Lew Actor 7/1987 Azmi, Shabana Actress 1990 Baach, Maurice K. Businessman and mayor of Springfield 1948-1978 Baader, Edward President of Baader-Brown 1995 Baader, Jennifer Vice-president of Baader-Brown 6/2002 Baader, William F. Attorney 2/15/1980 Baber, Grover Northwestern School Board candidate 11/1/1983 Babian, J. Wesley Pastor, First Baptist Church 1984-1987 Staff member Mercy Medical and Community Hospitals; Ohio Babicki, Dr. Maris Institute of Cardiac Care 11/1993 Babineaux, Charles Commander of VFW Post 1031 5/6/1984 Bachman, Kim Dietician at Mercy Hospital 8/28/1985 Bachtell, Sam Physicist from Yellow Springs, Ohio 1981 Back, Bill E. Medway Elementary School principal, deceased 1/2/1991 Back, Herbert R. Accused of murder 9/1978 City school board member, fraternity president, member of Bacon, Charles Human Relations board 1961-6/23/1981 Civil rights activist, featured in "Newsweek" 50th anniversary Bacon, Dorothy edition, deceased 11/6/1984 Bacon, Edna Civil rights activist; attendance officer for city schools 3/18/1990 Bacon, James Elected president of city school board of education 1/12/2007 Bacon, James Security National Bank officer 1998 Bacon, Kirk Click Camera manager 1999 Bacon, Myles Fifth grader to be on Nickelodeon 8/21/1990 Badger, Leslie Teacher at Simon Kenton Elementary School 4/1992 Badgley, James L.
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