University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 3 Article 1 Number 2 October, 1972 10-1972 University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 3 Number 2 (October 1972) Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/lf Part of the Law Commons Recommended Citation (1972) "University of Baltimore Law Forum Volume 3 Number 2 (October 1972)," University of Baltimore Law Forum: Vol. 3: No. 2, Article 1. Available at: http://scholarworks.law.ubalt.edu/lf/vol3/iss2/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@University of Baltimore School of Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in University of Baltimore Law Forum by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@University of Baltimore School of Law. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. III, No.2 OCTOBER,1972 Long Range Plans For D.A. Criminal Justice Training Long range plans for a State­ the Administration of Justice in overall, long range (10-15 year) for criminal justice planning tors and programs. provide wide District Attorney system a speech before the Maryland plan by the Governor's Com­ and for administering funds specific training services to and the establishment of a State­ District Attorney's Association mission for improvement in all made available to the State criminal justice personnel and run Criminal Justice Training at Easton's Tidewater Inn. areas of Maryland's criminal under provisions of the Safe provide specialized training in Academy have been 'outlined by Speaking to prosecutors from justice system . Streets Act. areas "which cut across tradi­ Arthur G. Murphy, Sr., Chair­ across the State, Murphy Should Be Changed "The structure of the prosecu­ tional functional lines," man of the Governor's Commis­ emphasized that the proposed The Governor's Commission torial system would be changed sion on Law Enforcement and changes are on Iy part of an is the State agency responsible considerably," Murphy said, "to Court Decisions a State-wide system of elected District Attorneys, financed by "Thus." he explained. " law University of Baltimore asks state the State and probably based on enforcement officers might the current structure of the Dis­ receive training in various court for columns of old Annapolis court trict Courts. decisions which affect the per­ "There would be 12 District formance of their duties. or Annapolis -- The University which stood at Lombard and university also has asked the ' Attorneys who would devote judges might be trained in var­ of Baltimore has asked the state Gay streets in the cjty for most state for some of the Tiffany full time to their duties and be' ious aspects of the correctional to either sell to 'it or gi"ye it the of. the last century. They were glass in the court building and prohibited from the practice of process," Latrobe columns that adorn the moved to the Court of Appeals for the numerous small gar­ law," Emphasizing that these are inside of the old Maryland Building in 1903, when the boyles that line the upper face Under the system , specialized long range goals which cannot Court of Appeals Building here. Custom House was razed. of the structure. se'rvices would 'be housed within be accomplished immediately. The university would like to Mr. Latrobe, an architect and George R. Lewis, the state the State Attorney General's Murphy outlined the Commis­ install the 12 marble columns engineer who was one of the secretary of general services, Office. TheSe would include sion's five year. intermediate in a new law school building it early leaders of the architec-' said that the university's letter organized crime prosecutors, objectives and pointed tn efforts hopes to construct in about four tural profession in the country, requesting use of the columns special investigators and ad­ currently being made tnward years, according to H. Mebane also helped design the United and the other adornments will ditional prosecutors who would achieving the objectives. Turner, the university's presi­ States Capitol. be referred by his office to the be made available to local " Programs funded by the dent. M r. Turner said that the state Board of Public Works, offices in time of need. Governor's Commission are at The state plans to tear down columns "would bring a bit of "If the University of Balti-' Murphy pointed out that in work in all areas of the criminal the court building and use the history of the Court of Appeals more can use them, I feel order for the system to work ef­ justice system," he said. land for construction of a new and the state of Maryland" to certain that I will recommend it fectively, prosecutors must He cited a number of to the Board of Public Works," legislative services building. the university law school. receive top quality in-service improvements in the court~ area The court vacated the building Mr. Lewis added. and pre-service training, and which have been brought about yesterday and moved to new Briog columos back. The general services secretary explaifled plans for a State in part through the funding quarters near the Navy'Marine also said that much of the Tif­ Criminal Justice Training assistance of the Commission. Corps Memorial Stadium. "It would be marvelous to fany glass. including the dome Academy serving not on Iy He noted that Maryland has bring the columns back to Balti­ in the courtroom, is to be used Desigoed by Latrobe prosecutors, " but all major developed unified District more after all these years," the . in the new legislative services components of the criminal Court and Public Defender The 153-year-old columns president said. "They would building. justice system." systems. both of which were were designed by Benjamin 'enhance the dignity ' of any According to Murphy, the recommended by the Gover­ Latrobe for the old Baltimore building." From: The Sun, Thursday, Sep­ Training Academy would set nor's Commission in 1969. Custom House and Exchange, According to Mr. Turner, the tember 21,1972, page A 20. standards and certify instruc~ "The Com'mission has also provided funding" assistance to up-grade the efficiency of prosecutor's offices throughout the State an d ensure that all Slovis Elected New Editor. cases are tried by a qualified --prosecutor." Murphy said, In th e area of training. he pointed o ut that more than 300 judges. prosecutors and court­ re lated personnel have heen trained nver the past three-and­ a-half years with Gnvernor's Commission funding assistance. and that a top 'Commission priority is to bri'l~ tn Maryland the training expertise th at in the pas t has nn Iy been avai I;lhle out of state, In closi ng. Murphy sai d he believed the Commisslon's pl an­ ning and funding e fforts haw had a significant impact nn the criminal justice system anu that "while much still n~eds 10 he / done. the challenge can be met through planning. cooperation and cooru inated actwn '- ' Harvey J. Siovis ... new Editor-in-Chief Stuart M. Goldberg ... outgoing Editor-in-Chief No Pets Stuart M. Goldberg, founder and first Forum Editor-in­ a matter of your priority and what you feel has to and must Chief, announced recently the selection of Forum contribut­ be done at that particular juncture of your life," Mr. Gold­ There ha ve been reports ing editor Harvey Joel Siovis to serve as the new Forum berg further commented, "I had always said that I would re­ recently that some students hoYt; Editor-in-Chief. sign when I felt the Forum was at a point where it no longer come to school with their "pets." This has not been a needed any of my.organizational help. This is not to say that Mr. Siovis was selected by a "special committee" formed problem in the past. However, it the Forum still doesn't need any help, because it does. H ow­ to select a replacement for Mr. Goldberg, who resigned after seems some pets have less ever, the Forum can now stand alone, as a 'free press' and control than others. Therefore, directing the Forum for two years. The "special committee" what I consider to be a good journalistic publication of in an effort to keep the compri$ed one rep.resentative from the S.B.A. and E.S.B.A., which any law school can be proud." U ni versity buildings sanitary, a member representing the administration, and two members clean, and free of odoriferous Remarking on the selection of Mr: Slovis as the new from the Forum editorial staff. obstructions in the hallways, we Forum editor, Mr. Goldberg stated, "Harvey was and is the are forced to issue this ban Commenting to the Forum on the reasons for his resigna­ only person for the job. I have the utmost confidence in his against animals inside the tion, Mr. Goldberg stated, "The time had come ... Trying to ability and his working knowledge of the Forum. As one University. Henceforth, no pets will be organi.ze what you hope will become a lasting tradition high law school administrator put it, "I had always con­ permitted inside the University. drains a lot out of you. You begin to lose too much, suchas sidered Harvey the best man for the job!" The Committee Only seeing eye dogs will be grades, friends and somewhat of your sanity. But, it becomes' was justified in their selection. allowed. PAGE 2--THE FORUM FroDl SUA by CARL A. MAIO, I SECOND - Penalty ranges copies of this Cade will be made Fourth and last, perhaps, need of part or full time PRESIDENT have been announced.
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