Aviation Weather Services, Advisory Circular 00-45G Change 2 (October 2014) AVIATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL WEATHER WEATHER SERVICE SERVICES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Advisory Circular, AC 00-45G, Change 2 Photo courtesy of Aaron A. Gilstad Published October 2014 Aviation Weather Services, Advisory Circular 00-45G Change 2 (October 2014) SUMMARY OF CHANGES Section Changes Changed location of NCEP’s CO from Camp Springs, MD to College Park, MD. Added “through the Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS);” “and “Forecast Icing Product (FIP), Graphical Turbulence Guidance (GTG), and Ceiling and Visibility Product (CVA).” Changed name of Hydrometeorological Prediction Center (HPC) to Weather Prediction Center (WPC). Changed location of WPC from Camp Springs, MD to College Park, MD. Changed name of Storm Prediction Center (SPC) to National Hurricane Center (NHC) Changed wording from, “WFO Honolulu serves as the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC)” to “WFO Honolulu is co-located with the Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC).” Deleted. Changed the location of the Air Traffic Control System Command Center (ATCSCC) from Herndon, VA to Vint Hill, VA. Changed wording to say “Because weather is the most common reason for air traffic delays 1.2.1 and re routings, NWS Meteorologists support the ATCSCC. These meteorologists, called National Aviation Meteorologists (NAMs) orchestrate NWS operations in support of traffic flow management within the NAS.” 1.2.2 Added “… and may solicit PIREPs from pilots.” 1.2.3 Added “… and may solicit PIREPs from pilots.” 1.2.4 Deleted “Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS)” Changed wording to say “obtained by the pilot from an approved weather source via the Internet (see 1.3.2) and/or from a FSS specialist.” Changed wording from “helpful” to “necessary.” Added wording “If the briefing updates previously received information, the time of the last briefing is also important. This allows the briefer to provide only pertinent data.” 1.3.1 Changed wording to say “The briefer enters this information into the FAA’s flight plan system. The briefer also notes the type of weather briefing provided. If necessary, the information can be referenced later to file or amend a flight plan. It is also used when an aircraft is overdue or is reported missing. Internet data is time stamped and archived for 15 days. Voice recordings are retained for 45 days.” Changed and added wording to say “…mountain obscuration, areas of current and forecasted IFR conditions, and other important items such as airport/runway closings, air traffic delays and TFRs.” Added “Prohibited and Special Flight Rules Areas” Deleted “AFSS” 1.3.2 Added “Pilot Briefing via the Internet.” Added “…NWS…” Deleted “To access the weather information and file a flight plan by this method, pilots use a toll free telephone number to connect the user’s computer directly to the DUATS computer.” Added “ Lockheed Martin Flight Services Web Portal Lockheed Martin Flight Services provides a Web portal for flight planning service at https://www.lmfsweb.afss.com/Website/. Pilots must register and create a user account to access the pilot briefing and flight planning functions. VFR Search and rescue services are Summary of Changes Aviation Weather Services, Advisory Circular 00-45G Change 2 (October 2014) Section Changes also provided to registered users who file and activate a VFR flight plan and are equipped with certain GPS location devices.” Text is changed to say “The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) site is a joint effort of NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL), NCAR Research Applications Laboratory (RAL), the FAA, and the AWC. ADDS provides the aviation community with textual, digital, and graphical forecasts, analyses, and observations of aviation related weather variables. 1.3.3 Additionally, the ADDS contains a flight path tool that allows the user to view data along a specific route of flight. The user can view icing, turbulence, temperature, winds, humidity, AIRMETs, METARs, TAFs, etc. both horizontally and vertically. This site also allows many overlay options including ARTCC boundaries, counties, highways and rivers. Product animation is also possible on the AWC JavaScript image.” 1.3.4 Deleted “Automated.” 1.3.5 Deleted “AFSS.” 1.3.5 Deleted “AFSS.” Changed wording to say “FIS-B is a ground-based broadcast service provided through the FAA’s ADS-B Services UAT network. The service provides users with a 978 MHz data link capability when operating within range and line-of-sight of a transmitting ground station. FIS-B enables users of properly equipped aircraft to receive and display a suite of broadcast weather and aeronautical information products. The following list represents the initial suite of textual and graphical products available through FIS-B and provided free-of-charge. This advisory circular (AC) and the current edition of AC 00 63, Use of Cockpit Displays of Digital Weather and Aeronautical Information, contain detailed information concerning FIS-B meteorological products. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 of the AIM contain information on Special Use Airspace (SUA), TFR, and NOTAM products. Text: Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) and Special Aviation Report (SPECI); Text: Pilot Weather Report (PIREP); Text: Winds and Temperatures Aloft; Text: Terminal Aerodrome Forecast (TAF) and amendments; Text: Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) Distant and Flight Data Center; Text/Graphic: Airmen’s Meteorological Conditions (AIRMET); Text/Graphic: Significant Meteorological Conditions (SIGMET); Text/Graphic: Convective SIGMET; Text/Graphic: Special Use Airspace (SUA); Text/Graphic: Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) NOTAM; and Graphic: NEXRAD Composite Reflectivity Products (Regional and National). Users of FIS-B should familiarize themselves with the operational characteristics and limitations of the system, including: system architecture; service environment; product lifecycles; modes of operation; and indications of system failure. FIS-B products are updated and transmitted at specific intervals based primarily on product issuance criteria. Update intervals are defined as the rate at which the product data is available from the source for transmission. Transmission intervals are defined as the amount of time within which a new or updated product transmission must be completed and/or the rate or repetition interval at which the product is rebroadcast. Table 1 1 provides update and transmission intervals for each product. Where applicable, FIS-B products include a look-ahead range expressed in nautical miles (NM) for three service domains: Airport Surface; Terminal Airspace; and En-route/Gulf-of-Mexico (GOMEX). Table 1-1 provides service domain availability and look-ahead ranging for each FIS-B product. Prior to using this capability, users should familiarize themselves with the operation of FIS-B avionics by referencing the applicable User’s Guides. Users should obtain guidance Summary of Changes Aviation Weather Services, Advisory Circular 00-45G Change 2 (October 2014) Section Changes concerning the interpretation of information displayed from the appropriate avionics manufacturer. Users should report FIS-B malfunctions not attributed to aircraft system failures or covered by active NOTAM to the nearest FSS facility by radio or telephone. Users may also report malfunctions by submitting FAA Form 8740 5, Safety Improvement Report, via mail, fax, or email to your local Flight District Standards Office (FSDO) Safety Program Manager. Added Table 1-1. FIS-B Over UAT Product Update and Transmission Intervals, and Table 1-2, Product Parameters for Low/Medium/High Altitude Tier Radios. Deleted second and third subparagraphs. 2 Changed title to say “Aviation Weather Product Policy” 2 Changed first bullet to say “policy guidance for using aviation weather products,” Removed content regarding primary and supplemental classification. 2.1 Deleted subparagraphs 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. 2.3.1 Second Added wording “…Lockheed Martin, Direct Use Access Terminal Service (DUAT/DUATS)” subparagraph 2.3.2 and Paragraph order was swapped. 2.3.3 2.3.2 Last two sentences deleted. Content changed to say “An EWINS is a system for gathering, evaluating, and disseminating aviation weather information, and for issuing weather reports and forecasts prepared by 2.3.3 First properly trained and qualified aviation meteorologists or aircraft dispatchers. Air carriers use paragraph EWINS, which are proprietary to each carrier. In order to use an EWINS, each air carrier requires FAA approval. First sentence changed to say “…each carrier’s EWINS…” FSIMS section corrected to Section 4 2.3.3 Second Text changed to include part 91K operators. paragraph Last sentence changed to say “These approved operators may conduct flight operations using the weather analyses and forecasts produced by their approved EWINS.” Section 9 Title changed to “New Generation Weather Products” 9.1 Text changed to say “…4-, 6 -, and 8-hours…” Changed reference to Figure 9-3 to Figure 9-2. Deleted Figure 9-3. Renumbered figures, updated figure references. Changed text to read “Confidence depicted on the chart…” Changed text to read “Coverage is used to depict the forecast…” 9.1.5 First Text changed to say “The CCFP is a strategic planning tool for air traffic flow management subparagraph in the 4- to 8-hour forecast period. 9.1.5 Second Text added “…l; however CCFP is available to pilots and aircraft dispatchers as an subparagraph additional tool for strategic planning.” 9.2 Extended New section Convective The ECFP Planning Tool (Figure 9-2) is a graphical representation of the forecast probability Forecast of thunderstorms. The product identifies graphically where in the United States Product thunderstorms are likely over the next 72 hours.
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