CO -0 hi I O O t-J CTQ > CD w f~s" M to BRITISH COLUMBIA'S ENCHANTING GULF ISLANDS-GALIANO,MAYNE,the RENDERS,SALT SPRING & SATURNA « ut> • Thursday, June 30th, 1966 Vol 7 No . 16 10$ per copy CD PROPOSED GANGES VILLAGE BOUNDARIES SETMAYNE ISLAND The Committee appointed FIRST AIDERS by the Public Meeting held on SEEK SUPPORT June 10th to further investigate Village status for Ganges has had its first meeting and has set Much has been said about forth the most desirable bound- the charm and fascination of aries as shown on the map on life on the Gulf Islands—the this page. mild climate, lovely scenery Further steps being taken by and the leisurely pace of ev- the Committee include contacts ents. There is, however, an- with the Highways Department other side to it which calls for to confirm those roads within practical planning in commun- the area which would still be ity service, for instance the treated as secondary highways provision of emergency care and maintained by the Prov - for the sick and injured. Over ince; the Committee also plans the years those possessing to contact similar-size villages skills in this field have proven in as similar locations as possi- most generous in giving help ble to get sample information when necessary. On Mayne relating to Administration and Island we were most fortunate Road Maintenance costs. in having the services of Mr. Another project underway is and Mrs. R.J. Steele, who the preparation of a large-scale for some years had coped with HARBOUR map showing the proposed boun- emergencies in a most effic- daries of the proposed sewered ient way. Supplies were kept area to reduce confusion on this up through donations collected INSET point. The sewered area would on a voluntary basis. After Mr become a Local Improvement Steele's death, and with Mrs. Area -within the Village and Steele ill we found ourselves all costs of Sewerage would be with no corordinated First borne by properties fronting on Aid organization just at a the sewer; it would be possible time when sub-divisions were to reduce costs of the sewage opening up bringing in an system by as much as 25% be- influx of weekenders and sum- cause of the better financing mer holiday visitors. It was available to Villages, but those obvious that we must learn areas within the village remain- to help ourselves. At this ing on septic tanks would pay point the Ratepayer's Associ- nothing towards the sewer. ation offered to sponsor a It is hoped to copy the larg- course in First Aid Instruction. er map when it is completed Initial arrangements for a and display it at several loca- course through St. John's Am- tions in the Village. bulance Association in Van- The Committee are anxious couver were abandoned when FULFORD TIDE TABLE to enlarge their numbers once the instructor became ill. In June,Jaly, 1966 P.S.T. the preliminary information is in,; the meantime, E. Narroway Day Time Ht. because considerable assistance who had first aid training June 30 0050 10.6 will be needed in making a moved to the Island and look- Th. 0905 0.8 house-by-house popu lotion ed after a station at the teach- 1743 10.7 count within the area, and fin- erage. It was not until the ally,all factors being favorable, 2131 9.8 following spring that classes Jul. 1 0118 10.5 in circulating the required pet- fi nally got under way when Fr. 0943 0.4 ition. Mrs. Harrowqy of Ganges 1825 11.1 Anyone within this area who started coming one evening would be prepared to help out 2243 9.9 per week to give instruction in any way, please contact one 2 0151 10.2 in St. John's Ambulance First Sa. 1020 0.3 of the Committee members. Aid. These classes were held 1903 11.2 Mr. C. R. Horel, Mr. J. Mc- in the school with a large 2346 9.7 Manus, Mrs. E. Noren, Mr.J. group attending some of whom 3 0230 10.0 Waterfall, Mr. L. Ramsay,Mr. had had previous courses. Su. 1058 0.5 J.D. Ward. Under Mrs. Harraway's spirited 1938 11.2 and imaginative teaching, 4 0041 . 9.4 good progress was made and Mo. 0315 9.7 seven students who completed 1137 0.8 the course were awarded 2011 11.1 certificates after examination 5 0135 9.1 by Dr. Hugh Stansfield whose Tu. 0401 9.3 summer home is located on A matriarch of the Penelakut Indian band, Mrs. Mary Ann Peter 1215 1.3 Arbutus sub-division. of North Galiano passed away on June 21 at the age of 93. She 2042 10.9 Under the guidance of was predeceased by her husband Sammy Peter, and by her seven 6 0229 8.7 Mrs. S. R. Carpenter, presi- children. Survived by a brother, Joe Hall, of Harrison Mills,and We. 0449 8.8 dent of the Community Associ- her step-daughter, Mrs. Esther Allard of North Galiano, as well 1252 1.9 ation, a comprehensive prog - as many nephews and nieces. 2110 10.8 (cont'd to p2 col. 2.) ICINK HOLIDAY r*-^S^$fe. H IDE A WAY I Thursday, June 30th, ! 966 FULFQRD NEWS Gult islands UkirlWCOU Page by Bea Hamilton c An optimist is a person on - W. p. c. VISITS Salt Spring island these days SALT SPRING who arranges, plans or partic- The Vancouver Island ipates in garden parties, pic- Branch of the Canadian Wo- nics, or goes out minus an men's Press Club held their umbrella. annual luncheon meeting at GANGES The United" Church held a the Golf and Country Club garden party, starting out all on Sunday afternoon. PHARMACY right, at the home of Mrs. Al Local correspondent Miss Bea Hamilton was re-elected House last week, and, after PRESCRIPTION president for a second term. arranging tables, stalls, chairs DRUGS in the lovely gardens, had to Mrs. Rae Williams, Regional scurry indoors as the rain came Director from Vancouver, re- ported on national activities. down. But it was all right— COSMETICS Among those present was lots of room though there were Elizabeth Mrs. Muriel Wilson, Victoria, only seven workers to re-ar- Yard ley LAST CLASS THIS WEEK range everything inside.They who fondly remembers the Mrs. Walter Seymour attended her last class this week at the" performed a miracle and soon years she and he husband spent on Salt Spring as owners of local school where she has been Primary teacher for the past had everything orderly and BABY NEEDS nine years. Mrs. Seymour is retiring this year after a full and ready. Rev. E. McQuarrie ~ Solimar Resort. Also present rewarding career teaching here and on the mainland. opened the tea. were two authors whose his- torical books have been recen- Recognized as a first-class primary teacher ar,d an authority in They collected $61.00. * FILMS & CAMERAS tly publishedrMrs. Eugenie her field, this School District is going to miss her. Mrs. Sey- The next tea party will be mour says she plans to spend her time following her many in- the W.I. Raspberry tea at the Myles of Victoria whose "Emperor of the Peace" is a terests, among which are painting, photography, and travel. Fulford Hall on July 14—not WEEKLY taking any chances on the current popular book; and Driftwood extends to her our best wishes for a long and happy weather—a smart move that, Mrs. Helen Mitchell of Camp- SPECIAL retirement. bell River, whose book "His- but that's the W.I. for you. WAMPOLES Multi-Vitamins All this was arranged at tory of Campbell River" has Reg. $2.99 the last meeting of the season just come out. MAYNE FIRST AID held at the home of Mrs. P. SPECIAL $1.69 IN MAGISTRATE'S COURT Middlemiss recently. A number MAG NO LAX Wm. Lasell, Victoria, ram was evolved. Mr. Narro- of Centennial teaspoons are Reg. $1.50 was fined $250 and had his way had left the island but being purchased to sell in hon- drivers license restricted to the remaining six first-aiders, our of our centennial year about the vanishing bald SPECIAL $ .98 "driving to and from work on whose homes are pretty well AND to help the W.I. funds. eagles—they are increasing being convicted of dangerous spaced in different localities They will be here in time for on this island, by the looks PHONE: 537-5311 driving on the Vesuvius Bay were each provided with a kit. the tea on the 14th, it is of things. road, resulting in an accident Oxygen equipment was donatec hoped. The next W. I. Meet- there last week. for use in e mergencies. Swim- ing" will be in September at •ming classes were arranged Arthur To I putt was fined the home of Mrs. A. McManus SETTING UP A COLLEGE $35 for failing to keep to through the B. C. Recreation Sr. the right hand side of the road Program with Rod Filtness as It is nice to hear Alice is FUND FOR THE KIDS? resulting in an accident on instructor. At the time of the back again at the Murakami Make Use of the 5% Term Deposits at Render Island recently. Fall Fair a tent was erected on strawberry farm.... I never the grounds with an attendant have figured out whether she '\SAANICH PENINSULA POLICE NEWS present during the entire pro- comes home for a holiday or Police are investigating gram.
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