Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1955 The Origin and History of the Fast Day in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints A. Dean Wengreen Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the History Commons, Mormon Studies Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Wengreen, A. Dean, "The Origin and History of the Fast Day in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints" (1955). Theses and Dissertations. 5204. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5204 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. a r yz 3 79 xaix1i11 THE ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE FAST DAY IN THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF lateerLATTERDAYLATTERLAT DAY SAINTS 183018961830 1896 A thesis presented to ththe department of history brigham young university provo utah in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of arts in history f I19904719 c 047 by A dean wengreen july 191955 ACKNOWLEDGEacknowledgemeacknowledgementsMENTS not as a mere formality but in sincere appreciation I1 desire to thank the following persons dr richard D poll drdridre jay B hunt and kent fielding of the department of historbistorhistory and ivan J barrett of the department of religion for their personal interest and vital assistance the brigham young uni- versity library staffandstaff and especially newburn I1 butt who gave freely of his time to make valuable source material available and for his wise council and advice bhethebhe staff at the church historians library for their full cooperation in making many original and priceless documents available and to many others too numerous to mention who have given help and encour4gemehtencourqgeme&t words cannot express my gratitude to my wife margaret demos wengreen for the many long hours she has spent at the typewriter and in taking care of the home front so that I1 could be free to complete this projectprojects she has been my best critic and m4hama made many timely suggestionsuggestionssuggestionsoso anA dean wengreen iiiillili TABLETLABLE OF CONTENTSCONTENTS chapter page I1 introduction 0 40 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 IIiloiio11116 THE KIRTLAND PERIOD 183183118381831183801183801 1838 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 Backbackgroubackgroundground modern scripture first instances of actual observance fasting and the kirtland temple 1836 the regularity of fasting fasting in 18183737 poor donations on fast day from ohio to illinois iliIII111 NAUVOO AND TIMTHE EXODUS 183918491839 1849 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 occasional fasts donationsemphasizeddonations emphasized church policy of caring for the poor kirtland period nauvoo and the exodus the relationship of fasting and donations ivelyeiyeIV EARLY UTAH PERIOD 184718718471857018471842l8718570 0 0 0 0 0 42 establishestablishinging regularity to 1818353 1831853 to 1856 the carlofcareofcareoare of the poor and fast offerings incidental items of interest 6 v0vaV FAST observance 18818961858018961858o1896l88 1896 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 65 temporary interruption 1851891859 to 1896 the midweekmid week fast poses problems from thursday to sunday conclusion bibliography 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 iv CHAPTER I1 introduction the fast day is one of the singular institutions of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints 11 howeverthoweverHowevertevery it is recognized that fasting is neither unique to the latter day saints nor to the people of the jewish nations who produced the holy bible the custom of fastingfasting is well known and has been observed in various manners by nearly all peoples of the earth at one time or another 2 As one latterlatterdayday saint writer expressed it 0 elfeifwirif we had the records before us we would discover that fastingfasting was introduced by revelation to man in the dawn of storyehistoryhihistory3historye 3 after a preliminary investigation the writers inte- rest in the subject was aroused primarily because of two rea- sons first it 0fferedoffered a historical challenge the nature of this challenge involved three principleprineprincipie observations 1 it was apparent that the subject had not heretofore received the full name of the church will not always be ususeded is this paper but oftentimes may be referred to as simply the church the members of the church may be collectively re- ferred to as the Sainsaintssaintsttst 0 20 see 1 fasting Mencyclopediaencyclopedaavolooedia americanakreclkreciamericanlyamericanayAmericanay 1981919488 ed volvoivolo XI ppeappp 522 533 and its accompanying bibliography 3 3pqseyejd0D0 ise jgfemsyqn2 august 13 1932 ppo 5 this comment was made by joseph fielding smith now president of the twelve apostles of the church 2 adequate historical consideration 2 the references to fast- ing appeared to be brief and scattered thereby offering a challenge to assemble the data and give an organizedorganisedzed account of its development and 3 the interest manifest by those acquainted with the possibilities of a historical analysis of the subject added to the desirability of the projectprojects the second reason concerns the apparent misconceptions which exist concerning the origin of the fast day its estab- lishlishmentment as a permanent and regularly observed institution in the church and its historical relareiarelationshiptionlionshiptionshipship to fast offerings for example to illustrate the problem of endeavoring to deter- mine when fasting was established on a regular basis in early utah history three quotations from prominent church leaders are cited below these references were among the first disftodis- covered by the writer and provided motivation to further re- search the problems introduced by these quotations will be treated in their context in a later chapter it is recorded that fast meetings were held in all the wards in salt lake city on thursday june 7 1849 and from that time forward fast day wawass regulregulariaregulariyregularlyariyarlyobserved throughout the church on the first thursday of each month until novnovenovo 5 1896 when eltaitwitoitit was decided that the first sunday of the month should be observed instead4insteadinsinsteadoteadoteedo4 A regular fast day was established among the Latlatterteraoteramtermo day saints by president brigham young in l8521852 the first thursday of the month being for years devoted to andrew jensen encyclqoedqaagxglggedia history zfafa chchurchQ saf9f lesusj esuasuchchristixtaxt of latterlatterdayday fajrgajrsaints salt lake city deseret news publishingblushingpublishingblibilshing co 1941 P 7702247 3 its observanceiobservance5observanceobservances 5I to meet the very great demands of chaehacharityity upon latter day saints in those trying years 1897c1855lal8 59 our fastfast day came into existence 5 the servants of the lord institutedigstituted the first thursday of every month as fast dayodaydaya 0 there are other misconceptions which became apparent as the research progressed it was felt that many latter day saints take it for granted that the fast day was establish- ed by the prophet joseph smith and has continued unchanged through the years until the present day that the practice of fasting in the church originated with joseph is true but inquiry shows that it had a varied and disconnected history before it became established as we knoxknow it today many also believe thattiethatthethat the payment of fast offerings has been associated with fasting since the inception of the practice in the church the association of these practices will be treated at some length inthisin this study muchhaspuchhasmuehmuchhas been written about the doctrine of fasting oftmewwww its blenbenefitsbefitsefits blessings nature purpose etcetcete buttbutbuty few writers have concerned themselves with the origin and history of the practice among the latterlatterdayday saints this will be the primary concern of this paper well may we agree that one part of the fast day that is seldom broughbroughtbroughttottoto light is its ljosephjoseph F smith observance of fast day imorovemeimprovement era VI 1902t1902 146 6brighambrigham H roberts in conferenceConfercoqferenceconferengeCoqferenceenge reports of the 6 cjuchurchgju &of jesusesus chrchrist af2fa latterlatterdaylayterlayten aadaidayX alinahinabinsainteysaint3y april at7t 1913 1 pop 1201200 h history 1177 this however is the more difficult part of the subject of fasting to treattreate the purpose of this study is two fold first to re- view the historical sources pertaining to the observance of fastingfasting from the time of the establishment of the church in 1830 until 1896 when the last essential change in its obser- vance occurred and second as the payment of fast offerings is so closely related to an analysis of the subject to trace its development out of the Churchchurchests policy to provide for its poor frequent reference to fasting may be found in the latterlatterdayday saint scriptures these references of course have their greatest value in giving one an understanding of the nature and purpose of stingsstingefastingfafastingsbastings they have but little direct bearing upon the actual establishmentestablishmentof of the institution of fasting among the latterlatterdayday saintstsaints an exception being two or three references from theputkii12the doctrine
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