m WEDDING GOLD WATCH to fet. PRESENTS. BBACELETS. NEWEST AND BEST. Real Gold Self-fitting Bracelets i be repUed to to torOtog,. with Jewelled Lever Watches _s given. Personal appliea- 1 iOWEST p o s s i b l e p r i c e s i. tor particulars, are naelee*. FROM 6 0 /- EACH. or( SOLD, large HOUSE: GUARANTEED, fterrace, Hastings; quietly Its, Decorators, Slgnwriters, Wm. Brnford & Son I be altered as private house ■particulars apply, J. W.t 21, Goldsmiths and 8Uvermiths, Wm. Bruford &5on London, N. - _______ ASHIONABLE VISITOR A N D G U ID E [NESS FOR SALK (Ladies’* iMtboonw and KxeUr. he; old-established; capital Ifce, for fixtures and fittings, |^er.—Apply, Chas. Horne. t AND DISTRICT. - For EA8TB0TJRNE, SAT SEPTEMBER 1915 1 TO BE LET OB SOLD in T e l e p h o n e : 22s, E a s t b o t je h b . PRICE ONE PENNY roality, with exoellent rail- pton and Eastbourne, apply nd Estate Agents, Market- ■Jgj A8TB0URNB THE EASTBOURNE H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, pod) TO LET; moderate A r t i s t i c C o u r t D r e s s m a k e r . President f GRA88INGTON ROAD. EASTBOURNE. iple or two or three ladies; SCHOOL OF COY MARY H. COOP! T [; with or without attend- 11, V 1 T I M 1 T BC ' / ' j E QF DEVONSHIRE. A Day School for the Daughters of Gentlemeni te: close to church.—Lewis, Principals: Dpthorne, 8urrey.________ Subjects and EVENIN G GOWNS at Moderate Prices lead Matter l Latest Creations in PETE i AUTUMN IS COMING! MISS HITCHCOCK and MISS CRAKE home Common; low . S. WILLIAMS, K.A. (Successors to Miss Dos Ruelles) •dens; pleasantly sly a « EMPLOYED. STD EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. l Hooper,Malvem. a; ORIGINAL Assisted by a large Staff ot Resident and Visiting Indl' Idual Tuition. The Bohool la a FIRST-C IRADE SCHOOL for the Bob* Masters and Mistresses. M apRont Of Gentlemen. Pnrils Prepared, if deeired, for the Preliminary. Junior, ;Wood TO LET; six “em5T 55“ Cambridge Lpcal Examinations, also eru—Apply. Mr. .L SIDE. ST. ANN E’S ROAD, Boy* are prepared for the i Universities, the Army, Nary EASTBOURNE. 6yo LISMORE BOAS EASTBOURNE and Civil Beryioes, Profesi dons and Commercial Life, of FrenchPrpfessirSluL^donaud f‘or• V fS S iSSociety S S m capital BRICK-BUILT Preparatory School for There are special Abmt by the Associatod Board of the Royal Academy of Musio _ SK.—MUton Bridgor, pnd Ouaon. DOWS and Royal Collego ot Music. i, Crawley.________ _ For Proepeotua and lnfm iiiatlon a* to recent Snooesses, Students desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving application should be madb to the Head Mabtkb. School may join Advanoed Classes in English Literature f GUESTS RECEIVED in and History, French, German, Latin and Mathematics. highly recommended; good Physical Drill Is mlsort foie the whole SohooL net; pleasant situation, DICKER 1 . A V. SLOOOMBK), Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Clubs, Avenue_______________itboume. _ NEW FITTINGS (some quaint and prei -v | School French Library, A FEW BOARDERS ARB RECEIVED. jail) TO LET, adjoining PROVISION MERCHANTS & GROCERS, LOVELLY- KEPPLE8TONE, ' . ! !•[ ' l ' » ' • • : ■ l’ I* two or three weeks; lovely OBOROUGH STAVELEY ROAD, MEADS. EASTBOURNE. • AND > > .*• . , t j : I , SoholMship-opsD to girls undor H—tenable at tho UPPER AVENUE 1 ;! ! i * L ' ; jr | Ladies College for three years ; examination in Conneo- s t1 Sussex News” Office, o n o R D i Telephone No. 118. ta*n with this held in Jauuajy of every year. tartkor Particulars, Ac., apply to tho l BOARD-RESIDENCE; W ^ { S § : $ L B I tool /or Girl* (Preparatory and Finishing). NEW FIRES (nearly 200 to select from), Principals, The Ladles’ College, .nd comfortable; one mile Private School SPIRT and MINERAL WATERS. — “ Home," “ Chronicle” I. V. H. Browne and Miss Tait-Beid, B.A., Old Gleniivet Whiskey, 3 /6 A 4 /-IH ittle. ¥ no Old Tawney Fort, 36/■ I t 42/ Assisted by a large Resident Staff of Trained c CATTLE; 10 to 16 acres, Oortfflootod English and Foreign Teachers. hip to Christmas or longer.— ne. tw ig . at* to n y Bwnitwa, litttgpt.Many othep. to tts V E W s V A m iTOikjfi BE a NOKOP T '-E LL KSM E-B ■, SCHOOL (JPPERTON), I, SPENCER ROAD x Gardens. (Late of 32, The Ayenue). Home School for the Daughters of Gentlemen LA; two sitting, three bed- BOYS INTENDED FOB BU£ INESS LIFE ; electric light and large Subjects ot Instruction lnolnde those taught i K ISS LLOYDS has removed to more oommodleus [tion-road. Hampden Park. lUo Secondary Sohools and, in addition, speck premises and Is prepared to receive an increased Mi la paid to Commercial SuhJ »t» and Model number of DAILY PUPILS. OF HOUSE; five large ; also Three Rooms at top Itbourno._______ _ For PpMpeotna apply Hiad I Abxmb. Telephone No. 835. SMALL CLASS FOR THE CHILDREN CHARLES BREACH, OF GENTLEPEOPLE ONLY p Flatj; 12s. 6d. weekly. 4- ; 1 f 1 1 EASTBOURNE. f i RANVILLE HOUSE, GAUDIOK ROAD, A Is held at S, GRANGE ROAD. Lflldren preferred.—Killiek MADE BREAD, V j MEADS, EASTBOURNE — ’nus-road, Eastbourne. D U O A T I O N c o m m i t : Builder, Contractor a; id Sanitary Pupils can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary Residential, Preparatory and F inishing Examination. kt conveniently - arranged Girls’ School. h ing 2 reception, 6 bedrooms, A R T SCHOLARSHIPS THE TOWN D. West End Building Works, Meads. Residence: 1, Ms Beginners are received. "1 inclusive.—Killiok and Principals—MRS. 0. H. dm la MOTHS and Referenoee from Parents of Pupils. f Total Valae £150, MRS. NELSON FOLEY. B.So (Lond.) late Apply, Miss E Clkathee. f-contained, conveniently- 1 of the Lad lee’ College, Cheltenham. pms and bath; newly deoo- IPS, tenable at IS, Pevenwy-road and 175, Seaside, Assisted bya v ell-qualified Staff c & Davies. Estate Agents, are OPEN TO House beautifully situate 1 In its own Grounds. Good [TNOOKMAROOK SOHOO N . 189. Tennis Courts and Pla ring Field. Recreation and IE . AND KINDERGARTEN [>USE FOR SALE; vacant Elementary and Gymnasium Room (St ft long). FOR’ GENTLEMEN’S CHILDREN, , Bath; price, £400; low veninsr Sohools: Bpeolal Advantages for M uto and Modem Languages. ENYS ROAD, EASTBOURNE , as above. professions: and HOUSE Principals . The Mibsks Semple, Prospectus and references, on application. RENOVATIONS J TO LET in Gore Park- ra, are eligible to Girls l to 11 years; Boys 1 to 8 years. ive, £45; West-terrace. £50;, endish-place. £55; Le Brun- ’full particulars see Art School! jspectus, obtain- flannels Wtuhid to Sain ) Veter, for the Visitors’ Children received. No Boarders. L —Apply, Killiek So Davies, from the ; Education Secret. tv, Town Hall, SAVIOUR'S OHOIB SCHOOL, Lessons In the Garden (weather permitting). S• BOUTS ember 1st, SMALL FARM ' 1 ; near Eastbourne; 7 rooms BOYS ABB TAKEN FROM THE AC M d m e . e m iIl ie p e i r e l l i , r .a .m, ! stabling and garage; ,2' a MODERN SCHOOL of GUAGKS, Fans 46 ?eb Annum. (Of London) F Davies, as abpve. hl Hetty « Ofc’s Arcade, 40, Te ne of whloh cover (Late pupil of Signor Randegger) e Fees. - Internal and External Decorations Prlma Donna Opera and Principal London Conoerts, MOH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, SPANISH, life. ESTIMATES FREE. E RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS In SINGING fUBH, RUSSIAN, CLASSICS, HEBREW, rmattonapply and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method). for §aie. tea. M Moderate. Native Teachers. Trial Lesson Free, CRAIG-Y-DON, #, DUKE'S DRIVE, EASTBOURNE. Houses, or Hotel i x Also at Messrs. Clift’s, Gildredgo-road, and (INSTEAD LIMITED. Principal—L. Da LAVALLAZ, Dr. Litt. TLflSS BALLS, L.L.A., Messrs. Hermitage & Sons, Terminus-road. AGE. TeLlSL SPACIOUS OPEN DRYING GROUND. MILLER & SELMES (; CORNFIELD TERRACE. DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. OARS STORED R. A. E. STYLE®, 1, Sxlvebdale-road. <td “ M ia Hsu , Sanitary Stem Laundry, Latimer-road, Eastbourne.' Successful in £ lamination Work. OARS. Medalist of Society of Arts. Long experience Decorators. Plumbers. Under Royal Patronage. mty Modern Language Instructor and Examiner COACHBB BACKWARD PUPILS OR TAKES IS S ELEANOR RATCLIFFE. yxBTMiirr. VBBROH, GERMAN and ESIERANTO, SPECIAL SUBJECTS WITH STUDENTS in Every Description of Building and House Repairs done at Moderate Charges. 10 years-Assistant to MRS. WORDSWORTH, Famillei or Sohools. t Machines (nearly new), English, Latin, Spanish and Italian Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary Work. MWill resume her CLASSES at the Grand Hotel, Saturday1 and Threshing Machine taught by up-to-date met1 od. H ighnst Rkfkkbnceb. Oct. 2nd. at 145; Juveniles, IX o’clock. At Devonshire te Lemons nr small Classes. Schools visited, Park, Wednesday afternoons, 3.30, Oot. 6th; Baby Class, errloht In alien Zwelgen der engll sohen Spraohe. 56 and Works: 75, T1DESWELL ROAD, EASTBOURNE. 11 o'clock. Private Lessons at any time. np and 1,000 Gallon Tank OSINA VIA Apply—ALLANDALE. COOMBB ROAD, CROYDON. laoreaBa dl Lingua ItaUana I TaLflM. Under Roved Patronage. Eat. 1396. nell’ Univc nit* dl Roma) r complete (equal to new). MONEY. WARDROBES. 1 to new). GIVES LESSORS IN I WEE CENTRAL GY1ENASIUM, MONEY, PABTMKNT. CORNFIELD Rr“ 1' — In Schools and Famine*. Frenoh Lessons also given. WARDROBES. WIRE: 6,8 and 10 Tons. For terms, &c* apply Huthkbdbnn, 4, Meadb-stbket, n Guards, [ COURT LOAD, LONDON, W jATORS and MA1LCAKTS- carefully taught by :ers, Jewellers and General Salesmen, 150 to dear; 2s. in the d LONDON.” Telephone: MUSEUM “ ONE.’ GRA HAM SCHOFIELD. I | V few weeks only, including Infield and Triumph Cycles SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. Son, Trinity-buildings, and Gives LESSONS in PR, lCTIO DRE88 CUTTING a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS FOOTBALL, HOCKEY, GOLF, da.
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