
CENSUS OF INDIA, 1921. VOLUME XXIV RAJPUTANA AND AJMER-MERWARA PART I REPORT. Agents for the Sale of Books Pl1blisbed by the Superintendent 01 Government Printing, India, Oalcutta. IN EUROPE. Oonstable &, Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., l, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.O. London, W.C. Kegan Paul, Trench, Triibner &, Co., 68·74, Carter Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd., 2,3 & 4, Aurthur Str~t, Lane, E.C., and 39, New Oxford Street, London, W.O. New Oxford Street, London, W.O. 2. Bernard Quariteh, 11, Grafton Street, New Bond B. H. Blackwell, 50 & 51, Broad Streot, Oxford. Street, London, W. Deighton, Bell & Co., Ltd., Cambridge. P. S. King & SOIlS, 2 & 4, Grea.t Smith Street, W est­ Oliver and Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. minster, London, S.W. E. Ponsonby, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. H. S. King & Co., 65, Cornhill, E.C., and 9, Pa.ll Mall, Ernest Leroux, 28, Rne Bonaparte, Paris. London, W. Martinns Nijhoff, The Hague, Holl.and. Grindlay & Co., 54, Parliament Streot, London, S.W. Friedlander and Solm, Berlin. LuzM & Co., 4(), Grea.t Russell Street, London, w.e. W. Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, E.O. Otto liarrassowitz, Leipzig: IN INDIA AND CEYLON. Thacker, Spink & Co., Caloutta and Simla. Proprietor, New Kitabkhana, Paona. Newman & Co., Oalcutta. The Standard Bookstall, Karachi. R. Oambray & Co., Calcutta. Mangilidas Harkisandas, Snrat. S. K. Lahiri & Co., Calcutta. Kllrsandas Narandas & Sons, Surat. B. Banorjee & Co., Calcutta. A. H. Wheeler & Co., Allahabad, Calcutta and Bombay. The Indian Sehool Supply Dep6t, 309, Bow BaUlr N. B. Mathnr, Supt., Nazir Kanun Hind Press, Street, Calcutta, and 226, Nawabpur, Dacca. Allahabad. Butterworth & Co. (India), Ltd., Ca lcutta. Munshi Seeta Ram, Managing Proprietor, Indian Army Book Dep(l~, Juhi, Cawnporo. Rai M. C. Sarcar Bahadnr and Sons, 90j2.A. Harrison Rai Sahib M. Gulab Singh & Sons, Mufid·i.Arn ProS", Road, Calcutta. Lahore and Allahabad. 'I.'he Weldon Library, 57, Park Street, West, Calcutta. Bama Krishna & Sons, Lahore. Sta.ndard Literature Company, Ltd., G<Ilr,utta. Supt., American Baptist Mill!lion Press, Rangoon. Lal Chand & Sons, Calontta.. Proprietor, Rangoon Times Press, Rangoon. AsSooiation Press, Caloutta. The Modern Publishing House, Ltd., 70, Spa.rks Street, The International Buddhist Book DepOt, 4, Chandney RangGon. , Chawk, 1st Lane, Calcutta. Manager, I The Hitavad80,' Nagpur. Higginbotham & 00., Madras. S. C. 'ra.lukdar, Proprietor, Stnriont, & Co, Cooch V. Kalyanarama. Iyer & Co., Madras. Behar. A. M. & J. Ferguson, Ceylon. H. A. Na.tesan & .Co., Madra~. S. Murthy & Co., Madras. Manager, Educational Book Dep()t$~ Nagpur and Jubbulpore.'" Thompson & Co., M~dras. Manager of tho Imperial Book Depot, 63, Chandnoy 'rampla & Co., Madras. Chauk Street, Delhi.. Manager, 'Tho Agra Medic,al Hall and Co· operative P. R. Rama Iyer & Co., Mad~as. Associatiou, Ltd.' (Successors to A. John & Co., Vas & Co., Madras. Agra.).* E. M. Gopalakrishna Kone, Madura. Supt., Basel Mission Book and Tract Depository, Mangalore.* Thacker & Co., I.td., Bombay. P. Varadachary & Co., Madras.· D. B. Taraporcvala, Sons & Co., Bombay. Itam Dayal Agarwala, 184" Katra, Allahabad. * Mrs. Radh.. bai Atmaranl Sagoon; Bflmbay. D. C. Anand & Sons, Peshawar.• Sunder Pandumng, Bomliay. Manager, Newal Kishore Press, Lucknow. * Gop,,1 Narayan & Co., Bombay. Mllung Ltl Gale, Proprietor, I,aw Book DepOt, Ma.rlalay.* Ram' Chandra Govind & Son, Kalb"devi, Bombay. Times of Oeylon Co., Ltd.t " AgentbJor the sale of Legislative Depllortment publioations ollly.~ t Agents for the sale of ArJhreologioal publications only. of Books Published by the .ment Printing, India, Oalcutta. N EUROPE. T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd.• I, Adelphi Terra.ce, London, W.O. Wheldon & Wesley. Ltd., 2, 3 & 4, Aurthur Streett, .C. New Oxford Street, London. W.O• .2• LU B. ll. Blackw-ell, 50 & 51. Broa.d Street, Oxford. Deighton. Bell & Co., Ltd .• Cambridge. Oliver and Boyd, rrwecddalc Cou.rt. Edit:J.bl1rgh. E. Ponsonby. Ltd., 116. Grafton Street, Dublin. Ll, Ernest Leroux, 28. Rue Bonaparte, Paris. 7. Iviartinus Nijhoff, The Hague, Holl.lLnd. c· Friedlander and SOhll, Berlin. Otto I.larrasBowit.z, Leipzig: [A AND CEYLON. Proprietor. NeW' Kitabkhana, Poona. The Standard Bookstall, Ii:arachL Mangaldas Harkisandas, 8nro.t. Karsandas Narandas &; Sons. Surat. A. H. Wheeler & Co.• Alln,habad, CalcutLa and Bombay. N. B. Mathur. Supt.. Nazir Kanun 1:Iind Press, Allahabad. Munshi Seeta Ram, Managing Proprietor, Indian Army Book Depot, Juhi, Gaw-np ore. ". I~ai Sahib M. Gulab Singh &; Sons, Mllfid·i.ArLl l.~ro .. ",. Lahore and Allahabad. l~ama Krishna. & Sons. Lahore. Supt., American Baptist Mission Press, Rangoon. Proprietor, Rangoon Times Press. Ra.ngoon. The Modern Publishing House, Ltd., 70, Spa.rks Street. ,,)' Rangoon. , Manager, ~ The Hitavada.,· Nagpur. S. C. 'ralukdar, Proprietor, Stu<ient-; & 00, Coooh .Behar. A. M. & .:T. :Forguson, Ceylon. Manager, Educattonal Book DepO ts~ Nagpur a.nd Jubbulpore.... Manager of the Imperial Book DepOt, 63, Chandnoy Chau.k St... "eto, Delhi.· Managee, < Tho Agra Medieal Hall and Co.operative Assoeiation, Ltd.' (Successors to A. John & Co., Agra).· Supt., Basel Mission Book and Tract Dopository. Mangalore.* P. Varadach:>-ry &; Co., Madras.'" Ram. Dayal Agarwala. 18'1, Katra, Allahabad." D. C. Anand & Sons, PeSnaw-ar.· Manager, Newal Kishore Press, Luckuow.* Manng IJu Gale, Proprietor, Law Book DepOt, Maurtala.y.* '£hnes of Ceylon Co., Ltd.t r Legisla.tive Depn.rtment publications ollly.~ [ Ar0hreologioa.1 publica.tions only. R~F~BaNC~S, P~ACE S, ====(MARWA~ I, BA~OlRA J~. 2, BALI 3· OE~URI 4. SADRI 5, SAMBHAR ~ I v (KOTAH) . 1,NASIRABAO ; SKEKRI (KISHAMAR~ : ~ SAP-WAR \, ~ (KO~A~) S • I \ IO.IND~RGARH ~ i (JAI~U~ 0 II. PHULERA, 12.JAlPUR 1ERRliOR~ ll, BHARA TPUR lBHARAiPUR SiATEJ~ 14, ~CHN!RA lU,P) .. 15, T~NTPUR ~OHOLPUR 5iAl~1 IG.kARAu~1 lKARAULI STm) , ~ ===STAHS I. KISHANGARH 'JI.OHoLPUR, BOUNDAR1c.S PROVINCE 80UNOAR~ ....... ,.......... "' ...., STATE OR BRI'TISH Dlsr"""'" & I ~ I , '~RANspaR""""~ I ~ I I 0 I I~ I TRADE ROUTE kUTCHA ........ Fooe INeU~'R~·····. I "...... .' " II PUCCAROAD = lE~TILEIHD~STR¥"®/~ I , LEATHER IHDuSTR~ .. L BOMaAY, BARODA ~ND} IHDUSTRIA~ r~IR ..... '~ Ch,!R.AL I~DIA ~~ "1III+H+II­ SEr.tI" ".-... JAIPIIR STA1E . R!· _w_·~,,_._ ~ I O~OLPuR SA~I RAILWA~-~ I Lu~uR~ IHDuSm··c \ JODHPUR BIKANIR II .. -litt+IHr 'I PH~SICAI. FORCE S.~ UOAIPU~ CHITOR ,,··WvW ,*"". l!l TABLE OF OONTENTS. INTRODUCTION • ix-xi CHAPTER I.-Distribution and Movement of the Population. PART I.-Dist'l'ibution of the populution- Area dealt with. Natural Divisions. Administrative Divisions. Meaning of 'Population.' Aocuraoy of Results. Referende to Statistical Tables. Area and population. 'Centre of population' and' Median points.' Relation of Area to Population. Comparison of Area with other Indian Provinces. Comparison of Area with other Countries. Comparison of Population with Countries beyond India and with oth~r Provinces in India. Density of Population. Variations in Density. Comparison with other Provinces and Countries outside India. Density by States and Districts. Variations in Density by States and Districts. Inter·relations between Density, Rainfall, !lml Density on Cultivable area, etc. Distribution of Population classified according to Density 1-12 PART-II. Movement of the Populafion- Introductory. Improved method of Enumeration. Enumeration in Non:Synchronous areas. Changes in Area at various Censuses. Variations in Population since 1881. Brief review of conditions in 1911·1921. Public Health. Variations in PO]lulation by Religion. Varia. tions in Population at the present Census. Comparison between variations in the cen· sused population and in that derived from Vital Statistics. Examination of Vital Statistics. Migration. Relation of variation to Density. Detailed examination of results by Natural DivisioDB and their Units • 12-36 PART IlI.-Houses and Families- Data for discussion. Definition of 'House.' Occupied Houses per square mile. Average number of persons per House. Joint-Family system 36-38 Subaidiary Tablea • 39--44 CHAPTER II.--The Population of Cities, Towns and Villages. Gene'l'af- Data for discussion. Definition of 'Town.' Number of Towns. New Towns. Number of Towns in Natural Divisions 45-47 The Urban Population- General. Size of Towns. Sex proportion. Distribution of Urban population by Religion. Composition of Urban Population. Density of population in Towns. Recent growth of population in Towns classified according to size. Distribution of population between Towns and Villages. Distribution of population between States and Districts and Natural Divisions. 47-52 The RU'l'al Population- Definition of 'Village.' Variation in the number of Villages. Villages classified according to population. Mean distauce between Villages (Towns included). Average population per Village in different Natural Divisions. Average population per Village by States and Districts. Average area. per Village 52-54 Cities- General. Ajmer City. Alwar City. Bharatpur City. Bikaner City. Bundi City. Dhal. pur City. Jaipur City. Jodhpur City. Kotah City. Tonk City. Udaipur City 55-65 Selected Totlms- General. Abu Town. Beawar Town (also called Nayanagar) 65-68 Subsidiary Tables 69-72 ii CON ['ENTS PAGES. CHAPTER m.-Birth-place. Introductory. Different kinds of Migration. Summary of Statistics. Composition of the Immigrant population by Religion. Extra· provincial Migration. Emigration to other Provinces in India. Net result of Migration. Proportion of ~exes. Inter.provincial
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