Agenda Heritage and Museum Advisory Committee Meeting #6 Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 7:00 PM Municipal Office Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & Nature Thereof 3. Adoption of the Minutes i. Minutes of the 5th Regular Meeting of the Scugog Heritage and Museum Advisory Committee held May 16, 2017 Errors & Omissions: Recommendation: THAT the Minutes of the 5th Regular Meeting of the Scugog Heritage and Museum Advisory Committee held May 16, 2017 be adopted. 4. Business Arising Out of the Minutes 5. Deputation i. Doug Young - Property Owner David Brand – Developer Re: 234 Union Avenue ii. Sol-Arch Ltd. Jonathan Benczkowski Re: 289 North Street iii. Fraser Dimma – TENTATIVE Re: 221 Mary Street – Mueller Property To request an alternative accessible format, please contact the Clerks Department at 905-985-7346 6. Reports/Updates i. GBCA Architects RE: Borgal Report - Merits of Designating the Property at 221Mary Street ii. Township of Scugog – Peter Wokral RE: Township of Scugog’s Reply to Borgal Report 221 Mary Street Committee to review and forward a motion to Council to adjust or reaffirm the committee’s previously stated position regarding the above noted matter. iii. Erika Kohek – Township Staff RE: Draft Policy for Evaluation of Heritage Resources Committee to review and forward a motion to adopt or revise. iv. Erika Kohek – Township Staff RE: Adding Properties to the Register Committee to review and forward a motion to adopt or revise. v. Curator’s Report(s) Recommendation: THAT the reports prepared by the Curator dated June 20, 2017 be received for information. Updates i. BIA ii. Phase II Waterfront Steering Committee iii. Township of Scugog To request an alternative accessible format, please contact the Clerks Department at 905-985-7346 Planning Issues Heritage Permit Sub Committee Minutes i. Nothing to Report at this time Education and Public Awareness i. Accessibility Committee to meet in September RE: Information Sharing Session 7. Correspondence i. Street Names RE: Committee to review and recommend to Council two street names for the New Plan of Subdivision. 8. Other Matters/New Business i. 2018 Committee Budget To discuss the 2018 budget in full detail (amount requested and reasons why) ii. Important Dates • August 13, 2017 Driftwood Theatre presents the Bard’s Bus Tour • August 20, 2017 Pioneer Day • Date tbc September, 2017 Murder Mystery Evening • September – October 2017 (dates tbc) Celebrating Durham/Scugog’s Agricultural Heritage • December 10, 2017 Children’s Old Fashioned Christmas in the Village 9. Outstanding Matters i. Plaque Revision – Canadian Bank of Commerce To request an alternative accessible format, please contact the Clerks Department at 905-985-7346 10. Follow-Up/ Recommendations from Council 11. Date and Time of Next Meeting Date in September to be determined, 2017 at 7:00 PM. 12. Adjournment To request an alternative accessible format, please contact the Clerks Department at 905-985-7346 Minutes of the 5th Regular Meeting of the Scugog Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Held Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM Scugog Arena Present: Council Representative(s) Ms. Jennifer Back Mr. Don Kett Chair Mr. Dan Stone Vice Chair Ms. Marina Brock Members Mr. Peter Hvidsten Mr. Guy Latreille Mr. Brandon Guido Ms. Jasmine Stein Also Present: Committee Coordinator Ms. Christy Harrison Planning Technician Mr. Roberto Vertolli Planning Student Ms. Erika Kohek Museum Curator Ms. Shannon Kelly Guests from Twp. Of Uxbridge Mayor Ms. Gerri Lynn O’Connor Councillor Ms. Pamela Beach Committee Chair Mr. Robin Coombs Committee Member Ms. Eileen Wilson Committee Member Ms. Helen Pruss Committee Member Ms. Robin John Committee Member Ms. Tamara Williamson Regrets: Director of Development Services Mr. Kevin Heritage Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. A quorum was present and round table introductions followed. Guests from the Township of Uxbridge introduced themselves and gave a brief statement as to their invested interest in heritage matters. 1. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest & Nature Thereof No member made a disclosure of pecuniary interest. Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 May 16, 2017 2. Adoption of the Minutes i. Minutes of the 4th Regular Meeting of the Scugog Heritage and Museum Advisory Committee held April 18, 2017 Errors & Omissions: Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Councillor Kett THAT the Minutes of the 4th Regular Meeting of the Scugog Heritage and Museum Advisory Committee held April 18, 2017 be adopted. Carried 3. Business Arising Out of the Minutes i. Heritage Plaque Presentation The Chair and Mr. Hvidsten presented Ms. Stein with her plaque to be displayed on her (now designated) home. The committee and guests all congratulated Ms. Stein. ii. Blackstock Church - Update The Committee discussed the designation of the Blackstock Anglican Church and the current status of the application. 5. Deputation - Nil 6. Reports/Updates i. Curator’s Report Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Peter Hvidsten THAT the report prepared by the Curator dated May 16th, 2017 be received for information. Carried Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 May 16, 2017 Updates BIA – Recap Vice Chair Brock provided an update on the current status on the BIA’s projects that included but was not limited to the following: BIA is currently looking at arch lighting in the conservation district; Working on the final details, costs, etc. Hopefully to be finalized within the next year to a year and a half. Phase II Waterfront Steering Committee Councillor Back provided the Township of Uxbridge with an overview of the Old Mill project including history of the Old Mill itself. Councillor back then discussed in further detail the current status of the report that went to Council, which included but was not limited to the following: The engineering report has been received and very happy with the outcome; Old Mill is structurally sound; Have send out a request of interest out to the public to restore the Old Mill; Prospects could include a high end restaurant or winery. The committee continued the discussion and noted the possibilities the Old Mill could create within the downtown core. Township of Scugog See above notes Planning Issues Heritage Permit Sub-Committee Minutes i. Nothing to report at this time Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 May 16, 2017 Education and Awareness i. Scugog Heritage Gallery The Chair updated all in attendance on the above noted website that was created by Mr. Peter Hvidsten. The Chair also noted that the link to the website is already on the BIA’s website and would like to have it placed on the Township’s website in the near future. ii. Uxbridge Heritage Committee Re: Information Sharing Session The Township of Uxbridge Committee participated and shared their experiences throughout the meeting. 7. Correspondence i. CHO News Re: Spring 2017 Update Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Guy Latreille THAT the Correspondence be Received for Information. Carried ii. Ontario Heritage Conference RE: 2017 Ontario Heritage Conference – Registration Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Brandon Guido THAT the Correspondence be Received for Information. Carried Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 May 16, 2017 8. Other Matters / New Business i. Adding Properties of Heritage Significance to the Registry The Chair and Vice Chair made reference to the list (Attachment 1) of properties to be placed on the Register. The discussion included but was not limited to the following: Noted there are several procedural differences between the two Townships including record keeping, heritage significance and support within the community; Shared the importance of preserving heritage as a whole; Discussed the importance of staff members and the value of the volunteers; Ms. Kohek, Township of Scugog, Planning Student, noted her adjustments to the list. The Committee discussed amongst themselves and agreed to have the properties listed in Attachment #1 added to the Township of Scugog’s Heritage Register based on the recommendations from both Staff and Council. Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Councillor Kett THAT the Properties listed in Attachment 1, be placed on the Scugog Heritage Register subject to staff confirming the correct address and Heritage Value of each property. ii. Reminder – The Scugog Accessibility Advisory Committee will be joining the Heritage Committee on June 20th Heritage & Museum Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 May 16, 2017 iv. Important Dates May 20, 2017 Scugog Shores Museum Village opens for the season June 3, 2017 49th Annual Canoe the Nonquon July 15 and July 16, 2017 15th Annual Dog Days of Scugog August 13, 2017 Driftwood Theatre presents the Bard’s Bus Tour August 20, 2017 Pioneer Day Date tbc September, 2017 Murder Mystery Evening September – October 2017 (dates tbc) Celebrating Durham/Scugog’s Agricultural Heritage December 10, 2017 Children’s Old Fashioned Christmas in the Village 9. Outstanding Matters 10. Follow-up/Recommendations from Council i. 289 North Street - Designation to Council 11. Date and Time of Following Meeting The next meeting will be June 20, 2017 at 7:00 PM 12. Adjournment 9:04PM Committee Recommendation: Moved by: Guy Latreille THAT the meeting be adjourned. Carried Respectfully submitted, Mr. Dan Stone, Chair Report on the Merits of Designating the Property at 221 Mary Street (Lot 76, Plan H50020), Port Perry, Township of Scugog under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act Prepared by Goldsmith Borgal & Company Ltd. Architects for Eva and James Mueller 8 March 2017 8 March 2017 Ms Eva Mueller and Mr. James Mueller 4 – 340 Buena Vista Avenue Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 1M5 Dear Ms Mueller and Mr. Mueller: Re: 221 Mary Street, Port Perry, Township of Scugog, Case Number CRB1618 Thank you for asking us to report on the merits of designating the property at 221 Mary Street in Port Perry under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. We have reviewed the designation by-law through our site visits, historical research and reading of Township minutes, the municipal heritage register, official plan policies and zoning by-law provisions.
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