TUB Vol. 29 JFORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, SEPTEMBER 29, 1949 No. 1 YALE RALLY OPENS |}> GRID CAMPAIGN Fr. Walsh Becomes 1st ON VICTORY NOTE Provost; Fr. Davis, Dean A giant pre-Yale game rally,' In a major change in Fordham's administrative set-up, the featuring some of the outstanding Rev. Lawrence A. Walsh, S.J., was appointed during the sum- . personalities in <he entertainment Fleming and Corbin mer to the newly-created post of Provost of the University world, will be held in the gym- and the Eev. Thurston N. Davis, S.J., succeeded Father nasium on Friday, September 30, Walsh as Dean of Fordham College. at 8:00 P.M. To Edit Ram, Monthly On Saturday morning, Ford- The Rev. Alfred Barrett, S.J., years in the army, a major part of ham's car cavalcade will move chairman of the Journalism Divi- which was in the European The- along Merritt Parkway en route sion, today formally announced ater. Last year he was assistant to the Yale Bowl. Special ar- the appointment of Thomas Flem- city editor of The RAM and edi- tor of The Fordham Flash. He re- rangements have been made with ing as editor - in - chief of The sides at Elmhurst, L. I. the Westchester police to ensure Monthly and Frank Corbin as edi- Fleming has announced the swift passage to the game. A spe- tor of The RAM.. following as his assistants on The cially reserved parking area out- A naval veteran of over two Monthly: Ralph Boulay, business side the Bowl will assure Ram years in the Pacific, Fleming is manager; James Trainor and Leo ably suited for his job as editor. Shanley, '51, literary editors; Vin fans of a minimum of difficulty He was a former associate editor Simko, managing editor; and Ger- at the season's opener. of The Monthly and was active as ald Johnson, advertising manager. Tony Lavelli, Eli basketball a contributor of poetry. In his As his assistants on The RAM star and lately professional ac- years on the staff many have Staff, Corbin announced Jim cordionist, heads the list of popu- sought his advice on poetry and Hinchcliife, business manager; lar entertainers; while Charles prose, poetry being his particular William Brendle, sports editor; "Buddy" Rogers will handle the field of interest, He is a resident Ben Thompson, '51, managing edi- M.C's job. Other individual talent of Fordham who hails from New tor; Ted St. Antoine, '51, city edi- will also be on hand, Arthur Jersey. tor; Warren Weith, features editor; JDaley, sports columnist for the Regarding Frank Corbin, a brief Joseph A..Managiapane as inter- glimpse into his past will show collegiate editor; Albert J. Fio- (New York Times, Lou Miller of rella, chief editorial writer; (the World Telegram, are among his ability to carry successfully the duties of his position. George Cook, chief photographer, [the many sports figures scheduled and George Cernigliaro, circula- FR. DAVIS FR. WALSH [to .make appearances at the rally. Graduating from Cardinal Hayes, he served three-and-a-half tion editor. As Provost, Father Walsh will \ Fordham talent will be repre- POLIO WAVE assist Father McGinley, Rector sented in the persons of the Rev. and President of Fordham, in his J-Harold Mulqueen, S.J., the Band, Band Offers Burke CLAIMS TWO administrative duties and will ;the Glee Club, and, of course, the serve as general coordinator for (team and the coaches. A Frosh the various schools of the Univer- : Inducements JIMOIt* parade will precede the rally in To NSA Post sity. !the gym, and a bonfire will be To Recruits William Burke, '50, was elected A High Requiem Mass will be Father Walsh was ordained at held on the Prep field following vice-president of the New York offered by the Rev, Vincent Reyn- Woodstock College in 1927, and the break-up of the formal rally. The University Band, now Metropolitan Region of the N.S.A. olds, S.J., tomorrow morning in starting its thirty-fifth consecu- during the National Student the University Church at 10 came to Fordham in 1932 as Dean tive year of operation, is in need Congress held at the University o'clock, for the souls of two mem- of the Graduate School of Arts The motorcade is something of of musicians and persons with of Illinois on Aug. 24. bers of last year's Sophomore nd Sciences. In 1938 he succeeded an innovation in the field of pre- some musioal ability;- announced Robert Peters, '50, and William class, John Alan Murphy and Wil- the Rev. Charles J. Deane, S.J., as game preparations. Last May the Rev. Harold Mulqueen, S.J., Sullivan, '51, completed the Ford- liam Kennedy Humphreys. Both Dean of the College and held this Student Council President Lou the organization's moderator. ham delegation to the Associa- passed away during the summer, position until this recent appoint-' Mauro appointed a committee to From the large group of fresh- tion's convention, which was at- victims of the polio epidemic. ment. work out plans for an all-out men now on the campus, it had tended by more than 500 voting The Mass will be offered by the The new Dean of the College, •Fordham turnout for the Yale been hoped that sufficient num- delegates, representing approxi- former classmates of Murphy and Father Davis, was graduated from game. In addition to embellish- bers of qualified bandsmen could mately 300 American colleges. Humphreys. The time is set dur- New York's Xavier High School ing the campus rally with profes- be obtained to restore the band At the convention, Burke acted ing the Confession period and all and from Georgetown College. He sional entertainers, the committee to its pre-war size. Now that as a member of the Students' are invited to assist at the Sacri- also holds degrees from Wood- devised the car cavalcade idea to many of the football trips are to Rights Commission which dis- fice. The Fordham Glee Club will stock and Harvard. In 1942 he was .facilitate transportation to the be made to the larger campuses, cussed the fitness of Communists chant the Mass. ordained at Woodstock. game, and to encourage more stu- Korclham will need a band worthy as teachers. Peters served on the Murphy, an A.B. student, lived For the past year, Father Davis dents to attend who would other- of representing it. International Commission, which at 41-05 158th Street, Flushing. has bc^n teaching philosophy in wise be restricted by financial Many privileges go along with debated the question of joining Twenty years old, he was a gradu- the Graduate School. Among his limitations. being a member of the band, Fr. the Red-dominated International ate of Xavier High School. He other activities, he is a member of Car-pools were arranged for Mulqueen pointed out. Not the Union of Students. Sullivan par- died on August 16th after a short the American Philosophy Associ- those who would otherwise be least of these are the frequent ticipated as a member of the Edu- illness. His mother, Mrs. Agnes ation and a contributor to AMER- forced to resort to the more ex- trips and social gatherings which cational. Problems Commission, Murphy, a widow, survives. ICA, THOUGHT, and SPECU- the group enjoys. which took up the question of LUM. pensive railroad route. As it is, a federal aid to education. Humphreys, of 2 U5 Lurting Ave., group of cars will take off en Students interested in joining graduated from All Hallows High In a new departmental appoint- masse for Yale and will benefit the band, whether freshmen or Under their new moderator, Mr. School. He was a B.S. student at ment, the Rev. Francis J. Finger- from special arrangements made upper-classmen, should apply to James R. Brown, of the Govern- Fordham. After a short illness, he hut, S.J., has become Chairman of Fr. Mulqueen or to Capt. Ernest ment Department at Fordham, succumbed on Sept. 10. He is sur- Classics in the College. Previous- with the Westchester police. Iden- the delegates are trying to stir tifying placards will be displayed Hopf, the musical director, at the vived by his father and mother, ly, Father Fingerhut taught Greek Band Office in Ternan Hall on up interest in the N.S.A. among Mr. and Mrs. William Ken- and Latin at St. Andrew-on-Hud- on each car. Fordhamites. Frank Corbin, editor of The any class day alter 3 p.m. nedy Humphreys, and a younger m. RAM, Bill Steinbrecher, Day-Stu- brother. The Rev. Joseph F. Donceel, S.J., dent representative, John McMan- will join the Philosophy Depart- us, Athletic Association represen- ment as co-chairman in charge of Mrs. Agnes Murphy wishes senior students, while the Rev. tative on the Student Council, to express her sincere thanks David C. Cronin, S.J., remains as and Frank Haslack, president of to the faculty members and co-chairman in charge of juniors. the Mimes and Mummers, com- students for their comforting In the Religion Department the prise the committee. expression of sympathy sent Rev. John M. A. Butcher, S.J., to her after the death of her will continue as co-chairman for Maroon Victory Dance son, Alan. the upperclassmen's activities, Set For Saturday Night with the new co-chairman, the Rev. Philip S. Hurley, S.J., direct- On Saturday night, after the ing freshman and sophomore re- Yale game, the Connecticut flam Pilgrims ligion courses. Club of Fordham will hold a Visit Shrine Inaugurating another new sys- Nutmeggers Dance in the Col- tem this year, Father Davis has onnade Room of the Hotel Early Sunday morning, 370 announced that certain faculties Tan in New Haven, it has been Fordhamites and their friends of the Graduate School will be announced by the club presi- left New York on a special pil opened to properly qualified stu- dent, Bernard Lynch.
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