BPC LOAD SHEDDING SCHEDULE PUBLIC NOTICE NORTH REGION WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage1 Stage 2 MONDAY Sebina, Nshakashogwe, Marobela, Mafungo-Hubona, Part of Francistown (Shashemooke, Gerald Estates, Part of Francistown (Part of Block7, Telecoms, Part of Selibe Phikwe (Tshabantsa, Kopano, Oldstands, Gulubane, Mathangwane, Marapong, Chadibe-Borolong, Gerald prison, VTC,Part of TatiSiding, Mophane Estates Nortex, Transport, Precious Botswana, Radio Botswana, hospital Avenue) Stage 1 Stage 2 Masunga , Letsholathebe, Vukwi, Mulambakwena, Gambule, Part of F/town (Block7, Telecoms, Nortex, Transport, Part of Block3) Part of Francistown (Ntshe, Monarch, Phase6, Phase5, Gungwe, Zwenshambe, Mbalambi, Sekakangwe, Kalakamati, Part of Francistown (Selepa, coloured, satellite, Part of Francistown (Ntshe, Monarch, Phase6, Phase5, Precious Botswana, Part of Block3), Shell, pat of Phase 4 Part of Selibe Phikwe (BDF, WUC, Mornach siding farms, Dumela industrial, Panda quarry, Nlaphwane, Mapoka, Moroka, Jacklas 1, Ramokgwebana, Matshelagabedi, Impala Research, Old Matsiloje road, BDF Areas S, Part of Government camp, Nyangagbwe hill) Industrial Somerset west residential, Bokowe, Chedu Choga Prisons, BCL motloutse house and Nata quary), BDF Areas S, Part of Government camp, Nyangagbwe hill, Kgari, Masukwane, Pole, Mosojane, Toteng, Botalaote, Complex, Block 1&2 Thapama Lodge, Bus-Rank,Ok Complex, StrausBotswana farms, Molapo estates, Gwizi village, Tatisiding,Power Gerald (NtoteCorporation house, Galo centre, civic centre, informs members of the public of aSerowe possible South, Moiyabana, Thabala, Mogorosi, service Somerset interrup- west residential, Bokowe, Chedu Choga Complex, Makaleng, Matenge, Masingwaneng, Ntimbale Dam, Mambo Nswazwi Mall, Barclays Plaza, Railway Station,Barclays Plaza Gardenview, F/town Quary, Mambo sewage pump station) part of CRA, Ntshe house, Choppies & Score complex, Motshegaletau Villages, Setekwane and Block 1&2 Part of Donga, China Town, Area G,H,L, Sechele, Tshesebe, Tsamaya, Siviya, Butale, Mowana, Jackals 2 Meriting ( Haskins Street), Shoshong,Lephephe,Kodibeleng, Blocks 10,9,8,6,5,4,& Part of block 3 FCE, Part of minestone, Railways Houses, FSS,Toyota, Lehatshe Boreholes.(Water Affairs) Village Mall, Central Police, Part of CRA, Part of F/town Mabudzane,Senyawe, Themashanga, Matsitama, Mokubilo, Sojwe,Mmutlane,Bonwapitse, Mahalapye hospital, Part of Selibe Phikwe (Tshabantsa, Kopano, Oldstands, BPC Customer Service,Fire Station, (BDF, Area W, Part of Francistown (Part of Donga, Shops, Met-Sef, (Ntote house, Galo centre, civic centre, part of CRA, Ntshe tion due to supply challenges. ThisMosu,Tutume, Matobo,has Makuta, Goswe,resulted Nswazwi, Senete, Palla inRoad, Mookane, our Mmaphashalala, nation Shadishadi al demand significantly Radio Botswana, hospital Avenue,Makhubu CJSS, Choppies, Shell, Engen, Somerset East Industrial, house, Choppies & Score complex, FCE, Part of minestone, Fire department, BPC Customer Service Centre, Nkange, Changate, Dagwi, Maitengwe, Manjarangwe Well Pick n’ Pay and Police), Shoshong, Lephephe, Kodibeleng, Part of Letlhakane Wards (Tawana, Letsibogo, SOS Centre, Tati River Plots). Topisi, Moreomabele, Railways Houses, FSS,Toyota, BPC Customer Service, Botswana life Insurance, Kgaphamadi,Airport,FSS, Fields). Part of Tonota Wards (Kweneng. Molebatsi, TCE Area, Sojwe, Mmutlane, Bonwapitse, Mahalapye hospital, Mokgobelele, Motsumi, Nkosho) Paje, Mmashoro, Mabeleapudi,Dimajwe, Fire Station, BDF, Area W, Fire department, BPC Customer Aerodrome, Bluetown, Oriental Plaza, Borolong, Natale, Folley Repeater Station, Cousin & Cousin Area, Leloto Ward, Pallaexceeding Road, Mookane, Mmaphashalala, Shadishadi supply and has inevitably led to load Partshedding of Maun (Botshabelo, Moeti, Shashe, Kgosing,exerci sesPart of Tonota being Wards ( Kweneng. Molebatsi, experienced Service Centre, Botswana life Insurance). Part of Palapye Makobo, Maipaahela, WUC Water Tank. Shashemooke, Sebina, Nshakashogwe, Marobela, Mafungo-Hubona, Masedi Clinic, Rutwang CJSS Area, Lephane). Serowe North Bombadi, Mabudutsa, Boyei, Kubung and Gerald Estates, Gerald prison, VTC, Part of TatiSiding, TCE Area, Folley Repeater Station, (Botsalo Hotel,Desert Sand Hotel, Engen Mall, BHC/ BPC Gulubane, Mathangwane, Marapong, Chadibe-Borolong, & Central (Mall, Score Supermarket, Serowe Hotel, Choppies Part of Sanyedi). Topisi, Moreomabele, Paje, Mmashoro, Mophane Estates). Serowe South & east including Spar Cousin & Cousin Area, Leloto Ward, Houses, Part of Serorome Ward around Kediretswe School, Masunga, Letsholathebe, Vukwi, Mulambakwena, Gambule, Supermarkert.Teemane Manufaturing Sefalana, Food Mabeleapudi,Dimajwe,. thorough out theSupermarket country. area, CTO area, Council sewage pumps, Botswana, Swaneng Hill School and Mannathoko ward) Masedi Clinic, Rutwang CJSS Area, Lephane) Lotsane Sen Sec School, Khurumela Ward, Makoro Bricks, Gungwe, Zwenshambe, Mbalambi, Sekakangwe, Kalakamati, Dinokwe, Serowe prisons and Ramakobo ward), Khumaga, Motopi, Moreomaoto, Phuduhudu, Chanoga, Lecheng Village, Morupule Boreholes and Thomadithotse Nlaphwane, Mapoka, Moroka, Jacklas 1, Ramokgwebana, Part of Selibe Phikwe (BDF, WUC, Prisons, Nxaraga WUC pumps, DML residential, Toteng, Maun Quaries Ward. Part of Maun (Botshabelo, Moeti, Shashe, Kgosing, Kgari, Masukwane, Pole, Mosojane, Toteng, Botalaote, BCL motloutse house and Nata quary) Sehithwa, Bodibeng, Kareng, Semolo WUC pumps, Tsau, Bombadi, Mabudutsa, Boyei, Kubung and Part of Sanyedi). Makaleng, Matenge, Masingwaneng, Ntimbale Dam, Serowe North & Central (Mall, Score Supermarket, Nokaneng, Gumare) Mambo, Sechele, Tshesebe, Tsamaya, Siviya, Butale, Serowe Hotel , Choppies Supermarkert.Teemane Mowana, Jackals 2, Mabudzane,Senyawe, Themashanga Manufaturing Sefalana, Food Botswana, Matsitama,Mokubilo,In this Mosu,Tutume, regard, Matobo, Makuta, Goswe customers are requestedTHURSDAY to use electricity sparinglySATURDAY by: Swaneng Hill School and Mannathoko ward) Nswazwi, Senete, Nkange, Changate, Dagwi, Maitengwe, Part of Letlhakane Wards (Tawana, Letsibogo, Manjarangwe Well Fields Part of Maun (BPC,New Mall Stage1 Maape, Mhalapitsa, Ramokgonami, Tumasera, Stage1 Stage 2 Mokgobelele, Motsumi, Nkosho) BHC,Agric Airport, Chobe,Newtown,Sedie,Disaneng, Part of Palapye (New Industrial Site, Botswana Breweries, Part of Maun Disaneng, BMC, Maun General, Stadium, Boseja Ratholo, Gootau, Majwaneng , Lerala, Sherwood, Martins drift, Part of Francistown Kgaphamadi, (Airport,FSS, Boro,Boronyana, Boro BDF, Matapana, UB,Thamalakane Extension 1 to 8 wards, Old Mall, Botswana Railways Station, Boseja Kubung, Matshwane, Part of Thito and Sitatunga camps) Mokobeng, Sefhare, Chadibe, Borotse, Machaneng, Aerodrome, Bluetown, Oriental Plaza, Borolong, Lodge, Shorobe) Mmadinare village, Part of Selibe Phikwe (SPSS, Lotsane Ward, Part of Serorome Ward around Makwati, Lemone Pump station, Pilikwe, Maape, Mhalapitsa, Natale, Makobo,Maipaahela, WUC Water Tank. Old show ground, Part of Western Area, Matlhabelo Serorome School, Madiba Ward, Boikago Ward, Lotsane Ward Ramokgonami, Tumasera). Part of Letlhakane Wards (Tawana, Thapama Lodge, Bus-Rank, Ok Complex, Nswazwi Mall, Industrial Area, Phokoje bush louge and Kopano oldstands) Radio Botswana Transmitter, Water utilities Corporation Mokgobelele, Sandy Town, Mikelele). Bobonong, Semolale, Barclays Plaza, Railway Station, Barclays Plaza, TUESDAY Serowe South & East (Spar Supermarket area, CTO area, [Treatment Plant], Palapye Wellfield, CDC Swerage Ponds, Council sewage pumps, Dinokwe, Serowe prisons and Palapye Hospital, Rural Administration Offices) Gobojango, Molalatau, Motlhabaneng, Sefophe, Mogapi Meriting (Haskins Street) Shashemooke, Gerald Estates, Part of Fracistown Kgaphamadi, Airport, FSS, Aerodrome, Mogapinyana, Diloro, Kgagodi, Lesenepole, Gerald prison, VTC Part of Tati Siding). Serowe North & Stage 1 Stage 2 Ramakobo ward). Part of Mahalapye (Herero ward, Switching OFF geysers Bluetown, Oriental Plaza, Borolong, Natale, Makobo, Maunatlala Shoshong, Lephephe, Kodibeleng, Sojwe Central (Mall, Score Supermarket, Serowe Hotel Madiba ward,Mahalapye magistrate court,Mahalapye sec P.art of Maun (Disaneng,Letsholathebe II, Hospital,Boseja Serowe South, Moiyabana, Thabala, Mogorosi, Shell Filling station,Broadway motors,Main mall, Maipaahela, WUC Water Tank. Mmutlane,Bonwapitse, Palla Road Choppies Supermarkert.Teemane Manufaturing Sefalana Boseja Kubung, Matshwane, Part of Thito and Sitatunga camps) Motshegaletau Villages, Setekwane and Botalaote ward,Mahalapye primary,Madiba sec Mookane, Mmaphashalala, Shadishadi). Part of Francistown Food Botswana, Swaneng Hill School and Mannathoko ward) Mmadinare village). Part of Selibe Phikwe (SPSS, Lehatshe Boreholes.(Water Affairs) Stage 2 Thomadithotse ward,Newhospital staff houses (Molapo estates, Gwizi village, Tatisiding, Gardenview, Part of Palapye ( New Industrial New Police, Makoro, Old show ground, Part of Western Area, Part of Francistown (Donga, China Town, Part of Selibe Phikwe (BPC depot, Phase 1&2, Botshabelo Fredrick school,Ngakayagae school, Cresta Hotel, F/town Quary, Mambo sewage pump station) Blocks 10,9,8,6,5,4 BUIST University, Majestic Hotel) Matlhabelo Industrial Area, Phokoje bush louge and Area G,H,L, Village Mall, Central Police, and Tobane, Shashedam Sowa Township, Nata, Mosetse Moko Ward, Kalamari, Corns Field,& Premier Lodge. & part of block 3). Part of Mahalapye (CTO, Mahalapye hospital Part of Maun (BPC, New Mall, BHC, Agric Airport, Chobe Kopano oldstands) Palapye (New
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