S12158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE October 9, 1998 next year on whether current practices And yet here today we have a unique importance to the Senate and the na- should be changed. opportunity to do something uplifting, tionÐjuvenile crime. Over the past While I didn't agree with DIRK KEMP- something decent, something that will weeks, we have been working hard to THORNE on many of the specifics of his make our country proud. We have an try to reach consensus on comprehen- Unfunded Mandate legislation in 1995, opportunity to say to a few exhibition- sive legislation to address juvenile I, like many of my colleagues in the ists and anarchists that in pursuit of crime in our nation. I am disappointed Senate, was greatly impressed with the your fifteen minutes of fame, you may to report to my colleagues that we manner in which he managed the bill not deface the most sacred embodi- have fallen short in that effort. and his command of the complex de- ment of the virtues of our country. You The sad reality is that we can no tails. may not dishonor the memory of those longer sit silently by as children kill Mr. Chairman, in the United States millions of men and women who have children, as teenagers commit truly Senate we are called upon to work with given their lives for America. You may heinous offenses, as our juvenile drug colleagues of many differing points of not yet again lower standards of ele- abuse rate continues to climb. In 1996, view. While DIRK KEMPTHORNE and I sit mental decency that all of must and juveniles accounted for nearly one on separate sides of the aisle and some- should live by. Today, we will say that fifthÐ19 percentÐof all criminal ar- times disagree on issues before the our flag, the embodiment of so many of rests in the United states. Persons Senate, it has always been a pleasure our hopes and dreams, can no longer be under 18 committed 15 percent of all to deal with him. He is always an able dragged through the mud, torn asun- murders, 17 percent of all rapes, and advocate for his position, and always a der, or defecated on. 32.1 percent of all robberies. gracious gentleman. Can anyone think of a better message And although there are endless sta- f to send to our citizens and to our tistics on our growing juvenile crime WHY THE FLAG AMENDMENT young people than to begin to reclaim problem, one particularly sobering fact DEBATE IS APPROPRIATE NOW appropriate standards of behavior for is that, between 1985 and 1993, the num- everyone in this country? Mr. Presi- ber of murder cases involving 15-year Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I would dent, there will be those who will decry olds increased 207 percent. We have like to make a few very brief remarks kids involved in murder before they about our inability to get a time agree- this discussion as a distraction from ``real'' and ``important'' matters of can even drive. ment on the flag amendment, and re- In short, our juvenile crime problem spond to the assertion that it is some- taxes and budgets and regulation and other Federal programs. These issues has taken a new and sinister direction. how inappropriate to debate this im- But cold statistics alone cannot tell portant issue at this time. I think it is are important and the Congress must deal with them. But that should not the whole story. Crime has real effect entirely appropriate that we debate the on the lives of real people. Recently, I constitutional amendment to protect obscure our inattention to the ``values read an article in the Richmond Times- our flag at this time in the year. There deficit'' that exists in public life today. Dispatch by my good friend, crime nov- is no better time than the present to We need more public conversation elist Patricia Cornwell. It is one of the discuss the values the flag represents: about values and standards. We must finest pieces I have read on the effects the unity and common values of all take every opportunity to set the right of and solutions to our juvenile crime Americans. behavioral standards for our children, The flag amendment should, like the lest we become a nation of cynics who problem, and I ask unanimous consent flag itself, unite us. And it does unite snicker every time someone tries to re- that it be printed in the RECORD follow- Americans of both parties. This amend- instill virtue into public life. ing my remarks. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ment is cosponsored by 61 Members of And so, Mr. President, not only is the Senate, Republicans and Demo- this discussion appropriate today, but objection, it is so ordered. Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, let me crats. Senator CLELAND, a war hero, it is critical. I can think of no more share with my colleagues some of what who has sacrificed much, and who is a important conversation we can have in Ms. Cornwell, who has spent the better Democrat, is the primary cosponsor. America than how we use American And ultimately, all we supporters of liberty to promote public virtue. part of her adult life studying and ob- the amendment are asking for is a Protecting the American flag from serving crime and its effects, has to chance to let the American people de- physical desecration is a small but im- say. She says ``when a person is cide whether to protect the flag by de- portant way to begin this important touched by violence, the fabric of civil- bating the amendment in ratification debate. ity is forever rent, or ripped, or debates in each of the State legisla- Now, having said all that, I am dis- breached * * *.'' This a graphic but ac- tures. And the people clearly want the appointed that opponents of the flag curate description. Countless lives can flag amendment. Forty-nine State leg- amendment have rejected a reasonable be ruined by a single violent crime. islatures have called for the flag time agreement, without even offering There is, of course, the victim, who amendment. And polling has consist- an alternative time agreement. I would may be dead, or scarred for life. There ently shown that more than three- be interested to know what would be are the family and friends of the vic- quarters of the American people have acceptable. tim, who are traumatized as well, and consistently supported a flag amend- Finally, if it should be the case that who must live with the loss of a loved ment over the years since the Supreme we are not going to debate the flag one. Society itself is harmed, when Court's fateful decision in Texas versus amendment this year, and that is how each of us is a little more frightened to Johnson in 1989. it appears, I believe we should bring it walk on our streets at night, to use an Mr. President, I believe this legisla- up early in the new Congress, and de- ATM, or to jog or bike in our parks. tion not only is vital to protect our bate and vote on it at the earliest op- And, yes, there is the offender who has shared values as Americans, but this portunity next year. I want my col- chosen to throw his or her life away. debate is also timely today as we all leagues to know that I will be back Particularly when the offender is a ju- strive to recover what is good and de- next year and I will trust that this im- venile, family, friends, and society are cent about our country. portant matter will be acted on early made poorer for the waste of potential Mr. President, we see evidence of in the next session. The American peo- in every human being. One crime, but moral decay and a lack of standards all ple want the opportunity to debate the permanent effects when ``the fabric of around us. Behavior that was once flag amendment in the States, and I be- civility is rent.'' found to be shameful is now routinely lieve we should listen to the people on This is the reality that has driven me excused because ``everybody does it.'' this. to work even up to the closing hours of Our popular culture, including movies f the session to address this issue. For and television, bombard us with mes- nearly a year, the Senate has had be- sages of gratuitous sex and violence. FAILURE TO ACHIEVE JUVENILE fore it comprehensive youth violence Even sports figures too often set a ter- CRIME LEGISLATION legislation. S. 10, the Hatch-Sessions rible example for the young people that Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I would Violent and Repeat Juvenile Offender follow their every move. like to briefly discuss an issue of great Act, was reported out of the Judiciary October 9, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S12159 Committee last year on bipartisan again if they are returned to our neigh- until we address it. So, I will be urging vote, two to one vote. This legislation borhoods and schools.'' I couldn't have the Majority Leader, when he sets our would have fundamentally reformed said it any better. agenda for next year, to make enacting the role played by the federal govern- Meaningful reform also requires that a responsible juvenile crime bill among ment in addressing juvenile crime in juvenile's criminal record ought to be our top legislative priorities in the our Nation.
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