- Ca1iftr'i8 Stilts Library Suranigitc Service to Community 112 ’t111461-16 SJS Salutes City Industry aziatt SUS will salute business and in- the SJS-Iowa State College game dustry at a special program to be to be played that night will be SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE given on Nov. 21. "Special hail to business and in "Purpose of the program is to dustry," The groups will sit in a VOL. 46 474- SAN JOSE CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1958 NO. II make business and industry in San special block at the game. Jose aware of the fact that SJS Fifty local Industrial leaders is trying to serve thorn through and their wive* are invited to a the college program," stated Dr. pre-game dinner In the cafeteria FroshToElect Dwight D. Bente!, chairman of to be hosted by President John Custodian Squelches Fire the community service committee. T. WahlquIst. Entertainment Theme of half-time activities of during the meal will be provided Class Heads by the Music Department. ih Coop's Closet "We want local business and in- On Oct. 15 ' dustry to know that the major ob- Elections of Freshman class of- Scholarship jective at SJS is to train students ficers will be held Wednesday, Smokes; Hose for positions of responsibility in Oct. 15. Offers Open business and industry," Dr. Ben tel Those planning to run for a told the Spartan Daily. frosh office must turn in their Soaks Scribe names and qualifications to the class nominating committee or in- By RAY HEUER To Grads,Srs. Journalism Faculty formation may be left, In a sealed A closet blaze errupted in the F. envelope, in Student Union Box rear room of the Student Union Positions open are for president, Has Friday morning. No one seemed intenested in applying for Full- 200 Years vice president, secretary, treasur- concerned about the fire except bright scholarships should see Miss er and one female and one male Student a janitor named George, a Spartan Margaret Harper, activity adviser, Total Experience representative to the before Oct. 15. Under instruction of a faculty Council. Daily reporter and a woman dress- Applicants must be U.S. citizens, with more than 200 years of com- Candidates should indicate what ed in white. office they prefer when applying, and college graduates or equiva- bined special experience in jour- Seems there was a party In the lent. Knowledge of the language re- according to Dr. John.D. Dutton, nalism, advertising and public Student Unit* building Thuraday spoken in the country applied for lations, the SJS Department of assistant professor of philosophy night and George was straighten- is required also. Journalism and Advertising is one and Freshman class adviser. A cumulative grade point aver- of 42 accredited departments in NOMINATION DEADLINE ing things up Friday when (*taster age of 3. 03/ and a B plus or A the nation, and one of four on the Nominations will be accepted struck. Well, it wasn't exactly a minus average in the major field entire Pacific Coast. until Thursday morning. big disaster, but it could have A campaign assembly will be is required, Miss Harper said. "An intensive internship pro- been. The award covers expenses of gram and practical experience, held Monday. Oct. 13 at 330 p.m. While GeOrte was "straight- traveling, language refresher or plus a thorough liberal arts edu- in Morris Dailey Auditorium. orientation course, tuition, books, cation hae brought our students Members of the nominating com- ening things up" he opened the and maintenance for one aca- a major share of prizes. Students mittee. elected Thursday. are the l'hiwet door that contains his freshmen: Ann Border, demic year. have won awards at the annual following janitorial 111.1iiirs Then It hap- Bob Gangi, Marie Durkee Nick Selection of applicants is made California Intercollegiate Press penedPoot! on the basis of personal qualifica- Kouretos, Francine A. Ozols, Bob competition, National Playboy Ma- Flamt% and smoke filled the tions, academic record, value of advertising contest, McGushin, Fay Watson and Linda gazine College room and surrounded George Ile proposes! study of research, and photo con- Carney. and press photography noted a fire extinguisher on the During other class meetings to- suitability for placement in in- test," Dr. Dwight D. Bentel, head wall. stitutions of higher lOarning Friday. day: of the clepartment, said Neither fire or high uater ...add keep Don Hammond and Clif- -Nope." he said, "too small." lir abroad. The department holds member- ford James from their chems game in JUNIORS the Student Union Friday was about to leave the room when The Fullbright program is a ship in American Association of The junior class will discuss morning. Neither seem concerned as Cliff prepares a move while smoke rises in the background. Blaze was contained without a Spartan Daily reporter called. part of the State Department Schools and Departments of Jour- their budget at to- Dunn To Head Drive ways to add to serious damage.---Spartatoto by Dave Batchelor. "Hey! Du you aunt this hose" education exchange. It* porpoto nalism; American Society of Jour- day's meeting in S112. Well, that sated the digs. For- Is to promote better under- nalism and Administrators and As- Any junior who has "money For Proposition 3 hamlet) to,rge had been wister- standing abroad and to Increase sociation for Education in Journal- suggestions is invited to making" nig the hilA a 55 he WW1 up- understanding between mutual ism. attend the meeting, according to stairs in the lounge. The report- people of the United States and Charters are held in Sigma Del- Dean Eslick, president. At 'Natives' And Transfers San Jose State er 11411 seen the smoke and countries. other ta Chi, men's professional journal- The class also will plan the Oct. Jahn Dunn, senior psy , ft * and had am I George Countries participating in the ism fraternity; Alpha Delta Sigma, 29 after-game dance to be spon- major from San Jose, hts needed aralatane... Ile the re, include: Africa,. A.m. advertising fra- *no program mete...professional sored lay-the juniors. port(fl) wAdod Ihningli the mi.' named chairman of "Students for I tria, Brazil, Denmark, Germany, ternity; Theta Sigma Phi, women's SOPHOMORES 'Must' Exam t r spurting fr the sprinkler To Take Prop. 3." San Jose State College I Iran, Italy, the Netherlands, professional journalism fraternity; At the top of the Sophomore Student characteristics of "na- Approximately 4000 students gratified the hose. Frontlesl- Southeast Asia, Sweden, and Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary scho- class meeting agenda will be plans tive" and transfer students will be will be tested, said Dean Martin. campus program supporting the he named thi bersonin Switzerland. lastic fraternity in journalism; 11. $200 million for, an after-game dance Oct. compared as the result of a battery This research program is author- state construction omit fit in the Mr in on effort to Gamma Alpha Chi, women's pro- The meeting will be in S110, ac- of tests to be given Oct. 9 and 10. ized by the State Department of bond issue on the November bal- get the sprinkler tubleh was fessional advertising fraternity and cording to Don Dunton, president. lot, according to Larry Juniors and sophomores will re- Education and by John T. Wahl- Appleton, still sprinkling I inta the %% imbue Partridge Elected Kappa Alpha Mu, press photog- SENIORS port to, the Inner Quad to take quist, president of the college. regional Informational coordinator. raphy fraternity. The Senior class will not meet the half-day tests 'rhey have been toMaea7urill.:i.le, hack at the Coop laboratory Dunn was appointed by ASH Prexy of Phi U 0 The Spartan Daily, today. notified by mail as to the hour to kitchen, a pleasant woman with a President Dick Robinson, with of the department, belongs to the Their next meeting is scheduled report. pleasing smile said to the wet re- Members of Phi Upsilon Omi- approtal of student Council. California Newspaper Publishers for Oct. 13 at 3:30 p.m. in TI-153. Borautie attendance is manda- SE Gets Grant porter, "Now you cut that out! cron, national professional honor- Assn. and the California Intercol- tory iiistrum'tor tvill excuse the In urging a "Yea on 3" vote, All that water is coming down ary for students in home econom- legiate Press Assn. Patti Duffy Selected students affected front class, a.' - Dunn pointed out that San Jose here!" ics, elected Jean Partridge presi- cording to Robert S. Martin, as- For Field Work State has a tremendous stake in "But lady, there's a fire up- dent for the 1958-59 term. Miss Grand National sociate dean of students. the outcome of the measure, since stairs!" was the reply from the I.R. \ oter aporoval Geor- Group Begins San Jose State student Patti Achievement in certain subject In Political Science of Prop. 3 means -Coop saver." areas and basic skills in reading, $15 million worth of needed ex- Her next comment wasn't quot- gia Clendenning, vice president; Duffy has been chosen Miss Grand SJS has been chosen as one of pansion on the local campus, able Nadyne Rhinelander, secretary; for Year writing and mathematics will be six colleges to receive grants for part but it had the flavor of anger Activities National for the National Horse- tested as well as general intellec- of $22 million worth of Santa toward water-fighting collegians. Sharon Namimatsu, treasurer, Sel- The International Relations Club field work in politics, according to show and Livestock Exhibition, to tual aptitude. Clara County constructiiin Includ- George finally put out the fire. ma Ichimura. chaplain; Mrs. Mar- will hold its "kickoff" social meet- the Department of Political Sci- This research project is being ed in the state's use-year con- The Coop was saved but it cost tha Lloyd, historian-librarian, and ing tonight in the Student Union be held Oct.
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