■X; ^DNESDAY, JUNE 22,1949 ^tonflffatMT Eggttte^ lj»ral& Avtrsgs DsUy N«t Press Run Tke Westlier Fmeoael o f S. Woathar to see B i f i ^ Brook oontalned In Fee the Moath af Btay, 1848 P. Umem Douglaa Andanon, A ln n w Ap­ a culvert do not wish to Share in Iha apodal poUeemen appoint Board Debates tammy aad cooler thlo aftaraeea by Chief Scandal to direct traflc prentice, U8N, eon of Mr. a^M ra. Receives Degree the cost o i such a p.-oJecL Some William M. Andaraon, <rf 40 Ham- weeks ago the Board recelvad a MODERNEEYOUR 9,725 wHk lew haaridKy; claw pad A b b iit T o im •t local achoola every day have look atreet, Manchester, le en­ compleled the aeaaonwlth the doe- request from ,,roperty owners and Maaihaf o f the Aodlt oeeler toaisht; Friday talv with gaged In antl-aubmarine warfare Public Toilets raaldenta In 'ha neighborhood, of Ine of achoola., The wladom of Baroaa at CIroalefIneo Uttte ekaaae la •Am OoavwMnt Oonfng^<»>*l pleclnc thoae apodal police on tralmng with Oompoalte Squadron the brook, asserting that It was a church win OjDolt their uausl mid­ duty la evidenced by the fw t tta t 11, which la baaed at the San Diego danger to .'hildren, and sheuld be Mancheiter^A City of VtiUgo CHarm week MCTlee and Im v * In H> place there haa not been a aingle acd- Naval Air SUUon. Action Deferred on a covered. The general manager • mUHnuniuar fotivnl, Friday dent thlo year due to the congea- brought la flgunea o f th e costs, Advortlahn m Base 14) (SIXTEEN PAGES) •eenlnF a t 7:S0. Cheater Olaon. tion whan the children are leaving Among tha graduates of WUU- House of Comfort in^ and tha realdenta ware asked if VOL. LXVIll., NO. 224 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, llJNE ^ 1 9 4 9 PRICE FOUR CENTS mantlc SUta Teachers CoUage who a anted rincar from Worceater, achqoL Shopping Area they were prepared to share In er«— wm be the featured aoloiat recaived their Bachelor of degree at graduation exercUwe heW such expense if their wishes were n^reahmanti and a aoeial hour carol Ann Oeorgettl of Oak COMPLETELY? In WUlmantlc on The Board of Directors last mat. win foDow. An offertn* win be atioet calabrated her eighth birth­ The general manager, reporting Walk in* Commencement Procession ♦-h—■ for the henadt of thrhiqdnF were three local men, ell W wd n i^ t daferrad action on a report day yeaterday with a party for War n veterans. They ^ . Ed­ on proposed sanitary sewer Instal­ • CAHINBTS (Wood or Mital) of fuel for the cotnln* winter. The Release From Jail her riaaatnatii and frienda. Gamea ward M. Benache. 59 Marta of General Manager George H. lation bn Ensign and Lucian • NEW SINK (Dishwaaher) ‘Slot Maehine King’ pcogram la bebig airanred by the war# played by the chUdren and Frederick Mahoney. Waddell regarding the Inatallation streets, said that the work might • c o u n t e r s » f l o o r c o v e r in g OoneoMat t<eeFue. refreabmenta were aervad by her street: John K- Snuffer, 454 Main be done for $8,482 or $852 asseas- aunta, Mra. Helen Salmond o f 189 o f a public House m com fort with­ atreet. ____ in tha Mail* street shopping area. mant per property owner on an • WALL T a E —CEILINGS Oak atreet and Miaa Paulina Sal- average, frith an additional 850 Denied Communist Tha ganaral managar reported • PICTURE WINDOWS mond. A birthday caka mada by Miss Claire Dubois, daughter rt for lateral ponnecU^a. 7t was ra- ICn. Hden Salmond centared the that ■estimates show that tha coat M irrors, G lass Mrs. Blaudinc Duboii of 124 ported that the FPHA haa given Sought to Remove party Uble. Carol Aim who will of such a station might run to over In fact everything induding alteratiow, plombing, elec­ street, who was at one UnM a pu­ $10,000. The question of such an Indication It would approve a apend the aummer In Albany, N. pil at St. James’ school, has re­ sewer right of way through Orford trical. decorating. For a real dream kitchen. Leader by Judge FornHare Topa, Window y., received dainty gltta and mon­ installation haa been brought up turned home after graduaUng with many times befora, but so far no Village to tie In to the proposed aad Platt Glast. Aoto Gfaua ey. ____ top honors from Preeentatton of Mias Naney O. Ctorke action ever haa been taken to street lines. Then Phone or Visit Mr. Carlson Mary Convent, Coatlcook, Quebec, Mr. and Mre. George 8. Waller bring the matter to a head. Medina Denfes- Motiouf CanwU. She wUl Nancy Cameron Clarke was Appliance DepL Devices From Club I f the cost chould be approved, o f Oakland Bt. are touring north­ cheater high school and take the Czechs Ignore White Glass Co. ern Now England and Canada thia graduated from LeaeU Junior Col the location would then present a * That Green's Bail Ei­ 24 Birch SI. Manehetler nurses’ preparatory course. He will tell you what has been done for otjhers and what week. lege In Aubumdale, Maaaachu- problem, although several - possi­ ther Be Reinstated ble sitaa have been, uuggeated Johnson's we can do for you. Vatican Order State Liquor Inspeo Open Dally 8 A. M. Po 6 P. M. Winners of the raffle recently aetta, on Monday, June 18, and Handyman Is Dulles Sees I InchHlIna Saturday The Gleanera Group of South conducted by the M en ch e^ r Mpe received an Associate In Science D. A. V. Reqoeet Or Contempt Sentence tor Testifies DeGu- Methodiat church will meet at 9 Poultry Form Band were T. P. Hogan, 88 Weh- degree in the pre-nurring curri­ Referred to the general mana­ No Obligation for F w PUn ' , a. m. Friday morning In front of Be Stayed Pending tis Asked Him Plenty <M Parklnt ■Ur street. Hartford; Jerry Buw. culum. She la the daughter o f Ur. gar and the chief o f police to r ac­ Charge Archbishop and Hiss Witness R ed Sector U He On PremitM Orange ben. A hue will take 72 Drive A, and Stuart Lynn, 77 tion was a DA..V. request fdr Fresh Dressed Chickcnt, Three Full Yeara to Pay them to AOanUc Beach for their end Mrs. ’Thomas K. Claika of 21 Appeals Court Ruling Followers With Anti- Could* 'Exert Influ* Ashworth atreet this town. Lancaster Road. ' special parking prlvUeges for Sqtiirday As Little Aa flO.OO Per Month annual picnic. paraplegic veterans here. It was A t Lasell she was a member of ' New York, June 28.—(Jfl Government Action Tells Court FBI Agent Clash# ______ Soon dice’ on New London Mr. and M ra Howard Eddiaon the Orphean club and the chplr. reported that, some dtlea allot Fresh qiriek fitnen poul­ Mr. and Mra. Floyd Mitchell of of 418 Porter street, have return­ special rights, of this aort to — Federal Judge Harold R. Offered $200 to Him V F W So Another Type! Edward atreet have as their guesta ed home from a motor trip to New crippled veterans. Four parking try. on y tim e . Medina today loused to re­ BttUetin! for a few days Mr. and Mra laalah Mra. ’Thos. K. Mitchell and two For Old Typewriter Saye *EvenU May Be Of Machine Could Be FREE Orleana Louisiana. The purpose stalls in tha ehopplng area were 847 Middle Turnpike. West lease from jsU Gilbert Green, Frag a a, Cxecfaosiovakla, Ramsay and Peter Elman bf .of their vlait to the southern city children, Marian and Kent, of a A ed here. JWHMficoitk Juas tg _ .(P i—O a t h e 11 c Shaping Up to New LoulsvUle, Kentucky, have arrived Communist conspiracy trial Placed in Onbhouse McKenney, Va., also Mr. and Mra. was to bid farewell to their eon, W «d d Met Share Ooete Near Hockanun River At priests said today that CsedH New York, June 28—(/P)— A for­ Delivery Service M s o c M B m i C o m m * Jsaae Buckner o f Norfolk, ya. Edwin H. Eddleon, who sailed on for a five weeks’ vlrit with Mrs. Tha Board received a report Love Lane Phone 2-0065 defendant sentenced for con­ oaloviriila’s Oormnalst gov> mer handyman for A lger Hlas tes­ And Intense Struggle* the 8. 8. Aggersborg, for Caracas, Mitchell’s parents, MY. and Mrs. that local realdenta who would like tempt on Monday. Defense enuneat appareatly haa sue- tified today that the FBI offered . Hartford, June 23.—*</FV— Albert E. Behrend o f 41 Walnut him $200 for afi old typewriter Within Soviet Union Venexuela ceeded la olamalBg a wan of Seymour (right) e f Vale leads greop e f reriptents o f bonoraiy degree# te proeeaeion State Liquor Inspector Hen­ Onr free delivery street Mr. Uitchell wiU Join bis attorneys Asked that Green’s which the defense produced yester- sUeuea around Archbishop te W oekey hall at Yale aBlvrrBl^-*s 248th oommeneemeiit la New Haven. Among group Is Gea. Ludns ry J. Donovan testified today service is availsbie Emanuel Lutheran Chuicn sen­ family neat weak for ^ remain­ bail either be reinstated or day. that his contempt oenteno* be Josef Beraa. The archUsbop D. Clay (la aalfo'rm), former U. S. military governor of Germany, who received honorary degree o f doc­ New York, June 23— cP)— John to* you for all your MANCHESTER ior chSr will have a rehearsal this der of the time.
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