Document generated on 09/27/2021 12:40 a.m. Revue générale de droit Ernest CAPARROS, Hélène AUBÉ (eds.), Code of Canon Law Annotated, second edition revised and updated of the 6th Spanish language edition, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2004, 2066 pages, ISBN 2-89127-629-9 Fernand MORIN, Jean-Yves BRIÈRE, Le droit de l’emploi au Québec, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2003, 1636 pages, ISBN 2-89127-590-X Nanette NEUWAHL (ed.), European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Montréal, Éditions Thémis 2004, 290 pages, ISBN 2-89400-183-5 Hong Nguyen and Jean-François Venne-Pronovost Volume 35, Number 4, 2005 URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1027183ar DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1027183ar See table of contents Publisher(s) Éditions Wilson & Lafleur, inc. ISSN 0035-3086 (print) 2292-2512 (digital) Explore this journal Cite this review Nguyen, H. & Venne-Pronovost, J.-F. (2005). Review of [Ernest CAPARROS, Hélène AUBÉ (eds.), Code of Canon Law Annotated, second edition revised and updated of the 6th Spanish language edition, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2004, 2066 pages, ISBN 2-89127-629-9 / Fernand MORIN, Jean-Yves BRIÈRE, Le droit de l’emploi au Québec, Montréal, Wilson & Lafleur, 2003, 1636 pages, ISBN 2-89127-590-X / Nanette NEUWAHL (ed.), European Union Enlargement: Law and Socio-Economic Changes, Montréal, Éditions Thémis 2004, 290 pages, ISBN 2-89400-183-5]. Revue générale de droit, 35(4), 579–585. https://doi.org/10.7202/1027183ar Droits d'auteur © Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil, Université d'Ottawa, This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit 2005 (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ LIVRES EN REVUE NOTICES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES Ernest CAPARROS, Hélène AUBE derived from the 5th Spanish edi­ (eds.), Code of Canon Law An­ tion published by the Instituto notated, Second edition revised Martin de Azpilcueta. In 2001, the and updated of the 6th Spanish 6th Spanish language edition was language edition, Montréal, published taking into account im­ Wilson & Lafleur, 2004, 2066 portant changes in both the com­ pages, ISBN 2-89127-629-9. mentaries and the normative text. The current English language edi­ The preface of the current tion, know as the Red Code, incor­ edition of the Code of Canon Law porates new material that was Annotated states that the Church unavailable prior to the publica­ from its early inception has prac­ tion of le Code bleu. ticed the collections of texts so that "no priest can be ignorant of the law". These laws represent The editors have generously certain norms of ecclesiastical detailed some of the most promi­ nent changes between the 5th and practice which are promulgated in th the juridical and legislative tradi­ 6 Spanish language editions. tion of the Church. As Pope John First, modifications to the canons Paul II wrote, "the Code must be 750 and 1372 according to the regarded as the essential instru­ Motu Proprio Ad tuendam fidem ment for the preservation of right of May 18, 1998. In Appendix I, order, both in individual and so­ the new Apolistic Constitution cial life and in the Church's zeal". Universi Dominici gregis of Feb­ ruary 22, 1996, has replaced the The current edition of the older law of election of the Roman Code of Canon Law has been re­ Pontiff. Also, the interpretative leased approximately 10 years sections of cc. 346, 402, 964, and after the last one published in 1367 have been altered according 1993. The tireless work of editors to the Pontifical Council for the Ernest Caparros and Hélène Aube Interpretation of Legislative have produced an elegant text Texts. Many other refinements that is useful and practical for and clarifications have been canonists, lawyers, and generally added due to the efforts and per­ for all readers interested in the ju­ sistence of the editors and contrib­ ridical traditions of the Church. utors to this enormous project. All The editors had just recently up­ of the changes are carefully de­ dated the French language edition tailed in the introduction by the in 1999, known as le Code bleu, editor Ernest Caparros. (2005) 35 R.G.D. 579-585 580 Revue générale de droit (2005) 35 R.G.D. 579-585 The writing is clear and con­ mentaries. Finally, the editors cise, with an organizational struc­ have chosen to place the English ture that is immediately familiar translations on the outside edge of and recognizable to civil law the page — for example, placing students. The annotations follow the English version to the left of each canon with interpretative Latin on the even number pages comments, references, and elabo­ and reversing this order on the rations that are fascinating and odd number pages. This typo­ informative. For example, a re­ graphical consistency is the kind searcher on the notion of simula­ of detail that readers will appreci­ tion (articles 1451 and 1452 Q.c.c.) ate in this current edition of the should not hesitate to look at can­ Canon Law from the Gratianus ons 1101, 1378 and 1379 that deal Collection. with simulation in marriage, eu- charist, and other sacraments, The preface to the text re­ minds us that "Now, however, the along with their respective com­ law can be unknown no longer". mentaries. The Code of Canon With the new edition of the Red Law Annotated has an exceptional Code, knowing this law has be­ analytical index to facilitate the re­ come easily accessible to the En­ search task. Civil lawyers in par­ glish speakers in the ecclesiastical ticular should peruse the section in community. With the important the analytical index that refers to changes brought by the 6"1 Span­ "renvoi to civil law" that cites a se­ ish language edition, the 2nd edi­ ries of situations linking Canon tion of the Code of Canon Law Law and the civil tradition. Annotated is both current and pleasing to read given the dedica­ The current edition has tion of the editors. made some worthwhile changes, on the practical front, by changing HONG NGUYEN the presentation of each canon. Étudiant à la The 1993 edition used a much Faculté de droit smaller font that made the com­ de l'Université mentaries difficult to follow at d'Ottawa times. Only the Latin version of each canon was bolded while the corresponding English version Fernand MORIN, Jean-Yves was not. These presentational de­ BRIÈRE, Le droit de l'emploi au tails made the individual pages Québec, Montréal, Wilson & seem crowded and differentiation Lafleur, 2003, 1636 pages, between the canon text and com­ ISBN2-89127-590-X. mentaries were not perceived L'évolution soutenue du immediately. All this has changed marché de l'emploi et les interven­ in the current edition of the tions fréquentes du législateur Canon Law. The choice of a larger dans ce domaine ont rendu incer­ font and the holding of both En­ tain l'état actuel du droit en ma­ glish and Latin texts preserve an tière d'emploi. Avec cet ouvrage, aesthetically pleasing separation les auteurs ont réussi un défi de between the code and the com­ taille en parvenant à présenter Livres en revue 581 d'une manière accessible l'ensem­ clôt l'ouvrage en dressant l'évolu­ ble des éléments de droit du tra­ tion et les métamorphoses que su­ vail en vigueur au Québec. biront l'entreprise, l'emploi et par conséquent, le droit. Devant la tâche colossale à réaliser, les auteurs ont préconisé Les auteurs, qui ont voulu une approche analytique et criti­ réaliser un ouvrage qui se veut que. D'autre part, il est fait un complet, ont, dans cette deuxième usage raisonnable des citations ju- édition, intégré les modifications risprudentielles. Cette façon de récentes apportées au Code du procéder vient faciliter tant la travail et à la Loi sur les normes lecture que la compréhension du du travail qui ont connu de gran­ lecteur. De plus, un nombre im­ des transformations. De plus, pressionnant de renvois témoi­ l'ouvrage est enrichi de jugements gnent d'un large éventail de importants survenus au cours des sources juridiques. Ces dernières dernières années. Alors que la s'avèrent d'ailleurs fort utiles pour première édition portait sur le qui désire approfondir un point en droit en vigueur jusqu'au 9 mai particulier ou voulant réaliser des 1998, cette deuxième édition rap­ liens entre les différents chapitres porte l'état du droit jusqu'au de l'ouvrage. Aussi, plusieurs an­ 9 mai 2003. Enfin, le dernier cha­ nexes et tables rendent le volume pitre du volume portant sur l'évo­ agréable et simple à consulter. lution probable du droit a été refait en profondeur et dresse un Les auteurs n'ont rien né­ portrait plus complet de l'avenir gligé dans la réalisation de du droit de l'emploi au Québec. l'ouvrage qui débute par un chapi­ Cet ouvrage, véritable œuvre tre introductif qui pose les bases dans le domaine du droit de l'em­ en matière de droit de l'emploi. ploi, demeure un incontournable Vient ensuite un chapitre traitant pour toute personne qui s'intéresse du contrat individuel de travail où à cette branche du droit. Par une sont présentés les droits et obliga­ synthèse de l'état global du droit tions des employeurs et des sala­ du travail et en raison de l'accessi­ riés.
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