m:be <!Communit~J ®utlook Published by Poinl Lookout Community Chureh Polnl Lookout Long 15130<1. NY VOL. LX NO.4 July/August, 2008 conferred to regular and lifetime members called and chastised me saying and I quote: who are in good standing. AU members are ~I can' t believe how civic treats families that entilled 10 use the PLCA facilities and are have been here for generations" to which I urged to actively participate. replied ~that fairness is applied equally to Please support our business owners and all whether they are here I day, I year. 1 remember that they generously do'nate their decade or multiple decades". The list goes time and products to our various fundraisers on and on and could be the basis of a com­ for the bettennent of our community. edy entitled the" Do's and Don'ts of the [ need to reiter,He that your Civic Asso­ Point" ciation represents your imerests with all of We, your civic association. announced our elected officials, that your PO:lnt look­ the TOH ordinance changes at various gen­ out-Lido Fire Department protects your life eral meetings and have repeatedly stated and property and that the Village Garden­ that: The Point Lookout Civic Association I am told that politics as usual in Albany ers enhance the beauty of the Poinl, and pro­ asks that the Town of Hempstead enforce will be a thing of the past now that we have vide us with marvelous concert:s on the its ordinances and regulations. I also wrote a new governor as well as a new majority beach during the summer. about them in my "The Community Out­ leader. If true, I certainly hope so, then These vital organizations and merchants look" article of September/October 2007. maybe there is hope for us, be we business need your active support and enhance not The aforementioned facts should squash owners, home owners, renters, members of only your quality of life but also your bot­ some of the rumors and innuendos that the Chamber, Civic, Fire Dept and Village tom line! abound in our community. It is obvious, and Gardeners. It is imperative thaI I remind all that the a check of our records supports this, that I believe thaI our futures are interdepen­ Town of Hempstead in May of 2007 de­ many that have sought variances do not and dent and that we must work together if we clared a building moratorium f01" 90 days have not attended our general meetings. I want to preserve the Point that we knew as during which they reviewed the zoning or­ believe and have stated ;n the past that" to children for our children and future genera­ dinances. For the record please note that the be infonned is to be involved'"! tions. building height for the TOH pri<:lr to this We, your civic association, represent all We must support our civic association moratorium was an average roof height of the members of our community and as is through membership but even more impor­ 30 feel. Ln September of 2007 they abol­ customary in our country the majority rules. tant by our active panicipation hence we ished this average height and passed a new Obviously there are some homes over the have opened our association to all through ordinance with a building heigh'! of 30 ft 30 feel height but they were grandfathered. various classes of membership namely; from the crown of the road. There was ample Needless to say Ihis zoning issue is an emo­ Regular Membership - for those that own news coverage of this in Newsday, and The tional one and there are two sides to every residential or commercial real estate New York Post, The Daily News and even story. I would nOl be surprised if in the fu­ Life Membership ~ for those that want to the New York Times covered this on a ture some of those that were opposed would pay a one time fee in exchange for active smaller scale. change their mind when their family mem­ membership (This fee will be reviewed ev~ Since my election as your pres idem by a bers are expanding their homes since it is ery 4 years) minority of civic members in 2005 and again human nature to want what others have and Associate ~ for those are interested in the in 2007 I have been personally accused of to align with family. well being of the Point and take advantage being unfair, volumeered my time to pro­ I believe that all variance applicants were of all that the Point has to offer. tect my but not your property and only help aware of the new Town of Hempstead ordi- Please note that voting privileges are only my friends! Some of OUf residl~nts have (Continued on page 9) Page Two J uyI IA ugus.I 2008 POINT LOOKOUT A SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY OUR LADY OF THE MIRACULOUS COMMUNITY CHURCH MEDAL CHURCH THE 60 FREEPORT AVENUE COMMUNITY OUTLOOK Rev. Gregory Kemper, Pastor 7S Parlsulc on,'c.1'O Bo~ 20 Re~ J'mnck J Odl,m. I'IJS/(II'" Church Phone: 432-5990 Issued lhroughoul the year by Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 AM Poinllookout Community Church RecLory Tel~pbont:' 411.2772 • 432-8669 Nursery Care 10:00 AM "cbsi~ w·vwolmmc.conl Sunday School IO:30AM P.O. Box 28 Point Loolcout. New York (Pre·K \0 Grade 7) Masses Wcekd:lys: 7JO a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Summer Men's Bible Study-Tuesdays 7.30._11\. Winter 6-7 AM (Downstairs) SEND YOUR NEWS! Saturday: 730 a.m and S:30 p.rn Friday Night Alive Youth Group KCS [email protected] Sunday: 7 :3Oa,m. From 7-10 PM for Grodes 8-12 9:00am, 10:15a.m. See our website ro r complete information K. Carley Panzavecchia . .......... Editor 12:3Op.m_ ThcPLCC.com Marion Lemke .. .... ....... ... Advertismg Mgr, s"rwnt lido &uclt and Pomll.mJJcoo/ Pastor's Outlook -- By Pas/Or Greg Kemper What's interesting here is according to birth to children intending to be so busy that Well the Lime has come that weather Jesus, the man who built his house on the their kids won't know them. It just happens. penn its everyone to enjoy our new ex­ sand wasn't doing anything deliberately Because Jesus loves us, he came as a tended and refurbished beach with tons and evil. Jesus doesn't call him wicked. The teacher. He came to offer foolish builders a yards of new sand. Sand is a valuable com­ adjective Jesus chooses is "foolish. "" sure foundation. He came to teach us how modify when it comes toa beach. My fann­ When my kids would do something fool­ to live. And he says lhegreatest opportunity ing relatives in the mid west on the other ish. as their parent sometimes in a futile at­ we will ever have is to base our life on wh81 hand have no use for sand, it makes for ter­ tempt for rationali ty I would always ask he says about God and the world. For ragged rible crops; you couldn't pay them to take them the same three letter word: "Why?" builders like us. each word of lesus' teach­ it. "Why did you draw on the wall with per­ ing is a gift of love. 'Take some timeout this Another setting that sand isn't viewed manent markers? Why did you place the summer and read his best selli ng construc­ as favorable is the construction trade. This bike strategically behind the car so it would tion manual, the Bible. We'd count it a privi­ was a business with which Jesus was inti­ be backed over and crumpled? Why did you lege to have your kids in our free Biblecamp mately familiar, having taken over his dad's have a contest to see who could stick the August 18-22. hall makes for good life con­ job as an independent contractor. So he most peas up their nose?" And children al­ struction! used his knowledge of the conSlll..lction ways give the same response:·"'1 don't Enjoy your summer and God Bless, trade to prove a point through a story. (See know." PaslOr Greg Matthew 7:24-29) The story involves two Of course they don·t know. If they were men who each build a house. Jesus said the operating on the basis of reason and logic, foolish man builds on sand and the wise they wouldn't have done it in the first place. man on rock. An identical stonn hits the I think if we were to ask the man in Jesus' two houses and the one built on the sand story. why he built his house on the sand I has a terrible fall but the one on the rock think he'd say the same thing. ~I don't know. remains standing strong. It just happened. It seemed like a good idea The way in which Jesus tells the story at the time." obviously implies that plac ing your trust Life is JUSt that way. No one sils down in anything that cannot sustain you through and plans on having a mediocre ex istence. the stonns of life is foolish. It's a foolish No couple pledges themselves on their wed­ gamble to try and obtain ultimate fulfill­ ding day aiming at getting a divorce. No­ ment from anything other than a life guided body nurses a grudge in hopes of becoming by the wisdom, power and care of God.
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