IVafer and sewer officials Mary Cadorette Legislators rash allowed few Improvernents new sit-com star to approve bllfs ... page 11 ... page 5 ' - P W 3 I X Manchester, Conn. Showers tonight; Tuesday, May 8, 1984 cloudy Wednesday Single copy: 25<r — See page 2 H rralb Deferral pact Soviets pull out clears way for Modes proJect of ’84 Olympics / General Manager ftobert/B. Weiss called it "an exciting day for Manchester ” this morning when he MOSCOW (UPI) - The Soviet ’I’he Soviet committee said the and Leonard Seader signed ax'ontract that will permit Reagan adminisi ration had set a Union said Tuesday, it would not conversion of the former Cheney Brothers ribbon mill course of using the games lor ils to apartments to begin. participate in the 1984 Olympic. political aims. ” The Games arc schc Seader, a vice president at First Hartford Realty Games in Los Angeles because dull'd to start July 28. ’ . 8 Tass made il clear lhat the decision Corp., said work may start as early as next week on the United States cannot guaran­ converting the Pine Street mill — which now houses not to participate was aimed solely at tee the safety of all the athletes. the Reagan administr;rtion ”VVc>ha\c the Manchester Modes garment factory — to 104 apartments that will rent for $500 to $600 a month. The olficial Ta.ss news agency said not the slightest w ish to cast aspersions Seader said construction will take about a year and the United States ’’does nof intend to on the .American public, to cloud the cost about $3.2 million. ensure the .securitj ol all athletes, good leehngs linking sportsmen ol our respeef their rights and human dignity, countries ’ The contract signed this morning in Weiss’s office will defer the increase in the assessed value of the and create normal conditions tor Bui, it said, ’’exlremisl organiza property that comes about because of the conversion. holding the games” lions of all .soils, opening aiming to Under the agreement, it will be nine years before Under those conditions, Ta.ss said, crealc unbcaralilc condilions lor the the full increase in assessment will be applied to the "the U S S R, is compelled to declare stay ol the Soviet delegation and taxable value of the property. j, that participalion ol Soviet sportsmen perlormancc by Soviet athletes, have Weiss said the ,final tax assessment will be in the games ot the 23rd Olympiad in sharply stepped up Ihcir-activ ity w ith $1,456,000, which amounts to $14,000 for each Los Angeles is impossible. ” direci connivance ol the American apartment. The present assessment is $184,800. Tass said the Soviet Olympic Com­ authorities.’ Seader said that without the deferral, it would not be mittee met with oflir-ials of the Ta.ss said, to justily this campaign, possible to carry out the conversion. The tax benefit International Olympic Committee and the I S authorities and Olympics will effectively reduce the amount the owners pay for they agreed that the Soviet position was organizers conslanlly relcr to legisla­ the nine years, as an incentive for copversion. "just.and substantiateh. ” tive acts ol all kinds ’ Weiss said the alternative to the deferral would be to But, it said. U.S. authorities con Not lo w ithdi aw . the stalcmcnt said, see the mill building, and others in the Cheney tinned ’’rudely to interlere in aflairs "would be lanlamouni hi approving ol ^ Historic District, deteriorate and eventually become belonging exclusively to the compe­ the anti-Olympian actidns'ol the I S vacant. He said the town will gain in taxes on the tence of the Lo.s Angeles Olympic authorities and organizers ol the property, and on the motor vehicles the tenants will Organizing Committee” games” have. He also said tenants who can pay the rents in the apartments will have considerable buying power. Developers of the Clock Mill, .another former Cheney building to be converted to apartments, are expected to apply soon for a similar tax deferral. Keeney zone change When work begins on the Clock Mill, the town will be obligated to begin improvements to Elm Street and Hartford Road. The improvements were approved by town voters in a $750,000 bond issue in January 1982. is reJected by PZC Weiss said the signing this morning moves forward the process that was started when the town first began Bv Kathv Garmus Ihul changing iht zoning of fhe to study the mill area for restoration. The plan to use Herald Reporter properly would lead lo rapid urbaniza­ the ribbon mill for apartments is consistent with the tion ol the area. ”It doesn’t seem recommendations of Anderson. Nutter and Finegold Plans by a company headed by- right, ’ he said — the Boston firm that worked out the restoration A Manchester attorney Lawrence A. Area residents ollered similar argu­ plan. Fiano to carve 28.7 acres off ol Keeney ments against the proposal during a Street into 45 lots for single-family public hearing April 2. They said the houses were quashed by the Planning plans differed little Irom previous and Zoning Commission Monday night. applications submitted by Fiano that Commandos attack The PZC rejected a controversial called lor the property to be rezoned zone-change application for the prop­ Planned Resideriee Development to Khadafys barracks erty by a vote ol 4-1. allow 57 building lots. Gerald Investments, of which Fiano That zone change w as rejected by the Y is president, had requested that the PZC in February when -Ijt failed to ROME (UPI) — Commandos fired automatic zoning of the land — located on Keeney achieve the 4-1 vole that was rei|uired weapons and rockets at the residence of Libyan leader Street near where it meets Bush Hill to approve the change. The 4-1 majority Moammar Khadafy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli Road — be changed from Rural i.s’ required when the owners of more and seized a building in a fierce shootout with Residence to Residence A. than 20 percent of the land within 500 U PI photo government forces, the Italian news agency said. PZC member William A. Bayer was feet of a proposwf zone change sign a The attack came after the" Libyan news agency said the only member to vote in favor of the petition ojiposing it The commission U byan forces crushed a three-man British-backed In their footsteps change. Area landowners hud submit­ had voted 3-2 in favor of changing the Terrorist squad thaU it claims was linked to the ted a petition opposing the change, zoninjg ot the land lo PRD. shooting death of a British policewoman outside the Bill Thorpe Jr. and Gina Hemphill, grandchildren of Olympic making a 4-f vole necessary lor Libyan embassy in London. upfirovul. AN A P P E A L ol lhat decision is The Italian news agency ANSA reported 15 greats Jim Thorpe and Jesse Owens, hold the Olympic torch ’The zoning commission also denied pending, p’iano said this morning that unidentified commandos using automatic weapons high Monday in New York as they begin its journey to Los permission for Manchester Mall owner he has not yet decided whether to and rockets attacked the Babel Aziziya (The Splendid Angeles. They ran the first kilometer of the Olympic flame relay Kenneth C. Burkamp to place a pursue the appeal. He relu.sed com Gate) barracks in the southern suburb of the capital which ends at the Los Angeles Coliseum July 28 for the opening restaurant in the mull at 811 Main St . ment on the denial Monday night. where Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy lives. conducted two public hearings, and In both in.s'tances. the residents said It was not known if Khadafy was inside. ANSA said. of the summer games acted on several other applications the proposed subdivision wou'd be too (See related stories on page 3.) dense. In a Rural Residence zone, only- 1.3 houses per acre are allowed and lots Acid accidents at Multi-Circuits THE M AJORITY of the commission must contain a minimum ol 30.(109’ members argued that the density of the square feet. Residence A zone regula­ subdivision proposed by Fiano was too tions permit up to three houses per acre great to fit in with surrounding and reqqire that lots contain a neighborhoods, which are largely minimum ol 12.000 square leet rural. Several PZC members said the Although f ’iano had submitted subdi­ Second spill upsets firefighters land should remain a rural residential vision plans calling for 49 lots on the area. ,, properly, he withdrew those plans last " I’m really impressed by lhat area week, saying instead that he would By Sarah Passell A RESULT OF THE DELAY'was lhat fire But he said company employees should as one of the few remaining green belt submit new plans that called lor 45 lots. Herald Reporter officials were unable to measure the have spread the soda ash first, to neutralize areas in Manchester, ” PZC member Those plqns, which had not yet been amount of acid spilled, Bycholski said. the acid and to keep the spilled chemicals Leo J. Kwush said. submitted as ol Monday, would have The second acid spill in less than a week “ They’ve got a problem," he said. from flowing into the town sewer, which Alternate Theodore Brindamoursaid permitted larger lots. Fiano .said. , at the Multi-Circuits plant on Harrison Standard procedure in case of an industrial flows into Hop Brook. The flushing should Street has left town fire officials upset about chennical spill is to contain the substance so have come after the hazardous substance the company’s handling of the accident.
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