¦— —— * b could really bite Into, but now I | THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. that’s Impossible.” | .THURSDAY. JUNE If. iBAq a a, * a M'r I'rrrrrand B-21 (’in* Huh /an,l, To date, there are only three "and God HOLLYWOOD musical TV shows picked up ! for next season—Eddie Fishery 's£*MMMHIMt craatadwoman" ITtavM RPI H By SHIILAH GRAHAM t Dinah Shore's and Patti Page’s, PLAYHOUSE IP Vo j Warblers who have fallen by fiM fffffg(VlMtfttt jthe TV way include Frank Sinatra SftTHIBF who. ft sems to me. ’ |Rsr TRANS-LUX HUIIiCf f V performed merely with * IfiMIUIWI mt 7 n ¦ fits left ia:t« n. a»«. PLATA .. .. _w" jn . ft tTHE BAD m- TLAAA v Grace Has a Ready hand. Giselr Mackenzie, Rose- j BT. 3-4777 WWOTUCIS No mary Clooney, Guy Mitchell. SCCD' NANA)when Nancy 3) HOLLYWOOD to her. But it’s Polly Bergen. Patrice Munsel, Keß, S VtttON 1 married IktCtmmk INC MU UNCtN*OW«O Grace Kelly, Prince Rainier and not etc., etc. r§Hf 4:;:- I all his; some goes ,r,»'» * Prince** 1 to Liz. little Caroline are com- The new Brigitte Bardot film. OUBOtrTliiiaam* nilc»aa »t ,n t>m States late Mr*- Wilding, the former Susan ing to the United in 'The Night Heaven Fell," • laiikSfHF^uiis t with -rh.uJUNE-2.1J-.-J iriamts kNell, i* selling yacht PAM rut t matin September or early October. her and! Stephen Boyd, shows her in 12 j 1 »*m m. ttnciat rt mum stay they ' nome in London. The Wildings! BkT -lIHEtIP "ft wls Towie nOt ID4V ’ *KISS«BABr After a in New York, stages of wispy I !•«-«* tastv own plan idlflerent under- I—* rm etouo aho ;hi ..o.wni ..¦j'iug;. , to settle in New ' garments, CTljj ¦HI MM will visit with Grace’s family York. with one love scene Q3QP. 11 Philadelphia, and then come Jack Palanee is* studying in a ravine that will no doubt in many | on to Hollywood. I can see the , of the scenes for his :be trimmed for the movie's pouring in from .i latest movie. “The Man Inside,” showing in this country. They offers our from a i movie producers, but Grace has , dentist’s chair. During! jsay that even Parlsienne au- ready—no. filming last week one of the! are gasping. her answer scenes, jdiences NEIGHBORHOOD , fight actor Ws William Holden has marked Bonar Col- 1 miles in leano misjudged the distance up 56.000 travel in the Jack’s months. Can anyone , jaw and Palanee is last five spending time at his Organist Bach else match a traveling movie dentist’s having two bicuspids set more Bach, composer of “Passa- ... No one quite star? seems [ firmly in place "I took to know why Bobo Rockefeller the caglia” and other musical film,” he claims, “because I classics, began as a Lutheran Films of More Than Routine Merit is per'ona non grata at the thought DRIVE IN THEATERS )| the part was one I church organist. Stork Club. Oleg Cassini is “A FACE IN THE CROWD”—Andy Griffith does a first-rate flipping for an airline hostess. job as a heef turned beloved TV star. LEE HWY. AHL. BLVD. Marrle Massie. There’s Drive-In Theater Jl. a movie “HEAVEN KNOWS, MR. ALLISON” Deborah Kerr and Between I Corner, and Fairfax . Hwry. name for you! . Jule Styne t trclr. Entrance, Lee nr Robert Mitchum as an island-marooned nun and Marinr. Arl Via. Rd.,. trying to Dor* Blvd 1 Galjev, is snare Diana "MARJORIE MORNINGSTAR”—NataIie Wood. Gene Kelly THE THEATRE OF DISTINC- for the Vivian Blaine | TION WHERE COURTESY IS role in re-create the best-seller with a fine Ed Wynn assist. the London production of "Say CONTAGIOUS. l PASSION”—Sophia and Cary Torpedo Their Way to Glory Darling.” "THE PRIDE AND THE Loren CLARK GABLE * Grant in a sweeping adventure, superbly photographed. ** * BURT LANCASTER It will be Robert Stack and "RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP”—Submariners Clark Gable and top-notch drama. “RUN SILENT, Dorothy Malone again, in the Burt Lancaster in a wartime action RUN DEEP" Al Zugsmith production. "Walk “THE SHEEPMAN”—GIenn Ford. Mickey Shaughnessy and With Evil,” by Robert Wilder, Shirley MacLaine in a Western with a sense of humor. I ~Fiery Southland Adventure who penned their "Written on Tomoiro" “TEACHER'S PET”—Clark Gable and Doris Day deftly play ALAN LADD the Wind.” . Strong-man a fresh comedy in an authentic newspaper settinr. VIRGINIA MAYO Burt Lancaster has taken up I “WITNESS FOR THE PROSECUTION”—MarIene Dietrich “THE IRON bridge, and plays from 10 Laughton in a superior courtroom drama. MISTRESS” nightly until 5 a.m.—unless he and Charles - has studio call. H OPLN 7:3il DE LUXE CAFE“ a "Candle-baht” Blond# I TICKETS NOW ON SALE: TERIA pays CHILDREN UNDER 17 It to be able to write. FREE A PERFECT PICTURE SUPER MUSIC Stanley Warner Theaters K B THEATERS AT Reginald Rose, from television, CITY BOX OFFICE ANY ANGLE. 1350 F St. Phone ST. ? Are All Air Conditioned. is getting (60,000 for the movies I N.\f. 3-3234 r “' MacAHTHUR---- stylist. Alto starred on the tO MOUflt VSmOll Open Doily, 9:30 A.M. to P.M. Arlington he scripts for Alan Ladd’s /JII I 5:30 | AMBASSADOR T„*v» STENDAHL S "THE RED AND THE AIRPORT com- Steve Allen show. .. 4 »i CO. ft-Mttft. Alfred Hitchcock* BLACK, at 6:45 and 0:25. Short , OT. 8100 pany. aon I ALL SEATS RESERVED subjects "THE OUN,” ¦ And he can work at •» & * VERTIGO James Stewart. Kim it 6:30 and 6:05. LEFT-HANDED Ted Alexander /// U. l P.M. i Price*: $1.75, $2.50, and $3.15, Tax :*o, 4:15, PAUL NEWMAN. UTA MILAN, at . Muslc $3.00 Novak. l 6:45. 6:86. Incl. home. Samaritan » 4613 Moss. Ave. WO. 6 4600 3 51. plus Good de- V /// D »v Irian •••» Mount I ftrLAAPFY " LAFAYETTE ESCA- kli I StiA Good .Seal* AV hi nil WO. 6-2066. Free Porkino DRILLE TAB partment: Ted Tlllinghast 111 Piß. 8-Z44U S Vernon and Marshall Hall Available A* Late Am Shaw Time HUNTER. ETCH- i I Curler Amphitheater Monday Ji V ALUXI Conn. Ave. N.W. First Washington Showing IKA CHOUREAU, at ]ii;sn. car- [ Barron Box Office Now Open toon. is baby-sitting with their child Amusement Park Saturday to AM to In PM . Suhday Ito 111 PM ‘ HEAVEN KNOWS. MR ALLISON." Located in Ariinuiou on U 8 Deborah Kerr. Robert Miichuni. j “CAMPtiELL’S lht lUh St: while his ex. Nancy Valentine, 6:25. Bridge ‘Ktis'Lc"” 7:00. _ KINGDOM” is doing ll i:,ih A * the town with other I nrvrfiv v s-bma# (In Color) starring DIRK BO- says DLVZiIILiIsta. N.E. Free Parking GARDE and MICHAEL CRAIG dates. Dane Clark he ¦*» Two Big Gary Cooper Hits. a spectacular adventure in the j QUEENS CHAPEL hasn't good movie role 3:30. H"* »• Canadian al .. St.. seen a “DALLAS.” 0:15. 9:40: ‘DISTANT Rockies- 1.25. i W. V,"Hvattsville, Hamilton in more than five years and OO 5:30. 7:35 and 6:45 PM. Md. WA. 7--3800 A. 3-6655. *3*4 N M A ~vd . ’ and Finest Drive- that he'll cast his lot with TV vAlaylilllI'llWBT - . JhMtre and Refreshment Wisconsin Ave. N.W. LANGLEY „V i^ I (aleteria! strictly Superriaed until the right part * Free Parking Elia Kazan’s “A jBURT LANCASTER. CLARK GABLE ! Parkin p_ Area. comes " FACE IN THE CROWD.” Andy in RUN SILENT RUN DEEP along. Griffith. 0:30. 9.00. a-t 1:00, 2:45, 4:30. 5:15, X:00 JANET LEIGH ** * * !»:45 CHARLTON HESTON J rrWTDAI MK I'M oth and PM OP 11. V "TOUCH EVIL” - tEiXUnAIi St. N.W. Near Parkin* flowtrA 4Pin«y|r Rd. Hold -on- to your credulity rVAWm Shown at Only ! “THREE PACES OP EVE.” 11:00. riaUWCaR Sil. Spg., Md. iU 8 1666 , 0:05 item: France* Day, an Ameri- ¦• a I S 2:20, 5:50, 9:20: ‘ COUNT THREE YUL BRYNNER. MARIA SCHELL ! HENRY FONDA actress who has worked j AND PRAY." 1*2:40 4:10, 7:45. in THE BROTHERS KARAMA- ; can With Joanne Woodward. Academy ZOV" (Color), at 6:30 and 1) PM. ! "WRONG MAN” many years say- j Award Winner_in Both Pictures in England, is w,h * Al Shown at 11 16 weeks of sparkling summer entertainment! RA ing that she has been in touch vrimmv tf-neoa." 3*iT MATLOH tu ; STARTS FRIDAY: Worn! Dadl Malta Sunday, hLnnLin Kennedy St. N.W 4000^**' "IS I " See it from the start AND ANXIOUS” with her friend, George Bern- * SILENT Clark Don't reveal iff?! fun-day Jun «lsth RUN RUN DEEP the ending of this tensest tension 1 for all the family Lancaster, ard Shaw, via a medium, and Gable. Burt H:ls. 0:30; thriller “CHASE A CROOKED 1 i I ‘ADVENTURES OF ROBINSON , SHADOW." 8:00 Only with RICHARD TODD i SUPER 29 DRIVE-IN that he told her he did not CRUSOE.** and BAXTER, at 810 r ANNE 6:30. ML S W. of ”7*- like the "My Fair Lady” musi- r Avnv r° * ,9r,s 5050 14th and 0:56 PM 3 Fairfax on Route 29 D.C. Transit’s ntw DA TUI St. N.W. “WINCHESTER t F’ORD of his "Pygmalion” J»° IT 91E E JGLENN088 in OAR- calization PARTY BUS 75.” James Stewart. 6:25. 0:30; ROCKVILLE DBIVE-IN ment JSn oL e f, at all.
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