AGENDA TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE March 14, 2019 9:00 AM AMES CITY HALL – ROOM 135 515 CLARK AVENUE AMES, IA 1. Call to order 2. Approval of agenda 3. Approval of the minutes of the September 6, 2018 meeting 4. Recommendation on the draft FY 2020 Transportation Planning Work Program (TPWP) 5. Recommendation on the Passenger Transportation Plan (PTP) 6. Recommendation on the FTA Title VI Program 7. Recommendation on the Amendments to the FY19-22 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) 8. Recommendation on the Transit Asset Management (TAM) Performance Targets 9. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for the Transportation Technical Committee 10. Other non-action items of interest to the committee 11. Upcoming Dates: a. Transportation Policy Committee Meeting March 26, 2019 – 6 PM – Ames City Hall, Council Chambers b. Transportation Technical Committee Meeting May 16, 2019 – 9 AM – Ames City Hall, Council Chambers 12. Adjournment AMES AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION BOONE COUNTY l CITY OF AMES l CITY OF GILBERT l CYRIDE l STORY COUNTY TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 AMES CITY HALL 515 CLARK AVENUE 9:00 AM CONFERENCE ROOM 235 Attendance: TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS ▲ Tracy Warner Ames Municipal Engineer ▲ Damion Pregitzer Ames Traffic Engineer ▲ Justin Clausen Ames Operations Manager ▲ Kelly Diekmann Ames Director of Planning and Housing ▲ Charlie Kuester Ames Long Range Planner X Sheri Kyras Transit Director, CyRide X Cathy Brown Iowa State University X Scott Kruse Boone County Engineer ▲ Darren Moon Story County Engineer X Gerry Peters Ames Community School District X Drew Kamp Ames Economic Development Commission X Darla Hugaboom Federal Highway Administration † X Daniel Nguyen Federal Transit Administration † X Andy Loonan Iowa Department of Transportation † ▲ Present Alternate Attendee * X Absent Non-Voting Members † STAFF AND GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE 1 *Shari Atwood CyRide Transit Planner 2 *Angie Solberg Iowa State University 3 *Jon Nariegon Iowa Department of Transportation 4 Tony Filippini Transportation Planner, Ames Area MPO 5 John Joiner Administrator, Ames Area MPO 6 Ben Lievens Customer Support Coordinator, Ames Area MPO I. CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Ames Area Metropolitan Planning Organization Transportation Technical Committee was called to order by Chairperson Tracy Warner on Thursday, September 6, 2018 at 9:00 AM, in Conference Room 235 at Ames City Hall. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA OF THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 MEETING MOTION: (Kuester/Pregitzer) to approve the agenda of the September 6, 2018 meeting. MOTION PASSED: 9-0 III. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MAY 17, 2018 MEETING Kelly Diekmann found that there was numerical error on page 3. The amount listed in paragraph 2 was written as ‘$4.2 billion’ when in fact it was ‘$4.2 million’. Shari Atwood also found that ‘FY 2019-20122’ in the first paragraph should be ‘FY 2019-2022’. MOTION: (Kuester/Clausen) to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2018 meeting with noted corrections. MOTION PASSED: 9-0 IV. RECOMMENDATION ON IOWA CLEAN AIR ATTAINMENT PROJECTS (ICAAP) Tony Filippini stated that for the past 3 years Ames has taken part in the Iowa DOT’s annual Iowa’s Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) Grant. One requirement for this grant is a resolution submitted by the area’s MPO stating that it conforms with the long range plan. Mr. Filippini noted he has checked the application’s completeness, fiscal feasibility, and conformity within the local plan. Mr. Filippini asked that those interested in applying to ICAAP do so before the end of August. He has currently received one project sponsor with three projects for CyRide. The applications are for funding service improvements. The policy committee will meet on September 25, 2018. Mr. Filippini will offer recommendation to the committee at that time. This will then create a resolution that will be provided back to the project sponsor so they may complete their application for the DOT by October 1st. Mr. Diekmann asked if this program was only for transit. Tracy Warner answered that it is not. Public Works has used ICAAP grants to assist with Grand Avenue work in the past. Mr. Filippini added that a lot funding does go to transit, but one may also see traffic synchronization projects or things that may reduce street congestion. Shari Atwood stated that improving emissions can also be a factor for transit approval with ICAAP. Charles Kuester asked if the presented bus routes are part of the CyRide 2.0 program. Ms. Atwood confirmed they were. Mr. Kuester asked how the routes would be funded if ICAAP was not approved. Ms. Atwood stated that they’re already approved through the City’s transit board. One may apply to ICAAP for the first 3 years of a 5 year plan. CyRide normally fully funds their first year and then applies for the ICAAP grant for years 2-4. Ms. Atwood shared what routes were being addressed in this year’s application. MOTION: (Diekmann/Moon) Recommend the presented ICAAP projects to the Transportation Policy Committee for formal resolution. MOTION PASSED: 9-0 V. RECOMMENDATION ON THE AMES AREA MPO TITLE VI PROGRAM Mr. Filippini explained that since our MPO reports to both Federal Transit and Federal Highways, they must comply with both sets of standards. They sent a draft of a 3 year program to Iowa’s Department of Public Transit. This document shows how our area works with Title VI implications and impact. Ames has had no complaints currently in regards to this report. This is a fairly light 2 report to update the Ames Area 3 year plan. The only real update is that of having a new Chairperson with the induction of a new Mayor. Mr. Diekmann asked if this update was annual. Mr. Filippini answered that the Federal highways is on an as-needed basis. The FTA program is every 3 years. Mr. Diekmann asked for clarification in regards to the Title VI program being updated with demographic information annually. Mr. Filippini stated that their information is based on the 2010 census, which was presented, so it was current by that standpoint. The geography required in the analysis submitted would be based on the 2010 census data. Mr. Filippini said the FTA is only really reporting on transit projects. Ames has no current projects to do analysis on. Ms. Atwood inquired about certain areas in the map provided that were highlighted. Mr. Filippini explained that those areas were where the MPO was currently focusing on. Mr. Kuester noted that there was a list on this item of interpreters that may need to be updated. Mr. Filippini and Ms. Warner stated that this was an extension of the City’s appendix. It is currently being updated. Mr. Diekmann added that they may want to make a note that the information may be updated after the submittal. MOTION: (Pregitzer/Kuester) Recommend the Title VI Program to the Transportation Policy Committee for formal approval. MOTION PASSED: 9-0 VI. PM2 AND PM3 PERFORMANCE TARGETS 2015-2019 Mr. Filippini stated that these performance measures are 2 out 4. PM2 is in regards to pavement and bridge measures, and PM3 is system and freight performance measures. Based on the MPO’s report, the MPO can support the State targets or an MPO can develop their own. Mr. Filippini brought these items first because it is the first PM2 & PM3 have been addressed for our area. They have been active since August 31, 2018. The MPO has 180 days to address the objectives or address their own targets. The Iowa DOT sets it on 2 or 4 year targets. After 2 years the DOT has the right to adjust those targets or the MPO can do so with their own. Mr. Diekmann asked who must collect the data for this issue. Mr. Filippini stated that the State and Federal highways has products that the MPO can utilize and analyze to make appropriate choices. Damion Pregitzer elaborated that this is for the highway system roads and listed some small sections of Ames’ system that are applicable to this. Mr. Diekmann asked how Interstates are reviewed between the City and IDOT these regulations. Mr. Pregitzer answered it would reflect on the Interstate right-out-way. Mr. Filippini added that there may implications for those who do not meet the implications on a State level, but there is more room for adjustment when going through the MPO’s recommendation. Mr. Pregitzer agreed stating that there may be some adjustment but after the two year review we will have a better understanding of our 4 year deadline. Mr. Diekmann asked for clarification if the MPO doesn’t have to currently maintain the performance standards. The MPO just has to show progress going forward that it is attempting to 3 do so. Mr. Filippini stated that the MPO must demonstrate that it is attempting to meet performance standards, but it is not fully clear to what degree the MPO must report. The measures reported reflect for the overall program, not project-to-project. Mr. Kuester asked if there was a percentage listed as to what level the interstate areas were either deteriorated or repaired. Public Works staff said not specifically. The areas were marginally close to what is expected for the 2 year plan and described some of the work that has currently been done. Mr. Pregitzer stated that the City’s impact on these performance measures are reviewed more through, not necessarily City work, but how the City supports DOT through the system performance. John Joiner added the example that once Grand Avenue is fully extended, if the City decided to expand Lincoln Way to a 3-way, that would be an impact on this measure.
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