CENSUS 1991 PARTS XII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES -7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT SURAT DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI Indian Administrative Service, Direclor-ofceii~lfS Operations, Gujarat CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications - Census of India 1991, Series - 7 Gujarat are being published in the following parts: Part No. Subject Covered I-A Administration Report - Enumeration 1-B Administration Report - Tabulation II-A General PopUlation Tables - ASeries TI-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-1 to B-10) 111-8 General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-11 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-7 to C-lO) V-A Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-1 to D-4) V-B Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI Fertility Tables - F Series VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities VIII Special Tables on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes IX-A Town Directory IX-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns IX-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages X Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XI Census Atlas State Government Publications: District Census Hand Book XII-A Village and Town Directory XII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract Note: 1 All the maps included in this publication are based upon survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor Genera I of India. 2 © Government of India Copyright " 3 The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. ERRATA DISTRICT: SURAT Page No. Particulars Col. No. For Read --------_._----------------- 85 L.C.No.21 17 41.38 190 L.C.No.134 2 Vadada p, Umarda Vadpada P. Umarda 435 L.C.No.38 38 Not Clear 188 L.C.No.134 2 Va dada P. Umarda Vadpada P. Umarda 478:~ Surat is the heart ofthe diamond processing indusrty in India, with the largest number of diamond factories employing a total of over 2,00,000 artisans. The annual production ofcut and polished diflmonds from Sural alone is valued at about Rs.l 0,000 million. Today, most of the diamond factories are established at any place in Sural without sufficient planning. 30 artisans work at a time in 'gala' (i.e. 9 meters long and 4 meters broad room) without sufficient ventilation, lighting, sanitation, modern machineries and equipments, fundamental employee welfaie schemes etc. In short, diflmond units are found in tiny and dingy rooms., which can scarcely be called a work place. This adds congestion in the city. Considering the above situation, the need for all round improvement was felt in order to consolidate Indios position in the world diamond industry. To meet these challanges, Diamond and Gem Development Corporation evolved and developed an ideal "Diamond Industrial Park" spread over 110 hectares at Sachin Village, just 12 km. away from Surat city. It is developed with the active support ofHindus tan Diamond Company and with the help and co-operation of Government of Gujarat, as well as diflmond traders and manufacturers. There will be plan about 1,000 industrial units, each measuring 81 sq.mls. a/which 220 units are ready and lZO more units will be ready shortly. The remaining units would be also constructed. Each units is scientifically designed to create the best possible working environment with good na~'1.rallighting, safety, security ventilation and other related factors. In addition, eadi' unit :will have !he benefits of improved tools and technology to boost efficiency _find. productivity: Park wilt have the facilities ofservice units, technology centre, an International trading centre wlth':offices of merchants, training centre, residential units for workers, a shopping -cbmplexTschool, hospital, hotel, club, park, recreati~n centre and other welfare amenities. These fticilities will enhance efficiency, improve living conditions of the wbrkersy provide employment for rural youths, increase international trade etc. - ..... The whole project of diamond industrial park is expected to be completed by the end of 1992. (Drawing by ('Lor; A.A 'VliV{1d ERRATA DISTRICT: SURA T Page No. Particulars Col. No. For Read 85 L.eNo.21 17 41.38 190 L.eNo.134 2 Vadada p, Umarda Vadpada P. Umarda 435 L.C.No.38 38 Not Clear 188 L.C.No.134 2 Vadada P. Umarda Vadpada P. Umarda 478~~ CONTENTS Pages 1 Foreword 5 2 Preface and Acknowledgement 7 3 Map of District Facing page 11 4 Important Statistic,s 12 5 Analytical Note and Tables 15 - 51 (i) Census concepts and definitions 15 (ii) Brief history of district and the District Census Handbook 19 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract 20 (iv) Physical aspect'> - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the district 22 during the decade and any important event on geographic and geophysical aspect (v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economjc 23 resources (vi) Major social and cultural events, natural, economic and administrative 30 development'> during the decade (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeologica I impor­ 31 tance and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (viii) Brief analysis of data of Primary Census Abstract, Village Directory and 33 Town Directory based on inset tables PART· A VILlAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 53 - 364 SECTION· I VILLAGE DIRECTORY 53 - 344 6 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 54 7 Chorasi Talukalc'D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 57 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 58 (iii) Village Directory 62 8 Olpad TaluM/CD. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 77 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 78 (iii) Village Directory 82 9 Kamrej TalukaIC.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block lllap Facing page 99 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 100 (iii) Village Directory 102 pages 10 Mangrol Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.O Block map Facing page 115 (ii) AJphabeticallist of villages 116 (iii) Village Directory 120 11 Mandvi Talukll/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.O. Block map Facing page 141 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 142 (iii) Village Directory 146 12 Songadh Ta/uka/CD. Block (i) Taluka/C.O. Block map Facing page 167 (ii) AJphabeticallist of villages 168 (iii) Village Directory 174 13 Uchchhal Talukll/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 199 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 200 (iii) . Village Directory 202 14 Nizar Taiuka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 213 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 214 (iii) Village Directory 218 15 vyara Talllka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 231 (ii) Alphabetica 1 list of villages 232 (iii) Village Directory 236 16 Valad TalukalC.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 259 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviIlages 260 (iii) Village Directory 262 17 Bardoli TalukalC.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 271 (ii) Alpbabetic.al Jist ofvil1ages 272 (iii) Village Directory 276 18 Mahuva TaiukalC.D. Block (i) laluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 291 (ii) Alp ba betica I list 0 f villa ges 292 (iii) Village Directory 294 19 Palsana TalukaIC.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 309 (ii) A1pbabetic~1 Jist ofvilJages 310 , (iii) Village DireCtory 312 20 Appendix I Taluka/C.D. Block wise abstract of educational, medical and 322 other amenities 21 AppendiX II Land utilisation d~ta in respect of Census towns 326 2 Pages 22 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenities viz. ~26 educational, medical, post and telegraph, marketlhat, com­ munication and power supply are available 23 Appendix IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 327 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total population by ranges SECTION· II TOWN DIRECTORY 345 - 364 24 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Town Directory 346 2S Town Directory Stlltements (I to VI and IV - A) Statement I Status and growth history 348 Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1989 350 Statement III Municipal Finance 352 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1989 354 Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 356 Statement V Medical, educati'onal, recreational and cultural facilit.ies, 1989 358 Statement VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989 362 26 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths with population, 1991 364 PART· B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 365 - 635 27 Explanatory note and Jist of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 366 28 District, TaJuka/C.D. Block, Town Primary Census Abstract 370 29 URBANNILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) Chorasi Taluka/C.D.Block 386 (ii) Olpad Taluka/C.D. Block 404 (iii) Kamrej Tauka/C.D. Block 418 (iv) Mangrol Taluka/C.D.Block 428 (v) Mandvi Taluka/C.D. Block 446 (vi) Songadh Taluka/C.D.Block 464 (vii) Ucbchhal Taluka/C.D. Block 486 (viii) Nizar Taluka/C.D. Block 496 (ix) Vyara Taluka/C.D. Block 510 (x) Valod Taluka/C.D.Block 528 (xi) Bardoli Taluka/C.D. Block 538 (xii) Mahuva Taluka/C.D. Block 552 (xiii) Palsana Taluka/C.D. Block 562 30 Appendix Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Populaion­ 572 Urban Blockwise 31 District, TalukaJC.D. Block, Town -Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Primary Censns Abstract (i) Scheduled Castes Primary Census Abstract 610 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 624 3 FOREWORD Puhlil'ation of the District Ccnsus Handhooks to mect somc of the rcquirements of the Revised Mini­ (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ mum Needs Programme.
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