SUBCHAPTER G—REGATTAS AND MARINE PARADES PART 100—SAFETY OF LIFE ON 100.502 Barnegat Bay Classic, Barnegat Bay, Toms River, NJ. NAVIGABLE WATERS 100.504 Night in Venice, Great Egg Harbor Bay, City of Ocean City, NJ. Sec. 100.505 New Jersey Offshore Grand Prix. 100.01 Purpose and intent. 100.506 Fireworks Displays, Chester River, 100.05 Definition of terms used in this part. Kent Island Narrows, Maryland. 100.10 Coast Guard-State agreements. 100.507 Chesapeake Bay Bridges Swim 100.15 Submission of application. Races, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. 100.20 Action on application for event as- 100.508 Hampton River, Hampton, Virginia. signed to State regulation by Coast 100.509 Delaware River, Philadelphia, Penn- Guard-State agreement. sylvania. 100.25 Action on application for event not 100.510 Susquehanna River, Havre de Grace, assigned to State regulation by Coast Maryland. Guard-State agreement. 100.511 Approaches to Annapolis Harbor, 100.30 Approval required for holding event. Spa Creek, and Severn River, Annapolis, 100.35 Special local regulations. Maryland. 100.40 Patrol of the regatta or marine pa- 100.512 American Diabetes Association rade. Reach the Beach Triathlon, Choptank 100.45 Establishment of aids to navigation. River, Cambridge, Maryland. 100.101 Harvard-Yale Regatta, Thames 100.513 Wrightsville Channel, Wrightsville River, New London, CT. Beach, North Carolina. 100.102 Great Connecticut River Raft Race, 100.514 Fourth of July Fireworks Display; Middletown, CT. Parker Island, Little Egg Harbor, New 100.103 National Sweepstakes Regatta, Jersey. Redbank, NJ. 100.515 Patapsco River, Baltimore, Mary- 100.104 Empire State Regatta, Albany, New land. York. 100.517 Atlantic Ocean, Ocean City, MD. 100.105 Head of the Connecticut Regatta. 100.518 Severn River, College Creek, and 100.106 Freeport Grand Prix, Long Beach, Weems Creek, Annapolis, Maryland NY. 100.519 Assateague Channel, Chincoteague, 100.107 Windjammer Days, Boothbay Har- Virginia. bor, Maine. 100.520 Rudee Inlet, Lake Rudee, Atlantic 100.108 Great Kennebec River Whatever Ocean, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Race. 100.522 Fireworks Displays, Atlantic Ocean, 100.109 Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Race, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Winter Harbor, ME. 100.523 Southern Branch, Elizabeth River, 100.110 World’s Fastest Lobster Boat Race, Portsmouth, Virginia. Jonesport, ME. 100.525 Western Branch, Elizabeth River, 100.111 Stonington Lobster Boat Races, Portsmouth, Virginia. Stonington, ME. 100.526 Fireworks Displays, Patapsco River, 100.112 Swim the Bay, Narragansett Bay Baltimore, Maryland. Narragansett, RI. 100.709 Annual Augusta Southern National 100.113 Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life, Drag Boat Races; Savannah River, Au- Provincetown, MA. gusta, GA. 100.114 Fireworks displays within the First 100.710 Annual Greater Jacksonville King- Coast Guard District. fish Tournament; Jacksonville, Florida. 100.116 Swim Buzzards Bay Day, New Bed- 100.713 Annual Harborwalk Boat Race; ford, MA. Sampit River, Georgetown, SC. 100.118 Searsport Lobster Boat Races, 100.714 Annual Miami Super Boat Race; Searsport Harbor, ME. Miami Beach, FL. 100.119 Newport-Bermuda Regatta, Narra- 100.715 Annual Beaufort Water Festival, gansett Bay, Newport, RI. Beaufort River, Beaufort, SC. 100.120 Special local regulations: Greenwood 100.716 Annual Florida Sports Fishing Asso- Lake Powerboat Classic, Greenwood ciation Billfish Tournament. Lake, New Jersey 100.717 Annual Fort Myers Beach Offshore 100.121 Hudson Valley Triathlon, Hudson Grand Prix; Fort Myers, FL. River, Kingston, New York. 100.718 Annual Suncoast Kilo Run; Sarasota 100.122 Fleet’s Albany Riverfest, Hudson Bay, Sarasota, FL. River, New York. 100.719 Annual Suncoast Offshore Challenge; 100.501 Norfolk Harbor, Elizabeth River, Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. Norfolk, Virginia and Portsmouth, Vir- 100.720 Annual Suncoast Offshore Grand ginia. Prix; Gulf of Mexico, Sarasota, FL. 249 VerDate Aug<1,>2002 11:54 Aug 16, 2002 Jkt 197123 PO 00000 Frm 00249 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197123T.XXX pfrm15 PsN: 197123T § 100.01 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–02 Edition) 100.721 Charleston Christmas Parade of both, are not intended for plotting on Boats, Charleston Harbor, SC. maps or charts whose referenced hori- 100.722 Annual Key West Super Boat Race; zontal datum is the North American Key West, FL. Datum of 1983 (NAD 83), unless such ge- 100.723 Annual Holiday Boat Parade of the Palm Beaches; Palm Beach, FL. ographic coordinates are expressly la- 100.724 Annual Augusta Invitational Rowing beled NAD 83. Geographic coordinates Regatta; Savannah River, Augusta, GA. without the NAD 83 reference may be 100.728 Special Local Regulations; Hurri- plotted on maps or charts referenced to cane Offshore Classic, St. Petersburg, NAD 83 only after application of the FL. appropriate corrections that are pub- 100.730 Annual Miami Super Boat Race; lished on the particular map or chart Miami Beach, Florida. 100.731 Special local regulations; annual Ft. being used. Lauderdale Air & Sea Show, Ft. Lauder- [CGFR 63–22, 28 FR 5155, May 23, 1963, as dale, FL. amended by CGD 86–082, 52 FR 33811, Sept. 8, 100.732 Annual River Race Augusta; Savan- 1987] nah River, Augusta GA. 100.733 Annual Deerfield Beach Super Boat § 100.05 Definition of terms used in Race; Deerfield Beach, Florida. this part. 100.734 Annual Gasparilla Marine Parade; Hillsborough Bay, Tampa, FL (a) Regatta or marine parade means an 100.801 Annual Marine Events in the Eighth organized water event of limited dura- Coast Guard District. tion which is conducted according to a 100.901 Great Lakes annual marine events. prearranged schedule. 100.902 Macomb Daily Offshore Classic, (b) [Reserved] Lake St. Clair, St. Clair Shores, MI. 100.1101 Southern California annual marine (c) District Commander means the events. Commander of the Coast Guard Dis- 100.1102 Marine events on the Colorado trict in which the regatta or marine River, between Davis Dam (Bullhead parade is intended to be held. (See Part City, Arizona) and Headgate Dam 3 of this chapter for the geographical (Parker, Arizona). boundaries of Coast Guard Districts.) 100.1103 Northern California annual marine (d) State authority means any official events. or agency of a State having power 100.1105 San Francisco Bay Navy Fleetweek Parade of Ships and Blue Angels Dem- under the law of such State to regulate onstration. regattas or marine parades on waters 100.1301 Seattle Seafair Unlimited Hydro- over which such State has jurisdiction. plane Race. 100.1302 Annual Clarkston, Washington, [CGFR 63–22, 28 FR 5155, May 23, 1963, as Limited Hydroplane Races. amended by CGD 75–098, 40 FR 49327, Oct. 22, 100.1303 Annual Kennewick, Washington, 1975] Columbia Unlimited Hydroplane Races. 100.1304 Annual Seattle Yacht Club’s § 100.10 Coast Guard-State agree- ‘‘Opening Day’’ Marine Parade. ments. 100.1305 Richland, Washington, west coast (a) The District Commander is au- outboard championship hydro races. thorized to enter into agreements with 100.1306 National Maritime Week Tugboat State authorities permitting, regula- Races, Seattle, WA. tion by the State of such classes of re- AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1233; 49 CFR 1.46. gatta or marine parade on the navi- SOURCE: CGFR 63–22, 28 FR 5155, May 23, gable waters of the United States as, in 1963, unless otherwise noted. the opinion of the District Commander, the State is able to regulate in such a § 100.01 Purpose and intent. manner as to insure safety of life. All (a) The purpose of the regulations in such agreements shall reserve to the this part is to provide effective control District Commander the right to regu- over regattas and marine parades con- late any particular regatta or marine ducted on the navigable waters of the parade when he deems such action to United States so as to insure safety of be in the public interest. life in the regatta or marine parade area. § 100.15 Submission of application. (b) Geographic coordinates expressed (a) An individual or organization in terms of latitude or longitude, or planning to hold a regatta or marine 250 VerDate Aug<1,>2002 11:54 Aug 16, 2002 Jkt 197123 PO 00000 Frm 00250 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\197123T.XXX pfrm15 PsN: 197123T Coast Guard, DOT § 100.25 parade which, by its nature, cir- (f) The application shall include the cumstances or location, will introduce following details: extra or unusual hazards to the safety (1) Name and address of sponsoring of life on the navigable waters of the organization. United States, shall submit an applica- (2) Name, address, and telephone of tion to the Coast Guard District Com- person or persons in charge of the mander having cognizance of the area event. where it is intended to hold such re- (3) Nature and purpose of the event. gatta or marine parade. Examples of (4) Information as to general public conditions which are deemed to intro- interest. duce extra or unusual hazards to the (5) Estimated number and types of safety of life include but are not lim- watercraft participating in the event. ited to: An inherently hazardous com- (6) Estimated number and types of petition, the customary presence of spectator watercraft. commercial or pleasure craft in the (7) Number of boats being furnished area, any obstruction of navigable by sponsoring organizations to patrol channel which may reasonably be ex- event. pected to result, and the expected accu- mulation of spectator craft. (8) A time schedule and description of (b) Where such events are to be held events. regularly or repeatedly in a single area (9) A section of a chart or scale draw- by an individual or organization, the ing showing the boundaries of the Commandant or the District Com- event, various water courses or areas mander may, subject to conditions set to be utilized by participants, officials, from time to time by him, grant a per- and spectator craft.
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