VOL. III. NO. 273. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1885. PRICE 10 CENTS. SVdceriiscmcnts. THE DAILY PACIFIC A Far-Fam- ed isostontan. gustoess (Cards. ituertisenunts. Life. - f lil I! J I COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. S. I.. STANLKY. JOHN hl'RCANCK. MAOFARLANE & CO-- , & G. J. WALLER, IS PUBLISHED T"IIOI,F.SAEE DRALEKS AXU iE- - Spruaiicc, Stanley Co., T H E erul Jobbers in WINKS and LIQUOH. Importers and Jobbers of Fine Balke-Collend- er Every Morning Except Sundays. Xo. 12 Iittaliuiiianii Street. WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, BUTCHER, Brunswick, Co. HONOLirLC. o -- tf T II E F R O X T . 410 Front St.. San Francisco. TO 473 tf w MITISSC'KII I'lONS H. HAOKFELD & CO., A GREAT BOON TO THE Daily 1 (J. Advertiser, 1 yer, (C'asu; Tt C CM) i:.i:itAi, commission aueats. Uivily P. C. Advertiser, mouths, (Cash;. 5 rV.H tf Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. 33irr & Jinck, iuu.sn) ! 7 lutly f. C. Advertiser, l weeic, Leading Fashionable Tailois Hoiiolulvi l3Tblic A'eekly P. Advertiser, 1 yeur. CCustu . 5 00 The Mill C BANNING. W. MAEJtTKNS. OPFKKOKI.T Forelifo Subscription W. P. C. A. (including OF SAV I'KAXl'ISrO. Ileef, Veal, Mutton, and Flslt postage) J6 5 ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., No. U20 Market St., Opposite I'alare Hotel. l'ork for DAYS after being killed, by THE MOST EXTENSIVE BILLIARD HOUSE IN THE WORLD. inporterM A Commission Merchant. kept FOUR E Queen .street, Honolulu, II. J, 3ti,1-- tf Having already a large trade with Honolulu, they Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Guaran- THE SCIENCE OF TRAVELING. respectfully solicit further Island patronage, and Manufacturers of Billiard and J'ool Talks. are prepared to complete orders at one day's no- teed to keep longer after delivery than A. S. CLEGHORN & Co., tice. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed, and t;ie for Hyatt Billiard The Dangers of Hurrying Fast Train th finest stock of latest goods constantly on band. FRESH IilI.EEO MEATS. Importers and Dealers in all kinds of Billiard Materials. Sole Agents autl Wholesale Itetall 4!U tf&w Balls, which will stand any climate. Ten Pina, Balls and Pins. Spcrtiag Most Fatiguing. ImftorterH anl any Cassell's Family Magazine. 6ttfTo be had in of Mr. Waller's Markets. Goods of all kinds. Sole Owners and Patentees of the unriralled Hurry to or from trains should in all General Merchandise, 9- -t UTSCHIG, cases be avoided. It is dangerous to the Corner Queen ami Kauhumunu Sts. 31 JOHN Metropolitan Market, " healthy habitual traveler as well as the On Street. MONARCH QUICK CUSHION." Fashionable Boot Maker Kins tot invalid. Many a one has suffered perma- jr. li. HERBERT SUIXIYAIT. M. PHILLIPS & Co., MEAT FOR SALE ALL DAY. the best in the world for accuracy, correct angles and durability, and used excltulttly nent dilatation of the heart in hurrying This renowned philosopher and sociologist mid Wholesale Dealers in No. H2G Bush St., San Francisco, Cal. all Championship Games. to cach a train; many a one has dropped was born as a matter of course in Boston, in Importers JSoots, Shoes," Hats, Men's Furnish ing Fancy (Joods. 11 Will fill orders In his line at the shortest possible IIFSeud for Illustrated Catalogue and Price down dead from the same cause. 1S55. Fifty --seven of his immediate ances- and Xo. Kaahumanu Street List;0 Honolulu, II. I. atititf-wtl.-- g notice. Planters will find it te their advantage to City Market. Hurrying in catching trains tends to tors come over to this country from Portugal call on MK. UTSCHIG before going elsewhere. in- On Miuanii St. Office and Salesroom, 653 and C55 Market Street weakness of the nervous system, to In the Mayflower, and were subsequently 494 tfdfcw digestion, and to heart disease, to say killed at Bunker Hill. The rest either won S. J. LEVEY & CO., SAN FBANCISCO, CAL. nothing of the risk of catching cold from great fam as stroke oar in Harvard or sitting down in the carriage heated, in G1 rocers ami Provision Dealers, Hotel Street Market. :o: Yale crews, or partially distinguished them- r Family Grocery and Feed Store. FRANK GERTZ, On Hotel Street. cases where the person has to walk selves in humble walks as governors of Mas- Orders entrusted to us from the other Island will quickly instead of riding. be promptly attended to. 5:2 Fort St., Honolulu and Manufacturer G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., sachusetts. Ilerbie or "Yarb," as his 37tf-vt- f FyJjmpQrter For a large number of different kinds to call him,wa3 won- 7 ; v intimate friends prefer Of all Descriptions of tf t Aleuts for tlie Hawaiian Inlands. of complaints change of air and scene is when six t'LATS SPRKCKKL3 WM. O. IRWIN. Eureka Market. derfully precocious as a child, and At Fisli Market. Erescribed for patients, and long journeys years of age was already deep in the beans made in railway carriages; it and culture of which his native city is so WM. G. IRWIN & Co., BOOTS & SHOES behooves the invalid therefore to look well proud. lie never indulged in the rude FACTOItS mill Commission Hawaiian Market. ANHEUSER-BUSC- H Killt :si4-tfw- tf Orders from tue otlier Islands solicited. after his comforts in traveling, and not to games of spelling and figures of which his All h NTS. Honolulu, 11. I. On neglect the slightest precaution to make delighted Mannakca St. playmates were so fond, but So. Fort St., Honolulu. the journey easy. applica- 37i-tfv- Ill his professors by his close JOHN RUSSELL tf Chinese Market, Let him not or, rather I should say let rowi- tion to shinny, base ball and On Meek Street. ASSOCIATION. nt OKI). BREWING her not, for ladies are more apt to err in ng-, graduating from Yalo in these sciences llorney Law. J. W HIN'GLKV. WOOD. this way than gentlemen; let her not, then, at the age of eighteen. Henceforward he BEEF AND PORK. fidget and worry herself a week before- conch-olog- y No. iZ MKUCHANT STKKKT. XEAK FOKT ST te devoted himself to that branch of 3f,.jtf-- J. W. HINGLEY CO. hand, thinking of the journey, the perils 1SS1, in lUS"Thanking public past I so- which treats of mussels. In Manufacturers of the for favors. of the road, including the fatigue. Once New Orleans, he delivered a lecture on W. AUSTIN WHITING. licit a continuation of the same. on board and started, invalids never fail gravitation and nasal hemorrhage, which 397 tf G. J. WALLER. to be quite astonished at the strength they was frequently and brilliantly illustrated 4 Homey ami Counsellor nt Lint. HAVANA CIGARS, or possess, and at "how well they bear the by Ryan, an Italian " the Hon. Patricio Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Instru Importers, Wholesale and Itetail Dealers in journey. This is very pleasant, but I am Upon this his . ?Vv savant, who assisted him. nients for the Island of Oahu. No. 9 Kaahumanu Hr 103-mr- "ONTARIO" sorry to tell them their strength, in He has, 11. :u that fame rose to its present height. in Street, Honolulu, I. & nine cases out of ten, is more appar- New York, delivered a similar lecture, at Tobacco, Cigarettes Smokers' Articles ent than real, and is due to the concussing Madison Square garden, but the experi- V M. THOMPSON, TRY OUR h lUmtf action on the brain, of which I have ments failed, once through the carelessness fc re- -:- i(-I.uv NEVIL.LE CO., already spoken, For railway traveling of the Hon. Tug Wilson, who failed to Attorney and Home Manufactured Cigars. has a numbing I had almost said a nar- main quite long enough in the recum- In Chancery, SOLE ACJEXTS, sense. From Solicitor cotising effect upon the bent position required, and on the second M semi-letharg- Oiliee, W. 'o. 3! Fort St.. I'ttuinbell Xew y patient awakes indispo- S. cor. Fort and Merchant Sts., in SAN FRANCISCO this the occasion failure was due to the Fireproof Itmlilln:, anil St. next day, but it is very agreeable while it sition of the subject of our sketch. HONOLULU, H. I. 482 tf MADE FROM ALABAMA BOTTOM COTTON, does last. Again on November 10 he experimented 78 Hotel Steeet. EXTRA FAMILY the There is as much difference between in New York in company with Prof. Laflin, HONOLULU, H.I. 410-w- tf FREE FROM SIZIXti method of traveling adopted by these peo- in the science of which he is so proud an J. IYI. MONSARRAT, ST. LOXJIS LAGEE BEER. ple and that of most commercial men as exemplar, before an audience representing AND NOT LIABLE TO MOULD. mere is oeiween me nigni oi a mve ueu the wealth and vitality of the metropolis. ATTORNEY AT LAW F( 11EST MARKET. and of a blue-bottl- e fly. proof AND that On this occasion he exhibited further Corner Hotel and Union Streets. WARRANTED Those people who have business in the of the superior culture and training Boston city, but go home every night to the supplies. NOTARY PUBLIC. The Rest and most urable Sail Duck country to dine and to sleep, have only Mr. Sullivan is a modest, retiring gentle- KKAXCH OF Kl'KKKA MAKKKT. not derive boast- Kstate in any part of tlie IN THE WORLD. themselves to blame if they do man, considerate of others and never Keal Bought, Sold and Leased on Commission i more benefit from that mode of life than ful. He represents the best blood and Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn. j The undersigned will open this new market For Sale in Honolulu.
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