JOSEF MUENCH c/he Storehouse of the llitna Those who will empty their hearts of vanity and rubbish, through the grace of God may purify the chambers of the mind, and make it a storehouse of knowledge, purity, and truth. And it will be continually reaching beyond the narrow boundaries of worldly thought, into the vastness of the Infinite. The justice and mercy of God will be unfolded to the moral perceptions. The grievous character of sin, with its results, will be discerned. The char acter of God, His love manifested in giving His Son to die for the world, and the beauty of holiness, are exalted themes for contemplation. These will strengthen the intellect, and bring man into close communion with the Infinite One. Fundamentals of Christian Education, p. 49. THE MINISTRY Official Journal of the Ministerial Association of Seventh-day Adventists VOLUME XXXII JULY, 1959 No. 7 Editor ROY ALLAN ANDERSON IN THIS ISSUE ARTICLES Associate Editor The Peril o£ Inconsistency ...... ._._... ....... R. S. Watts 4 ANDREW C. FEARING The Greatest Mystery- Story ___......._. R. Allan Anderson 9 The Minister as a Teacher _ .________ . G. T. Anderson 13 Managing Editor An Epic in Humility -__...._.____ Richard D. Fearing 15 HARRY W. LOWE What©s Your S.Q.? Part II ._...... J. Ernest Edwards 18 "Go in This Thy Might" ._.._......_....._...._...._.... M. Fridlin 20 Integrity _______________________________________________ Taylor G. Bunch 22 Assistant Editors The Importance of Reading in the Life of the Preacher E. EARL CLEVELAND Harry W. Lowe 24 WALTER SCHUBERT Psychological Temptations of an Administrator C. Gilbert Wrenn 34 Copy Editor Ministering in Prison ..._......... _.. William H. Bergherm 37 J. INA AVHITE Changes and Future Service _...... .. R. Allan Anderson 48 EDITORIAL Consulting Editors Importance of Making Wills ____....._ ...__.._... A. C. F. 26 REUBEV R. FIGUHR, WALTER R. BEACH, EDWARD HEPPENSTAI.L, LOUISE KLLUSER, REGULAR FEATURES W. B. OCHS, H. L. RUDY Evangelism ___________________________________________ Walter Schubert 27 Seminary _____________________________________________ Earle Hilgert 30 Art Editor Shepherdess ........_...__. .._.. ......... Mrs. Bernhill Wyatt 32 T. K. MARTIN Bible Instructor ____ __-_______._.._____ ___ _ -__.___. H. E. Greer 35 Health Evangelism _..__....__._ M. Dorothea Van Gundy 41 Books _... ..._...._..........______._____ _________._ -....._ _-....-- 44 Circulation Manager WALTER SCHUBERT POETRY E. EARL CLEVELAND, Assistant Humility ............... _......_.._... Siegfried M. V. Sandstrom 16 If We Could ..._.._..... ......_ ..... .__._.. Author Unknown 39 Overseas Contributors GEORGE BURNSIDE Australia W. MUELLER Central Europe Our Cover J. R. SPANGLER Far East H. J. WESTPHAL Inter-America In boyhood I loved the seacoast and the windswept trees WAYNE E. OLSON Middle East and the howling wind that more than once bowled me over. G. D. KING Northern Europe I©ve seen the wind lay low a barn and houses, carry off a ENOCH OLIVEIRA South America chicken house, and flatten brick walls. But the old, rugged S. G. MAXWELL Southern Africa trees just swayed in the wind, back and forth majestically. J. F. ASHLOCK Southern Asia As I think of the trees absorbing the wind shock that G. ClJPERTINO Southern Europe destroyed stronger things, I hear another poet: Who has seen the wind? Neither you nor I: But when the trees bow down their heads, The wind is passing by. Printed and published monthly for the Min How many mature Christians are like "the trees of the isterial Association of Seventh-day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publishing Associa Lord," planted beside refreshing waters, absorbing the tion, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. $3.50 a storms of life, steadfastly standing because they know how year; 35c a copy. Add 25c for yearly subscrip to bend low and graciously before the Lord! H. w. L. tions to countries requiring extra postage. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Cover Picture: F. D. Silkey JULY, 1959 The Peril of Inconsistency R. S. WATTS General Conference Field Secretary OoMEONE has said: "All lowed the taking of Jericho one of the IJ true preaching begins with strongest fortresses in the Promised Land. preaching to one©s self." That Jericho was an impregnable walled city. is what I have been doing To reduce Jericho was the first step in the while preparing this message conquest of Canaan. Joshua earnestly continuously speaking to sought God for an assurance of divine my own heart. In the history guidance. This was granted him. It was the of our world there never has armies of heaven that brought down the been a message like the one we bear. We walls of Jericho. The conquest of this city have been called to give God©s last appeal was wholly the Lord©s. The Mighty One to the people of this world. Mankind must had decreed: "I have given into thine hand soon make the choice concerning the truths Jericho." Human strength was powerless we hold. before those massive stone walls and victory Certainly our message the final message came through divine power alone. of the Second Advent must be more rap Now, flushed with victory, the armies of idly brought to the front. Looking back, we Israel prepared to take Ai just a little fully recognize that there have been delays village. An easy victory was expected. The along the way. We can say with the prophet great victories already gained had made of old: "The shadows of the evening are the leaders of God©s people self-confident. stretched out" (Jer. 6:4). They felt secure. Hadn©t God promised Now let us turn to Joshua 7:10-13: them Canaan? They began to exalt their And the Lord said unto Joshua, Get thee up; own strength. They turned to the arm of wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? Israel hath flesh. In fact, Joshua laid plans to seize Ai sinned, . for they have even taken of the ac without seeking the counsel of God at all. cursed thing, and have also stolen, and dissembled But they were defeated. also, and they have put it even among their own stuff. Up, sanctify the people, and say, . O Reason for Defeat Israel: thou canst not stand before thine enemies, The humiliating experience at Ai was until ye take away the accursed thing from among the result of three things: you. 1. The leaders laid plans without seek You will recall the occasion. The chil ing God©s counsel. dren of Israel had just met their first defeat 2. They rested on the promises of God since the beginning of the conquest of Ca but failed to meet His conditions. naan. They experienced this defeat at the hands of a few Palestinian warriors at the 3. They were self-confident ready to rely small town of Ai a little place tucked on their own power. away in the hill country near Jericho. Because of their attitude the initiative The previous few days had seen great passed into Satan©s hands. It was little and marvelous victories for the chosen peo wonder that the whole camp was discour ple of God. First, there was the miraculous aged. It was at this time that God sent a pos crossing of the river Jordan when the rush itive message to Joshua. He said: "Get ing waters divided and "all the Israelites thee up; wherefore liest thou thus upon passed over on dry ground." Then there fol- thy face? Israel hath . transgressed my covenant which I commanded them." This arresting message was delivered at the spring meet This was not an hour for despair and ing of the General Conference Committee held in Takoma Park, April 13-16. Following the address all entered into lamentation. It was time for decided and an experience of reconsecration. EDITORS. prompt action. God©s program of conquest THE MINISTRY must not be retarded. There must be no religion? Am I, as a worker, inconsist longer any delays in God©s divine plans ent in this crucial hour in the proclama for Israel. tion of the Advent message? Do I as a min Israel©s experience at Ai has a lesson for ister possess a theological intellectualism us. We need to study and analyze the things while my spirituality is sterile? Am I more that may be retarding the program of God ready for active labor, for hustle and bus for His people in this crucial period of the tle, than for humble devotion? Am I more Advent Movement. eager to engage in outward religious service Are there things to be found among us than in the inner work of the heart?" which may be retarding the work of God? Questions like these we often suppress That there have been delays none will because they make us uneasy. But this mat deny. God©s work has been retarded and the ter is too fundamental to be ignored. Advent Movement is now deep in history. Achan ignored the direct command of God But it seems the passing of time has cre and brought disaster upon the camp of Is ated not so much a sense of solemnity as rael. If we actually realize the nearness of of satisfaction. We are inclined to pride the close of probation and the return of our ourselves on our great accomplishments to Lord, why is our personal religion not ac day. complishing more? Why is the knowledge Fellow workers, it is not the distance we of divine truth not effecting a more vital have come, but the distance that still re transformation in our lives and work? mains before us which should give us con Today, as never before, we workers and cern.
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