VOL.49 NO.43 OCT. 26, 2006 BEIJING REVIEW JULYJUNE 3,26, 2003 2003KOREAN NUKE CRISIS: PEACE STILL HOPEFUL1 VOL. 49 NO. 43 CONTENTS OCT. 26, 2006 2 EDITOR’S DESK 2 Moving Forward Hand in Hand 3 PEOPLE & POINTS 4 WEEKLY WATCH 10WORLD 10 Hard Choice Solving the North Korean nuclear crisis couldn’t be tougher 12VIEWPOINT 12 Reality Check The pros and cons of China-U.S. trade 14SPECIAL REPORT 14 14 Dynamic Cooperation China and ASEAN celebrate a major COVER STORY As China and ASEAN mark anniversary 20 Upgrading Ties their 15th anniversary of dialogue, their China-ASEAN relations at historical high point relationship is beginning to leave adolescence and 22 Fostering a Millennium-old Relationship become a mature entity. Both sides are working China and the Philippines enjoy partnership’s on shortening the fence between their borders. “golden age” After all, they are each other’s fourth largest 26 Bridging Two Giant Economies trading partner. By this time next year, if things Why China-ASEAN partnership works keep improving, they should be able to 28 Hog-wild in Viet Nam commemorate a sweet 16th anniversary and A Chinese motorcycle company boosts sales to look forward to cohabiting the same continent its southern neighbor happily ever after. 30 Zone of Cooperation China-ASEAN economic zone home to foreign help 46 Tianjin Takes off 47 Eco-friendly Binhai 34NATION 48 How China Survives a Global Economic 34 Futuristic Farming Decline Taiwanese farming the mainland? Yep, with 50 Legal-Ease: Faulty or Insufficient Business cross-strait relations improving Applications 36 A ‘Fruitful’ Exchange 52 St a te of the Market Cross-strait agricultural trade promising 40 Saving the Forests FORUM One man’s path to success 54 54 Can Society’s Happiness Be Measured by a 44 BUSINESS Set of Figures? 44 Favorable Financial Turf Binhai New Area becomes north China’s 56 EXPAT'S EYE economic darling 56 Dealing With Fakes Beijing Review (ISSN 1000-9140) is published weekly for US$64.00 per year by Cypress Book (U.S.) Co., Inc., 360 Swift Avenue, Suite 48, South San Francisco, CA 94080. Periodical Postage Paid at South San Francisco, CA 94080. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Beijing Review, Cypress Book (U.S.) Co., Inc., 360 Swift Avenue, Suite 48, South San Francisco, CA 94080. EDITOR’S DESK Moving Forward Hand in Hand A News Wee k l y Published Since 1958 By ZHOU JIANXIONG ht t p : // ww w .b j r evi e w.c o m . c n E-mail: [email protected] hina, the fas t - g rowing and largest developing country in the President & Editor in Chief: Wang Gangyi worl d , and the Association of Southeast Asian Nati o n s Vice President: Qi Wengong (ASEAN), a dynamic regional organ i z a tion for economic, politi- Associate Editors in Chief: Li Jianguo C cal and security integration, are celebr ating the 15th annivers a r y of Huang Wei Executive Editor: Zhou Jianxiong the launch of a bilate r al dialogue mechanism through the second half of this yea r . Assistant Executive Editors: Yao Bin, Ding Zhitao, Zhang Zhiping, Francisco Little Ba c k in 1991, China and ASEAN initiated bilate r al dialogues to Editorial Administrators: Li Ning, Shi Bosen fu r ther develop their ties, right after the for mer established or Senior Consultant: Shao Haiming resumed full diplomatic rel a tions with members of the latt e r , mark- Opinion Editor: Yao Bin ing the beginning of a compreh e n s i ve development of the bilate ra l World Editor: Ding Zhitao Nation Editor: Tang Qinghua rel a tionship. Thanks to the joint effor ts of both sides, China and Business Editors: Yu Shujun, Lan Xinzhen ASEAN have gained huge benefits from continuous cooperati o n Editorial Consultants: Linda Mattson, over the past 15 yea r s. Matt Young Staff Reporters: Tang Yuankai, Feng Jianhua, Pol i t i c a l l y, China and ASEAN have set up an inclu s i ve dia- Zan Jifang, Ding Ying, Ni Yanshuo, lo gue mechanism feat u r ing regular meetings at the summit level as Ding Wenlei, Wang Jun, Yan Wei, well as the ministerial level, whi c h is aimed at cultivating mut u a l Tan Wei, Li Li, Liu Yu, Liu Yunyun, tr ust and brin g ing about consensus and cooperation in a wide ran g e Yin Pumin, Jing Xiaolei, Pan Xiaoqiao Photo Editor: Wang Xiang of areas. China has signed a number of important agreements with Photographers: Jiang Xiaoying, Wei Yao AS E A N , including the Trea ty of Amity and Cooperation in Art: Li Shigong Southeast Asia, making itself a strate gic partner of its Southeast Design & Layout: Xu Husheng, Hou Lina, Wang Yajuan Asian neighbors. Proof Reading: Qin Wenli While pushing for dialogue and cooperation in the Asia-Pac i fi c Online Editor: Li Zhenzhou region, the two sides have taken concerted action, and China fully Advertising Director: Cheng Guangyan ba c ks ASEAN’s effor ts to make regional integration a rea l i t y . In the Distribution Directors: Wang Weiwei, Pan Changqing economic fie l d , China and ASEAN remain important partn e r s to Human Resources: Zhang Xiaoli ea c h other, with bilate r al trade rising by a yea r ly aver age of 20 per- International Cooperation: Pan Shuangqin cent and two- w ay investment totaling some $39.6 billion last yea r . Legal Counsel: Yue Cheng In Jul y 2005, the two sides began to slash trade tarif fs on com- North America Bureau modities, whi c h now cover more than 7,000 items. Negot i a tions are Chief: Wang Yanjuan Reporter: Chen Wen also underway to boost bilate r al service trade and investment and to Tel/Fax: 001-201-792-0334 set up a free trade area in 2010, as envi s a ged by the Fram e wor k E-mail: [email protected] Ag reement on Compreh e n s i ve Economic Cooperation betwee n General Editorial Office Tel: 86-10-68996252 China and ASEAN. Fax: 86-10-68326628 The China-ASEAN Expo, initiated by Chinese Premier Wen English Edition Ji a bao in 2002 and held over the subsequent yea r s in the city of Tel: 86-10-68996259 Na n n i n g , Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, also Advertising Department se r ves as an important channel for bilate r al economic cooperati o n , Tel: 86-10-68995813, 68326072 Fax: 86-10-68329398 dr awing thousands of enterpr ises from across the borde r s and res u l t - E-mail: [email protected] ing in num e r ous business deals wor th millions of dollars. Distribution Department Me a n wh i l e , many other areas have been brought into the orbit of Tel: 86-10-68310644, 68995807 Fax: 86-10-68328738 bi l at e r al cooperation, including agric u l t u r e, inform a tion techn o l o gy, E-mail: [email protected] en e r gy, tran s p o rt a tion, culture, public health and human res o u rc e s Published every Thursday by de velopment. BEIJING REVIEW, 24 Baiwanzhuang Lu, Wha t is more, our cooperation has been extended to coping with Beijing 100037, China. un e xpected crises and disasters, such as the SARS epi d e m i c , avi a n Overseas Distributor: China International Book Trading Corporation (Guoji Shudian), P. O. BOX 399, flu and the Indian Ocean tsunami, when tens of thousands of Beijing 100044, China Chinese citizens made donations to the victims. 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Based on the spirit of mutual trust and mutual benefit , Australia........................................................................AUD 135.20 China and ASEAN will for ge ahead along the road of all-arou n d New Zealand .................................................................NZD 144.00 co o p e r ation and common pros p e ri t y . ■ UK ....................................................................................GBP 48.10 U.S.A. ................................................................................US$ 75.30 Canada ..........................................................................CAD 114.40 Ha ve a comment, complaint or question? Beijing Revi e w welcomes your fee d b a c k. Printed in China by E-mail our editorial team at co n t a c t @ b j r ev i e w.c o m . c n or write to us at Beijing Revi e w, BEIJING LEEFUNG-ASCO CHANGCHENG PRINTERS CO. LTD. 24 Baiwanzhuang Lu, Beijing 100037, China. Letters may be edited for length or content. 2 BEIJING REVIEW OCTOBER 26, 2006 PEOPLE & POINTS “Under joint efforts from China and Japan, Prime Minister Abe made his first visit to China a success and refreshed relations between the two countries.
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