•^-i.fcl'fejJnimiftafciiiafa tj^);-,-^.!..!-?. •-. .' \: •' .r. "P» ••C5 'R' 'I '' ''• r^t»^ k"^ %tl ^H f 1 V ^ 'f >? , ^ rt ^'3?>a ^^-: -^~^?S'r^^^^^^ ^^ >^...w:^ '-MSSimt^:/^ «' ^ fimfikimsm.--^-- ^^e //oite Sbcune FEBRUARY 25, 1949 SCiiCLASTIC Ntu*««una-Mn- ^HUPWMTED-Mai— —— H£lf WftMia-MtH ^— NHPflMNnO-Mn- HFlPWANin-MBt ENaiNEER-Sales Kepresentatlm- DRAFTSMEN CHECKERS are an enelne^r or tAchnlcallf t ENGINEERS nan, particularly one who has t DIE CUTTING Mechanical Inf or ea^crle.nct with highway ESTIMATOR construction cr pavlnc materials DESIGNERS Experienced in Piping, Plate desire to became connected for •M PRESSMAN work Kith a national firm that t C/ROBaMlO DRAFTSMEN Work and Light Steel for est ratine, we sujtgesi you wrra echanical engineer UtEHLE CTLINSEIIS Inr Tour oualltlcitlons, past esp Power Stations. etc. II possible, u.io se.13 reeec Structural-Aiehitectural shot. Preler mw ii to S6, cr L aCELLEKT OPPOSTHMT? KOHL INDUSTRIES SARGENT & LUNDY ENGRS will arrance personal In FC» ADVAKCEMEKT. CSO W. SCHUbUtt EiperienoB in Powar Plank HUmatt-Kia 222 W. ADAl .cation fills reauirene.its. BSTANT FOR TEE PLAKCTJO cr biduslriFJ Building* tiress 1.1DM 3^ TYlbne. DhPT. KAKAGEB OF A ADDRESS Mm. 285 TRIBUNE VERT AGOHESSn;^ WrST DIE AND TOOL ENGINEERS DBUHBAN CSCAOO PLANT. |AV9 Insurance company has APPRENTICE. Klk sdMOl e>a<Ulr n|s for marlre or stationary p d u OBce. for > «nai!»!it tneltic- «9iii h(s Eiijond In eaciilac ikafii at operatlr.; enrbeers with 1 btftnouflf is^vmous man vitn some CHICAGO DIEJ I orerailni ei^ertence. t Alcai cnjnneennr anl oesici'^nc ^tors of DoUers, engine <«ace, orji on prasucts ar.a ^001 vmwa A electrical machinery praducdon proceucs In ^ •usi te hlch sc:-o3l gr iss«, wi» tomat mial late age, experience. •.UoB tachltsty. Ihsr qualtllcatlons. Vos MFM je Tribune CHEMISTS Oft ;1NG DRAHE BSKun cf 2 vears exrerlens MEMICAL ENGtt welded Eleel tanks ana siroctai - r««r.t (raduitis »: ovc liasl be able to calc-.;lale cau e! uc. Mutt ce aeie to cass « cess, head design, baffle and s anrsiiu easoiaiiion. n'' 'n for ' support. M.E. or C.E. deslrtbl I Rsat, B an VKK. stinli will consider aan with 2 year: »jta as for ata wita detr re^rlr^e education. actnl usorttcnu. P.tx ) DRAFTING INSTRUCTOR i«ctlsn of C&ici^o. ArchltecturaL 7r Ir^trjit coUege su* mriLco iKc. 3S3.W. 25 JRESS MBJ 303 THBl dRtts. Days Calendar y*ar 0»a ENGINEERING DRAFTS Stnictural-Aichitedural OFporturlty 9DME COLLEGE THAIKHi UuilSNut-oppartunitr lor roisg intn to CHICACO TECKNICAt C0LLE3E Excellent opportunity for voung Ci'n CKperlecce, a^ancemect with Experience in Power- Plants 23X 5. Vlehlgar. CAlan-gt p-gZC." wlt:i some experience to start t coaptnjr producing perminent point et large national s'eel flrtn. J^^ 1 OPENINGS TOS. lilt displays. KnoaI*d(e of leticrL-^, or Industrial Buildings DRAFTSMAN voiv* KorK on uie ^ard. detail nnlerlat, «ool censtru:t!on deslratlt. U'fJ: tos* ettimttlnf txperltrce, lor Icforctag steel. Good tdnzeeau Ccavcnitnt location. Pleasant vorklsf' Address MAG S3 Tribune larft central ccntrartcr's cflice A prospacts. DESIGN ENGINEERS conditions. Statt an, feackfrctad fcod cfpcrii-.Iw for ya-.-jt e.-f.reer ADDPKS Mar M3 7RD Addnts TEM ee TribuM i hivi-^ coUej* :r eq-vuent tralnlr^. ENGINEFi-TSN.^ 't hn* 9«cnl imwUMO) DIESEL Chief Enflneer to supervUe APF"->" ftf letter oaly. taang qaalUlca" pefilaft for deslfn or devel* eulatenann, operation, and repair of ENGINEERS tlon:. pmnt MtiaMn. M*chiiilc«l dlesel feaetstliit plant* iislat nrlcus Exellest cppertualtle* far inAiale- R C. WEBOLDT CO nd electncAl esnneers witn tne enflaa*. Muat be capable to lasuaa cliamlcal, Bechasletl or a*tilsr|1eal sotMonble anneoct in oc fuU teapoiaitUln. Mutt M capable •!• •s^er*. Denlmnnt et mtttlt, Ign Gf Inatntmenu cr control 'iBlalstntor tsd Inttnietor of lar|t nwer cosipevBd*. tststl** ltr|^ merreo. Etnllent opportun- (Togp of dlttcl operator*. Work eon- eootalnr BMcstaetsrlM r aa vUhlndlnK tmaifacturer aitloo* leclude cutdatw:* and „;^e^' ^^^mm I sutsmiudcontrols: Attnc- PBF»»>4- CD •0S-«-«5»,v,-rrf;^'S;7i?g^a;> m iiIarT- i^'Wou uiss*- ooUt, .^•*r''*^^'*^s._ jflnp«on and all of them made possible through profits! IN THE LAST EIGHT YEARS, For example: In 1948, the company had International Harvester has profits, after taxes, of 4.7 cents During the eight year "period increased the number of its from each dollar of sales. in which our force was in­ employes in the United States creased from 60,000 to 90,000 We know it is our continuing from 60,000 to 90,000. employes, the average straight- ability to earn a reasonable This means that 30,000 new time hourly earnings of our profit that has made it possible jobs have been created—good non-salaried factory employes for International Harvester in jobs at good pay for junior have increased 92.6 per cent. the past year to serve more peo­ executives, engineers, drafts­ ple—customers, employes and men, technicians, among many Customers have benefited stockholders—m greater mea­ others. And every one of these from the fact that our margin sure than ever before. Profits jobs carries with it plenty of of profit on sales today is two- mean progress for everyone. chance for advancement. fifths less than in 1941. We hope to be able to con­ This great progress in job- And our stockholders have tinue to make a reasonable making has been made possible had a fair return on the sav­ profit with each succeeding by the profits which over the ings they have invested in our year in the future—to keep last 20 years the company has company. Dividends on com­ right on creating more and plowed back into the business. mon stock this year are 4.65% more jobs at good pay for That is why we like to say on the book value, as compared young men entering industry, PROFITS MEAN PROGRESS for with 4% in 1941. just as we have done in the past. everyone. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER The Scholastic Letters Sunny Italy One Man's Opinion? A Noire Dome Tradiiion Deal- Editor: I would like to meet in a dark alley the person with the "brilliant" mind that planned the new dinnertime hours • (11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.). I guess many of the fellows Avho had to wait as much "Rosie's." Here You'll as I did for that chow would too, and Always Enjoy the for all I know maybe even you would Italian Accent on join the parade and take along your Fine Food. brand-new brass knuckles, the ones you SUNNY ITALY CAFE got for Chi'istmas, huh? 501 NORTH NILES Very truly yours, r Ray Edmond • Dillon 1 -•- Wild Animal Show? Dear Editor: I have heard many students on the campus gripe about the movies in Wash­ STOP PASSING UP ington Hall. I believe, up to this semes­ ter, they had a legitimate gripe, but what happens when a good movie is GOOD TIMES! brought to the campus? The mentality of the Notre Dame student isn't high enough to appreciate it. I had this same feeling after the showing of Henry V. However, I didn't write this letter to the editor then, but Are you missing out on being a popular the exhibition at the showing of I've dancing partner? Why put off your dancing Ahvays Loved You has set off the fire­ fun any longer? You'll be amazed at how works. I grant that there were some quickly you "catch on" . how swell you parts of the movie that were not too well feel with new confidence, new friends, new­ acted and that the girl who played the found fun and popularity! part of Myi-a Hassaman's daughter was not too good looking, but there was very good music in the picture, and probably unknown to those who raised all the FREE rumpus, the piano playing was actually done by Artur Rubenstein. Holf-Hour Lesson Notre Dame is supposed to train gen­ Phone for Appointment or Come In! tlemen; I would seriously doubt this if 4-0801 I had to judge from the exhibition at the movie last Saturday. I would say that Notre Dame men had absolutely no re­ Former Dance Director spect for other people, that they lacked ARTHUR MURRAY STUDIOS any semblance of culture, and that they Chicago should get down off their high horse and go back to their class C pictures, which they can understand. Open Daily 10 A. M. - 10 P. M. Saturday 10 A. M. - 6 P. M. If this bunch of wild animals doesn't like the movie that is being shown in Alice and Washington Hall, the least they could do George Davis is get up and leave, and let those who do appreciate the movie enjoy it. How­ ever, they pi-obably don't have the men­ tality to realize that there are people in the world different from themselves. 345 Lincoln Way West. There are a few suggestions contained ANCt OTIDIOS South Bend, Indiana in this last paragraph that if taken by those who like class C pictures might help those who are really interested in Member of Chicago. National Association of Dancing Artists the good movies, that is, if the so-called Feb. 25, 1949 Notre Dame intelligentsia can pick movies, see "Whistles and Boos" in next Library Gets Volume them out. tveek's issue.—^Editor. The Notre Dame Foundation, through As a corollary to this I might add Wrong Tickets, Wrong Picnic Rev. Thomas Brennan, C.S.C, promi­ that someone is needed who knows how Dear Editor: nent Dante authority, has announced the to regulate the volume on a motion pic­ I am confused.
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