Bridgewater Review Volume 4 | Issue 3 Article 9 Jan-1987 Fanaticism, Fear and Faith Milton L. Boyle Jr. Bridgewater State College Recommended Citation Boyle, Milton L. Jr. (1987). Fanaticism, Fear and Faith. Bridgewater Review, 4(3), 16-20. Available at: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Fanaticis1ll., Fear and Faith Milton L. Boyle, Jr. Friday, September 5, 1986: BEIRUT BOMB KILLS 3 FRENCH SOLDIERS IN UN PEACE FORCE (Boston Globe) Saturday, September 6,1986: AT LEAST 18 DIE, 127 WOUNDED AFTER JET HIJACKED IN PAKISTAN; Four gunmen opened fire on passengers (Boston Globe) Sunday, September 7, 1986: 22 KILLED IN TERROR ATTACK IN [ISTANBUL] SYNAGOGUE; Two 'suicide gunmen' die (Boston Herald) Monday, September 8,1986: TURKISH LEADER LINKS LEBANON WITH SLAYINGS (Boston Globe) Tuesday, September 9, 1986: UN FORCES FACING INCREASING ATTACKS IN SOUTH LEBANON (Boston Globe) Wednesday, September 10, 1986: TEACHER FROM MALDEN SEIZED IN WEST BEIRUT; Caller says Islamic group responsible (Boston Globe) Thursday, September 11, 1986: ISRAELI JETS RAID LEB 'ARMS DEPOT' ...AS GUNMEN KIDNAP ANOTHER (Boston Herald) 16 Religion appears not only to congeal but to divide; he above headlines taken from it draws people they consider it insignificant, too diffi­ two Boston newspapers in one with a common faith cult to understand, or, as they seem to Trecent week demonstrate that regard religion in general these days, of nearly every day the newspapers chroni­ together, but also sharply, little common interest. The Boston cle new acts ofterrorism, and the world and often. militantly, Globe, for example, responding to a quakes. People change, postpone, or rising curiosity about middle eastern cancel their travel plans, embassies sets them against others religions, recently published a series of double their security forces, officials who hold a different faith articles on "Islamic Revival" (March hire bodyguards and curtail their pub­ 2-6, 1986) with some interesting ac­ lic appearances, workers in foreign or point of view. companying supportive material but countries come home, and affected with scant reference to Islamic ter­ governments impotently threaten ven­ rorism. It is also easy to find scientific geance. And the terrorist, alive or dead, considerations of terrorism, (see "The grimaces in victory. Technology ofTerrorism," in Discover, Scholars search their books and June, 1986), but a perusal of even minds to discover the roots of ter­ tion, including religious motivation. religious periodicals reveals little that rorism, but have as yet failed even to Many will disagree with the use of the deals specifically with religion and ter­ agree on a definition of the word. word "innocent" and would include rorism as joint .ventures in human Terrorist actions are too varied in the military among the victims, as I will enterprise. scope and common denominators are here. In the past year or so, the Christian elusive. Responsibility may lie with There is another rather common Century, a liberal periodical noted for nations, ethnic, military or religious denominator. Terrorist groups and ac­ its interest in religion and public af­ groups, or individuals, and the variety tivities are almost always connected in fairs, has published only a handful of ofsuch activities is limited only by the some way or other with a religious articles which deal even peripherally outer parameters of the human capac­ faith. In Northern Ireland, we find with terrorism: "Tithing for Terror­ ity for cruelty. Victims range from the Catholics and Protestants pitted ism?" (May 8, 1985); "Terrorism and soldiers at war, soldiers trying to keep against each other. In the Middle East, Television" (July 3-10,1985); "Hijack the peace, businessmen, tourists, chil­ it is the Jew and the Muslim, or the Aftermath and Prospects for Peace" dren and mere passers-by. Research Christian and the Muslim, or the Sunni (October 30, 1985); "1985 Religious reveals only that there is always a Muslim and the Shi'ite Muslim. In the Newsmaker: The Shi'ite Fundamental­ burning cause: a real or imagined injus­ East, it is Buddhism and Christianity, ist" (January 1-8, 1986); "Qaddafi as tice, lust for power or greed. There is Hindus and Sikhs, and frequently, late­ Villian Fulfills Media Needs" (January also a desire to act so outrageously that arriving Islam against the more estab­ 29, 1986); "Libya Raid Undermines the "enemy" will be terrorized into lished religions of the area. Religion Morality and Security" (April 30, acceeding to the perpetrator's demands appears not only to congeal but to 1986), and one other, about which I and the whole world will be forced to divide; it draws people with a common will comment shortly. Careful reading take notice. faith together, but also sharply, and of these articles reveals virtually noth­ Some of the difficulty in defining often militantly, sets them against ing about the religious roots ofterror­ terrorism is that your definition de­ others who hold a different faith or ism. One reads the more conservative pends upon the side to which you point of view. Religion almost univer­ journals in vain; it is for them as though belong. Our President has noted, "One sally proclaims the brotherhood of the terrorist has no religious roots. In man's terrorist is another man's free­ man, yet seems to justify crimes of a fact one learns virtually nothing at all dom fighter." Only your enemies are most heinous nature, and from that about the causes of terrorism from terrorists! Yet, not all agree with this background, to contribute signifi­ these publications. assessment. In a recent book, Ter­ cantly to the enormity and ugliness of There is one searching and thought­ rorism: How the West Can Win, Benja­ those crimes. ful article in the April 9, 1986 issue of min Netanyahu says such an attitude is The religious factor in terrorism, the Christian Century, written by playing into the hands ofthe terrorist. however, seems strangely ignored. Robert L. Phillips, director of the He advocates universal adoption ofthe While there is a plethora ofarticles on Program for War and Ethics at the definition formulated by the first con­ the hows and whys of terrorism, sur­ University ofConnecticut at Hartford. ference on terrorism sponsored by the prisingly little is written about its reli­ Entitled, "The Roots of Terrorism," Jonathan Natanyahu research founda­ gious aspects, including possible reli­ the article discusses the intellectual or tion in Jerusalem in 1979: "Terrorism gious roots. It is not difficult to under­ philosophical roots of terrorism is the deliberate and systematic mur­ stand why religious leaders themselves "which, ironically, are peculiarly West­ der, maiming and menacing of the are reluctant to publicize this apparent­ ern: popular sovereignty, self-determi­ innocent to inspire fear for political ly sordid and embarrassing side of nation and ethical consequentialism." ends." Note especially the word "politi­ religion, but journalists also largely Dr. Phillips explains that popular sover­ cal" which eliminates other motiva- pass it over. Perhaps that is because eignty is belief that all people in a 17 Fanaticism continued Terrorism is not a new phenomenon, and we make nation comprise the state, are thus possessions are destroyed Uoshua 6: 15­ equally responsible for the acts of that a serious mistake 19, e.g.). After the destruction of the state, and are, therefore, legitimate ifwe treat it as such. Midianite army, its "sons and women" targets of its enemies, including, of were slaughtered, but its virgins were course, terrorists. The philosophy of It is probably as old taken by Israelite conquerors for them­ self-determination dictates that every as man'himself. selves (Numbers 31). The Judge, religious and ethnic group has a right to Gideon, "killed the men of Succoth its own state; ethical consequentialism with thorns and briars" Uudges 8: 13­ avers that "just war" may be fought to 16). And Sampson, in true terrorist insure that right. The author notes that fashion, kills himselfwith his Philistine there is religious support for this last enemies as, blinded, he pulls down the tenet: pillars of the temple and the building Friendship with God is closely collapses upon them Uudges 16:25-30). linked to walking the path of More outrageous acts of terrorism justice; it is understood that to are to be found in Exodus 1:22 where damage any basic human value is whether there are some common princi­ Pharaoh decrees the death by drowning to attack the very source ofvalue ples here which could be extended to ofall male Hebrew babies, in Matthew and being. What Plato under­ cover other religious traditions to 2: 16 where Herod orders the slaughter stood to be the consequence of which terorist activity may be linked. of innocent boys, two years old and injustice -- self-destruction -- the Terrorism is not a new phenome­ younger, in and around Bethlehem, Judeo-Christian tradition under­ non, and we make a serious mistake if and in Exodus 12:29-30, the Passover stands as the cutting off of one­ we treat it as such. It is probably as old event: self from the very source of be­ as man himself. Ancient religious litera­ At midnight the Lord struck ing. It follows that one may do ture chronicles the use of fear often down all the first born in Egypt, evil to accomplish ultimate good; against the innocent, to accomplish the from the firstborn of Pharaoh, the end justifies the means. ends ofthe religious fanatic. It may be who sat on the throne, to the Dr. Phillips' article barely touches difficult for the faithful to accept, but firstborn ofthe prisoner who was on the religious facets ofterrorism, and the Bible recounts numerous terrorist in the dungeon, and the firstborn while it is not always easy to tell where events, some of which are perpetrated of all the livestock as well.
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