Bbtnzieijpot Down! VINEWOOD-HANCOCK

Bbtnzieijpot Down! VINEWOOD-HANCOCK

Tuesday, July 21, 1942 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 19 BRIGHTEN UP YOUR HOME-BARGAINS IN HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND APPLIANCES Personals Personals Personals . Personals Furniture , Household Goods Furniture, Household Goods Furniture, Household Goods Furniture, Household Goods AT HILL GRAFS GRILL Astrologer "DIVINE HE ALINGS-Health Means Hap- MADAME DELLA—spiritual peyehir. n>>t*d REVEREND TRaEB Divine healings, Ketell*. Luncheons drink*. 124 John It Damrau, River. App- readings daily, Michigan. our guarantee is • more for your or your money (downs'sir* i. piness. Reverend Hexsl 1741 reader Grand intmenU sl. 3317 monev back'' ) Ferry Park Trinity 1-7282 daily Tyler 6-880? LAfayelta 0766 OUR GUARANTEE 18 “MORE FOR VOUR’HONIV OR YOUR MONEV BACK” Bystsm ATTENTION ¦ Htnduo Readings FAT* SLUGGISH? BLOATED? “"PILES AND CHRONIC DIHEABEB READ luneh -Want Ads for profit use —"BOBKON," 2HBB West Grand boule- Use CRYBTA-JELL without worry. Abso- Bucceseful office treatment while working them for results' ROOM “DREAM OUTFIT” Complete Complete vard Aid/otntin«ni* Trinity l lutely no thyroid or habit forming drugs. Doctor De bwarte Rental Clinic. stsij ('use $l9O ROOM “DREAM OUTFIT” $l9O BaKBAGLIa l*V*ster for Sciatica. Kheuma 41 49 at Sam's, Hudson's, druggists svsry- avenue. Temple 1-2124 N* Finance Co. E-Z Terms—>B2 Weekly. No Bed Tape. wed Ne Finance Co. E-Z No Red Tap* : Carpet Cleaners and Dyers JL Terms—s 2 Weekly. M tlm; only 1 day Lsnox OM3*. whsre. An 4 V treatment. PBORIABIB SLKKKIU.Kh 4 Quality Everything Ready Brand N*w Fursiturs— latiudtd te Start Hswsskeafllegl Be ON THE aLERT against deficient tea HAIR P.KMoVEC FOREVER—SaIs, pain- Ing summer treatment for your pxortHsls Brand New Quality Furalturw— Everyth)** Included Rrsdy to Stsrt Heutekeesmi' ? A SPECIAL, Vxl2—$3.50 *MW Apt. Size STOVE *2 Pillow In dtat; ‘‘reminerallze body." Arml Its*. Treatments, 81. Llfstima guaran- because It Is bothersome and mensy Pso- A-l VEST Apt. Sire STOVE -82 PILLOW r VEST Cases—Curtaina -t HA CH tee. Doct or a’ references. Electrolysis Ridlaal, the sulfamlanude treatment carry. 3« years* experi- r*NEW CASES—Curtain. 4 ? NEW 1942 RADIO Elec. IRON—Elec. Idinrral Water 4088. MOO I new Cash and 42.1"m; 4 *NEW « Elec TOASTER 9 ? TOASTER l Clinic Townsend 8-3114. stain is easy to u*« and io"'« guaranteed. IB4Z RADIO IRONS—EIec. US 2 Blankets—2 Sheet* *POTS and PANS Certified reader—Florence LaVaii*y~ I does not work* ence, Detroit Oriental US 2 BLANKETS—2 SHFETS -fIPOIS and PANS -I A \.R Permanently - quickest In summer use. Write today fur Works 12122 Broiadstreet, Ho 32«0 < matching Chair referable spring-filled Appointment* Ht. Group reading* Tues- 11 REMOVED' ires Ru« A i»*U'W>il K<>ts *n<l Hyatchlite lull i hair with retnulile spring tilled t-uafalon*. li' ui iul A keautlful R<if» and Club with cushion*. Oecaslaoal demonstration. 680 Michigan free booklet and trial offer Nu-Ba*lc i 9(12 leaf design ttug. 3 lamps. End 1 Pictures, gor- day Everting* 12u5 Larchmont (Grand Traub. f.arpet. Linoleum Cleaning. hair. Dili aewr-.t ia"«rn Inf d»»ikn lt«g. \ lamp*. End Table. Hmoker. J Puttnao. .-i i hair. newest l*t"m Table. Hmoker. Theater Building. CHsrry 7078. Product Co.. Dept TC Royal Ouk, Mich A-l Kervire 1-p*- gf.u« S pe. walnut ftiilsh Bedroom Suite, choice of Droaer Vanity. rotl spring Rlveri. TVW 7 3131 makeover, binding. Jaoro Bros , Tempts *k>u* walnut finivh H»dr .*m kulte. rhmre pie»»r «r Vanttv Ih*m <-• .print or h*s*T ~r •iI tnaitrcM. pair plllowa. S-tw. set at room-else congoleum. i po. Credit Adjustment Co., hygea~hernia“and PROF. 1-5124. nultie**. p*lr pillow*. 3 pc. e*)rn*l’>n »*). »ri us di«b>w, r<aiin »lz** naigoleufli, 5 i<t. aitrnalon set. dislM*. Bert rsilef' kee rectaT7"clinic BLTON—ADVISOR bretkfs*) u» untlnlslied breakfast 4«t. (*33 Harlum Tower. Detroit. CH. 6347 Successful treatment as you work. CONSULTATION dally, lu-3; Tuesday* uiiohlsbed Ot>rn until 9 Thurxday evening. 7310_ WOOI)W*Y) TR. 1-4480 Fridays until 9; closed Sunday. 3416 John A BEAUTIFUL rug and upholstered furni- EACH ROOM MAY Hr. PI R( NAMED NEP4RATM.Y EACH ROOM MAY HP. PI Rf HARED SEPARATELY Er-klng ture cleaning, guaßinteed. insured; 9x12. 0»«n Every Efsning Till % P. M. Bell and West Close Tuesday and Wsndesday, BP. 8. K , between and Elliot Open f.tery Ktrnini TUI » M 19 11 an 1 •‘GALL KI.K.NK" Recommended by u**r*MADAME rlLlSE—Unusual French reader 43 .VI; cash and carry, $2 50 We clean I*. Wee* tin*. Tn--I»' anil Vtr<iin*da« 8 p. M. for Liver. Gall Bladder, Stomach, Uai. | l Teapot Dome) will solve your prob- REVEREND LILLIAN LEE Church of narked-down carpeting Garfield Rug anil Gallstones. Prevent* operations. Informa- lems—love or business. Columbia 2700. Christ. Appointment dally 1960 West ' Furniture Cleaners. 5435 Tlreman. TY ACE ? BELL ? WEST ? OAK tion. TOwnsend 7-17tO Second, Grand boulevard. Tyler 8-7333 ? ? ? Ullt C-3 '5-1500 ACE BELL WEST OAK 239 Csmptu 741# 239 Michigan intWl Jo*, tampan 7410 Michigan 9117 Grand Klvrr Michigan 10200 Jo*. Michigan 0117 Grand River Carpet Cleaners and Dyers Upholstering Furniture, Household Goods Furniture, Household Goods WINDING FRINGING REPAIRING AMERICAN CARPET CLEANING REAL ESTATE 'r\i2 50 ; 4" yr« exp Madiaon 1713 CORNER 82 UPHOLSTER Rug* Furniture Bayers COMPLETE CARPET Servire i*r # i ti.i: pets dyed, cleaned repaired Mayfair ¦STYLE “mV/' s " ran mat on Rug Dearre.rn "133 8244 Lenore HONEST VALUES NORTHWESTERN Carpet Cleaning 4315 -MOKEBT Colilngwood Rugs cleaned; Insured. ATTENTION | DEALING Telephone HOgarth 3P»i OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AND ROCKIRS MOVING —Rlchl»/uehel*t*r*d (IN enlarged WE ARE Rental» Wanted New Houses for Sale Houses for Sale Little Farms for Sale I CONSULT the Real Eetate U*t- BCOS—ienny er la ingx Sunday Want Lied Fetter walaet I tn the big Times Ad THE FURNITURE DEPT. or angle 6ni»h. Aif tliet S7.M WEST SlDE—Couple, child; 3-room flat, MAKHEILLEB-UARPEK Brick. 65.800, COLOR K! i bargains pi., COMMON ROAD (Roseville) 6-r *<ni Section! I * , : FROM THIS (OIL Income, house. Reference# Townsend FH A terms WOLFIITON. CA. 4717. $25" dn $25 n. .. ISTM 2318-8 rme., laifct lot. Vacant, easy terms 16635 mr ~=rr- ..i LOCATION I SPRINGS OR s*.2o", $.500 dn LA U7"O Meier. P.deeville 129.5-M. THE IST 01 AUGUST MATTRLSS \ 87 85 8-6793. MINDEN 11282 5-room brick ; tile bath 425 mu Carpet , Rug Cleaning WORKING inlored couplr want* three or K'-.d trsnsportstlon; terms. Arlington COLORED- 29n R'aedale 12 room* gleam HALF-ACRE Sewer, water, gas and SOLID MAPLE ft-PICCE COLONIAL w garage, duwn stt6o; near BREAKFAST SET |24.1) 4-room unturnlehed apartment. Vlad.»>n 1092 heat. 3-rar reasonable walks, 13- Mile road ana GUARANTEED rug cleaning' 9*12. $3 V). EVERY PIECE OF payment . BEDROOM SUITES—FeII ill* sheet ¦4ll. University 1-3738 Woodward. Judson Bra Co KA. 9700 (Insured ) Service Bug Cleaning. VI. bed. InEFF. 4288 —Also others. New homes. I and drwte. Bread aew—ealy. 128.5 S 4 ROOMS untarnished, Immediately; including Urge garden lot. Builder., Twenty-third-Warrvn *e. non, MOVE RIGHT IN- r.flnlehed 4 rm# 2 - AM" Jor 13 200. (COLORED— CRAND RAPIDS ». PIECE LtVINC air, - rooms; weet aide; DBR employe TV 4-8093. TRADE YOUR OLD HOME FOR NEW 4-bnjm. hot 44.200. reasonable down and hath, attic I material READ Tiroes Want Ads for profit—use i)FR».E OTIIIM4M MITM2-PC. hllTtl.V FURNITURE ROOM SUlTE—Carved Frans IM« ;>*> men to finish; l it : many trees, nr I couple: house. 5 rooms, nicely ROUNTREE. 18300 Plymouth. VE 6-l3t>o t Tviei S-MB9 available | then, for results' /) Tapeatiy and Frizetta W DINING SUlTE—Oencaa Pbyfe In Red Colored Gd. River bus; outai . > ty limits. 4195", B decorated, north or norlhwrit, immedi- COLORED—River Rouge, near Coolidge, mthoeen, veneer eemblnatlen*. •¦Set. 45 NEW defense rental purchaxe small dn. pymt., . .o. Wyoming ately. TOwnsend 7 8487 homes. 8-room mi/dern; extra lot; sacrificing. 1400" )> RIIRMIlUS MM I •stontien 8 and a/a chair. plan, low as 8288 dn , open daily. Grat- ""it | YOI ME MUST BE SOLD table. chair* < VIM i HO Laundries iot a Ml. Model at 15700 Fatrmount drive., Wood 8228 i, NTRIPPI M I<) mill HUMI U Super ter eenctruetlon 884.85 splendid rdrn soli service ill o( $ BUY WAR STAMPS. BONDS TODAY" 1 —ls >"U don’t *ee what yuu ONE acre Bus w *»h ,( * DEMOTIIFD AND wTRRII.IZI'.D U PRICES ARE Hundred* Other Greet Value* House for Rent tirii A-l FAMILY all flat. 13 flr»unds. RIGHT want, call us H Bryant, Kltzro) off 5-Miie. ltiK»t*r road, reasonab.e • NEW ( I SHIONX INxI.HTED - shtr* NKWi FH Home* Brick* Colee ". 41 "3 finished 12c each Central dr irumiey. A frames flash P.C ; rd 24 TERMS BUY At acre for 823". 83 down Joann and State Fair. Open dally 8710. ¦ I l'p*• Laundry TOwnsend 8-2077. j// * EXPERT WORhMANNHIP 211 N Main Ht I'.uui 1 >;i» COLORED—9SB6 G<~>dwln; single small; PKNNSYLVA. RD . nT Alien rd-l A Nothing Newman, ONE I SERVICE ESTIMATES— But Bargains BILK ~cjr.;ed; down payment. Chester Smith. Cadillac Only $25" dn Wonderful soli. i A-l AY —FREE fABT five beautiful (US-2.5). LBS DAMP WASH. 90c rooms, ateam furnace garage Houses for Sale 4818 [Allen and Dlx-T"ledr> 2" , ASY TEKMI , , 143 Ad- ’.V:iX)N LAUNI.RY TYier 4 17"6 y C>S dree* B>.» A-817.

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