essenger Vol. 27, April - May 1973 GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH IN THE NIGERIAN UNION AND WEST AFRICAN UNION UBRARY Did you know that almost should not consider for even a eighty percent of our church's moment further withdrawals of intEW AND HERALD world budget, as voted by the missionary budgets. Under the Annual Council in the autumn of guidance of the Holy Spirit, three AUG 3 1913 each year, is raised in the North important decisions were made. American Division? It is not sur- First, the General Conference prising, therefore, is it, that the voted from its reserve funds that recent devaluations of the United have been carefully and wisely States dollar (in October 1971 and built up and maintained through February 1973) have been great the years, the sum of $500,000 as financial set-backs for our world emergency relief to the budgets of mission programme. It is estimated the world divisions so that no that the total loss to the world field immediate replanning of reduced has amounted to over $3,000.000. budgets as a consequence of de- Although generous increases for all valuation would be necessary. How divisions were voted at the 1972 grateful we are for the wise and Annual Council in Mexico City, careful policies of administration it has still been necessary, because that God has led this denomination of the 1971 devaluation, to cut to establish! What if we had had back the number of missionaries no reserves ? serving in overseas fields. In the Then, with heart-warming en- five divisions most affected, fifty thusiasm, the leadership in North budget provisions for missionaries America joined in a plan to raise have been withdrawn, seven of one million dollars in a special these being in our own division. Dollar Devaluation Mission Ap- WE CANNOT RETREAT When the General Conference peal on May 26 so that budgets in Committee met in Spring Council, by W. Duncan Eva the divisions of the world field April 3-6, at the world headquart- can be maintained at their present ers, special and earnest considera- level right through to the end of tion was given to financial matters 1973. And then the General Con- because of the February 1973 de- ference took action inviting the valuation of the dollar which had world divisions outside of North just taken place. The leaders of America to raise $350,000 or the church in the North American about one third of the amount rais- Division felt that the church ed in North America. Our share in Northern Europe-West Africa, peal. We recognize that the notice is $42,500.00. is short but in emergency situations But finally, to demonstrate their we expect this sort of thing and own personal involvement and are ready for it. So, then, let us concern, the brethren present at set some other things aside on that the Spring Council responded to day (June 16) and give sacrificially a challenge from the floor by one to the cause dearest to every Adv- of their leaders and pledged no entist heart—our Master's world less than $17,700.00 in just a few work. This is no time to retreat minutes. Pledges ranged f r o m and draw back, but, by the grace of $100.00 to $1,000.00 with promises God, to meet the challenge and of more to come. Furthermore, instead advance all along the line. some of the unions in North Ame- The gifts of our North Ameri- rica had, even before this date, set can brethren are as large-hearted out to double their Sabbath School and generous as they have always Young people who attended the Youth Camp offerings realizing the problems been. The faith of the membership held at Asokore SDA Training College. with which devaluation was con- in North America is undimmed crime, and the part Christian fronting the world field. and their love for the church's youth can play in its prevention world work as strong as ever. But was discussed by a local police Does not your heart respond to the value of their dollars is not inspector. Church organization this kind of confidence in and love what it used to be. On the other was explained, and instruction on and support for the Advent Move- hand, many of our currencies have conducting church and MV affairs ment ? I am sure it does, and that appreciated in value. Shall we not was given. Lectures, questions, the response of our membership then seize the chance in this our answers, debates, discussions, and will not be one with less enthusias- day of opportunity to give with all the time flew by! tic and dedicated than that of our hearts, willingly and in glad- A highlight of the camp was their fellow Adventists in North some sacrifice? We cannot retreat. a visit by the Sierra Leone High America. This world is not our home; we Commissioner, who spoke on the The Division Committee has set seek a city which is yet to come. It responsibility Christian youth have the date June 16, 1973 for our is there that our hearts already are. to the community. Dollar Devaluation Mission Ap- Let us keep our treasures there too. Opportunity was given for re- creation—(football result: Han- CALLED TO SERVE "Service" was the keynote of the come. The Union President, Pastor sen Road 2, Labone 0) and physi- Accra District Youth Camp held Th. Kristensen, challenged the cal training (at 5.15 a.m.)—which at Asokore SDA Training College young people with the part youth rounded off four days of physical, over the Easter week-end. Four have to play in forwarding the mental and spiritual exercise. days of inspiration and challenge; Adventist message. Veteran pastor, A practical demonstration of the of laughter and singing; of prayer J. A. Mensah, discussed the rela- young people's desire for a part and dedication; four days of spirit- tion of Ghanaian culture to Adv- in God's service was seen on Sun- ual infilling in which the enthu- entists while leading out in Christ- day morning when the entire body siasm and consecration of the ian story-telling was Bro. J. K. of campers marched for four hours young people from Labone, Han- Karikari, from Bekwai. As our through the streets of Koforidua, sen Road, Tema, Nsawam, and guest, Pastor J. K. Amoah, Ghana dressed in MV uniforms or wear- Ashiamang churches was infect- Conference President, spoke at the ing T-shirts proclaiming: "Mission ious. Divine Service, and using Biblical 73—Adventist Youth in Action for An interesting variety of sub- examples of youth on fire for God. Christ." Whilst singing choruses jects were discussed by different Instruction was given on camperaft and hymns, 2,000 tracts on the Sab- speakers, including the principal and tracktrailing, Christian educa- bath were distributed to by-stand- of the Asokore Training College, tion was promoted, Adventist ers, and at two places, Pastor Kuma Mr. Agboka, who with the vice- standards and morals were held preached on the Lord's second principal, Mr. Manu, made us wel- high in panel and floor discussion, coming to the crowds who came to 2 April - May - Advent Messenger GOSPEL TENT ATTRACTS HUNDREDS Friday, August 25, 1972, was the Mr. Benson Itasanmi, the Evange- great opening night of Apapa list in charge of our Church at Evangelistic Effort, in Lagos Dis- Mushin in Lagos District, who Dr. Mueller with the Evangelistic team at Apapa trict. It was a thrilling night for the acted as the Secretary for the in Lagos District. more than three hundred people Campaign throughout the period the great meetings. Mr. Maxwell who attended the meeting. The of six weeks. He and his associates Mbagwu and his choir added to audience was held spell-bound by were very busy registering more the smooth running of the meet- the out-going Bible Teacher of than two hundred people each ings, as they sang melodious and Adventist College of West Africa, night as they poured into the "Gos- inspiring songs. He was assisted by Dr. K. F. Mueller, who historically pel Tent" from the four corners the quarttete called "Adventist and carefully exposed "THE BO- of Lagos State to Apapa area. Messengers" of Apapa who prais- ed God in song, and also the OK THAT REFUSES TO DIE". From the beginning, it was clear It was indeed a busy night for Women's Trio and the King's to all that God was touching the Ambassadors Quarttete, all from hearts of men to attend. One of Adventist College of West Africa. CALLED TO SERVE them was Mr. Andrew Whyte who The women were not left out. lived opposite where the "Gospel listen to the singing of the "Camp Mrs. Leticia Okorie and Josephine Tent" was pitched. He had a dream Singers." Ihuoma, the Dorcas Society Lead- concerning the effort three weeks Special thanks go to Pastor M. ers, organised women of the before the pitching of the Tent. A. Bediako, Pastor J. K. Mensah, Church in home visitation, and to As soon as he came out of the and Brother D. 0. Yeboah, Union, encourage and invite their fellow dream, he related it to his friend. Conference, and Accra District women to attend too. Watching The two of them watched with Youth leaders respectively, for the role played by each member of amazement as the tent was pitched their leadership, inspiration and the Church, one can deduce that a by more than thirty members of for providing an action packed great success awaits in future.
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