2016 NCLC Annual and Perennial Plant Identification Exam Information Updated 9/2/14 Description Participating students (maximum of two individuals per school) will be required to identify a group of 50 annual and perennial plants by botanical name (genus and species) and common name. The plants will be live samples and will be selected from the master list of plants listed below. Exam Length Each exam will last approximately 50 minutes. Two exams are given to accommodate the large group of students that sign up for the test. One exam will start at 8 AM; the next exam will start at 9 AM. Scoring Criteria This test gives an individual the possibility of 100 possible points if all plants are identified correctly. Individual scores are combined toward the team score for a total of 200 possible points. Each plant will be worth a maximum of 2 points: • 0.5 point for genus • 0.5 point for species (and cultivar, if applicable) • 0.5 point for common name • 0.5 point for correct spelling Judging Criteria Genus • The genus is always capitalized and the specific epithet is always in lower case. • Underlining the genus and the specific epithet is not required for this test. Hybrids • Hybrid indicators should be a multiplication sign that is not italicized. • Interspecific hybrids are indicated by a small multiplication sign that immediately precedes the specific epithet. • Intergeneric hybrids are indicated by a large multiplication sign that immediately precedes the genus. Note: It is often the convention that a space is inserted between the hybrid sign and the specific epithet or generic epithet to avoid confusion. For this competition, a space after the hybrid sign will be counted as correct. • Using x hybrida and hybrids o Use xhybrida indicates that a specific cross has been given that hybrid epithet. o Use hybrids when there are many species in a hybrid group (e.g. Achillea hybrids), and a hybrid epithet has not been given. Cultivars • Cultivars should be enclosed by single quotes and should never be italicized. • Each word in the cultivar name should be capitalized. Common names • Common names should not be capitalized except for words that are proper nouns. If cultivar names are used as a part of the common name, they are capitalized. • Only one common name is required for each plant. Spelling • Spelling should be assumed correct on this list. If there is a typographical error, the listed spelling and the correct spelling will be accepted. • If there is a tie between students, spelling will be used as a tie breaker. The student with the most words spelled correctly will achieve the higher place. Other notes • Text in parentheses is for your information only and is not required on the test 2016 NCLC Annual and Perennial Plant List for Identification Exam (Revised Summer 2014) Students are required to bring two sharpened pencils with erasers and a clipboard. No scratch paper will be allowed into the event. HARDY PERENNIALS (PERENNIALS GROWN IN ZONE 6 AND COLDER) Achillea hybrids yarrow Acanthus spinosus spiny bear’s breeches Acorus gramineus Japanese sweet flag; grassy-leaved sweet flag Agastache foeniculum anise hyssop Agastache rupestris sunset hyssop Ajuga reptans ajuga; bugleweed Alcea rosea hollyhock Alchemilla mollis Lady’s mantle Amsonia hubrichtii blue stars Anemone × hybrida Japanese anemone; hybrid anemone Antennaria dioica pussytoes; mountain everlasting Aquilegia species and hybrids columbine Armeria maritima sea thrift Asarum canadense wild ginger Asclepias tuberosa butterflyweed Astilbe hybrids astilbe; false spirea Baptisia australis blue false indigo; blue wild indigo Bergenia crassifolia bergenia; pigsqueak Boltonia asteroides boltonia; false aster Brunnera macrophylla Siberian bugloss; brunnera Callirhoe involucrata winecups; purple poppy mallow Campanula persicifolia peach-leaved bellflower Centaurea montana mountain bluet; perennial cornflower Chamerion angustifolium fireweed (syn. Epilobium) Coreopsis species and hybrids thread leaf coreopsis Delosperma cooperi hardy ice plant Delphinium hybrids hybrid delphinium Chrysanthemum × grandiflorum chrysanthemum; garden mum Dianthus gratianopolitanus cheddar pink Dicentra eximia fringed bleeding heart Digitalis purpurea foxglove Echinacea purpurea purple coneflower Epimedium species and hybrids barrenwort Euphorbia species euphorbia; spurge Eutrochium purpureum Joe-Pye weed Gaillardia × grandiflora blanket flower; Indian blanket Galium odoratum sweet woodruff Gaura lindheimeri gaura; wand flower Geranium sanguineum bloodred geranium; bloody cranesbill Gypsophila paniculata baby’s breath Helleborus × hybridus Lenten rose Hemerocallis species and hybrids daylily Heuchera hybrids coralbells; alumroot Hibiscus moscheutos hibiscus; rose mallow Hosta species and hybrids hosta; plantain lily Iberis sempervirens candytuft Ipomopsis aggregata scarlet gilia; skyrocket Kniphofia hybrids red hot poker; torch lily Lamium maculatum spotted deadnettle; lamium Lavandula angustifolia English lavender; lavender Leucanthemum × superbum Shasta daisy Lewisia cotyledon bitterroot, cliff maids Liatris spicata liatris; gayfeather Limonium latifolium sea-lavender Liriope species liriope; lilyturf Lobelia cardinalis cardinal flower Lupinus Russell Hybrids lupine Monarda didyma bee-balm; bergamot Nepeta × faassenii catmint Pachysandra procumbens Allegheny spurge Paeonia hybrids peony; Chinese peony Papaver orientale Oriental poppy Penstemon barbatus bearded penstemon; beardtongue Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian sage Phlox paniculata garden phlox; perennial phlox Phlox subulata ground pink; moss pink Platycodon grandiflorus balloon flower Polygonatum odoratum ‘Variegatum’ variegated Solomon’s seal Pul monaria species and hybrids lungwort Rudbeckia fulgida black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia maxima great coneflower, Dumbo's ears Salvia nemorosa perennial sage Santolina chamaecyparissus lavender cotton Scabiosa columbaria pincushion flower Sedum species and hybrids sedum; stonecrop (upright and prostrate forms) Sempervivum species and hybrids hens-and-chicks Solidago species and hybrids goldenrod Stachys byzantina lamb’s ear Stokesia laevis Stokes aster Symphyotrichum species and hybrids aster Teucrium chamaedrys germander Thymus species thyme Tiarella species and hybrids foamflower Tricyrtis species and hybrids toadlily Verbena canadensis perennial verbena Veronica spicata spike speedwell Vinca minor periwinkle; vinca vine Yucca species yucca ANNUALS/TENDER PERENNIALS (PERENNIALS GROWN AS “ANNUALS” IN CLIMATES COLDER THAN ZONE 6) Agave species and hybrids agave Ageratum houstonianum Mexican ageratum; flossflower Alocasia species and hybrids elephant ear Alternanthera dentata calico plant; Joseph's coat Angelonia angustifolia angelonia; summer snapdragon Antirrhinum majus snapdragon Begonia × semperflorens-cultorum fibrous begonia; wax begonia Brassica oleracea ornamental kale Calibrachoa hybrids trailing petunia; calibrachoa Catharanthus roseus vinca; rose periwinkle; Madagascar periwinkle Celo sia argentea cockscomb; celosia Cleome hassleriana cleome; spider flower Cosmos sulphureus cosmos; yellow cosmos Cuphea species cuphea Diascia hybrids diascia; twinspur Eschscholzia californica California poppy Euphorbia hypericifolia, annual euphorbia Gazania rigens gazania; treasure flower Gerbera jamesonii gerbera daisy; Transvaal daisy Gomphrena globosa globe amaranth Graptophyllum pictum caricature plant Helichrysum petiolare licorice plant Hypoestes phyllostachya polka-dot plant; freckle face Impatiens walleriana impatiens; sultana; busy Lizzie Impatiens hawkeri New Guinea impatiens Ipomoea batatas ornamental sweet potato vine Kalanchoe thyrsiflora paddle plant; desert cabbage Iresine herbstii iresine; bloodleaf Lantana camara lantana Lobelia erinus lobelia Lobularia maritima sweet alyssum Mirabilis jalapa four-o’clock Nicotiana alata flowering tobacco; nicotiana Ocimum basilicum basil; sweet basil; common basil Ophiopogon japonicus dwarf lilyturf; mondo grass; monkey grass Pelargonium × hortorum geranium; bedding geranium; zonal geranium Pelargonium peltatum ivy-leaved geranium Pentas lanceolata pentas; Egyptian star cluster Petunia × hybrida petunia; garden petunia Phlox drummondii annual phlox Portulaca grandiflora moss rose; portulaca Plectranthus fosteri plectranthus Rudbei ckia h rta annual black-eyed Susan Salvia farinacea mealycup sage Salvia splendens scarlet sage; annual salvia Scaevola aemula fan flower Senecio cineraria dusty miller Senecio mandraliscae blue chalk sticks Solenostemon scutellarioides coleus (syn. Plectranthus scutellarioides) Sutera grandiflora bacopa Strobilanthes dyerianus Persian shield Tagetes species and hybrids marigold Viola hybrids pansy; viola Verbena bonariensis verbena-on-a-stick, stick verbena Verbena × hybrida annual verbena Zinnia angustifolia zinnia; narrow leaf zinnia BULBS, CORMS, TUBERS, RHIZOMES You will be given plants, not the underground storage structure. Agapanthus species and hybrids African lily; lily of the Nile (rhizome) Allium species and hybrids. allium; ornamental onion (bulb) Caladium bicolor caladium (tuber) Canna × generalis canna; canna lily (rhizome) Convallaria majalis lily-of-the-valley (rhizome) Crocosmia hybrids crocosmia (corm) Crocus species and hybrids crocus (corm) Dahlia × hortensis dahlia; garden dahlia (tuber) Eucomis comosa pineapple lily; eucomis (bulb) Hippeastrum hybrids amaryllis (bulb) Hyacinthus orientalis common hyacinth (bulb) Iris hybrids bearded iris; hybrid iris (rhizome) Iris sibirica Siberian iris (rhizome)
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